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1、8.独立之后,惟恐失去自己权力的领导者们将妇女排挤在政界之外。这种现象在非洲大陆随处可见。(shut out of politics)9.我们应该开发新技术,采取各种措施减少空气污染。(cut down)10.如果你本人吸烟,戒烟就很重要,至少在怀孕期间要戒烟,但最好是彻底戒烟。(for good)11.我们编造了一个故事来掩盖我们难以接受的事实。(make up)12.我认为这是一个很好的原则,我们希望能继续坚持,一定程度上还要长期坚持。 (to some degree)13.在非洲一些地区,小孩个个衣衫褴褛。(in rags)14.这位父亲确保了每个儿子都各自找到合适的职业。 (find

2、ones way into)15.他参加总统竞选的原因之一是想改变现行的外交政策。(run for)16.这次许多年青人都被选上了,这该给这个委员会带来一种清新的变化。(vote in)17.现在我必须正儿八经地学习英语,要保持每周都比学生领先一章。(in earnest)18.与此相反,姆波戈女士通常受到恩布市男士们的热烈欢迎,许多人说很高兴议会挑选了她。(in contrast)19.没有人来监管这个残疾人,他随时可以在院子四周散步。 (watch over)20.我们的地球据信有大概45亿年的年龄,地球上的生命据信是在大概35亿年前开始出现的。(be believed to)21.据报道

3、这男子曾给经理打电话问为什么没叫他去调查这件事。(be reported to)22.仔细考虑之后,我遗憾地通知你你没有成功。(regret to do)23.我记得曾叫他回来向我报告他们的进展。(remember doing something)24.政府削减福利已经导致许多人挨饿受苦,不只是我一个人。(result in)25.每次我的轮椅坏了,掉了螺丝,需要换轴承,或刹车不灵等,我都打电话给苏珊娜 (Suzanne),但每次都要挨训。(break down)26.当福利部门获悉我画漫画赚钱时,苏珊娜就开始每两个星期“拜访”我一次,而不是每两个月才一次了。(instead of)27.她从

4、来都是一无所获,但最后总要填厚厚的一叠表格,说明我每一分钱的来历。(fill out, account for)28.第二天早晨,坐了一个小时飞机后,我们当天就与其他数以百计的游客一起,参观了一些景点。他们大多数都带着相机,满载着小礼物。(load with)29.我身后有人打开了灯,我看到了他浓密的银发,还有方正有力的下巴。(switch on)30.这桩刑事案件经过仔细调查后,他被判犯了谋杀罪。(look into, convict of)31.我选择了过一种完全诚实的生活,因此我不会那样做,而是四处找活,揽些画漫画的活。(drum up)32.苏珊娜试图就修理轮椅的问题训斥我。由于福利部

5、门不愿花钱好好地修,所以它总是坏。33.你私底下付他钱是不对的,这样他不必去缴税了。(under the table)34.我记得他所经历的那些时期:洗碟子,做家务,以及诸如此类的事情。(go through)35.我想这母亲有点不讲道理,可是即便如此,这小女孩也听着而没顶嘴。(talk back)36.人们宽宏大量地给了我热情的掌声,尽管我这首歌走调走得很厉害。 (out of tune)37.保存下来的这个时期的信件足以证明当时实际上所发生的那些事件。 (bear witness to)38.他们在全国巡游,竭力争取对公共场所禁止吸烟运动的支持。39.他们被审讯了,被判犯谋杀罪,判决死刑,

6、后来改为无期徒刑。(life imprisonment, convict of)40.除了你所在的系之外,你对学院里其他系了解吗? (other than)41.除了化学外,你还在学习别的理科课程吗?42.他与别人不同之处正是他对他人的完全信赖。 (with an “of” phrase)43.过上更好生活的梦想使得一个人在这个悲惨的世界上更容易忍受困难。(with an “of” phrase)44.他的行为遭到了大多数人的反对,他为保持真实的自我付出了惨痛的代价。(object to, pay for)45.他们家庭的好名声为他打开了通往成年人的尊敬和信任的大门。(open a door

7、to)46.任何一个诚实守信的体面人都自尊自重,尊重别人,不干坏事。(keep ones word)47.冲突往最好处说是令人不安的,在最坏情况下是具有高度破坏性的。 (at best)48.在过去几年中,500多名高中生因作弊而被学校开除。(be expelled from)49.另一件烦心事是,如果丁博士出了什么事,靠他凝聚起来的团队将会随之瓦解。(fall apart)50.为什么不试着学学他们无忧无虑的样子,抛开你的烦恼呢? (shrug off)51.我们大家肯定都了解有些学生英语学得非常刻苦,可是使他们感到极度失望的是他们最终学得很糟糕。 (end up)52.经过长久的、精心的准

8、备,他能够十分熟练地演奏音乐,不必担心出错。 (without fear of)53.我确实相信他们20年来自己没有任何资本,而是完全靠赊欠在从事买卖。 (on credit)54.更严重的刑事诉讼首先由警方进行调查,目的是为了弄清楚是否有足够的证据进一步推进诉讼。(criminal cases, enquire into)55.与政府官员谈判的进一步努力失败了,人群失望地慢慢散去。(melt away)56.第一架商用喷气式飞机的到来为更加快捷的环球旅行铺平了道路。 (pave the way)57.埃尔维斯 (Elvis) 属于世间绝无仅有的那种人,还没有任何一个明星能与他相比。(they

9、 broke the mold when they made someone/something)58.他对冒险的探求使得他放弃了这公司并和一个朋友在2006年驾船周游了世界。 (quest for)59.他选择一项工作是基于他对冒险的热爱,而不是基于任何赚钱的欲望,这也是为什么他虽贫穷但却幸福的原因吧。(rather than)60.该电视网的资金来源是观众捐赠而非政府提供的资金。61.肥胖者死于心脏病的可能性是瘦人的两倍。 (twice as as)62.自从这家商店提供更好的服务以来,他们吸引的顾客是过去的四倍。 (four times as as)63.新的经济计划帮助这个国家超越了世

10、界顶尖生产厂家。 (leap over)64.尽管这对父女有许多共同信念,但是他们在有些事上意见不同。 (differ on)65.此经济体系把财富置于极少数人手中,工人们连生存都有困难。 (in the hands of)66.他被自己的工作给困住了,即使想辞去这工作也辞不了。(be stuck with)67.这是一座早期的教堂,始建于9世纪,在第二次世界大战后重建。 (date from)68.如果你有任何问题,可以登录新视野大学英语的网址,在那儿找到答案。 (log on to)69.那位教师现在需要使用所有可能的辅助手段来完成他的任务。 (at ones disposal)70.养老

11、金和救济金的提高没有与通货膨胀率同步,尤其是在二十世纪七十年代。(keep pace with)翻译答案I. Translation from Chinese into English(每题1分,共70分)1. If I had known he was not feeling well, I would have come to take care of him. 2. If I had known we were being spied on, I would not have torn down that flag. 3. It is a surprise to find that wo

12、men in Kenya make up 60 percent of the people who vote, but only three percent of the National Assembly. 4. It was a relief for Ms. Mbogo not to have experienced the kinds of abuse that other female politicians have been subjected to. 5. During the struggle for independence in the 1950s, Kenyan wome

13、n often secretly provided troops with weapons and spied on the positions of colonial forces. 6. Ms. Mbogo is especially proud of the market and the hospital because they have an impact on women. 7. Watching over his pile of onions, he said, They give us so many promises, but they dont deliver the go

14、ods. As long as she keeps giving us what we want, she is all right.8. After independence, leaders jealous to protect their power shut women out of politics, a situation repeated across the continent. 9. We should develop new techniques and take every measure to cut down atmospheric pollution. 10. If

15、 you are a smoker, its very important you give up, at least while you are pregnant, and preferably for good. 11. We made up a story to cover the facts we couldnt accept. 12. I think this is a good principle and we hope to continue it, to some degree for a long time yet. 13. There are some African ar

16、eas where every child is in rags. 14. The father had seen to it that each of his boys found his way into a suitable occupation. 15. One of the reasons he wanted to run for president is to change the present foreign policies. 16. Many young members have been voted in this time, which should give the

17、committee a refreshing change. 17. Now I should study English in earnest, keeping one chapter ahead of the students each week. 18. In contrast, Ms. Mbogo generally receives warm greetings from the men of Embu, and many say they are now glad the council chose her. 19. There was no one to watch over t

18、he disabled man and he could make his walk around the yard whenever he wanted. 20. Our Earth is believed to be about 4.5 billion years old, and life is believed to have begun on it around 3.5 billion years ago. 21. The man is reported to have called the manager to ask why he wasnt asked to look into

19、 the matter. 22. After careful consideration I regret to inform you that you have been unsuccessful. 23. I remember asking him to come back to report to me on their progress. 24. Government cuts in welfare have resulted in hunger and suffering for a lot of people, not just me. 25. Each time my wheel

20、chair broke down, lost a screw, needed a new roller bearing, the brake wouldnt work, etc., I called Suzanne, and I had to endure a little lecture. 26. When welfare learned I was making money on my cartoons, Suzanne started visiting every fortnight instead of every two months. 27. She never found any

21、thing, but there was always a thick pile of forms to fill out at the end of each visit, accounting for every penny. 28. After a one-hour flight the next morning, we spent the day visiting attractions along with hundreds of other tourists, most of them loaded with cameras and small gifts. 29. Behind

22、me someone switched on a light, and I could see his thick silvery hair and strong, square jaw. 30. The crime was looked into carefully before he was convicted of murder. 31. I have opted to live a life of complete honesty. So instead, I go out and drum up some business and draw cartoons. 32. Suzanne

23、 tries to lecture me about repairs to my wheelchair, which is always breaking down because welfare wont spend the money to maintain it properly. 33. It is wrong of you to have paid him under the table so he wouldnt have to pay taxes. 34. I remember the periods that he went through, dish washing and

24、doing house work and those kinds of things. 35. I thought the mother was a bit out of reason. But even then, the little girl had listened rather than talked back. 36. People generously gave me a warm applause though I sang the song very out of tune. 37. The surviving letters of this period bear witn

25、ess to the events which actually took place. 38. They traveled throughout the country, drumming up support for the campaign against public smoking. 39. They were tried, convicted of murder and sentenced to death, later changed to life imprisonment. 40. What do you know about departments within the C

26、ollege, other than your own?41. Are you taking any science courses other than chemistry?42. What made him different from others was his absolute trust of other people. 43. Dreams of a better life make it easier for a person to endure difficulties in this sad world. 44. Most people objected to his be

27、havior and he paid heavily for remaining true to himself. 45. Their familys good name had opened a door for him to an adults respect and trust. 46. Any decent person who keeps his or her word respects himself or herself, respects others and has never done wrong. 47. Conflict is at best uncomfortable

28、, at worst highly destructive. 48. More than 500 senior school students have been expelled for cheating for the last few years. 49. Another worry was that, if something happened to Dr. Ting, the team he held together would fall apart. 50. Why not try to follow their carefree example and shrug off your worries?51. We must all have known that some students have worked very hard on an English course, but to their intense disappo

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