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1、4.He_(sweep) the floor on Sunday.5.My mother _(make) the bed in the morning.6.My grandpa _(water)the flowers every day.7.I _(be) tall and fat.8.She _(be) short and thin.9.You _(be) friendly to me.10.They _(swim) on Saturday.11.Tom _(go) to bed at 8:00 in the evening.12.My sisters _(clean)the kitchen

2、 after school.13.I can _(sing).14.Robert can _(run).15.They cant _(climb) the tree.完成下列对话:(根据内容把横线上的句子补充完整)一Tom: _!Alice: Yes?Tom: Is this your pen? _? Yes,it .二Ann: Good morning! John: _! Ann: This is my friend Sophie. _. Sophie: Nice to meet you ,too. _? Im French. Oh, my wife is French ,too.写出下列各

3、句子的问句:Im a keyboard operator.Im Korean.My names Sophie.Its a Peugeot.He is a milkman.She is American.His name is Robert.Yes,it is .It is my pen.冠词填空(a/an/the)1.This is _car.2._car is Toms.3.Its_ orange.4.My father is _ engineer and my mother is _ air hostess.5.I have _ sister .She is _ nurse.6.I am

4、_ Chinese .7.Its _ Toyota.8.Are you _ teacher?9._ policeman is my brother.10._ tall girl is Sophie.完成下列表格物主代词: 第一人称 第二人称 第 三 人 称形容词 性myyour名词性hers人称代词:第一人称 第二人称 第 三 人 称主格Ihe宾格练习题:1.This is _(我的)book. Its not _(你的).2._(她的) hair is long and _(他的) is short.3._(我)have twelve many pencils do _(你) have?4.

5、Mark is _(我们的) English teacher ._(他) is an American.5._(我的) mother is a doctor ._(我) love _(她) very much.6.Listen to _(我),please.7.Look at _(他).8.Let _(我们) go.一找出下列第三人称单数的主语形式,在上面打“”1. I 2. she 4. you 6. the father 7. he 8. it 9. they 10. my brother 11. his sister 12. their son 14. my mother 15. Ann

6、 and Tim 16. my teachers17. the milk bag 19. Tom and I 20. the cat 二选择,把括号里面正确的选项用“”标出来,并抄写在横线上。1.I _(like/likes) apples .2.She _(watch/watches) Tv every evening.3.We _(go/goes) from Monday to Friday.4.You _(look/looks) beatiful today.5.Tom _(play/plays) soccer on the playground.6.The flower _(smell

7、/smells) sweet.7.He _(clean/cleans) the windows at home.8.It _(sound/sounds) great.9.They_(run/runs) every day.10.My brother _(sing/sings) well.11.Ann and Tom _(swim/swims) every Saturday.12.Tom and I _(read/reads) together.单词大挑战Lesson 1. 1.原谅_ 2.我(宾格)_ 3.是的_4.是(be动词现在第三人称单数)_5.这_6.你的,你们的(形容词性物主代词)_

8、7.(女用)手提包_8.原谅,请再说一遍_9.感谢你(们)_10.非常地_Lesson 2.1.钢笔_2.铅笔_3.书_4.手表_5.上衣,外衣_6.连衣裙_ 7.裙子_8.衬衣_ 9.小汽车-_ 10.房子_Lesson3.1.伞_2.请_3.这里_4.我的(形容词性物主代词)_5.票_6.号码_7.五_8.对不起的_9.先生(可单独使用的)_10.衣帽存放处_Lesson4.1.一套衣服_2.学校_3.老师_4.儿子_5.女儿_Lesson5.1.先生(放在姓或姓名前的)_2.好_3.早晨_4.小姐_5.新的_6.学生_7.法国人_8.德国人_9.美好的_10.遇见_11.日本人_12.韩


10、喂,嗨_3.怎样_4.今天_5.身体好_6.美好的_7.谢谢_8.再见_9.见_Lesson10.1.胖的_2.女人_3.瘦的_4.高的_5.矮的_6.脏的_7.干净的_8.热的_9.冷的_10.老的_11.年轻的_12.忙的_13.懒的_Lesson11.1.谁的_2.蓝色的_3.大概_4.白色的_5.抓住_Lesson 12.1.父亲_2.母亲_3.女衬衫_4.姐妹_5.领带_6.兄弟_7.他的_8.她的_新概念英语测试卷 姓名_1.This is a pen. ()_2.That is my shirt. ()_3.This is toms watch. ()_4.That is her

11、 dress. (二写出下列单词的复数形式。 2. Japanese_ 三用冠词a/an/the 填空。 is _ umbrella. sister is _ nurse. man is my father. is _ air hostess. have _ skirt. _skirt is colorful.四选择,把括号里面正确的选项用“”标出来,并抄写在横线上。 (go) to bed at 8:30 in the evening. _(watch)Tv on weekends. _(swim) every Saturday. father _(read) newspaper in th

12、e morning. cant _ (run) in the classroom. _(be) tall and strong. _(be) a mechanic. students _(be) happy. can _(sing) well. _(write) well.五写出下列各句子的问句:六完成下列对话:1Tom: Yes? Is this your pen? Yes,it .2Ann:七按照括号内的汉语意思填空。 his is _(我的) is _(你的) .(他的) hair is short and _(她的) is long. to _(我). Let _(我们) go now

13、.(我) have two brothers. _(他们) are all tall.八作文。写一篇小作文介绍一下你的新朋友。_用be的不同形式填空。1.I_ a new student. You _ an old one.2.She _ tall and thin but he _ short and heavy.3.We _ all children _ all happy,too.4._ you French? Yes, I _.5.My sister _ an air brothers _ mechanics.根据不同的句型及主语将have/has填入下面各题的横线上。1.I_ a n

14、ew shirt.2.He_ two sisters.3.We_ a good English teacher.4.She_ many story books.5.My father _ a brother.6.They _ three children.7.Tom and Jack _ fifteen pencils.8.You_ a beautiful dress.9.Do you _ an eraser?10.Does she _ a new pen?11.I dont _ a sister.12.She doesnt _ a siste.一Be动词用法巧记:我用am,你用are, is

15、 用于他她它。单数形式用is,复数形式全用are。变疑问,很简单,be 动词,提主前,变否定,更容易,be 后not 加上去。二人称代词巧记:人称代词很容易,我是我来你是你。主格作主语,主谓不分家;宾格作宾语,动介后面加上去。我主I 宾是me;男他he,女她she,还有him 和her 是宾格;it和you主宾同;我们主宾we,us;他们主宾they,them。三物主代词巧记:物主代词更轻松,我的你的要分清。形容词性作定语,后面定把名词用;名词性,独立用,主宾表语它都充。名词性变轻松,一变二同四S。(一变:mymine ,二同:hishis ,itsits,四S:ourours,youryou

16、rs,herhers,theirtheirs.)人称代词练习题人称代词很容易,我是我来你是你;主格做_,主谓不分家;宾格做_,_后面加上去。我主_,宾是_;男他_,女她_,还有_和_ 是宾格;_和_主宾同;我们主宾_,_;他们主宾_,_.(我)am in the is next to _(我).(我们) go to the park (我们)are happy. to meet _(你).Where are _(你)from?(他)is from Canada. Now listen to _(他),please.(她)is a beautiful loves _(她).(它)is a lov

17、ely all love _(它).(她们)are beautiful the people look at _(她们).物主代词练习题形容词性作_,后面定把_用;名词性,_用,_它都充;名词性,变轻松,_,_,_.(my_ ,his_,its_,our_,your_,her_,their_)1.This is _(我的)book,its not _(你的).2.That is not _(你的)pen,its_(我的).3._(我们的)teacher is tall and _(你们的)is short.4._(他的)hair is short and _(她的)is long.5._(它的

18、)name is Puppy.6._(他们的)school is big and _(我们的)is small.7._(你们的)playground is small and _(他们的)is big.8._(她的)apple is red and _(他的)is green.名词所有格练习题名词所有格表示“_”,一般在名词后加“_”,以“s”结尾的复数名词的所有格,只打“_”,不加“_”.两者共有的只在后面的名词上打“_”,两者各自所有的则分别在两个名词后打“_”。无生命的名词所有格用_介词表示。店铺,教堂,某人家等情况,可以用名词所有格表示。时间,地点等无生命的名词也可以用“s”构成名词所

19、有格。(Tom的)bag is here and _( Jack的)is there. is _(Tom 和 Jack的)room. are _(Tom的和Jack的)rooms. _(students的)bags are heavy . leg _(填介词)the table is long. want to go to my _(uncle)this Saturday.(today)newspaper is here.(children)face is red. _(women)child is cute.(China)people are friendly.课堂练习题1.工作(可数)_2.工作(不可数)_3.兼职工作_4.警察(男)_

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