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1、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句一般疑问句和特殊疑问句一般疑问句一般疑问句Part one:2 2.Can you play basketball?-Yes,I can./No,I cant.3 3.Do you like having English class?1 1.Is this a book?-Yes,it is.-Yes,I do./No,I dont.用用YESYES或或NONO来来 回答的回答的就是一般疑问句。就是一般疑问句。/No,it isnt.问句问句:我们学过的一般疑问句有三种类型:1 1)以系动词)以系动词bebe开头开头例:例:Am I OK?Are you OK?Is th

2、is a book?(am(am、areare、is)is)2 2)以)以情态动词情态动词开头开头例:例:CanCan I go to the zoo?I go to the zoo?May May I use your penI use your pen?3 3)以)以助动词助动词开头开头例:例:DoDo you like winter?you like winter?Does he like Does he like playing football?playing football?以以问号问号结尾结尾 自学:自学:1.判断下面的句子是否是一般疑问句判断下面的句子是否是一般疑问句?1.A

3、re you a student?2.Is it his rabbit?3.Whats that over there?4.Can they swim?5.Do you have a storybook?Are Is Can Do?Part 2.肯定句变一般疑问句肯定句变一般疑问句1.1)I am a student.Are you a student?2)They are blue.Are they blue?3)He is Kangkang.Is he Kangkang?句子中有句子中有be,把,把be提到句首提到句首2.谓语是动词原形,在句首加谓语是动词原形,在句首加do1)I have

4、 a book.Do you have a book?2)They like Chinese.Do they like Chinese?3)We come from China.Do you come from China?3.谓语动词是第三人称单数,在句首加谓语动词是第三人称单数,在句首加Does,动词用原形。动词用原形。1)She has a small mouth.Does she have a small mouth?2)Maria likes China.Does Maria like China?3)Jane comes from the U.S.A.Does Jane come

5、from the U.S.A?1.I played computer games with my friends yesterday.4.当谓语动词是过去时,在句首加Did,动词用原型Did you play computer games with your friends yesterday?2.Mike did housework with his sister last night.Did Mike do housework with his sister?some、any一般说来,some用于肯定句中,any用于否定句和疑问句中。改疑问句或否定句时,原句里的some要改成anyTher

6、earesomebooksonthedesk.(改为否定句)Therearentanybooksonthedesk.Arethereanybooksonthedesk?and or变否定句时,and要变成orThereissomeairandwateronthemoon.Thereisntanyairorwateronthemoon.Hehassomebrothersandsisters.Hedoesnthaveanybrothersorsisters.在否定句当中,too要改为eitherIlikeeatingapples,too.Idontlikeeatingapples,either.合

7、作练习合作练习(一一):将下列句子变成一般疑问句。将下列句子变成一般疑问句。1.Mr Li is a worker.2.Ricky listens to music every evening.3.They clean their classroom once a week.4.I did my homework yesterday afternoon.5.Mary is writing a letter.6.They are going to watch the football match.7.I have got a new pen.合作要求:1、先口头独立思考完成、先口头独立思考完成2

8、、再小组商议组内遇到的问、再小组商议组内遇到的问 题题特殊疑问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句1.1.含义:特殊疑问句是指含义:特殊疑问句是指以以 Wh-(How)等特殊)等特殊疑问词开头疑问词开头,对陈述句中某一部分提问的句子。,对陈述句中某一部分提问的句子。回答时不用回答时不用Yes/No,要根据问句的内容如实回答要根据问句的内容如实回答。eg:1.Who is the man over there?2.How do you go to school every day?2.结构:结构:特殊疑问句特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 +一般疑问句一般疑问句特殊疑问词特殊疑问词意思意思对对提问提问what

9、 what 什么什么东西东西wherewhere哪里哪里地点地点whenwhen何时何时时间时间whowho谁谁人人whosewhose谁的谁的某人的东西某人的东西(所属所属)whichwhich哪一个哪一个选择选择whywhy为什么为什么原因原因howhow怎么样怎么样方式,方法方式,方法Part3:Part3:变特殊疑问句步骤:变特殊疑问句步骤:eg:She will go to Canada next year.when Will she go to Canda when?When will she go to Canada?一一定:根据画线部分确定特殊疑问词,定:根据画线部分确定特殊疑

10、问词,并代替画线部分。并代替画线部分。二变:将句子变成一般疑问句。二变:将句子变成一般疑问句。三提:将特殊疑问词提前。三提:将特殊疑问词提前。1.1.当画线部分是句子的主语,挑选适当特当画线部分是句子的主语,挑选适当特殊疑问词即可,不做其它变化。殊疑问词即可,不做其它变化。Jenny has a lovely pet.Who has a lovely pet?2.2.在用特殊疑问词代替画线部分时,要适在用特殊疑问词代替画线部分时,要适当加词使句子通顺。当加词使句子通顺。They are playing football.doing what What are they doing?合作练习(二

11、):合作练习(二):Page65Page65 What can you see in the picture?Who will go with you?How does your father go to his company every day?When and where does he usually go home?1.I can see a red building in the picture?2.My brother will go with you.3.My father goes to his company by bus every day.4.He usually go

12、es home at 4:25 by bike.5.My grandfather gave me a computer yesterday.What did your grandfather give you yesterday?6.The tall boy is Mike.Who is the tall boy?7.We went to work on the farm.Where did you go to work?合作要求:1.独立完成作业2.再小组商议问题由what构成的特殊疑问短语 What time几点几点 What colour什么颜色什么颜色What class哪个班哪个班

13、What club什么俱乐部什么俱乐部 What kind什么种类什么种类 What size什么尺寸什么尺寸 What animal什么动物什么动物What sport什么运动什么运动 What language什么语言什么语言拓展:拓展:由How构成的特殊疑问短语How many多少(修饰可数名词)多少(修饰可数名词)How much 多少(修饰不可数名多少(修饰不可数名词);多少钱词);多少钱 How old多大多大 How far多远多远 How often多久一次多久一次How long多长时间多长时间How soon多快多快1.My coat is black.2.We have

14、ten presents.3.I am 16 years old.4.I am going to buy moon cakes because the Mid-autumn Festival is coming.What color is your coat?How many presents do you have?How old are you?Why are you going to buy moon cakes?拓展练习:拓展练习:一:二用whattime,whatcolor,whatday,howmany,howmuch填空。1.A:_isit?B:Itisnineoclock.2.A:_didyourmothergiveyou?B:Mymothergavemetenyuan.3.A:_isit?B:Itispurple.4.A:_handsdoyouhave?B:Ihavetwohands.5.A:_isittoday?B:TodayisMonday.What timeHow muchWhat colorHow manyWhat day

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