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1、高中英语单词天天记separate素材separatev.sepret( separates; separated; separating )双解释义vt. & vi.分开; 隔离 divide sth; keep apart; go apart; break a connection基本要点1.separate的基本意思是“各自分开或从混在一起的东西里分离出来”,强调从原属一个整体中移去一部分而把两者分开,可指人分开,人把在打架的人或动物分开,也可指由于某种自然的障碍而造成阻隔、分开,通常指短暂的分离或夫妻分居。2.separate可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,常与from连用。用作及

2、物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。3.separate常用于被动结构。词汇搭配+名词separate a word把词分开separate mail分拣邮件separate the fighters分开打架的人separate the rights and the wrongs分清是非+副词separate austerely严肃地分开separate conventionally按惯例分离separate cruelly残酷地分开separate deplorably可悲地分手separate effectually有效地分开separate eternally永远地分开separate fata

3、lly不幸地分开separate formally正式地分开separate gradually逐渐地分开separate inevitably不可避免地脱离separate insuperably难以挽回地脱离separate legally合法地分开separate nominally名义上地分开separate partially部分地分开separate permanently永久脱离separate subsequently随后分开separate symmetrically对称分割separate out区分开来+介词separate.by用把分开separate from(使)与

4、分离separate from family与家人分离separate from practice脱离实际separate from the army从军队中退役separate the good from the bad把好的和坏的分开separate the pens from the pencils把钢笔和铅笔分开separate the rotten fruit from the good ones把好水果和烂的分开separate from the rest与其他地方分开separate from the service退役separate into(把)分成(份)separate

5、into two parts分成两部分常用短语separate from(v.+prep.)分开; 区别 make, be separate from; make a distinction between sthseparate from sb/sthWhen did you separate from your husband?你什么时候与丈夫分居的?After twelve years, he decided to separate from the firm.12年后他决定离开这个公司。separate sb/sth from sb/sthThe English Channel sep

6、arates England from the European continent.英吉利海峡将英国和欧洲大陆分开。A stone wall separates our house from theirs.一道石头墙隔开了我家和他们家。Adversity shows what men really are and separates the sheep from the goats.患难可以看清人的本质,分清好人还是坏人。Separate the white clothes from the dark clothes before laundering.洗衣前应当把浅色衣服和深色衣服分开。H

7、igher living standards separate the older generation from their children.高的生活标准把老一代人同他们的儿孙区别开来。Can you separate butterflies from moths?你能识别蝴蝶和飞蛾吗?It is important to separate learning English orally from learning English by reading books.把口头学英语与阅读学英语加以区分开来是重要的。Only one game separates us from total vi

8、ctory.一局之差使我们没能取得全胜。用于be ed结构No child should ever be separated from his mother by force.绝不能强行使任何一个孩子与母亲分开。They are separated from each other by commas.它们被逗号相互分开。separate into(v.+prep.)分成(若干部分) divide into several partsseparate into sthThe class separated into several smaller groups to talk about the

9、 subject.这个班的学生分成了几个小组讨论这个问题。separate sth into sthThe action of heat will separate the chemical into a substance and oxygen.热作用会把这化学药品分解成氧气和另一种物质。 用于be ed结构The land was separated into small fields.那块地被分割为小块的田地。separate off(v.+adv.)分离出,分隔出 keep sth apartseparate sthoffSeparate off the top of the crea

10、m and use it to make butter.把奶油的上层分出来做黄油。 用于be ed结构His room is separated off from the rest of office.他的房间和其他办公室隔开着。This part of the garden should be separated off for vegetable growing.应当把花园的这部分分出来种菜。separate out(v.+adv.)分开,隔开 sort outseparate outThe oil and water will separate out if the mixture is

11、 left standing.如果使油水混合液静止不动,它们就会分隔开。separate sthoutYou are confusing two ideasyou should try to separate them out in your mind.你把这两个观点弄混了,你该设法在头脑中把他们区分开。The two scientists spent a lifetime separating out the precious chemical from the substance in which it was found.这两位科学家耗尽了一生精力把这种珍贵的化学物质从其被发现的那种物质

12、中分解出来。separate up(v.+adv.)分成几份 divide sth into sharesseparate sthup 用于be ed结构The profit can be separated up between us.这笔利润可以由我们双方分享。句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)We talked until midnight and then separated.我们谈到午夜才分手。We once worked together, but now we have separated.我们曾在一起共事,但现在已彼此分开了。They cannot live without e

13、ach other, so they will never separate.他们俩相依为命,故他们将永不分离。The husband and wife have separated.这对夫妻已经分居了。The rope began to separate under the heavy load.绳索在沉重负荷下开始断裂。用作及物动词S+n./pron.The father separated the two fighters.父亲分开了两个打架的人。A policeman tried to separate the men who were fighting.警察试图把那些打架的人隔开。T

14、he river separates England and Scotland.这条河使英格兰和苏格兰隔开。The war separated many families.战争使许多家庭妻离子散。They have to separate large amounts of mail every day.他们每天得分拣大量的邮件。Who can separate these entangled ropes for me?谁能为我把这些绕在一起的绳子解开?Love and hatred are two different feelings.We should separate them.爱与恨是两

15、种不同的感情,我们应该将它们分开。You cant separate the rights and the wrongs of the case.你无法分清这件案子的是非。 用于be ed结构Im sorry you two will be separated.很抱歉,你们俩得分开。They are separated in time by one hundred years.它们在时间上相隔一百年。In any discussion of the matter, the two issues must be clearly separated.在任何关于这件事的讨论中,这两个问题必须完全区分

16、开来。词语辨异separate.from, divide.from这两个短语都是“把和分开”的意思,常可互换,但前者更常见。separate.into, divide.into这两个短语都是“把分为”的意思,常可互换,但后者更常见。正误解析1.我们已经分手一周了。误 We have separated for a week.正 We separated a week ago.正 It is a week since we separated.正 We have been separated for a week.析 separate是瞬间动词,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。2.她很难和家人分开

17、。误 It is difficult for her to separate with her family.正 It is difficult for her to separate from her family.析 当表示“与分开”, separate与介词from连用,不与介词with连用。3.我们的公司分为5个部门。误 Our company is separated into five branches.正 Our company is divided into five branches.析 separate的意思是“分开”,不仅“分”,而且“开”,不再成整体,如仍保留在一个整体

18、之内,则须用divide。4.他们在这个问题上看法有分歧。误 They are separated on the question.正 They are divided on the question.析 separate指实际上有距离的分隔,如表示看法或感情的分歧,应该用divide。separateadj.sepret双解释义A不同的,个别的 not the same, differentA单独的,各自的 not shared with another分开的,不相连的 apart基本要点1.separate的基本意思是“不同的”“个别的”,引申可作“单独的”解,指不与别人分享的,在句中一般

19、用作定语。2.separate还可作“分开的”“不相连的”解,可用作定语,也可用作表语。3.separate无比较级和最高级形式。词汇搭配+名词separate elements分离元件副词+austerely separate严肃地隔离开conventionally separate按习俗分开着cruelly separate残酷地分开着deplorably separate可悲地隔开着effectually separate有效地分开eternally separate永远分离的fatally separate不幸分开的gradually separate逐渐分开的inevitably s

20、eparate必然分离的legally separate合法分离的nominally separate名义上分开的partially separate部分脱离的permanently separate永久分离的physically separate实际分开的subsequently separate后来分开的symmetrically separate对称地分开的动词+keep private life separate from把私生活与分开keep this one separate from把这一个与分开+介词separate from与分离separate from business与

21、工作分开separate from others与其他的分开句型例句用作定语+n.They belong to two separate families.他们分属两个不同的家族。He sold his birds separately to separate buyers.他把他的鸟儿分别卖给不同的买主。All those separate cases have something in common.所有那些个别情况都有某些共同点。Our newspaper and our printing business form separate corporate entities.我们的报纸和印

22、刷业形成相对独立的企业实体。I must have a separate room.我必须有一间单独的房间。The children sleep in separate beds.孩子们都在各自的床上睡觉。Cut the apple into three separate parts.把苹果切成三块。The prisoners are kept separate from one another.囚犯相互隔离监禁。The suite consisted of four separate rooms.这套房子由四个单间组成。The author dealt with that problem i

23、n a separate article.作者在单独一篇文章里论述那个问题。用作表语S+be+The two questions are quite separate.这两个问题是互不相关的。Are they joined together or separate?他们是合在一起还是分开的?用作宾语补足语S+V+O+Keep the boys and the girls separate.把男孩和女孩分开。Keep this book separate from the others.把这本书单独放,不要与别的书放在一起。补充资料派生词 separatelyadv. 分着地,不在一起地separatenessn. 分着,不在一起同义词v. disjoin, divide, partadj. distinct, single, various; different, divided, apart反义词v. join, uniteadj. connected, joined, united词源 中古英语seperaten拉丁语separatusseparare(分开安排)

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