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1、Point 2 in, after 的用法In 和 after都可以接时间段,表示“在.之后”,但in 常与将来时连用,after 常与过去时连用。We will meet again in two weeks.两周后我们会见面的。They finished the task after two days.两天后他们完成了任务。【特别注意】“in + 一段时间”也可用于过去时,意为“在.内”; after后接具体的时间点时,可用于过去时,也可用于将来时。He wrote the book in two years.他在两年里写完了这本书。They went to the movie after

2、 supper.晚饭后他们去看电影了。My brother will go there after five oclock.我哥哥五点后去那里。 Point 3 for, since, from的用法(1)“for+时间段”表示某行为或某状态持续了多久,可与现在完成时,过去时或将来时连用。I have lived in this city for more than 10 years.我在这座城市住了10多年了。I worked in this company for three years.我曾在这家公司工作了三年。(2)“since+时间点”意为“自从(过去某时)以来”,强调自过去某时延续

3、至今的一段时间,常与现在完成时或现在完成进行时连用。He has worked in this company since graduation.自从毕业后他就在这家公司工作。Tom has been doing his homework since 7 oclock.汤姆从7点开始就一直做他的家庭作业。(3)“from+时间点”只表示行为或状态的起始点,而不涉及其持续时间的长短。句子时态根据from后的时间而定。“from +(过去)时间点”常与一般过去时连用;“from+(现在/将来)时间点”常与一般将来时连用。She began to learn to sing from the age

4、 of five.她从五岁就开始学唱歌。Point 4 before, by 的用法(1)before与by 都可表示”在.之前”,但by表示“不迟于某时”,包括某事在内。如果by后接表示将来的时间,则与将来时或将来完成时连用;如果by后接表示过去的时间,则与过去完成时连用。Well have finished the work by ten oclock tomorrow.我们在明天十点之前就会完成这项工作。This factory had produced more than one million cars by the end of last year.到去年年底,这家工厂已经生产了一

5、百多万辆小汽车。(2)before 后接时间点,则表示“在某时之前”,不包括某时在内。I will be back before suppertime.晚饭之前我会回来的。Point 5 until, till的用法Until时比较正式的用法。在肯定句中和延续性动词连用,表示动作一直持续到until后面的时间为止;在否定句中和非延续性动词连用,表示该动作直到until后面的时间才开始。Ill wait here until 8 oclock.我将在这儿一直等到八点。The shop wont open until next month.那家商店下个月才能开业。分考点 2 表示方位的介词Poin

6、t 1 on, above, over 的用法。(1) on 表示“在.上”,是指在某物的表面之上,与物体表面接触。There is a picture on the wall.墙上有幅画。(2) above是指离开物体表面而在其上方,但不一定是垂直向上; 还可指温度,海拔等刻度“在.之上”。其反义词是below。The plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层之上飞行。(3) over是指离开物体的表面而在物体的正上方,有时还有“覆盖,超过”之意。其反义词是under。A lump was hanging over the table.桌子上方吊着一盏灯。The t

7、hief climbed over the wall and away.那个贼翻过围墙逃走了。She spread a cloth over the table.她在桌上铺了一块桌布。She put a blanket over the sleeping child.她给熟睡的孩子盖上毯子。【知识拓展】over也可表示时间,意为”在.期间,直到.结束”。Over coffee our host told us a little about the history of the house.喝咖啡时主人给我们讲了一些有关于这所房子的历史。He built up the business over

8、 a period of ten years.他用了十年把这家企业创建起来。Point 2 across,through,past,over,along的用法。单词用法Across指从一平面上“横穿”或“在.对面”Through指从人群或物体内部“穿过、贯穿”,也可指抽象意义的“通过”Past表示“从.旁边经过”,表示动态的动作发生在某人/某物旁边。Over表示从上方越过。Along表示“沿着”线、道路、小道等前行。Be careful enough while walking across the street.过街时务必要小心。Walk through the gate and youll

9、 see the flag.走过大门,你就会看见那面旗。They drove past a big supermarket.他们开车经过了一家大型超市。The plane flew over the Great Wall.飞机从长城上方飞过。He walks along the river every day.他每天沿着那条河散步。Point 3 at, in, on 的用法这三个词均可表示方位。At后接较小的地方或门牌号码;in后接较大的地方;on一般指与面或线接触。We will meet each other at the park.我们将在公园见面。My parents live at

10、 105 Nanjing Road.我的父母住在南京路105号。Mr. Smith has lived in Hong Kong for 20 years.史密斯先生在香港住了二十年。Put the picture on the wall, please.请把这幅画挂在墙上。Point 4 in、on、 to、 off的用法介词用法及例句In 表示在某一范围之内。Beijing is in the north of China.北京位于中国的北部。(范围之内)On表示与某一地区“毗邻,接壤”。Mongolia is on the north of China. 蒙古语中国的北部接壤。(范围之外

11、,但接壤)To 表示在某范围之外(不属于该范围)。Japan is to the east of China.中国东临日本。(范围之外,不接壤)Off表示“(时空上)离,距”。He lives in a house off the main road.他住在离主路不远的一座房子里。Point 5 near, by, beside, at的用法Near意为“在.附近”,表示相对的“近”,而实际距离可能并不近。A new hospital is being built near our school.我们学校附近正在建一家新医院。By/beside都表示“靠近”,但beside比by更具体的指出“

12、在.旁边”。There is a tall tree by the house.房子旁边有一颗很高的树。The little girl is sitting beside her mother.这个小女孩正坐在她妈妈旁边。At也可表示“在.旁边”,但多表示有目的的行为和所处的位置,而by和beside仅表示位置关系。We are sitting at the desks listening to our teacher.我们正坐在课桌旁听老师讲课。Point 6 between, among 的用法Between 一般指“两者之间”,也可指三个或三个以上的人或物的每两个之间;而among用于指

13、三个或三个以上的人或物之间或笼统的一群人或一些物之间。The house stands between two farms.这座房子位于两个农场之间。Pleasant music if often played between classes to make students relaxed for a while.课间经常播放令人愉快的音乐,是为了使学生们放松一会儿。This attitude is common among the under-25s.这种态度在25岁以下的青年中很普遍。 分考点 3 表示方式的介词Point with, by, in的用法表示工具、手段、材料时,with,

14、by,in都表示“用”。With多指用具体的工具、身体的某部位或器官。Chop the onions with a sharp knife.用锋利的刀切洋葱。We see with our eyes.我们用眼睛看。By侧重指使用某种方法、手段或乘坐某种交通工具。He made a living by selling newspapers.他靠卖报为生。They traveled to Chicago by plane.他们乘飞机去芝加哥。指用某种语言、材料等。He made the speech in English.他用英语发表了演讲。【知识拓展】表达“用.方式/方法”时,常见搭配有:用这种

15、/那种方法:in this/ that way by this/ that means with this/ that means分考点 4 表示“除.之外”的介词或介词短语。 Point besides, except, except for, but, apart from的用法。(1)besides 意为“除.之外(还有)”,包括后面所提及的人或物,相当于 in addition to。We like biology besides English.除了英语外,我们还喜欢生物。(2)except 意为“除.之外(其他的都)”,不包括后面所提到的人或物。除名词、代词、动名词外,其后还可接副

16、词、介词短语以及that,what,when,where等引导的从句。Everyone is excited except me.除了我以外每个人都很激动。He is never late except when he is ill.除了生病的时候,他从不迟到。(3)except for 意为“除.之外”,表示排除的部分与前面内容不属于同一类,着重对个别状况的补充说明。His composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.他的作文写得很好,只是有些拼写错误。(4)but 意为“除.之外”,相当于except,多与nobody, no

17、ne, no one, nothing, anything,everyone, all, to do等连用;接不定式做宾语(多用but),前有实义动词do时,不定式中的to省略。He did nothing but play all day long.她整天除了玩什么也不干。(5)apart from 即可相当于besides,也可相当于except或except for。Apart from good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.除了优质的服务外,这个饭店还提供各种各样

18、的传统福建菜。【知识拓展】besides 还可作副词,意为“另外,而且”,在句中常作插入语。I dont want to go; besides, its too late now.我不想去;而且,现在太晚了。分考点 5 表示原因的介词或介词短语Point for,because of, due to, thanks to的用法(1)for 表示双方都知道的显而易见的原因。He got an award for bravery.他因勇敢而获奖。(2)because of通常做状语,位于句首或句尾,表示直接的原因。The sports meeting will be put off till n

19、ext Saturday because of the heavy rain.因为这场大雨,运动会将被推迟到下周六。(3)due to 通常作表语。His illness was due to smoking and drinking.他的病是由吸烟和饮酒引起的。(4)thanks to 表示“幸亏,多亏”,可用于褒义和贬义,多位于句首。Thanks to your help, we were successful.多亏你得帮助我们成功了。分考点 6 几个常考介词的用法 Point 1 against的用法1. 与.竞争,对阵He was injured in the game against

20、 the Lions.他在与雄狮队的比赛中受伤了。2. 触;碰;撞;紧靠;倚靠Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree.吉姆累了,背靠一棵大树很快睡着了。3. 反对,违背,与.相反He did it against his own will.4. 防备,抵御They took measures against the fire.他们采取了防火措施。5. 以.为背景,衬托The hill looks more beautiful against the blue sky.在蓝天的映衬下,山峰显得更加美丽。Point 2

21、 at 的用法1.用在表示地点,场合,方位等的名词前,表示“在某处”Ill pick you up at the airport at 2 this afternoon.今天下午两点我会到机场接你。2.用在表示时刻,钟点,期间,.岁,时节等的名词前。He left school at (the age of) 16.他16岁就离开了学校。3.以,按(价格,速度,数量等)He drove at twenty miles per hour.他以每小时20英里的速度驾车行驶。4.表示动作,情感的原因,意为“因.而;一听到/看到/想到.就.”We were frightened at the terr

22、ible sight.看到这可怕的景象,我们被吓到了。5.朝、向、对着某人/某物的方向He shot at the bird but missed it.他朝那只鸟射击,但是没射中。6.在(某方面)Shes hopeless at managing people.她对人事管理一窍不通。Point 3 beyond 的用法1. (指程度)深于;(指范围)越出;(指可能性,理解力,能力等)非.可及The book is beyond me.这本书我不懂。2. (指空间)在.的那一边;远于The airport is 20 miles beyond the town.机场在离城镇20英里的地方。3.

23、 (时间)晚于,迟于He came home beyond the usual time.他比平时晚回家。4. (指品质,习性等)处于.之外,超脱于She has intelligence beyond the ordinary.她聪明过人。Point4 by的用法1.(时间)不迟于,在.之前He is sure to come by three oclock.他三点之前肯定会来。2.(位置)靠近,在.旁边/附近On a cold evening it is pleasant to sit by the fire.在寒冷的夜晚坐在炉火旁边很舒服。3.表示(标准、度量、数量)根据,按照,以.计算

24、,常用结构为“by +the +单数可数名词”。They sell eggs by the dozen.他们按打卖鸡蛋。We rent the car by the day.我们按日租用汽车。4.(表示程度、数量)相差We lost the march by one goal.我们以一分之差输了这场比赛。5.经过,经由They came in by the back door.他们从后门进来的。6.靠,用,通过(某种方式手段呢)Are you to go there by bike or by bus?你是骑车还是坐公交车去那儿?Point 5 for的用法1. (表示目的)为了China h

25、as been pushing the reform of public hospitals for the benefit of all its citizens.为了使所有公民收益,中国一直在推进公立医院的改革。2. (表示对象或用途)给,对Ive got a present for you.我有件礼物送给你。The problem was that it was too valuable for everybody use.问题是这对日常使用来说太贵了。3. (表示原因)因为,由于Campbell was arrested for dangerous driving.坎贝尔因危险驾车而遭

26、逮捕。4. (表示时间,距离,数量)达.,计.We drove for miles before we found a phone box.我们开车数里才找到一个电话亭。5. (表示等值或比例关系)换He agreed to pay 300 dollars for the picture.他答应付300美金买下那幅画。6. 支持,赞成How many people voted for the proposal?有多少人赞成这个提议?7. 至于,关于,就.而言Its cold for the time of year.在一年的这个时节天气是冷了些。8. (表示去向)往,向A few days l

27、ater she would be leaving for New York.过几天她就要去纽约了。9. (表示陈述或问题的对象)处于.Doing exercise is good for our health.锻炼对我们的健康有好处。Point 6 in的用法1. (表示地点、场所、位置等)在.里面,在.内The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor.电话在一楼的小书房里。2. *(表示时间)在.期间,在(一段时间)以内;过.It will be ready in a weeks time. 还需要一周时间就准备好了。3. (表示某人或某物的状态、情况)处于.中The house is in good repair.这所房子维护的不错。4. 在.上,在.方面The foods that you buy in hamburger

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