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1、|四级采纳率6%擅长:反恐精英OL梦幻西游反恐精英按默认排序|按时间排序其他4条回答2011-03-29 22:00情舞俄|四级1) 规则变化 单音节词和少数双音节词,加词尾-er,-est来构成比较级和最高级。 构成法 原级 比较级 最高级 一般单音节词 tall(高的) taller tallest 未尾加-er,-est great(巨大的) greater greatest 以不发音的e结尾 nice(好的) nicer nicest 的单音词和少数 large(大的) larger largest 以- le结尾的双 able(有能力的) abler ablest 音节词只加-r,-

2、st 以一个辅音字母 big(大的) bigger biggest 结尾的闭音节单 hot热的) hotter hottest 音节词,双写结 尾的辅音字母, 再加-er,-est more easily most easily (需要不规则变化的吗?)评论|22011-03-29 17:35yulanbing_012|五级单音节形容词的比较级以及以-ly, -er, -ow结尾的形容词在词尾加-er单音节形容词的比较级和最高级形式是在词尾加 -er 和 -est 构成。 great (原级) greater(比较级) greatest(最高级)评论|12011-04-06 20:32沉默19

3、98|四级语法 Grammar in use形容词的比较级和最高级 (1)构成A 大多数单音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成是在其原级后面加上-er和-est:small-smaller-smallestnew-newer-newestB 许多单音节形容词只有一个元音字母,其末尾为一辅音字母。在比较级和最高级形式中,这个辅音字母要双写:big-bigger-biggestthin-thinner-thinnestC 许多单音节形容词以-e结尾,如 nice。这些形容词只需在原级形式后加-r和-st:large-larger-largestnice-nicer-nicest D 有些形容词以-y结

4、尾,而在-y前是一个辅音字母。这些形容词一般有两个音节。变为比较级和最高级时,-y要变成-i,末尾再加-er和-est:easy-easier-easiestheavy-heavier-heaviestE 但有少数形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记,如:good-better-bestbad-worse-worstF 大多数较长的形容词(即有两个以上音节的词)可与more连用构成其比较级形式,与most连用构成其最高级形式。(2)用法比较级只用于两者之间,通常与than连用。形容词比较级之所指如果很清楚,它也可独立存在:This coat is longer. 这件外衣较长。最高级用于

5、3者或3者以上。形容词的最高级在使用时必须加定冠词,并常伴有一个表示范围的介词短语或从句:That girl is the tallest student in our class. 那位姑娘是班上个子最高的学生。单音节形容词的比较级以及以-ly,-er,-ow结尾的形容词在词尾加-er。如:darkdarker; quickquicker; clevercleverer2. 以e结尾的形容词在词尾直接加-r构成。simplesimpler3. 重读闭音节双写末位字母再加er。fatfatter;thinthinner。4.多音节形容词,在其前加more构成。afraid more afrai

6、d; interestingmore interesting; pleasedmore pleased。5.少数形容词的比较级是不规则的。good/wellbetter; bad/illworse; farfarther(表距离) / further(表抽象);much/manymore;littleless;oldolder、elder.6.以辅音字母1加y结尾的,把y变i,加er。earlyearlier;funnyfunnier;easyeasier.clearclearerclearestsmallsmallersmallestnarrownarrowernarrowestnearne

7、arernearestlatelaterlatest编辑本段用法一般1. 表示比.更, 用比较级形容词+than+比较成分, than后主词的述语动词往往省略, 非正式用法的than后的人称代名词可用受格。He is younger than I (am).他比我年轻。I am a better swimmer than he(him).我游泳比他好。2. 表示较.低; 不及.用less+原级形容词+than+比较成分。I am less young than he (is).我不比他年轻。3. 表示两者之中较., 用the+比较级+of the two。This one is the big

8、ger of the two houses.这所房子是两座房子中较大的。4. 定冠词或指示形容词+比较级+名词表示比较。The taller boy is John.那个身材较高的男孩子是约翰。5. 有少数以ior结尾的形容词, 如inferior(次于), junior(年幼的;下级的), posterior(之后), prior(之前), senior(年长的,上级的), superior(优于)等本身就有比较的意思, 常与介系词to连用。This method is superior to that one.这种方法优于那种方法。6. 比较形容词可以被副词如a little(一点),mu

9、ch(得多), even(更加), still(更加), far(.的多)等修饰, 但不可用very修饰。翻译: 现在的生活相比二十年之前的生活简单得多了。(误)Life is very easier than it was twenty years ago.(正)Life is very much easier than it was twenty years ago.特殊1 no more than与。一样不。not morethan 没有。那样。,不如。not less than 不亚于。2more than不止,仅仅,非常,极其 This more than satisfied me.

10、3more than a little非常4not more than不多于 no (not any) more than不过,仅仅5no less than有。之多,多达 not less than 至少,不下于6neither more nor less than恰好,不多不少,简直,和。完全一样7better than多于,超过 It is better than 20 km to the station.8(in) less than no time立即,一会儿9(be) little/no better than实际上,简直就是10nothing less than完全是,和。一模一

11、样11all the more越发,更加12. any (the) less较小/更小一些,小的13. all the better更好,更加14. so much the better/worse (for sb./sth.)甚至更好/更坏15. go one better (than sb./sth.)胜过。一筹16. morethan与其说。不如说。17. would sooner/ratherthan与其。宁愿18. (be) more likethan不象。倒象19. ratherthan/rather than宁可。而不20. other than除了。,除。之外21. rathe

12、rthan otherwise不是别的而是22. no/none other than正是,除。之外无其他23. no more不再,不复存在,也不,也没有24. less than不。25. more often than no经常,多半t26. see more/less of someone更常/少见;再/少见到。27. none + the + 比较级 毫不。,毫无。28. have seen better days(现在)情况转坏29. think better of sth.改变。的念头30. for better or (for) worse无论好坏,同甘共苦31. all th

13、e better因。而更加32. more than meets the eye/ear另有隐情,并非表面那么简单的33.More is meant than, meets the ear.意在言外34.There is more ( to it ) than meets the eyes.现象背后有文章比较级(Comparative Degree )在英语中通常用下列方式表示的词:在形容词或副词前加more(如 more natural,more clearly )或加后缀 -er(newer,sooner )。典型的是指形容词或副词所表示的质、量或关系的增加。英语句子中,将比较两个主体的方

14、法叫做“比较句型”。其中,像“A比B更”的表达方式称为比较级。组成句子的方式是将形容词或副词变化成比较级的形态。构成用法基本句型特殊句型注意考题思路重要考点展开编辑本段构成单音节形容词的比较级以及以-er,-ow结尾的形容词在词尾加-er。2. 以e结尾的形容词在词尾直接加-r构成。3. 重读闭音节双写末位字母再加er。4.多音节形容词,在其前加more构成。5.少数形容词的比较级是不规则的。11. 表示He is younger than me.他比我年轻。I am a better swimmer than he(him).我游泳比他好。2. 表示I am less young than

15、he (is).我不比他年轻。3. 表示两者之中This one is the bigger of the two houses.这所房子是两座房子中较大的。4. 定冠词或指示形容词+比较级+名词表示比较。The taller boy is John.那个身材较高的男孩子是约翰。5. 有少数以ior结尾的形容词, 如inferior(次于), junior(年幼的;This method is superior to that one.这种方法优于那种方法。6. 比较形容词可以被副词如a little(一点),much(得多), even(更加), still(更加), far(.的多)等修饰

16、, 但不可用very修饰。翻译: 现在的生活简单得多了。(误)Life is very easier than it was twenty years ago.(正)Life is very much easier than it was twenty years ago.1 no more than与。not morethan 没有。not less than 不亚于。2more than不止,仅仅,非常,极其 This more than satisfied me.3more than a little非常4not more than不多于 no (not any) more than不过

17、,仅仅5no less than有。6neither more nor less than恰好,不多不少,简直,和。7better than多于,超过 It is better than 20 km to the station.8(in) less than no time立即,一会儿9(be) little/no better than实际上,简直就是10nothing less than完全是,和。11all the more越发,更加12. any (the) less较小/更小一些,小的13. all the better更好,更加14. so much the better/wor

18、se (for sb./sth.)甚至更好/更坏15. go one better (than sb./sth.)胜过。16. morethan与其说。17. would sooner/ratherthan与其。18. (be) more likethan不象。19. ratherthan/rather than宁可。20. other than除了。21. ratherthan otherwise不是别的而是22. no/none other than正是,除。23. no more不再,不复存在,也不,也没有24. less than不。25. more often than no经常,多

19、半26. see more/less of someone更常/少见;27. none + the + 比较级 毫不。28. have seen better days情况转坏29. think better of sth.改变。30. for better or (for) worse无论好坏,同甘共苦31. all the better因。32. more than meets the eye/ear另有隐情,并非表面那么简单的33.More is meant than, meets the ear.意在言外34.There is more ( to it ) than meets the

20、 eyes.现象背后有文章编辑本段基本句型同级比较 由“as + 形容词 + as”或“as + 形容词 + 名词 + as”构成。My grandpa is as energetic as a young man.Exercise is as useful a way as any other to lose unwanted weight.I try to find as much information as I can about what happened. 由“not so (as) + 形容词或副词原型 + as”或“not so (as) + 形容词 + 名词 + as”构成。

21、Luckily the weather was not so wet as it is today.降级比较1.由“形容词比较级+ than”构成。He is more concerned about others than about himself. 由“many / much more + 可数 / 不可数名词 + than”My friend earned much more money than I did last year.编辑本段特殊句型表示“越来越”的意思: “比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more / less and less + 原级”结构,与这

22、类结构搭配的常用动词有grow,get,become等。She felt herself becoming more and more nervous.As the winter is drawing near,its getting colder and colder.表示两者之间更the + 比较级 + of the two + 名词。Jane is the taller of the two children in our family. 表示“越”:“the + 比较级,”,The more magazines you sell,the more money you will get. “否定 + 比较级” 相当于最高级。 Wait until we get a satisfactory reply,will you? I couldnt agree more. The idea sounds great to me.

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