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1、 She selected a pair of socks to match her suit. 他精心挑选了一双袜子来与衣服搭配。4. burn down, burn up, burn out bum down 指“烧为平地,烧毁”;也指“火力减弱”。 The house was burnt down in an hour. 房子一小时被烧为平地。 bum up 有“烧旺”之意,也可指“消耗掉”。d better put more wood on the fire to make it burn up. 你最好往火上添着柴,让它烧旺。 bum out 指“火熄灭”。 The fire had

2、 burnt out before I returned. 在我回来前,火已经熄灭了。 句型诠释1. By asking why,how and what if, curious minds find new ideas and solutions. What if.? 如果怎么办呢样? 相当于What would happen if.? 或 What should we do if.? What if father knows the rmult? 要是父亲知道了结果会怎么样呢? What if the rumour is true? 万一谣传是真的呢?2. It takes a very

3、unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. 分析显而易见的事物需要非凡的头脑。 It takes (sb.) sth. to do sth. 为固定句式。take意为 “花费、需要”。 It took unusual courage and determination to break away from his family. 与他的家庭决裂需要非凡的勇气与决心。 Perseverance is a kind of quality and that is what it takes to do things well. 毅力是

4、一种品质 是做好一切事情所需要的东 西。3. There did not seem much point in working on my PhD - I did not expect to survive that long. 取得博士学位似乎没有什么意义了,我已经不指望 活那么久了。 There is / seems no point in doing sth. 表示“做某事没 有作用或意义”。 There is no point in arguing further. 继续争执下去没有意义。 Begin your work now. There is no point in wastin

5、g time. 现在开始工作吧,浪费时间没有用。4. Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kindof life he has always dreamt of.他也没有让病痛妨碍自己过梦寐以求的生活。Nor此处用法相当于neither,表示否定,意为“也不”,放句首时句子倒装;表示肯定用so。They havent yet visited the museum. Nor / Neither have we. 他们还没参观过这个博物馆。我们也没有参观过。 They have visited the museum. So hav

6、e we. 他们参观过这个博物馆。我们也参观过。5. .it was the first time that I had written with real passion and becaase it made me realize that everyones life is unique. 我之所以喜欢这篇报道,是因为这是我第一次满怀 热情去写的,这使我认识到每个人的生活都各县特 色。 It / This / That is the first time (that).是固定句 型。该句型的that从句中通常用完成时态。 This is the first time that I hav

7、e been here in China. 这足我第一次到中国来。 拓展 the first time 可充当从属连词的作用,引起 时间状语从句。 The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her. 我第一次见她就爱上了她。6. The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and

8、opinions are tolerated. 结果大家就能够对世界的方方面面有更好的认识, 以至于在未来的世界里,所有国家的人都能够得到 尊重,所有不同的观点和意见都能够受到包容。 leading to. 为状语,表示结果。 The child slipped and fell down, hitting his head against the door. 那孩子滑了一跤,头碰到了门上。 注意 现在分词作结果状语时表示必然的结果,而 不定式作状语表示出乎意料的结果。 One day I went shopping and came back to find my front wheel m

9、issing. 有一天我买东西,回来时发现我的车前轮不见了。7. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth. 这些勇敢坚强的活跃人士在厂外与该厂工人举行 了会谈,并就如何保护地球提出了积极的建议。 此句是形容词作方式状语。 Stone-faced, the captain ordered to reduce speed. 船长面无表情地下达了减速的命令。 拓展 形容词或形容词短语还可在句中

10、充当以下 状语成分。 (1) 原因状语 Too nervous to reply, he stared at the floor. 他紧张得不能回答,只是凝望着地板。 (2) 条件状语 Fresh from the oven, rolls are delicious. 面包卷如果是刚出炉的,则会很香。 (3) 时间状语 Ripe, these apples are sweet. 这些苹果熟了的时候是很甜的。 (4) 句子状语 (对句子内容加以评注) Strange to say, he did pass his exam after all. 说也奇怪,他竟然通过了考试。 More impor

11、tant, he has got a steady job. 更重要的是,他得到了一份稳定的工作。8. They build a theory about the way in which things happen and the causes and effects. 他们推出了一个理沦用来说明事物是如何发生和导 致结果的。 句中的先行词 the way 后引导的定语从句,可用in which / that或省略关系代词的形式。 I dont like the way (in which / that) he speaks to his father. 我不喜欢他和他的父亲说话的方式。9.

12、 More than ninety responsible and caring citizens,made their voices heard today. 九十多位富有责任心的市民让人们听到了他们的心 声。 make ones voice heard 等于 make oneself heard (把意 见说给别人听),过去分词作宾补,与宾语存在逻辑上 的被动关系。如:make oneself known (作自我介绍) make oneself understood (使人嫂解自己)。 类似的用法: All these things made him interested in hist

13、ory.这些东西都使他对历史发生了必趣。二,【句型归纳】【考点1】Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. 世上没有可怕的事情。只有需要了解的事情。该句中的不定式作表语,表示“应该,必须”。例如:The form is to be filled in and returned within three weeks. 表格必须在三周内填好并返回。 be to do 也可用来表示预先的较为正式的严肃的“计 划,安排”。 Their daughter is to be married soon. 他们的女儿很 快就要结

14、婚了。 有时指并非事先做好的安排,而是指命运,即命中注 定的事情。 was / were + to have done 表示本来计划做某事而 未做。 用来表示命令、指示、劝告;在通知和注意事项里,常 用is / are + to be done。 You are to do your homework before you watch TV. 看电视之前先把作业做了。 用于条件句中表示“想要(如何)”。【考例 1】(2001上海)In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they _. A. have survive

15、d B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive考查目标本题考查条件状语从句中谓语动词的形式。答案与解析B 在条件状语从句中,不能用将来时,须用一般时替代,所以首先排除C、D两项。选项A用的现在完成时,它表示的动作应发生在谓语动词的动作之前;选项B用的加 + to do,这种结构中,be是系动词,to do 作表语,是一般现在时,在这里表示假设,即“这么干旱的天气,要让花儿活下来的话只有浇水。”【考点2】Only by discovering what we do best can we hopeto reach our goals an

16、d truly make a difference. 只有发现我们的专长。我们才有希望达到自己的目标而真正有所作为。该句中,要注意句型:Only + 副词副词短语状语从句+ 助动词 + 主语 + 其他。Only by working hard can we succeed. 只有努力工作,我们才能取得成功。【考例2】(2003上海春招)Only in this way _ to make improvement in the operation system. A. you can hope B. you did hope C. can you hope D. did you hope考查目标

17、本题考查“Only + 状语置于句首引起部分倒装”的用法。答案与解析C 因为only放在句首,且修饰状语时,句子应采用部分倒装,即把谓语的一部分倒装至主语之前,再根据句子的意思“只有这种方法我们才能改进这个操作系统”得出正确答案。【考点3】I like the story because it was the first time thatI had written with real passion and because it made merealize that everyones life is different. 我之所以喜欢这篇报道,是因为这是我第一次满怀热情去写的,这使我认识

18、到每个人的生活都各具特色。该句中It / This / That + be + the first time (that)是一重要句型,表示“是某人第一次做某事”。This is the first time that l have visited China. 这是我第一次到中国访问。注意:The first time (that). 表示“第一次时,”,起从属连词的作用。The first time I went to Beijing, I visited the SummerPalace. 我第一次到北京时,就参观了颐和同。【考例3】(1998上海)I thought her nice

19、and honest _ I met her. A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time考查目标本题主要考查the first time作连词引导状语从句的用法。答案与解析C 选项A中的first time欠缺定冠词the;选项B中的for the first time 表示“第一次”,只用于状语,不接状语从句。如选它,则整个句子变为并列关系;选项D中多了by。三,牛刀小试31. Only by taking a taxi _ on time. A. you can arrive the

20、re B. arrive there you can C. can you arrive there D. there you can arrive2. _ I met her, she was working only in a small factory. A. The first time B. For the first time C. At the first time D. At first3. Much of the work is _ before sunset. A. finished B. to finish it C. being finished D. to be fi

21、nished4. Only when your identity has been checked _. A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in C. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in 【交际速成】【考点1】表示欣赏和赞扬以及相对应的答语- Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang. - _. A. Oh, Im afraid I didnt cook very well B. Im glad you enjoyed it

22、 C. Come again when you are free D. Its not necessary for you to say so答案与解析B 对于别人的欣赏和赞扬,英语思维和中文思维的模式有很大区别。中文思维过程一般都要谦虚在先,而英语则很直接地表达出自己内心的想法。A、D两项都属于中文的谦虚表达方式,不可选。C项不符合英文思维模式。故正确答案是B项。【归纳】英语中一般不用掩饰自己内心的高兴的情感,对于别人的赞赏要回答得落落大方,常见的表达有: Thats nice of. Im glad you like it. Thank you Its very kind of you t

23、o say so. 例如:- You look very smart in this suit. 你穿这身衣裳显得很精神。- Really?m glad to hear that. 真的?我就爱听这话。【考点2】征询对方意见或看法及相应的回答(NMET 2000)- What about having a drink? A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. G0 ahead,please D. Me, too答案与解析A 本题主要考查的是,当别人征求你的意见和看法时,你该如何作答。针对题干问话,B、C、D三项都不符合题意只有A项表明你乐意接受了对方的提议。故只有A项

24、正确。【归纳】在英语中用来征询对方意见或看法的表达有很多,例如: what do you think of / about.? How do you like / find / enjoy.? Whats your opinion? Do you think.?用来作答的有: Good idea. Good / Great. Why not? Lets. 例如:- Harry, shall we go to beach for the week? 哈里,周末我们去海边,好吗?- OK. Lets. 好啊。【考点3】表达自己的意见和看法(2004天津)- How often do you eat

25、 out?- _, but usually once a week A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usual D. Generally speaking答案与解析B “It depends”意为“视情况而定”。通过对话中usually的理解,可以排除C、D两项。根据题中的but,可以得出A项与题意不符。故只有B项正确。【归纳】英语中用来表达自己的意见和看法的方式根据态度分为肯定的,也有否定的,常用的有: I guess / think / suppose(not) I would rather.(not) Im very sorry, but. I (

26、dont) think we should. 例如:- Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? 你 认为周末会下雨吗?- I believe not. 我想不会。又如:- Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽烟你介意吗?- Id rather you didnt. 但愿你别抽。牛刀小试41. - Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith. - _. A. Oh, no. Lets notd rather stay at home C. Im sorr

27、y, but I have other plans D. Oh, no. Thats too much trouble2. - You havent been to Beijing,have you?- _. How I wish to go there! (NMET 1998) AYes,1 have BYes,I havent CNo,I have DNo,I haven3. - Can l get you a cup of tea? - _. (NMET 1998) A. Thats very nice of you B. With pleasure C. You can,please D. Thank you for the tea4. - I think you should phone Je

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