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1、出国旅游英语300句一、预订机票1 我想预定一张去纽约的机票。 I want to book a seat to New York.2 我想订一张6月23号的单程机票。 I want a one-way ticket for June 23rd.3 我想明天上午动身。 I want to depart tomorrow morning.4 我要一张往返票。 I want a round trip ticket.5 明天到亚特兰大的航班都是几点的? What time are your flights to Atlantatomorrow?6 您要头等舱的,还是要经济舱的? Will you b

2、e traveling in first class or economy?7 打折吗? Is there a discount?8 这趟航班要飞多长时间?How long will this flight take?9 我想搭乘直飞的航班。I want to take a direct flight.二、更改航班10 我想取消我预定的去伦敦的航班。Id like to cancel my reservation to London.11 如果我想推迟我的航班怎么办?What if I want to put off my flight?12 如果可能的话,我想改一下我预定的机票。Id lik

3、e to change my reservation ifpossible.13 我可以等退票。You can put me on standby.14 我应该提前几个小时退票?How many hours in advance should I return theticket?15 这些机票退不了吗?Are these tickets non-refundable ?16 我若退票的话有罚款吗?Is there a penalty for returning the ticket?17 我刚刚错过了航班,需要重新确定时间。I just missed my flight, I need to

4、reschedule it.18 下一个航班何时起飞?When does the next flight leave?19 还有座位吗?Are there seats still available?三、 办理登机手续20 看一下您的机票和护照好吗?May I see your ticket and passport, please?21 我可以携带30公斤的行李吗?Can my luggage weigh up to 30 kilos?22 我可以随身携带几件行李?How many items of carry-on luggage are permitted?23 随身的行李允许我带多少?

5、How much hand luggage am I allowed?24 我想要靠窗的座位。Id like a window seat.25 请给我靠道旁的座位好吗?Can I have an aisle seat, please?26 什么时候起飞?Whats the departure time?27 飞机何时抵达那/这里?When does the plane get there/here?28 我们很快就要登机了We will begin boarding soon.。29 哪个登机口是去往纽约的?Which gate is for the flight to New York?四、

6、在飞机上30 我能看一下您的登机牌吗?May I see your boarding pass please?31 您能带我去座位吗?Can you show me the way to my seat?32 您介意和我换位置吗?Would you mind exchanging seats with me?33 我能把它放进头顶行李舱吗?Can I put it in the overhead compartment(隔间,划分)?34 我需要一直系着安全带吗?Do I have to keep the seat belt fastened at all times?35 我现在可以使用卫生

7、间了吗?Can I use the toilet now?36 能帮我调一下空调的气流吗?Would you please help me adjust the air flow?37 可以拿条毯子给我吗?Could I have a blanket?38 能给我份快餐吗?Can you offer me a snack?39 能给我点喝的吗?Can I have something to drink?五、行李提取40 请问在哪儿取行李?Excuse me, where can I get my luggage?41 从中国来的行李在哪个行李传送带上?Which carousel is for

8、 the baggage fromChina?42 请问行李区在哪儿?Where is the luggage claim area?43 请出示行李票。Please present your luggage tag.44 我能用这辆行李车吗?Can I use this baggage cart?45 我的一个包好像不见了。One of my bags seems to be missing.46 你们要为我的行李负责。 You need to take responsibility for my luggage.47 我需要有人帮我搬行李。I need someone to help me

9、 with the luggage.48 我的行李被撕了道口子。Theres a rip in my luggage.49 我的行李受损了。My luggage is damaged.六、入境检查50 你有签证吗? Do you have your visa?51 您是什么国籍? Whats your nationality?52 我的签证有效期只剩一天了。 My visa expires in one day.53 这是我的最终目的地。 This is my final destination.54 您计划呆多久? How long do you plan on staying?55 您来这

10、里的目的是什么?公务还是旅游? Whats the purpose of your visit, forbusiness or for pleasure?56 我计划停留20天左右,我是来出差的。 I m planning to stay for 20 days or so,Im here for business.57 我是来开会的。 I have come for a conference.58 我把护照弄丢了。 I lost my passport.七、乘坐火车59 八次列车每天几点发车?What time does the No.8 train leave every day?60 您

11、要软座硬座,还是软卧硬卧?What do you prefer, cushion seat, ordinaryseat,cushion berth,ordinary berth?61 我要两张软卧床铺.Two berth in the cushion sleeper, please.62 这列火车在我们这站停留多久?How long does this train stay at this station?63 请问乘坐四次列车应该去哪个站台?Which platform is for the No.4 train?64 列车为什么晚点了那么久?What is delaying the tra

12、in so long?65 请帮我把行李放在上面的行李架上?Please help me put my luggage on therack(行李架)?66 你们在火车上有什么纪念品卖吗?Do you sell any souvenir on the train?八、 . 乘坐公交车67 你知不知道2路车隔多久来一次?Do you know how often the No.2 Bus runs?68 这是去图书馆的车吗?Is this the bus to the library?69 我到博物馆要多少钱车费?How much is the fare to the museum?70 你刷卡

13、了吗?Did you swipe your card?71 到站了请叫我一声好吗?Could you tell me where to get off?72 到芝加哥要多长时间?How long will it take to get to Chicago?73 我需要转车吗?Do I have to change buses?74 这有人坐嘛?Is anyone sitting here?75 请坐过去一点。Please move over.76 我们到那,还要坐几站How many more stopsbefore we get there?77我应该在这下车吗?Is this where

14、 I should get off?九、乘坐地铁78 请问这附近有地铁吗?Is there any subway nearby?79 我找不到地铁入口。I cant find the subway entrance.80 坐地铁要花多长时间?How long it will take by subway?81 先生,这是去往中央公园的地铁吗?Sir,is this the right subway to centralpark?82 你坐反了。You are in the opposite direction.83 我该怎样转车呢?How do I change?84 哪个站是换乘站?Whic

15、h is the transfer station?85 到西单还有几站?How many stops are there to Xidan station?86 去图书馆应该走哪个出口?Which exit is for the library?87 这是去环线地铁的换乘站吗?Is this the transfer station for the loop line?十、乘坐出租车88 送我去机场。Take me to the airport.89 请在一小时之内赶到国际机场。Please get to the International Airport within onehour.90 你可不可以帮我把行李放到行李箱里?Could you help me put the luggage inth

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