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1、 I want to post a letter. How can I go to the _?-Go along New Street and turn left _the second turning.A. police station ; from B. bank ; on C. post office ; at D. restaurant ; in-打扰一下,先生!我想寄一封信,我怎样去邮局呢?-沿着新街直走,在第二个转弯处向左转。A项police station意为“警察局”;from为介词“来自于;从.”B项bank为“银行”;on为介词“在上;在时”;C项post office为

2、“邮局”,at为介词“在地;在时”,常用在“小地点”前,如New Street,the first crossing等;D项restaurant“饭店”,介词in表示“在里;在时”,通常用在“大地点”前,如Beijing, Moscow等。分析语境可知提问者要去寄信,且the second turning为小地点,故选C项。-There are nine _students and ninety _teachers in our school.-What a big school!A. hundreds ; women B. hundred ; women C. hundred ; woman

3、 D. hundreds ; woman【答案】B-在我们学校有900名学生和90名女老师。-多么大的一个学校啊!选项中的hundred表示“百,一百”,与基数词连用时,其不可加s;woman为可数名词“妇女”,其复数形式是women,单复数都可以作定语修饰名词,如a woman teacher“一位女老师”,需注意的是:如果表示性别的词修饰名词复数时,其本身也要变成复数形式,如four women teachers“四名女老师”,结合语境可知应选B项。-What does Anna look like?-_.She looks the same as her mother!A. Shes k

4、ind B. She likes swimming C. Shes a student D. She has a long nose【答案】D-Anna长什么样子?-她有长长的鼻子。她和她妈妈长得一样!A她很善良;B她喜欢游泳;C她是个学生;D她有着长长的鼻子。结合语境,故应选D项。-I think it is good to get to school by bus.-But I think _from you. I think the best way is walking . Its good exercise.A. early B. really C. happily D. diffe

5、rently-我认为坐公交车上学是好的。-但是我和你想的不同。我认为最好的方式是步行,它是一项很好的锻炼。A早的;早;B真正地;C开心地;D不同地。四个选项均是副词,结合语境可知应选D项,differently在句中修饰动词think。She _the teacher carefully, but she didnt_clearly.A. hears ; listen to B. listen to ; hear C. hears ; listened to D. listens to ; hear她认真听老师讲课,但是她没听清。选项中hear意为“听到”,强调听的结果;listen to为“

6、听”,指听得过程。由于本句主语为单三形式,结合语境,第一空应填listens to;第二空置于助动词后,应使用动词原形形式,结合语境,应填hear,故答案为D。-The weather is very nice. Would you like _with me? -_.A. to go fishing ; Yes, Id love to B. going fishing ; Yes, pleaseC. to go fishing ;d love D. go fishing ;d like to-天气非常好。你想去和我钓鱼吗?-是的,我愿意去。选项中go fishing为固定短语“去钓鱼”;Ye

7、s, Id love to.和Yes, Id like to. 表示“是的,我愿意”,用于接受对方的邀请。Yes, please.用于接受对方向你主动提供的服务。本题考查句式:Would you like to do sth. “你愿意做某事吗?”,故排除B、D项,C项第二空表达有误,故选A项。-Tom, could you help me _the tent?-With pleasure.A. put off B. put on C. put up D. put into-Tom,请问你能帮我搭帐篷吗?-乐意效劳。A推迟;B穿上;增加体重;C张贴、搭建;D把放进。根据语境可知应选C项。Wre

8、stling Competition,an Indian movie, is so _that many people are _in it.A. interesting ; interesting B. interesting ; interestedC. interested ; interesting D. interested ;印度电影摔跤吧!爸爸时如此有趣以至于很多人都对它感兴趣。选项中interesting为形容词“有趣的”,其主语是物;interested为形容词“感兴趣的”,其主语是人。本题考查固定句式sothat“如此以至于”和固定短语be interested in“对.

9、感兴趣”。结合语境可知第一空说的是电影有趣,故填interesting,第二空说的是人们对电影产生兴趣,故填interested,所以答案选B。完型填空One day, an old woman wanted to go to London to see her daughterThe old woman missed _daughter very much, so she got up early and got to the small station at nine oclock_the morning This was her first trip to London, so she

10、didnt _the train timeShe_about the train. At that moment(时刻),she saw a boy_around near herQuickly she stopped him and asked him what time the train would arrive at the station and when it would leave for LondonThe boy looked at the woman for a while and said “tu , tu, tu, tu, tu”,just _ firing a gun

11、(放枪)Then he_ awayThe old woman was very _and got angryShe didnt know why the boy said in that way. She sat on a chair and thought about the _wordsThen she began to smileShe could not help(禁不住)crying out,“_clever boy! He told me the time in such(这样的)a way”Do you know the time?【1】A. she B. shes C. her

12、 D. hers【2】A. at B. in C. on D. of【3】A. know B. knew C. knows D. knowing【4】A. worry B. worried C. worrying D. worries【5】A. walk B. to walk C. walked D. walking【6】A. as B. like C. likes D. liked【7】A. run B. runs C. ran D. running【8】A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprises【9】A. boy B. boys

13、C. boys D. boys【10】A. What a B. How C. What D. How a【答案】【1】 C【2】 B【3】 A【4】 B【5】 D【6】 B【7】 C【8】 B【9】 D【10】 A本文讲述了一位老妇人第一次去伦敦,在车站不知道火车的时间。故她询问了一个周边的男孩,男孩答了一句“tu , tu, tu, tu, tu”便跑开了,这使这位妇女有些惊讶和生气。她坐下来仔细思考男孩说的话才反应过来,原来男孩说的是“two to two”,即1:58,于是老妇人笑了起来。【1】句意:老妇人非常想念她的女儿。A主格“她”;B“她是”,是She is的缩写;C她的,是形容词

14、性物主代词;D她的,是名词性物主代词。此空作定语修饰daughter,故应选形容词性物主代词,故选C。【2】句意:所以她早早起床,在早上9点到达了小车站。A在时;常加时间点;B在时;常加在月份、季节、年份和表示早上、下午、晚上的名词前;C在时;通常用在具体的某一天或某几天前;D的,表示所属关系。本题考查固定短语in the morning“在早上”,故答案应选B项。【3】句意:这是她第一次伦敦之行,所以她不知道火车的时间。选项分别是动词know“知道”的原形、过去式、单三形式、现在分词形式。本空置于助动词后,故应使用原形形式,故选A。【4】句意:她很烦恼火车。选项分别是动词worry“担忧、烦

15、恼”的原形、过去式或过去分词、现在分词、单三形式。上下文语境均使用一般过去时态,故此处也应使用一般过去时,故选B。【5】句意:他看到一个男孩在她周围走动。选项中walk为实义动词“走路,步行”。分析题干可知本题考查固定短语see sb. doing“看见某人正在做某事”,故应选D项。【6】句意:男孩看了一会儿这位妇女并说“tu , tu, tu, tu, tu”, 就像打枪一样。A作为;B像、喜欢;C动词like的单三形式;D动词like的过去式和过去分词形式。根据语境可知本空应填介词like“像”。【7】句意:然后他就跑掉了。选项中run为实义动词“跑”,根据语境可知本文主要使用一般过去时态

16、,故将run变为过去式形式,故选C。【8】句意:老妇人非常惊讶并且生气了。A项为名词“惊讶、惊喜”;B项为形容词“感到惊讶的”,主语是人;C项为“使人惊讶的”,主语是物;D项为surprise的复数形式,表示令人惊讶的事情。本句主语为the old woman,结合语境她对男孩的举动感到惊讶,故选B。【9】句意:她坐在椅子上思考着男孩的话。选项中boy为名词“男孩”A项为单数形式;B为复数形式;C为复数boys的所有格形式;D为单数boy的所有格形式。根据语境可知老妇人想着刚刚那个男孩说的话,本空作定语修饰words,故应选单数boy的所有格形式,故选C。【10】句意:多么聪明的一个孩子!分析

17、题干可知本题考查感叹句。感叹句句型有(1)What+(a/an)+adj.+名词+(主谓)。(2)How+adj./adv.+(主谓)!分析题干可知,本句句中clever为形容词“聪明的”,boy为名词“男孩”,句中省略了主语和谓语,应使用What引导的感叹句,故应选A项。When I had something difficult to do, I always asked my mother for help. But she always said,“Do it _,dear.” I would get so angry and I _ she was the laziest mothe

18、r in the world!For example,one day, I wanted to ask some friends to my home. My bedroom was very _. Books were everywhere. And I didnt make the bed. I asked my _to help me clean it. But she said seriously,“Do it yourself,girl.” Because of my “lazy mother”,I have to _ my clothes and clean my room. I

19、have to help my parents _. I even have to go to the doctor without my parents. It is hard to do everything well by myself,_I learned a lot. As time goes by, I _ my mother. Its her “laziness” that makes me clever and hard working. Just as my mother always says, “A lady cant be lazy, or shell be crazy

20、. _ can make you sunny!” I have a great mother! Dont you think so? I think she is the best _ in my life.【1】A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself【2】A. said B. made C. thought D. saw【3】A. lovely B. fun C. clean D. dirty【4】A. father B. brother C. mother D. sister【5】A. wash B. buy C. sell D. cut【6

21、】A. go boating B. do housework C. go camping D. do homework【7】A. and B. or C. but D. because【8】A. ask B. need C. want D. understand【9】A. Play B. Work C. Speak D. Sleep【10】A. teacher B. classmate C. aunt D. cousin【1】 B【2】 C【3】 D【4】 C【5】 A【8】 D【9】 B本文讲述了作者的母亲让他自己做自己的事情而从来不帮他做任何事,之前作者不理解,认为他的妈妈是世界上最懒的妈

22、妈。随着时间流逝,他逐渐理解了母亲的用心良苦,妈妈的目的是使他成为一个上进、阳光的人。但是她总是说“亲爱的,你自己做”。A我自己;B你自己;C他自己;D她自己。根据语境可判断是妈妈对作者说的话,故选B。我会变得如此生气并且我认为她是世界上最懒的妈妈。A说;B使;制作;C想、认为;D看见。根据语境可知是作者认为母亲最懒,故选C。我的卧室非常脏乱。A可爱的;B有趣的;C干净的;D脏乱的。根据后文Books were everywhere.可知我的房间很乱,故选D。我让我的妈妈来帮助我打扫它。A爸爸;B哥哥或弟弟;C妈妈;D姐姐或妹妹。根据But she said seriously,“Do it

23、yourself,girl.” 语境可知作者想让妈妈帮助打扫房间, 故选C。我不得不洗我的衣服并打扫我的房间。A洗;B买;C卖;D剪切。根据语境可知妈妈没有帮助我,故我自己洗衣服并打扫房间,wash clothes为固定短语“洗衣服”,故答案选A。我不得不帮我的父母做家务。A去划船;B做家务;C去露营;D做家庭作业。根据语境及选项可知我不得不帮父母做家务,故选B。自己做好每件事很难,但是我学到了很多。A并且;B或者;C但是;D因为。根据语境可知此处表示转折含义,故选C。随着时间的流逝,我理解了我的妈妈。A询问;B需要;C想要;D理解。根据后文Its her “laziness” that ma

24、kes me clever and hard working.可知我理解的妈妈不帮我做事情的原因,故应选D。工作能够使你变得阳光。A玩;B工作;C说话;D睡觉。根据语境理解可知自己做自己该做的事,能够使一个人变得阳光,故选B.我认为她是我生命中最好的老师。A老师;B同学;C姑姑、阿姨;D表弟、表姐等。根据语境可知妈妈教会了我自己的事情自己做,故是我最好的老师,故选A。阅读理解This year,bicycle-sharing(共享单车)comes into peoples lives. It becomes more and more popular in China. Do you know

25、 how to use the bicycle-sharing?Download and register(下载注册)You should download an APP from the Internet.Use your telephone number to register an account(账户).Then you should pay some money before you use it to make sure you follow the rules about bike safety. If you break the rules, your money will b

26、e taken away.You need to offer(提供) your real name and telephone number.Unlock(开锁)the bikeUse your app to scan the two-dimension code(扫二维码)on the bike you find.You unlock the bike successfully, then you can ride this bicycle.After your bicyclingYou must lock the bicycle.After finishing locking, you s

27、hould pay for it hourly. The money will be taken out from your account.You may have the chance to use the bicycle for free sometimes.【1】People used the bicycle-sharing many years ago in China.【2】Before you use the bicycle-sharing, you have to download and register.【3】You can always use the bicycle-sharing without paying.【4】According to this passage, you can unlock the bike by scanning the two-dimension code.【5】After your bicycling, you can put the bicycle anywhere unlocked.【2】 A【3】 B【4】 A【5】 B本

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