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1、 平民是个拥有自己的土地的平民。He had two sons, John and William.他有两个儿子,John和William。-Malcolm: I told you to stay. stay: 呆,停留我叫你待在家里。-William: Well, I finished my work. finish: 完成,结束我干完活了。Where are we going?我们去哪里? MacAndrews. He was supposed to visit when the gathering was supposed to: 被认为,应该 supposed: 假定,

2、料想,应该 gathering: 集会去MacAndrew家。聚会一结束他们就应该来了。 Can I come?我能去吗? No, go home, boy.不行,回家去,孩子。But I want to go.可我想去。 Go home or youll feel the back of my hand.回家去,要不我就揍你了。-John: Go you home, William.回家去,William。 MacAndrews! Holy Jesus! holy: 神圣的,圣洁的MacAndrew!圣主啊! Aah!啊! Its all right! William! 好了,没事了!Wil

3、liam!William! William, its all right. William!William,好了,没事了。Its all right. Easy, lad. lad: 男孩,小伙子没事了。镇静点,孩子。-Dead Page Boy: William.William。 Uhh! And I say we hit back now! hit: 打击,袭击我们应该以牙还牙!-MacClannough: We cannot fight them!s suicide! suicide: 自杀性的,自杀我们不能这么做!这简直就是去自杀!-Campbell: Wallace is right

4、! We fight them!Wallace说的对!打吧! Every nobleman who had a will to fight was at that meeting. nobleman: 贵族,君子 will: 意志,决心所有主战的贵族都在这次会议上死了。We cannot beat an army. Not with 50 farmers. beat: 打败 army: 军队 farmer: 农民我们无法对付一支军队,在只有50个农民的情况下。 We do not have to beat them, just fight them.我们不一定要打败他们,只要和他们战斗。Now

5、, whos with me?现在,谁跟我去?-Campbell (and others): I am, Wallace.我去,Wallace。 All right, all right.好吧,好吧。 Ready. ready: 准备好的好。 Where do you think youre going? think: 想,认为William,你想去哪儿?. Im going with you.跟着你。 Ah, youre going with me, are you? And what are you going to do?你想和我在一起,是吗?你想干什么?m going to help.

6、我要去帮你。 Hey, and a good help youd be, too.嘿,你会成为好帮手的。But I need you to stay here,and look after the place for me while Im away. need: 需要 look after: 照顾但是我要你留在这儿,在我不在的时候照看好这地方。 I can fight.我能打仗。 I know. I know you can fight.我知道。我知道你能打仗。But its our wits that make us men. wit: 才智不过,真正的男子汉还要会用脑子。See you

7、tomorrow.我会回来看你的。 Ha! Hiya!哈!-Hamish: English!英国人。 Get down!低下头! With your father and brother gone, theyll kill us and burn the farm. kill: 杀死 burn: 焚烧,烧毁你爸爸和哥哥都走了,他们会杀了我们,烧掉农场。s up to us, Hamish.( 就得靠我们了,Hamish。)-Boys: Ahhhh!啊啊啊啊! Nah.哈!吼! Da?爸爸? William. Come here, lad.William。过来,孩子。-Priest: Amen.

8、阿门。-Everyone:-Argyle: William. Im your uncle Argyle. (William,我是你叔叔Argyle。You have the look of your mother.你长得象你妈妈。Well stay here tonight.我们今晚就在这儿过夜。Tomorrow youll come home with me.明天你和我一起回家去。 I dont want to leave.我不想走。 You didnt want your father to die either, did you? die: 死去,死亡 either: 也你也不希望你父亲

9、死,是不是?But it happened. happen: 发生可这是事实。Did the priest give a poetic benediction? The Lord bless thee and keep thee?priest: 神父 poetic: 理想化了的 benediction: 祝福 Lord: 上帝 bless: 保佑,祝福thee: 古你神父不是祷告了吗?上帝保佑你,卫护你? It was in Latin.是用拉丁语说的。 You dont speak Latin? speak: 说,讲话你会说拉丁语?Well, thats something we shall

10、 have to remedy, isnt it? remedy: 治疗,补救这是我们需要补习的东西,对吗?-Argyle&William: The Lord blesses thee and keep thee. 主保佑你,卫护你。The Lord caused His light to shine on thee.cause: 使,引起 light: 光亮,光 shine: 照耀,显耀主使你沐浴阳光。The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee,and give thee peace. lift up: 举起 countenance: 面容 peac

11、e: 和平主向你仰脸,赐你平安。Amen.阿门。-Dead Malcolm: Your heart is free. heart: 心灵 free: 自由的你的心是自由的。Have the courage to follow it. courage: 勇气 follow: 跟随,遵循要有勇气追求自由。 What are they doing?他们在干什么? Saying good-bye in their own way.在用自己的方式道别Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes. outlaw: 歹徒,亡命之徒 tune: 曲子pipe:管乐器奏着亡命

12、曲调,吹着亡命萧。It was the same for me and your daddy when our father was killed.你祖父被害的时候我和你爸爸也是这么做的。First, learn to use.this. learn: 学习,学会 use: 用,使用,利用首先,要学会用这儿。Then Ill teach you to use.this.然后我再教你用这个。-Narrator: Many years later, Edward the Longshanks, King of England, supervised the wedding of his eldes

13、t son, who would succeed him to the throne.supervise: 监督,管理,指导 wedding: 婚礼 eldest: 最年长的succeed: 继承多年以后,英国国王,长腿爱德华,为他的大儿子,王位继承人操办了婚礼。-Prince: As bride for his son, Longshanks had chosen the daughter of his rival, the king of France.bride: 新娘 choose: 选择,挑选 rival: 敌人 France: 法国至于新娘,长腿选择了他的对手,法国国王的女儿。It

14、 was widely whispered that for the princess to conceive, Longshanks would have to do the honors himself.widely: 广泛地 whisper: 低语,耳语 conceive: 怀孕 do the honors: 尽地主之谊人们四处传说,如果想让王妃怀孕,长腿就必须亲自出马才行。That may have been what he had in mind all along. mind: 理智,精神也许那是他心存许久的邪念。-Longshanks: Scotland. my land.苏格兰

15、我的领地。The French will grovel to anyone with strength, grovel: 匍匐 strength: 力量,力气而法国也会对强国俯首称臣的,But how will they believe our strength when we cannot rule the whole of our own island? believe: 相信,信任 rule: 统治 island: 岛屿可是如果我们不能统治全岛,他们怎么会认为我们强大呢?Where is my son?我的儿子呢?-Isabella: Your pardon, my lord.He as

16、ked me to come in his stead. pardon: 原谅,赦免,宽恕 stead: 代替对不起,陛下。他让我替他来。 I sent for him, and he sends you. send for: 派人去请,召唤我让他来,他却让你来。 Shall I leave, my lord? leave: 离开我可以走了吗,陛下? If he wants his queen to rule when I am gone, then, by all means, stay and learn how. Please.queen: 女王 by all means: 采取一切手段

17、 means: 手段,方法如果他想在我死后让他的王后掌权的话,那你就留下来好好学吧,请。Nobles. Nobles are the key to the door of Scotland. noble: 贵族,高尚的 key: 钥匙,关键贵族,贵族是统治苏格兰的关键。Grant our nobles lands in the north. grant: 拨款,授予把北方的土地分给我们的贵族,Give their nobles estates here in England, and make them too greedy to oppose土地,住宅区,地产,庄园 g

18、reedy: 贪婪的 oppose: 反抗把英格兰这边的土地分给他们的贵族,让他们变的贪得无厌,无心反抗我们。-Advisor: But, sire, our nobles will be reluctant to uproot. sire: 陛下 reluctant: 不情愿的 uproot: 连根拔起可是陛下,我们的贵族不会愿意搬家。New lands mean new taxes, and theyre already taxed for the war in France. tax: 税收,税 already: 已经 war: 战争搬到新土地就要再交税,他们已经为对法国的战争付过税了。

19、 Are they?是吗?The trouble with Scotland is that its full of Scots. trouble: 麻烦,问题苏格兰之所以麻烦,就是因为人太多了。Perhaps the time has come to reinstitute an old custom. perhaps: 或许,可能 reinstitute: 重新建立 custom: 习惯,风俗也许是时候恢复我们过去的老传统了。Grant them prima noctes: First night. prima: 第一的 nocte: 夜间,夜晚授予贵族们享受初夜权。When any co

20、mmon girl inhabiting their lands is married, common: 通常的,平民 inhabit: 居住于 married: 结婚的领地内任何民女结婚的时候,Our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding. sexual: 性的,性方面的 right: 权利他们都有权在她新婚之夜与其过夜。If we cant get them out, well breed them out. breed: 繁殖如果我们不能赶走苏格兰人,我们就让他们变种。That should

21、fetch just the kind of lords we want to Scotland, fetch: 请来初夜权会吸引我们需要的贵族们去苏格兰的,Taxes or no taxes, huh?交不交税,那都无所谓了,对吗?-Adviser: A most excellent idea, sire. excellent: 优秀的,极好的好主意啊,陛下。 Is it? Now in Edinburgh gathered the council of Scottish nobles. gather: 聚集,集合 council: 委员会,商议苏格兰的贵族会议现在正在爱丁堡举行。Among

22、 these was Robert the 17th earl of Bruce, earl: 伯爵其中有第17代Bruce的伯爵Robert,The leading contender for the crown of Scotland. leading: 领导的,主要的 contender: 竞争者他是苏格兰王位有力的竞争者之一。-Robert the Bruce: Ah, I hear that Longshanks has granted prima noctes. hear: 听到,听说我听说长腿授予他的贵族们初夜权。-Craig: Clearly meant to draw mor

23、e of his supporters here. clearly: 显然地,明显地 draw: 吸引,拉 supporter: 支持者这显然会吸引更多他的支持者来这里。 My father believes that we must lull Longshanks into our confidencebelieve: 相信,认为 lull: 哄骗 confidence: 信任我父亲认为我们应该既不支持他,也不反对他,By neither supporting his decree nor opposing it. support: 支持,赞成 decree: 法令 以此来博得他的信任。 A

24、 wise plan. wise: 明知的,智慧的 plan: 计划,主意好主意。And how is your father? We missed him at the council. miss: 错过令尊现在怎么样?开会的时候没看见他。 His affairs in France keep him long overdue. affair: 事务,事件 overdue: 迟到的,过期的他在法国公务缠身,还得待很久。But he sends his greetings, greeting: 问候,招呼不过他还是托人来问候我,And he says that I speak for all

25、of the Bruces and for Scotland. speak for: 代表讲话还说我有权代表整个Bruce家族和苏格兰。-Man: Ah, its all over now. over: 结束的,上面的现在都结束了。 Youve dropped your rock. drop: 掉下,落下 rock: 岩石你的石头掉了。 Test of manhood. test: 测试,测验 manhood: 男子气概,成年男子看看你是不是男子汉。 You win. win: 赢得,胜利你赢了。 Ah. Call it a test of soldiery, then. soldiery:

26、士兵,军人那么试试你能不能做士兵。The English wont let us train with weapons, so we train with stones. train: 训练 weapon: 武器 stone: 石头英国人不许我们使用武器,所以我们用石头训练。 The test of a soldier is not in his arm. soldier: 士兵 arm: 手臂,武器,装备能不能做士兵不能光看力气。s here.应该看这儿。 No. Its here不,得看这儿。 Hamish?Hamish? Mm-hmm.嗯哼。 Here you go, son.该你了,孩子。Show him how.

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