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1、1、设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语读写课的教学方案。 教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点: teaching objectives teaching contents key and difficult points major steps and time allocation activities and justifications 教学时间:45分钟 学生概况:某城镇普通中学八年级(初中二年级)学生。班级人数40人。多数已经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)三级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。 语言素材:Dinosaurs Dinosaurs lived on

2、the Earth over sixty million years ago. This was a long time before people existed.Dinosaurs lived everywhere. Some were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some dinosaurs even had wings and could fly. Many dinosaurs were harmless. They were as gentle as sheep and ate plants.

3、Others were harmful. They were fiercer than tigers and ate meat. Dinosaurs all died out suddenly. Nobody knows why. We know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and footprints they left behind.Diogenes Diogenes was a famous thinker. He lived in Greece about two thousand years ago. H

4、e taught that the way to be happy was to own as few things as possible. All he owned was a big jar that he lived in, a coat, a bag and a cup. He was very happy. One day, Diogenes saw a boy drinking water from his hands by a fountain, so he threw away his cup and became even happier.2、设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和

5、语言素材,设计一节英语听说课的教学方案。某城镇普通中学七年级(初中一年级)学生。多数学生已经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)二级水平。 Interviewer: Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. Scott, what time is your radio show? Scott: From twelve oclock at night to six oclot0k in the morning. What time do you usually get up? At eight thirty at n

6、ight. Then I eat breakfast at nine. Thats a funny time for breakfast! Yeah. After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty. When do you go to work? At eleven oclock, so Im never late for work.3、设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和素材,设计一个巧分钟的口语教学活动。 教案没有固定格式,但要包括以下几点:15分钟某城镇普通初一年级第一学期学生。学生人数40人。多数学生已经达到义务教育英语、课程标准(20

7、11年版)二级水平。Dear Jenny, I am very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. Then at 9:00 I have science. It is difficult but interesting. At 10:00 I have history. After that, I have P.E. at 11:00. Its easy and fun. Lunch is from 12:

8、00 to 1 :00, and after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite subject. Our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang, is great fun. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing! How about you? When are your classes? What is your favorite subject? Your friend,

9、Yu Mei 四、教学情境分析题1、下面是一节复习课中师生之间的对话片段。Teacher: What is he doing?Student: He watching TV. He watching TV? No, He is watching TV.根据所给材料从下列三个方面作答:(1)分析该教师的教学目的。(2)分析所采用的纠错方法。 (3)列举至少三个其他纠错方法,并举例说明。2、下面是某教师的课堂教学片段。T: Now please look at this picture. Whats 1t?S: It is a camera. Is it a camera? No, it just

10、 looks like a camera. In fact, its a cake!Ss: Wow Do you think it is interesting? Yes. For me I think its creative and special. Here creative means有创造力的,创新的;andspecial means特殊的,特另,I的.Now please read after me. Creative,creative;special,special(While speaking, the teacher writes the two words on the b

11、lackboard.) Do you like this gift? Well, I like it very much. A special gift is often interesting, popular and creative.请根据所给材料回答下列3个问题。(1)这是课堂教学的哪一个环节?(2)该教师使用了哪些教学手段,分别达到了什么教学目的?(3)根据这一教学片段,教师在课堂互动中应注意哪些问题?31参考解答1、【育萃教育专家解析】C。解析:本题考查副词辨析。devote oneself entirely t。意为“将自己完全投身于”。该句意为“她将自己完全投身于研究当中,正因

12、为如此她在她的领域中赢得了好名声”。2、 【育萃教育专家解析】C。本题考查固定搭配。granted that是一个固定搭配,表示“假定,即使”,what作said的宾语。A项应该是supposing,所以不正确;B,D两项不符合语法要求,故排除。句意为“假设你说的是真的,还有其他的因素需要考虑”。3、【育萃教育专家解析】D。本题考查定语从句。先行词是a man。从句意可以看出是from the man much can be learned,因此所填关系代词应该指人,并且在从句中作from的宾语,因此只能是whom。4、【育萃教育专家解析】D。本题考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语The defen

13、se works(防御工程)是集合名词,当成整体考虑,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。long ag。表示过去的时间,所以用一般过去时态的被动语态。故本题选D。5、【育萃教育专家解析】C。本题考查同位语从句。that引导同位语从句,在从句中不做句子成分,补充说明同位语promise的内容。1、【育萃教育专家解析】 (1)联想记忆法 词汇不是孤立地储存在人的记忆中的,而是联想储存和记忆的。因此,教师要引导学生根据词汇之间的意义关系或单词共现搭配功能,进行联想记忆。如:听到fruit联想到mango, apple, watermelon等,而看到mango联想到yellow等。 (2)构词记忆法 教

14、师可以教给学生记忆英语单词的构词法知识。英语的构词法主要有三种:派生法、合成法和转化法。派生法主要是让学生知道英语单词的前缀和后缀;合成法主要是让学生掌握两个或两个以上的单词可以合成一个新的单词;转化法主要是让学生掌握同一个单词可以在不改变其拼写形式的基础上,由一种词性转化为另一种词性,可以是名词转化为动词、动词转化为名词、形容词转化为动词等。water ( n.水),water ( v.浇水);lift ( v.举起),lift ( n.电梯);last ( adj.持续的),last(v.持续)等。 (3)读音规则记忆法 教师在教单词的时候可以让学生了解字母及字母组合的发音规则,引导学生将

15、单词的音和形结合起来,通过不断练习使学生根据读音写出单词。字母组合ee的读音为/i:/。例如:bee, feel, tree, flee,teeth, seed。教师可引导学生根据读音来拼写单词。 (4)语境记忆法 词汇的语境是指单词在毗邻单词、短语、句子、段落或篇章中所处的环境。语境可以给学生提供目标词语的意思及相关的时间、空间、价值、功能等多种信息。教师可以引导学生利用语境所提供的信息,定位目标词的词性、弄清目标词的搭配,理顺含有目标词的句子与毗邻句子之间的关系,从而掌握目标词语。在句子“The well wells very well.”中,第一个“well”是名词,表示“泉”的意思;第

16、二个“well”是动词,表示“涌出、冒出”的意思;第三个“well”是大家平时熟知的程度副词,表示“很、非常”的意思。而利用这一个句子就可以帮助学生灵活记忆“well”这一单词的多种意思。2、【育萃教育专家解析】 (1)语法练习的形式 机械性练习。这类练习强调语法的准确性,其教学目的是帮助学生通过多次机械操练,准确无误地记忆语法范句,并达到能脱口而出的水平,学生是否真正理解范句并不重要。常见的练习形式有替换操练、转换操练、并句操练等。 意义性练习。这类练习一般是教师提出一些要求,让学生做出回答,答案控制在操练的句型和情境范围之内,是可以预料的。其目的是要求学生通过操练能在一定情景中用英语表意。

17、常见的练习形式有看图片编对话、根据提示翻译句子等。 交际性练习。这类练习是指学生在适当的情景中自由使用所学的语法项目进行交流的活动。它强调以交际为目的的意义输出或理解,师生、生生间的气氛应是和谐的。常见的练习形式有讲故事、情景对话、小组讨论、角色扮演等。 (2)练习举例 机械性练习-替换练习 T: I m trying to find a book in the box. S:m trying to find a book in the box. shelf. Im trying to find a book in the shelf. bed. m trying to find a book

18、 in the bed. 意义性练习-汉译英 我打算在我家乡买套房子。 I want to buy a house in my hometown.3、【育萃教育专家解析】 听力基本技能包括: (1)辨音能力:包括语音辨别、重读辨别、意群辨别等。 (2)交际信息辨别能力:指谈话中新信息指示语、例证指示语、话题中止语、话题转换指示语等。 (3)大意理解能力:包括理解谈话或独白的主题或意图等。 (4)细节理解能力:获取听力中具体信息的能力。 (5)词义猜测能力:借助各种技巧猜测谈话所使用的未知表达方式的能力。 (6)推理判断和预测能力:对说话人的意图、谈话人之间的关系、说话者的情绪态度等的推理判断以

19、及对谈话下文的预测能力。 (7)记笔记的能力:根据听力材料类型和听力要求选择适当的笔记记录形式。 训练方式: (1)培养学生的辨音能力,可以让学生“听并辨别不同的音素”“听后标示重读、节奏、意群”“模仿”等。 (2)培养学生的大意理解能力,可以让学生“听后选择适当的标题”“为听力材料写概要”“进行主题匹配”等。 (3)培养学生的细节理解能力,可以让学生“进行正误判断”“根据听力内容进行句子排序”“回答细节问题”等。 Teaching Contents: Two passages about dinosaurs and Diogenes. Teaching Objectives: (1) Kno

20、wledge objective Students can understand the knowledge about dinosaurs and Diogenes and master the writing skills to describe people and objects. (2) Ability objective After learning the materials, students writing ability on describing a person or one object and reading ability will be well develop

21、ed. (3) Emotional objective Students can get more information about dinosaurs and Diogenes and become more interested in science. Teaching Key and Difficult Point: How to describe people and objects in writing. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up and Lead-in (5 minutes) (1) Greeting. (2) Lead in

22、the topic of dinosaurs and Diogenes by playing a video to students in three minutes. Then ask one student to tell his/her impressions of the video. (Justification: This step can attract students to the lesson.) Step 2 Reading and Listening (7 minutes) (1) Listen to the tape about the dinosaurs. (2)

23、Answer the following questions according to the first passage. Are all the dinosaurs the same size? What are the characteristics of the harmless dinosaurs? And what are about the harmful ones? Why did the dinosaurs die out suddenly? (3) Answer the following questions according to the second passage.

24、 Who was Diogenes? When and where did he live? What did he own? Did he feel happy? And give an example. (4) Listen to the tape about Diogenes. Focus students attention on the main topic of the reading passages. The listening practice makes students have a further understanding of the passages.) Step

25、 3 Pre-writing (5 minutes) (1) How to describe people or objects? (what, who, when, where, why, how)E.g. dinosaurs DiogenesWhat/who When where characteristics (2) Pay attention to the following points when writing: Make clear of the wh-words and present the information in details. Arrange the above

26、information in certain order. Describe people and objects in vivid words and expressions. Write more about the important parts and less of the less important ones to make sure the passage is clearly organized. In this part, the teacher uses the two passages given above to train students analyzing an

27、d summarizing ability. In the process of summarizing the writing skills, students know how to write and what to write.) Step 4 While-writing (20 minutes) (1) Get students to outline the writing. Paragraph 1-introduction of Guy de Maupassant (who, when, how) Paragraph 2-achievements and masterpieces (what, how, why) (2) Som

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