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1、放弃?呵呵,不是我的作风。马上回信告诉客户,我能找,你先把量和目标价痛快的说出来。这客户很乖,又很不乖for your info, we can confirm immediately from 2500 up to 3000m3 board as follows;3.6mm = 200m3 $200this price is FOB + $40 up to $42/m3 freight .这价格太离谱,差距不是一点两点,产品的规格还不大一样,没关系,生意人嘛,谁还不知道讨价还价这点破事儿,我跟你磨.我回复如下:I will check the price tommorrow with shi

2、pping company. and for the FOB price I think it is really difficult for us . but anyway I will try my best to meet your target price. so I will quote you for CFR price tommorrow. Do you know any shipping companies that you are dealing with now? we can contact them.客户给了我他现在用的货代的联系方式,the companies whi

3、ch we are dealing with are thoresen , cosco and hyundai , but unfortunately they refused to load the cargo from south china for that we rely on you to find a suitable shipping company .经过我联系之后,他们压根没兴趣,因为量太少,根本不值得停靠一次我们的港口,怎么办?只能多找,多撒网,靠我的劳动来弥补这个劣势。终于找到三家愿意走货的,但是价格太高,比客户在连云港的高20美金每立方米。对于几千立方米的货物,这是个很

4、大的差距。不管如何先报给客户再说,经过几轮讨价还价,最终客户确认了价格:Re your offer and phone discussion,-We can confirm the following ;3.6 No sanding US$260.00 about 200m3Kindly issue sales contract and send it back.貌似该庆祝了吧?呵呵,definitely no。因为还要跟船公司确认运价和运输方式,包装方式也要考虑。因为包装意味着成本。再向客户要量,作为价码跟船公司谈,但是客户说有些规格由于我们做不了所以量最多只能这样了。3000m3 one

5、shipment is no problem if you can follow our market standard thickness which I explained before 11/14/17/21/24mm .17mm we can get about 800m3 .11mm about 500m3 .so we can easily manage 3000m3 .but if you dont do and we had to follow your thickness it will be according to our yesterday e-mail .hopefu

6、lly you reconsider and revert with positive news to can start new long business relationship我的回复,如下:1)the 9mm sanding board we quoted to you is our best price.and as we are sincecely to run a good business with you .we alaways quoted you our best price to you.also as you know ,our board is with good

7、 quality according to some other suppliers in china.even so .our price is similar as the price of I think our Products is more competitive than others and the board in your current market2)11mm/17mm/ , the thickness above is difficult for us to produce.and the price is higher as we have quot

8、ed to you .if you can accept the price quoted ,so we canproduce for you.3)anyway.I will check the cost again to see if it is possible for 11/14 to reduce some rate for you.4)please re-advice the quantity can be ok for 9mm(ifpossible),12mm,14mm,15mm,16mm,18mm,25mm.客户对量进行了重新规划:Re your below msg,You ha

9、ve two alternatives,A) 3.6 No sanding US$260 about 200m3 if we add 250m3 9mm $240/m3 the total quantity will be = 2250m3B) 3.6 No sanding US$260 about 200m3Total = 3000cbmKindly reconsider and cfm your favorite option鉴于与原来船公司谈判破裂,价格上涨,我的回复如下:1)for 9mm,ok,we drop our profit,USD245.25 per CBM ,we only

10、 want to add this item to have the quantity to negotiate with shipping company,and it is very difficult to negotiate with shipping company with the quantity under 2500.and it is nearly impossible to negotiate under 2000CBM ,please confirm this price and do us a favor.2)as we quoted you the CFR price

11、 based on freight price USD55.00.and this is quoted from a shipping company.but now they increased the freight to be USD68.00.a crazy we must find another shipping company available on price is very hard to confirm the freight with shipping company now.and we have been informed t

12、hat now the freight market is hot due to the chinese exporting and oil we will try our best to reach the freight ,and run our business asap.but if we failed ,please participate the freight with us .and if the freight out of bearing of both of us.we suggest to defer this order when the fr

13、eight acceptable.please comprehend this point:the freight is out of our control.3)about 11/17/21/24mm,we may add0 these thickness in next order,we are considering produce these sizes for you only ,but we must run once business smoothly to persuade our inverstor.4)can you inform me the Melamined or v

14、eneer or laminated paper MDF you want.we can add them into this quantity to make it up客户也很诚恳的回复如下:Ok we will confirm your price for 9mm $245/m3 C&F .But now total quantity still 2250m3 can not be increase to 3000m3 unless you produce even only one thickness 14/17mmother operative to increase this vo

15、lume 3.6mm/5.5/7.5mm to be sanded I/O no sanding so we can increase some volume of this .Freight increasment from 55 to $68 is too much we can increase just$2/m3 .this will be workable for you or nor ?看来这个运费是无法逾越的障碍now ,we have reached a good position in our business.but as we know.the only thing is

16、 the freight. the freight market is increasing now even in lianyungang,and it is out of control for both of us.we have negotiated with many shipping forwarder these days.and got the freight from USD66-75,still in now we suggest proceed our business in two ways first,please increase th

17、efreight to definite USD60.00 per CBM,and we will responsible for the beyondof this price in practice.second,we accept USD57 for freight, but we only burden the risk of fluctuation within USD60.00,but if the freight is out of USD60.00 in will be born by yourside. kindly confirm this poin

18、t and inform me back.then I can send u the contract客户提出了他的解决设想:Actually we cant take the risk of freight fluctuations as it is completely vague for us, so we either buy on C+F basis and we dont interfere in the freight matter at all or you ship the cargo from Lianyungang along with our other cargo.P

19、lease check and revert.开始运用话术对客户动之以情,晓之以理,但是我不得不承认,价格,是一个业务员必须倾力付出才能逾越的障碍,而且也是外贸业务员的天生杀手,多少英雄好汉,在这上面折戟沉沙,价格这把双刃剑,浸淫了多少鲜血多少(做抒情状#¥)thanks for your email .wish everything goes well regarding yourcomments,yes,I do understand and agree with your idea about the freightfluctuations.the risk surely cant be

20、 taken by buyers if in C&F terms.On the other hand,for your information, we have negotiated with over 4forwarders about the freight these days.they informed us that it wont be aeconomical way to ship the goods from Lianyungang port because it is too farfrom our factory.and forwarders also took their

21、 strong will to ship our cargos to yourport.but the freight was still firmly at USD66-68-72 around.they have quotedtheir best price as it is in competition,so I think it must be confirmed atUSD65-66.00 per we want to start a business in your countrys market, myquotation are based on

22、 a next to the cost-line price.we wish our buyercould promote our good MDF at a nice price,so our business can grow upquickly in your competitive market.this is most important thing for afactory like us.,we must carve our way out to survive.Anyway ,In order to proceed our cooperation as soon as poss

23、ible,pleasesupport the freight to be USD 60.00 per CBM,then we bear the other USD 5.00or 6.00 to settle the first shipment as soon as possible.客户看来是被感动的不轻(自作多情ING),也一起来想办法解决问题,很想促成交易,到此时,客户自己也付出了巨大的精力和劳动,没有特殊原因,他会想办法促成交易的:Please be informed that the freight from Lianyungang to Damietta is aboutUSD 4

24、7/CBM and we have regular vessels from there, so we can buy on FOBbasis, so we can start our cooperation together. Please comment if it ispossible to ship from there.但是运费实在是无法谈下来,我开始动包装的心思,把包装去掉。全部人工搬运,这个方法可以减少很多包装成本的。但是客户无法接受,开始改用集装箱试试,把最有优势的产品报给他,其他规格都去掉了:As I told you,if you can accept the shipme

25、nt to be in separate we can divide the freight in 20FCL to be USD60.we also can reduce our packing cost.2)but now the loose packing is not workable for your side,so here I quotedyou the pallet packing price to you. please find the quotation attached and feedback. as I was trying on negotia

26、ting with different shipping company these two months,but it is very very difficult.I was friend. so I quote you now in 20FT container ,which can be shipped at any time.please tell me your comments. please note that the qutation is based on at least 5*20FCL .客户最终提高了他的目标价格,进入了最后final battle r

27、ound。哈哈:Our best price will be as follows;3.6mm = $2655/5.5/6 = $2577.5mm = $255hope you can cfm by return我告诉他我们的最低限度but please kindly be informed that I really has done my all efforts to reduce the cost. as I really want to open the door for both of us.hoping to run a good relationship. so please k

28、indly confirm the price I quote you yesterday but with USD1.00 lower per CBM as I will pay the USD1.00 personally in order to proceed this order.Here I list as follows:3.6mm: USD 270.005mm:USD 256.56mm:USD 258.00please confirm by feedback with other details : payment and delivery time其实我的目标就是其中一个规格,

29、一直在谈所有规格,是避开谈一个规格的焦点效应,太焦点了客户肯定死咬不放,全部一起放出来,必然有一个可以让我给抓住,在后来我让客户先买四个柜子5mm规格的好了,结果客户回复如下:You can make the proforma for 10 containers 5 MM all. The price should beUSD 257/CBM and please make the rounding of the quantity upto 4 digits inall our documents.哈哈,至此第一笔订单敲定,过了没几天客户便30%TT打过来了。总结,事实上客户的目标价格大部分都


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