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1、 They are taking the suitcases downstairs. A) already already B) already just C) yet.already D) yet just 答案:D。解析:yet 用在否定句和疑问句中。 already, just用在肯定句中,但already表示已经, just 表示刚好。句意:他们刚好收拾好行李,并提着他们下楼。 Have you _ seen a dragon-boat race? No, Ive _seen a dragon boat race. I hope I will go to see it while Im

2、 in China.A) ever ever B) ever never C) never never D) neverever答案:B。ever 用在疑问句中。 never表否定。3) A: _your younger brother _ a foreign language before? Yes, he has. He _ German last year.A) Have studied studied B) Has studied studiedC) Did study has studied D) Did study have studied现在完成时与 before时间状语连用。l

3、ast year 表明该句应用过去时。4) Ive _ seen a _ concert.A) never more wonderful B) never the most wonderfulC) ever more wonderful D) ever the most wonderfulA。现在完成时never+比较级。她从未看过比这更精彩的音乐会。表示持续到现在的动作或状态, 常与since, for, how long 等表示一段时间的状语连用。a) A: How long have you learned English? A: 到目前为止你学英语有多久了? Since I was i

4、n Grade One / Since 1997 / Since 8 years ago / For 8 years.自从我上一年级以来。/ 自从1997年以来。/ 自从8年前以来。/到目前已有8年了。 (since后接句子,或时间点;for 后接时间段。)b) A: How long have you been like this? 你像这样有多久了? Since this morning. 自从今天早上以来。用since for how long 填空: _ have you waited here? _ half past eight.How long (多久), Since(接时间点)

5、。 _ when have you lived in Los Angeles? _ we emigrated (移居)from China. 答案:Since(接时间点, since when 相当于how long), Since后接句子。3) They have owned that business _ eight months.for (后接时间段)。4) I havent felt very well _ a week ago.since(接时间点)。(二) 现在完成时和一般过去时区别1. A: Have you had your lunch yet? B: Yes, I have.

6、 现在完成时强调该行为对现在造成的结果和影响。上述答句隐含着“不饿”的意思。 When did you have it ? At about twelve. Where did you have it? At school.一般过去时强调过去的事实,如:时间、地点、原因或方式。2. He has lived abroad for many years. 他在国外生活了很多年。(他现在在国外) 现在完成时强调该行为或状态持续至今。 He lived abroad for many years.(他已不在国外) 一般过去时强调过去的行为或状态不涉及现在。用所给动词的适当形式填空: Who _ (t

7、ake ) away my umbrella? I cant find it now. Oh, Sally _ (take ) it away just now.has taken。强调对现在造成结果和影响:我找不到伞了。 took。 just now 刚才, 用于过去时,不同于just。2) I _ ( learn ) a lot from the farmers. I still remember the days when I was with them. I _ ( learn) a lot from the farmers while I was on the farm.have l

8、earned。我仍记得那些与农民在一起的日子。 learned。 强调当时在农场时, 我学到了许多。3) My uncle _ (live ) in Vancouver for twenty years. Now he lives in Shanghai and has a business of his own.lived。根据句意他已不在温哥华生活。4) My uncle _ ( live ) in Vancouver for twenty years. He often calls back to say hello to us.has lived。根据句意他还在温哥华生活。(三) 现在

9、完成时在上下文中的使用1) 完成时与现在时 You look very tired. 你看上去很累。 Yes, Ive walked many miles today because Im told that walking is the best exercise. 是的,我今天走了好几里地因为我听说走路是最好的锻炼。2) 完成时和过去时 Have you bought steak yet? 你买牛肉了吗? Yes, Ive already done so. 早买好了。 Where did you buy it ? 你在哪儿买的? In the supermarket. The steak

10、there is always fresh.在超市买的 那里的牛肉很新鲜。3) 完成时和现在进行时 Have you finished writing your report yet? 你写完报告了吗? Not, yet. Its really hard work, so Im still working on it. 还没呢。 这是一项艰巨的任务。我还在写呢。 4) 完成时和将来时 Have you been to the Egyptian Mummy Exhibition in Zhong Shan Park? 你去过中山公园的木乃伊展吗? No, I havent. 没去过。 Neith

11、er have I. Ill visit it this weekend. Would you like to go with me? 我也没去过。这周末我将去参观。你愿意和我一块去吗? Of course. That must be fun. 当然。那一定很有趣。 _ you _ ( check) your passport yet? No, I _ (check) it later.have checked, will check。 _ Your mother _ ( call ) the travel agency yet? yes, she _( already do ) so. Wh

12、y _ she _ ( call ) the travel agency? Because she _(want) to get more information about traveling to France.Has checked, has already done, wanted。 What _ you _ (do) now? I _ ( play ) video games. You _ ( play ) video games since this morning. Stop it ! When _ you _ ( go ) over your lessons? Sorry, m

13、um. I _ ( do ) my homework at once.are doing, are playing, have played , will go, will do。4) A: You _ ( look) upset. Whats the matter? I_ (lose ) my wallet. I cant find it. Dont worry. Let me help you look for it.look, have lost。(四)动词意义对现在完成时的影响 1. 历时短暂的动词不与表示一段时间的状语连用,一般用相应的持续动词替代。1) He has been in

14、 the Volleyball Club since one month ago. (代替join ) 一个月前以来他已加入了排球队。2)She has stayed here for three hours. (代替come ) 她在这儿已呆了三个小时。3) 短暂动词与相应的持续动词 join ( the Young Pioneer/ be in ( the Young Pioneer /the Youth Leaguethe Youth League/ the Party ) the Youth League/ the Party) be a Young Pioneer/ League m

15、ember/ Party member come (here / back ) be ( here / back ) go (there / to China ) be (there / in China ) leave (Shanghai ) be away from (Shanghai ) fall (asleep / ill ) be (asleep / ill) die be dead begin be on finish / end be over borrow keep buy have / own 类比训练: 改写下列句子: 1) The film began half an h

16、our ago. The film _ _ _ _ half an hour.has been on , for。 2) The manager arrived here a few minutes ago. The manager _ _ here _ a few minutes ago.has been, since。 3) I began to learn English when I was in Grade One. I _ _ English _ I was in Grade One.have learned, since。 4)Li Ping caught a cold the

17、day before yesterday. Li Ping _ _ a cold since the day before yesterday.has had。 5) My classmate became an astronaut when he left school. My classmate _ _ an astronaut since he left school.has been。 6) Comrade Lei Feng died in 1963. He _ _ _ for 42 yearshas been dead。. 7)The meeting ended a few minu

18、tes ago. It _ _ _ for a few minutes.has been over。 2. 短暂动词的否定形式可与since, for连用 1) He hasnt come back since he left China. 自从他离开中国以来,他从未回来过。 2) They havent borrowed books for two months. 他们已有两个月未借书了。 中译英1) 我们几年没见面了。We havent met each other for several years.2) 开学以来我们没去过公园。We havent gone to the park si

19、nce school began. (五) have gone to, have been to 和 have been in 1. My father has gone to Beijing. (“去了” 。He isnt here.)2. My father has been to Beijing many times. ( “去过” 。Hes here. )3. My father has been in Beijing for quite a few days. (“在北京好几天” 。 表示持续的状态)4. He has been there twice.( = He has been

20、 to a place twice.) He has been here for two days. ( =He has been in a place for two days.) 用 have gone to, have been to 和 have been in 填空:1 Barbara and Tracy _ Tokyo for a holiday. Now they are back in China. They _ there twice.have been to , have been。句意: 巴巴拉和翠希去过东京度假。现在他们已回到中国。她们到那儿去过两次。2 Mr. He

21、_ the dentists. Unfortunately, he wont be back until 12 oclock because there are too many patients there. He _ the dentists for two hours. Next time hed better make an appointment in advance.has gone to, has been in。何先生到牙医那儿去了。不幸是他要到中午12点才能回来。他已经在牙医诊所呆了两小时。下一次,他最好是事先约好。(六) 过去完成时的用法1. 表示过去之前发生的动作 (即过

22、去的过去)1) By noon, we had walked about twenty miles. 到中午时, 我们已走了20 英里。(由by引起的时间状语)2) By the time Mike left, William had spoke to him. 到迈克离开为止, 威廉姆斯已跟他谈过话。(由by引起的时间状语从句)3) It had returned in the darkness when the citizens celebrated inside. 当特洛伊市民在城内热烈庆贺时,军队早已在黑暗中返回。(由when 引起的时间状语从句, 先发生动作用用过去完成时, 迟发生的

23、动作用一般过去时)4) Before he left the United States, he acted / had acted in several TV programme. 在他离开美国之前,他参与多部电视节目的表演。5) After She had moved/ moved to Hong Kong, she became very popular. 在她搬至香港之后, 她变得受欢迎。 (有before, after 时间状语从句, 先发生的动作用过去完成时, 迟发生的动作用一般过去时。也可都用一般过去时,因为before, after 已表明动作的先后。6) The teache

24、r asked students if they had finished reading the novel. 那位教师问学生他们是否读完那本小说。 (在宾语从句中过去完成时表明从句中的动作had finished先于主句中的动作asked)2. 表示持续到过去某一时间的动作或状态1) Up till then they had waited at the bus stop for about half an hour. 到那时为止,他们已在车站等了半小时。2) She told me that they had been friends since they met at school.

25、她告诉我自从她们在学校认识以来,他们一直是好朋友。 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. I dropped my credit card. I _ ( just use ) it in the shop答案 had just used。2. When we got to the bank at ten oclock, the manager told us the men _ (already rob) the bank.had already robbed。3. Before she sat down to eat, she _ ( cook ) dinner.had cooked / cook

26、ed 。4. She _ ( stay) in Rome for a few months, so she knew how to cook Italian food.had stayed。5. I wondered what she _ ( do) recently in America.had done。6. We _ ( arrive ) by the time it started raining.had arrived。(七)过去完成时和现在完成时的区别 1. He has broken two world records since last year. 从去年到现在,他打破了两项世界记录。 (从去年到现在,用现在完成时) 2. He had broken two world re

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