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1、Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, University of IlorinP. M. B. 1515, Ilorin, Kwara State, NigeriaBamiduro, Joseph AdefemiAbstractMarketing mix practice is increasingly been adopted in virtually all the sectors of the economy. Marketing mix practice has been a major determinant of any organiza

2、tions short run and long run success and differential advantage in any marketing environment. The need for marketing practice by entrepreneur cannot be over emphasized. Marketing mix practice is particularly important in entrepreneurial business in Nigeria today because of the volatility, highly com

3、petitive and the turbulent nature of the Nigerian marketing environment.Therefore, the paper attempts to use marketing mix variables as a means of enhancing entrepreneurial business performance. It suggested that adoption of marketing mix by entrepreneur will enable them to have competitive advantag

4、e and will serve as a panacea to the problems encountered in the marketing of their entrepreneurial business.Keywords: Marketing, Marketing mix, Entrepreneurial, Business and Performance1. IntroductionThe evolution of different marketing practices with different produces and increased rate of compet

5、ition brings about the need to develop marketing approach, which will serve as a platform for development and survival of the entrepreneurial business in both the short and long run. The stakeholders in entrepreneurial business must plan effectively and efficiently to ensure the steady growth of the

6、ir business in the face of the depression being faced in developing countries such as Nigeria. Marketing affects the success of entrepreneurial ventures, and entrepreneurial approaches affect the success of marketing efforts, it would seem vital for marketers to understand entrepreneurship. Views of

7、 marketing as a dynamic, socially embedded process can be linked with complexity theory. Of the 12 main schools of marketing thought (Sheth et al., 1988), the two most influential are the managerial and the exchange schools. In combination, they make up a common definition of marketing management th

8、e process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of goods, ideas and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals (Kotler, 2000). This definition could restrict attention to exchanges as one-off transactions that do not influenc

9、e other, later transactions. However, an exchange can be embedded in a series of exchanges within an ongoing relationship over time. This view of marketing emphasises the social embbeddedness of the parties involved in exchanges (Brownlie et al., 1999; Granovetter, 1985) and recognises that marketin

10、g is about interrelated transactions rather than a one-off transaction. That is, the effective marketing of a post modern era is to not accept and exploit consumers in their contemporary individualisations . Rather the future of marketing is in offering a renewed sense of community (Brownlie et al.,

11、 1999, p. 62). This sense of community means that markets consist of sticky, dynamic interactions among the individual parts of a system, that is, transactions are contingent on one another, with earlier exchanges having a tendency to influence later ones.The interface between marketing and entrepre

12、neurship has received considerable attention in recent years (Gardner 1991, Hills 1991). It has been the subject of numerous symposia, research tracks and special sessions at international conferences, published articles and special issues of major journals. Further, the American Marketing Associati

13、on has established an official interest group devoted to exploring the interface, while the publication of a journal whose sole editorial focus is marketing and entrepreneurship has been announced. Marketing is uniquely equipped and indeed should feel uniquely responsible for analyzing environmental

14、 evolution and translating its observations into recommendations for the redesign of the corporate resource base and its product-market portfolio. In this view, marketing is a boundary function in organizations, and must be both opportunity-driven and flexible in order to address turbulence in the e

15、xternal environment (Murray 1981). The objective of this paper is to explore the marketing mix practice as a determinant of entrepreneurship business performance.2. Literature ReviewThe marketing practice has a way of life must be suitable and practicable and addressing the need of the entrepreneuri

16、al business now and in the nearest future in Nigeria. This strategy follows a pattern as the owner of entrepreneurial business deems it fit. Hence, the entrepreneurial business owners are saddled with the responsibility of seeing their plan working effectively. Obviously it has been observed that mo

17、st entrepreneurial business owners do not operate with any marketing practices, those few ones that have knowledge about marketing practice do not follow them properly and for any entrepreneurial business to be successful there is need to have good marketing practice.The role of marketing in the ent

18、repreneurial process in general has become part of the research agenda investigating commonalties between marketing and entrepreneurship (Hill and Laforge, 1992; Carson et al., 1995). However, both strands of the literature have limitations and weaknesses in explaining how marketing is practiced ent

19、repreneurs. The process of learning in the market and how marketing strategies are formulated and conceived by are not understood in most of the literature examined. The term entrepreneurship has resisted precise definition for over 200 years Herbert and Link (1988). The traditional emphasis was on

20、the efforts of an individual who goes against the odds in translating a vision into a successful business enterprise (Collins, and Moore, 1964). More recently, however, entrepreneurship has been conceptualized as a process which can occur in organizations of all sizes and types and which is distinct

21、 from, but dependent on, specific individuals (Kao, 1989). They served as system for attainment of national objective in terms of employment generation at low investment cost and also the development of entrepreneurial capabilities and indigenous technology. It also reduce the flow of people from ru

22、ral area to urban area, henceforth, it can be easily established by the relatively less skilled labour force of a developing country (Aremu, 2011). Approached in this manner, entrepreneurship can be defined as the process of creating value by bringing together a unique package of resources to exploi

23、t an opportunity (Stevenson, Roberts and Grousbeck 1989). This process requires both an entrepreneurial event and an entrepreneurial agent. The event refers to the conceptualization and implementation of a new venture. The agent is an individual or group that assumes personal responsibility for brin

24、ging the event to fruition.The entrepreneurial process has attitudinal and behavioural components (Bird 1988). Attitudinally, it refers to the willingness of an individual or organization to embrace new opportunities and take responsibility for effecting creative change (Miller and Friesen 1983). Th

25、is willingness is sometimes referred to as an entrepreneurial orientation. Behaviourally, it includes the set of activities required to evaluate an opportunity, define a business concept, assess and acquire the necessary resources and then to operate and harvest a venture Stevenson, Roberts and Grou

26、sbeck (1989).3. Entrepreneur and MarketingMarketing practice is also a process of developing and maintaining a strategic marketing plan between the organizational goals and capacities and changing marketing opportunities, it relies on developing clear entrepreneur business enterprises objectives in

27、order to increase the level of productivity (Aremu 2006). There is no consensus as to how marketing knowledge should be defined and measured. It has been conceptualized as market information which needs to be processed through knowledge acquisition, information distribution, information interpretati

28、on and organizational memory (Huber, 1991; Moorman and Miner, 1997,). Attempting to focus more closely on marketing activities, some marketing scholars have approached marketing knowledge as market orientation (Jaworski and Kohli, 1993; Slater and Narver, 1995; Sinkula et al., 1997); however that al

29、so depicts the generation and dissemination of market information. Li and Calantone (1998) operationalized market knowledge competence, which encompassed customer knowledge process, marketing-R&D interface and competitor knowledge. These approaches focus however on the processes of generating and us

30、ing market information: a construct that can tap how much is known in marketing (not how much is done) is still needed.Thus, we begin by specifying what marketing means by turning to Srivastava et al. (1999) and what knowledge means by turning to Bohn (1994).Srivastava et al. (1999) proposed a frame

31、work that redefines marketing as a phenomenon embedded in three core marketing processes: product development management (PDM), supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM). These processes create customer value through, respectively, the development of new customer solut

32、ions, the enhancement of input acquisition and output transformation, and the creation of relationships with market entities. The three processes thus encompass the fundamental marketing tasks that are critical to attracting and retaining customers (which are the core objectives of marketing in most business organizations). Thus, marke

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