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1、3“one of the+形容词最高级+名词的复数”意思是“最 之一” 。4break the record 打破记录5in the 2008 Beijing Olympics 在 2008 年北京奥运会中。 “在 比赛中”用 ine gin the racein the basketball game6give up 放弃。注意应该把介词放在中间。 eggive it up ,give up doing sth 放弃做某事。7What a Shame=What a pity 真遗憾!Section C1spendcostpaytake(1)spend 作“花费”之意时,指花费时间精力财力在某

2、事或某物上,主语是人。(2)cost 主要指花费金钱时间劳力精力等。主语是某物或某事。其结构是 sthcosts sb (3)pay sb,酬谢某人, pay for 可等同于 spend on ,或用 cost 作同义句转换。(4)take 一般指花费时间,其主语是名词或动名词,经常用 it 作形式主语。2do exercise=play sports 做运动,锻炼3There be 句型的将来时结构为 There is are going to be 或 There will be 。注意在 There be 句型中不能出现表示“有”的 have 和 has。14the high jump

3、 跳高 the long jump 跳远5Sure (1)be sure that+从句 egI am sure that he is right (2)sbbe sure to do sth某人一定会做某事。强调说话人的语气。(3)be sure of about sth doing sth“确信”,表示主语 对 有把握。(4)用在祈使句里 Be sure(not)to do sth 一定 (不)做某事 egBe sure to come here early6make 的用法。 (1)make sbdo sth使某人做某事。被动语 态中要还原 to。(2)“make sb sth+形容词”

4、使某人或某物处于某种状态。(3)make sth for sb make sbsth为某人制作 7be good for“对 有益” ,反义词组是 be bad for“对 有害” 。8keep healthy=keep fit 保持健康Section D1play against 跟进行比赛play with play againstplay for play with 玩耍,游戏,玩乐,与 玩耍。play against 同比赛。 play for 为效力。2leavefor离开某地去某地 leave for=set off for 出发去某地3一般将来时(1)含义:表示将来某个时间要发生

5、的动作 或是存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作 ,常与表示将来的时间状语 连用,如: tomorrow ,soon,later on,next time(week , month,year,Sunday)等。(2)结构为 be going to do sth或 will do sth 。There be 句型的将来时结构为 There isare going to be 或There will be 。注意在 There be 句型中不能出现表示“有”的 havehas。(3)表示位置移动的动词 go, come, leave,fly , start 等可以用现在进行时表示将要发生的事

6、。其中 go和 come 一定要用现在进行时表示将来。【例 19】(10 年河北中考 )This term_ over The summer vacation is coming in two weeks A is Bwas Chas been Dwill be【例 20】(10 年重庆中考 )If you_ to the 2010 Shanghai Expo next week , I will go with you A go Bhas gone C will go Dare goingTopic 2 Would you mind passing me some water?1would

7、couldwill you(please)do sth “请你做好吗?”表示委婉请求对 方做某事,否定结构是would couldwill you(please)not do sth 。egWould you please not play the piano loudly?2fall ill “ 生病”,be ill“ 生病的”,强调一种状态。 feel ill“ 感觉不舒服” ,强调一种身体感受。 fall down摔倒,跌倒。3mind 的用法(1)作 动词,表示“介意” ,常用于疑问句或否定句中。其结构是 mind sb sth doing sth对 would you mind sb

8、 sbs doing sth及“ would you mind if+ 从句”的回答,如果是表达“会介意”,可用 Yes,youd better not I am sorry but I do 如果表达“不会介意” ,可用 No,not at all Never mind It doesnt matter No, of course not(2)用于提出建议。 Would you mind doing sth would you mind not doing sth? 对 Would you mind doingsth的回答可以用 Of course not,I will do it righ

9、t away SorryI will do it right away 对 would you mindnot doing sth 的回答可以用 Sorry,I wont do it again Im sorry about that (4)作 名词,“思想”。set ones mind to do sth on sth专注于做某事4be gladhappy to do sth乐意做某事5practice sth doing sth练习做某事21be always doing sth老是 ,含有抱怨的感情色彩。2careless形容词,反义词是 careful。carelessly 副词,反义

10、词是 carefully 3chance机会 have a chance to do sth有机会做某事 get a chance to do sth得到一个机会做某事4What do you mean by sth doing sth?=Whats the meaning of sth doing sth?5shout at sb朝某人喊叫, 含有生气或气愤的感情。 shout to sb朝某人喊叫, 只是为了使对方听到,没有感情色彩。6fight with sb =have a fight with sb 与某人打架7be angry with sb意为“生某人的气” ,如:【链接】(1)

11、 be angry at 对某人的言行感到气愤, (2) be angry about sth. 对某事感到生气,如:8do ones best to do sth=try to do sth 尽力做某事9say sorryhellogoodbye to sb向某人道歉问候,道10befeel sorry for to do 为 而抱歉 (难过)11keep 的用法 (1) keep sbdoing sth使某人一直做某事(2)“keep sb sth+宾补+adj”使某人某物处于某种状态(3) “keep sb sth+宾补+adv”使某人某物处于某种状态 (4)keep doing sth

12、继续不断做某事e (5)“keep+表语”,表示保持继续 (处于某种状态 ) egkeep fit healthy(6)赡养e gMy father keeps a big family (7)保存,保留 egHow long can I keep the book?12turn down 调低音量turn up 调高音量turn on 打开 turn off 关上 注意代词都要放在中间。【分析比较】turn on“打开 (水龙头、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等 )” turn off “关掉 (水龙头、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等 )”。 turn up“开大,调高” 。 turn down “减少,

13、关小”13in a minute right away at once 立刻,马上14对 sorry 的回答可以是 Thats OK(all right) It doesnt matter Never mind Not at all1love doing to do sth喜欢做某事2exciting excited exciting 指使人感到兴奋的事 excited 是指人对 感到兴奋3as welltooalsoeitherso neither(1)too as well 表示“也”,一般放在句末,且前用逗号隔开,常用于肯定句。 egTom is a student;Jack is a

14、student,tooas well(2)also 表示“也” ,用于肯定句中,放在 be 动词、助动词、情态动词后实意动词前。(3)在否定句中,都要改为 either。 (4)so 表示“也”时,用在倒装句中,表示肯定,其结构是“ so+be 动词助动词情态动词 +主语”。egKate went shopping yesterday;Tom went shopping ,too as well(sodid Tom) (5)neither 表示“也”时,用在倒装句中,表示否定,其结构是“ neither+ be 动词助动词情态动词+主语”。eg。Kate didnt go shopping y

15、esterday ;Tom didnt go shopping ,either(Neither did Tom) 4so that 引导目的状语从句, 含义是“以便, 目的是, 为了”。从句的谓语动词要用 may,can,should,could 等情态动词, 表示目的状语, 相当于 in order that ,可以改成 in order to do 句型。egLets take the frontseats so thatin order that we may see more clearly =Lets take the front seats in order to see more

16、 clearly 6otherothersanotherthe otherthe othersother 作形容词,指“其他的,别的” 。eg other studentsothers(1)别人 egYou must be polite to others (2) “其他的人或物” ,指在一个范围之内,除去一部分后剩余的部分, 而不是全部, 一般出现短语 some others 中。e.gThere are many students in the classroom,3some are reading, some are writing,others are talking another(

17、1)(三者或三者以上 )“又一个,再一个” 。不确定数量中的另外一个。 Jack has bought anotherpen(2)别的,不同的。I dont like this shirt Please show me another one(3)another+数词 +名词一数词 +more+名词。“再多一些” ,在原来的基础上再加一些。one the other 两者之间一个 另一个 1连接时间的介词用法(1)ago“多久之前” ,用过去式。 结构是 “段时间 +ago” egtwo days ago(2)“before+点时间”,表示“在几点前” ,可用过去时、 将来时或一般现在时。 e

18、gThey will be here before 7 :00。(3)“in+ 段时间”,指“多久之后” ,用将来时。 egWe will get to Beijing in three days (4)“ after+点时问”,在几点之后,可用过去时,将来时或一般现在时。 egWe often play football after 5 :00 in theafternoon“after+段时间”,表示“多久之后” ,只能用于过去式。 egHe came back after four days2instead 副词,“代替。 而。相反”,单独使用时放句末。 instead of sthdo

19、ing sth. 取代而不是 3build sb up 使某人更强壮4have fun doing sth 做某事很愉快(1) have fun= enjoy oneself= have a good time 玩得开心,过得快乐(2) have fun with ab. 与某人共度快乐时光(3) Have fun Enjoy yourself Have a good time 等可以作为对别人出行前得祝福。Topic 3 Which sport will you take part in?1the sports meetmeeting 运动会the boys 800 一 meter race

20、男子 800 米赛跑the long jump 跳远the highjump 跳高 the relay race 接力赛跑2Its theones firstsecond time to do sth3make friends with sb 与某人交朋友。注意 friends 要用复数形式。4be ready for sth为某事而准备。 5maybemay be maybe=perhaps 副词,“ 也许,大概”。egMaybehe is at the bus station nowmay be 是情态动词 may 后接动词原形 be,l. 打电话问对方是某人时,可以问 Is that (

21、speaking)?回答可以是 Yes,whos that?Speaking问对方是谁时用 Who is that?告诉对方自己是谁时,应该说This is (speaking)。找人接电话时,应该说Hello ,may I speak to sb?回答时如果是本人接的电话,可以直接说speaking。2 Lets make it half past six 让我们定在六点半吧。make it(1) 指约定时间 egLets make it at 6 :30(2) 办成,做到(打算或希望做的事 )3pass动词,“传递”。pass sbsth=pass sthto sb把某物传给某人。 egW

22、ould you please passme the book? “经过”。eg She was the first one to pass the finishing line pass by “经过 (某地 )”。past可作副词或介词, “在 旁经过” 。egHe hurried past me without stopping to talk with me 【例 6】(09 年新疆中考 ) Did you see the accident yesterday? YesIt happened when I the museumA walked pass Bwas walking pas

23、t Cwalk past Dwas walking pass【例 7】We need _ _ _ (再加两个人 )to do the work 4congratulations祝贺你。当别人取得成绩、荣誉时,我们可以对他说: Congratulations!【例 8】(10 年广东中考 ) Yesterday 1 won the first place in the 100-meter race Really? _ !A Congratulations BNever mind CThats all right DIm sorry to hear that5take photospictures

24、 照相 egLook,lots of students are taking photos of the beautiful flowers 【例 9】(10 年兰州中考 ) what are on show in the museum? Some photos_ by the children of Yushu ,Qinghai A have been taken B were taken Care taken Dtaken41holdhave a sports meet举行运动会2be good at sthdoing sth=do well in sth doing sth擅长(做)某事

25、do badly in sth doing sth在某方面做得糟糕【例 10】His father is good at making model planes (同义句改写)His father_ _ _ _model planes 3encourage sbto do sth鼓励某人做某事。【例 11】 My father often encourages me_(study)hard 4take exercise=do sports 做运动。其中 exercise 是不可数名词,意思是“运动,锻炼” 。它也可以做可数名词,意思是“练习,体操” 。egdo morning exercise

26、s 做早操【例 12】(10 年陕西中考 ) what do you think of the _ ? I think they are good for our eyes We should do them oftenA eyes exercise Beye exercise Ceye exercises5be able to 和 can(1) 表示现在或过去的能力时两者相同。e.g. I could ride a bike at the age of 8. =I was able to ride a bike at the age of 8. 我八岁时就会骑自行车了。(2) be able

27、 to 有人称时态及数的变化,而can 只有过去式could.e.g. We will be able to make it in 2010. 到 2010 年我们就可以做到了。(3)表示请求、允许及否定判断时,只能用can。e.g. The boy cant be Mike ,he left for Paris yesterday. 那个男孩不可能是 Mike. ,他昨天去巴黎了。【例 13】Jacks father_ _ _(能 )swim when he was five years old 【例】 Could I use your dictionary? Yes,you_.A can B

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