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1、英语时态练习题100题练习英语时态练习IOo题WiIl tell him as SOOn as he back4 COme B. COmeS C. Wi / / COme D. Came2.Mary On ShOeS When She them.4 triesbuys B. tries buies C. trys buys D. trys buies3.The girl Often COld When She .4 Cathes-dances B. CatChes dancesC. Catchsdancees D. CatCheS dancee4. he himself there No9 /

2、 don It think so.A. Doenjoy B. DOeSenjoies C. DOeSenjoys D. Doesenjoy5. your teacher from them Very Often Certain ly.4 Dohear B. Doeshear C. Do receiVe D. receiVe6.your mother SOme Cleaning On SUndayS ?4 Doesdoes B. Dodoes C. Doesdo D. Do doZ TOm to WOrk hard to help his famiIy Yes, he 4 Has xdoes B

3、. HasxdoesC. Doeshashas D. Does havedoes8.WhiCh teacher IeSSOnS to you every day ?4 does gives B. does give C. do give D. gives9.Smith does not go fishing On weekdays, , he does.4 does heNo B. does heYes C. doesn 11 heNo D. doesn Zt heYes BlaCk Often fishing On Sundays, he ?4 goesdoesnt B. goesisntC

4、. doesn 11 godoes D. doesn , t goisUSUa / Iy TV On SUnday evening.4 WatCh B. WatCheS C. WatChing D. is WatChing12.WeTlgO to Play With SnOW if it tomorrow.4 SnOW B. SnOWS C. Wi Il SnOW D. SnOWed13.Ne i Iher / nor he French.4 SPeak B. doesn t SPeak C. SPeakS D. doesn , t SPeak14.NObOdy how to run this

5、 machines.A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing15.The YOUng PiOneer Water for the OId man every day.4 Carry B. bring C. takes D. CarrieS16.SOme are in the r / Ver and SOme are games.4 SWimming PIaying B. SWimmingplaiingC. SWimming / Playing D. SWimmingplaing17.LOOk / The boy StUdentS are foo

6、tball WhiIe the girls are4 PIayifg dance B. Playing dancingC. play dancing D. pay dance18.He to do his IeSSOnS at eight every evening.4 is beginning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins19.he On WeII With his fr/ends this term ?4 DOeSgets B. DOeSget C. Isgetting D. ISegeting20.Mr Smith ShOrt stories, b

7、ut he a TV Play these days.4 is Writing-is Writing B. is writing- Wr/tesC. WriteS9 is Writing D. writes9 WriIeS参考答案:15 BABDB 610 CDDBA 1115 BBCCD 1620 CBDCC21./ to the Cinema. / there every Sunday.A. gogo B. am going go C. go am going D. am goingam going22.Look, they. a good time, they ?A. havedo B.

8、 havedon ItC. are havingare D. are having aren 1123.YOU about the future now9 you ?4 don It thinkdon It B. aren ,t thinking- aren ,tC. don It think do D. aren , t thinking9 are24.She a IWayS SOmething WheneVer She .A StUdiedpIayed B. StUd/edpIa/ed4 mopped Cleanned B. moped CleanedC. mopped9cIeaned D

9、. moped Cleaned28.When / the Chi Idren IS Pa IaCef the Chi Idren With joy.4 ViSited jumpped B. ViSited jumpedC. ViSitedjumped D. ViSited jumpped29. a SPOrtS meet IaSt SUnday YeS , they .A. Did they have did B. Did they have hadC. Had they had D. Had they did30. you OUt for a WaIk after SUPPer Yes, /

10、 .4 Didwentwerrt B. Did go WentC. Did Wentdid D. Did go did31. JaCk On With his WOrk Or to have a rest4 Did vervt StOPPed B. Did go StOPC. Did WentStOP D. Did go StOPPed32.YOU gave them a taIk two days ago, you Yes, / 4 did did B. did gave C. didnt did D. didnt gave33. your brother a Ietter to My fa

11、ther.A. Who WrOte B. WhatwroteG WhO didWrite D. What did Write34.They about the TV news then in the sitting-room. They Often SUCh taIkS4 taIkedhad B. talkhaveC. Were taIkinghad D. are taIkinghave35.He SOme COOking at that time, SO me.4 did heard B. did didn It hearC. WaS doing heard D. WaS doing did

12、n It hear36. you angry thenU UThey_ too much noise.4 Arewere making B. Were-were makingC. Aremade D. Were made37.ThiS time yesterday JaCk his9 bike. He TV.4 repaired didn It WatCh B. WaS repairing9 WatChedC. repaired9 WatChed D. WaS repairing- WaSn ,t WatChing38.We for TOm at ten IaSt Sunday. He Oft

13、en kept US 4 Were waiting- Waiting B. Were Waiting WaitC. waited9 Waiting D. waited9 Wait39.When you at the door, / SOme washing.4 knocked did B. WaS knocking didC. knocked WaS doing D. knock am doing40.The boy EngliSh On the radio When / his door.4 Iearned WaS OPening B. WaS learning9 OPenedC. Iear

14、ned OPened D. is Iearning OPen参考答案:21-25 BDDDA 2630 BCBAD 3135 BCCCD 3640 BDACBQ941.When they. through the forest, a bear at them.4 Walked WaS COming B. Were walking- CameC. Were talking COmeS D. walk is COming42.A young man her Whi Ie She her WOrk .4 WatChed WaS finishing B. WaS WatChing finishedC. WatChed finished D. WaS WatChing WaS finishing43.WhiIe mother SOme washing, / a kite for Kack.4 did made B. WaS doing madeC. WaS doing WaS making D. did WaS making44./ myself FrenCh fr

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