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高三英语一轮综合测试14大纲版SBⅢ Units 58Word格式文档下载.docx

1、6This book tells about _ life story of Bill Gates who dropped out of _ college and founded a computer company at the age of 19.Athe;the Ba;the Cthe;不填 Da;不填解析:第一空为定指;drop out of college 辍学,为固定搭配。C7(2010北京朝阳区月考)_ he came to have such a valuable painting is unclear.AHow BWhichCWhat DThathow 引出主语从句,作从句

2、中的方式状语。A8The successful launch of Shenzhou is certain to _ the development of astronomy.Acontribute to Brelate toCattend to Ddevote tocontribute to 促使的发生,有助于;relate to 与有关;attend to 护理;devote to 献身于。9I cant _ his rudeness any more,so we began to quarrel.Akeep up with Bcome up withCput up for Dput up

3、 withput up with 忍受,符合句意。D10There was a(n)_ moment when the plane suddenly dropped.Anervous BembarrassedCanxious Dworriedanxious 令人焦虑的;embarrassed 尴尬的;nervous 紧张的;worried 修饰人。an anxious moment 一个令人焦虑的时刻。11The twins,who are better at class,always _ more attention on what the teachers teach them than

4、those who are not good at it.Apay Bdraw Cfix Dattractfix attention on 专心于。12In spite of his serious and _ illness,he still stuck to his post until he was forced to leave.Astable Bstubborn Cfirm Deffectivestubborn 顽固的,stubborn illness 顽疾;stable 稳定的;firm 坚定的;effective 有效的。B13With frequent storm disast

5、ers affecting all _ of human life,it is evident that global warming becomes a big threat to mankind.Aresults BapproachesCmethods Daspectsaspect 方面;result 结果;approach 方法;method 方法。14Being a skilled secretary,she is good at _ the mind of her boss.Aseeing BreadingCrealizing Drecognizingread ones mind 看

6、透某人的心思,为固定用法。15My son came to life when it _ football.Areferred to Bcame to Cgot to Dattended towhen it comes to.当谈及时,为固定句型。16(2010东北三校)Why _ it rain on Sunday?We cant go outing as planned.Ashould Bneed Cmust Dcanmust 偏要,一定要。17When _ about one of the biggest problems today,many people say that an en

7、ergy crisis is approaching and is threatening mankinds survival. Aasking Bbeing asked Chaving asked Daskedwhen asked about是when they are asked about 的省略形式。18He spoke for quite a long time,but he threw no_ on the main point.Aexcuse Bdoubt Clight Ddetailthrow light on 阐明。19(2010首都师大附中)I shall never fo

8、rget those days _ I lived in the army with the soldiers,_ has a great effect on my life.Athat;which Bwhen;whichCwhen;that Dwhich;that第一空为when 引出定语从句,作从句的时间状语;第二空为which 引出非限制性定语从句,用来代替上文。20Only by bringing in new management strategies,I guess,_our hotel from bad to worse.Awe can prevent Bwe have prev

9、entedCcan we prevent Dhave we preventedonly方式状语提至句首,句子采用部分倒装。第三节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,标在试卷相应位置。(2008辽宁高考)I was a single parent of four small children,working at a lowpaid job.Money was always tight,but we had a _21_ over our heads,food on the table,c

10、lothes on our backs,and if not a lot,always _22_.Not knowing we were poor,my kids(孩子们)just thought I was _23_.Ive always been glad about that.It was Christmas time,and although there wasnt _24_ for a lot of gifts,we planned to celebrate with a family party.But the big _25_ for the kids was the fun o

11、f Christmas _26_.They planned weeks ahead of time,asking _27_ what they wanted for Christmas.Fortunately,I had saved $120 for _28_ to share by all five of us.The big _29_ arrived.I gave each kid a twenty dollar bill and _30_ them to look for gifts of about four dollars each.Then everyone scattered(散

12、开)We had two hours to shop;then we would _31_ back at the “Santas Workshop”Driving home,everyone was in high Christmas spirits,_32_ my younger daughter,Ginger,who was unusually _33_.She had only one small,flat bag with a few candiesfiftycent candies!I was so angry,but I didnt say anything _34_ we go

13、t home.I called her into my bedroom and closed the door,_35_ to be angry again.This is what she told me:“I was looking _36_ thinking of what to buy,and I_37_ to read the little cards on the Giving TreesOne was for a little girl,four years old,and all she _38_ for Christmas was a doll(玩具娃娃)So I took

14、the card off the tree and _39_ the doll for her.We have so much and she doesnt have anything.”I never felt so _40_ as I did that day.21A.roof Bhat Csky Dstar22A.little Bless Cenough Dmore23A.busy Bserious Cstrict Dkind24A.effort BroomCtime Dmoney25A.improvement BproblemCsurprise Dexcitement26A.shopp

15、ing BtravellingCparties Dgreetings27A.the other Beach otherCone by one Devery other Bclothes Cpresents Bchance Ccheque Dtree30A.forced BremindedCinvited Dbegged31A.draw Bstay Cmove Dmeet32A.including BbesidesCexcept Dregarding33A.quiet Bexcited Chappy Dashamed34A.since Baft

16、er Cwhile Duntil35A.waiting Bready Choping Dafraid36A.out Bover Cforward Daround37A.forgot BstoppedCfailed Dhated38A.wanted BdidCgot Dplayed39A.made BsearchedCbought Dfetched40A.angry BrichCpatient Dbitter21A尽管钱总是很紧缺,但我们有地方住,有食物吃,有衣服穿。roof “屋顶”,a roof over ones head “有地方住”。22C尽管不是很多,但总能够。23C孩子们不知道我们

17、没钱,他们只是认为我对他们要求严格,即要求他们生活简朴,不浪费。24D尽管我们没有钱买很多礼物,但我们计划开一次家庭聚会来庆祝。25D但对孩子们来说特别令人兴奋的事情是购买圣诞礼物的快乐。A项“改善,提升”;B项“问题,麻烦”;C项“吃惊,令人吃惊的事”;D项“兴奋,令人兴奋的事”。26A圣诞节购物。27B互相询问圣诞节想要什么礼物。28C节省钱买礼物。present 礼物。29A这个隆重的日子终于到来了。30B提醒孩子们寻找合适的礼物。31D在“Santas workshop”会合。meet 会合。32C在回家的路上,除了Ginger,大家情绪都很高涨。33AGinger显然非同寻常地安静,

18、与前面一句话相对比。34D看到她买的东西,我很生气,但直到到了家我才说话。考查not.until.结构。35B我把她叫到我的卧室,关上门,准备再发火。A项“等待”;B项“准备好的,正要”;C项“希望”;D项“害怕的”。36D我在到处转,心中想着要买什么东西,around“周围,到处”。37B我停下来去读“Giving Trees”上的小卡片。38A圣诞节这个小女孩想要的就是一个玩具娃娃。39C我把卡片从树上取下给她买了玩具娃娃。40B我从来没感到过那么富有过。第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分45分)(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中

19、,选出最佳选项,标在试卷相应位置。Book this packageThere are few areas better than Lake Myvatn for viewing the Northern Lights and discovering the wonders of the Icelandic winter.Day 1Reykjavik Akureyri Lake MyvatnFlight to Akureyri from where you will be picked up.Transfer to Lake Myvatn.Sightseeing tour of the Lak

20、e Myvatn area.After the tour an introduction of the activities available.Day 2Free day at Lake Myvatn:optional tours available.Please note that all tours are dependent on weather and road conditions,and therefore only booked locally at Lake Myvatn.Day 3AkureyriReykjavikThe morning will be spent at L

21、ake Myvatn and then in the afternoon a transfer to Akureyri where you will go on a short sightseeing tour of Akureyri enjoying the beautiful sights.Afternoon flight back to Reykjavik.Activities available at Lake MyvatnSnowmobileTake an exciting adventure on our snowmobiles out on the frozen Lake Myv

22、atn or travel deep into the Highlands with one of our guides.30 min and 1 hour tour available.SuperjeepSightseeing at Myvatn and a superjeep adventure.3 tours available:around the area of Lake Myvatn;a tour to Dettifoss,the most powerful waterfall in Europe and unforgettable at winter time;a tour fu

23、rther into the Myvatn area.Sightseeing toursSightseeing tours to some spectacular places:Icelandic farms,power station,museums and a search for the northern lights.These tours are recommended for all nature lovers.Crosscountry skiingThe Lake Myvatn area and surrounding Highlands are great for crossc

24、ountry skiing.There is a good mixture of areas from easy to more demanding and the length of each tour also depends on ones ability.Horse ridingA wonderful area that offers a great variation of trekking (跋涉) routes.We offer tours from one hour to a day tour with different destinations,something to m

25、atch your desire.Gocarts on iceExperience the adventure of driving on the ice of the lake.The snow is taken away and you drive with “nailed” tires.Also available are gocarts in the snow.Winter gardenDifferent kinds of amusements on the frozen lake:bowling,cricket,skating,mini golf etc.41What is the

26、purpose of the ad?ATo inform the timetable of a trip.BTo list the steps to see the Northern Lights.CTo introduce a special traveling package.DTo introduce the wonders of the Icelandic winter.42Where will you spend most of the time during the trip?AReykjavik. BAkureyri.CLake Myvatn. DIcelandic farms.

27、43Which activity is NOT included in the travel package?ASightseeing tour in the Lake Myvatn area.BSightseeing tour of Reykjavik.CSightseeing tour of Akureyri.DSeeing the most powerful waterfall in Europe.44If you want to view the Northern Lights,you will join in _.AHorse riding BCrosscountry skiingCSuperjeep DSightseeing tours.41C写作意图推断题。只有C项全面概括了文章的目的,其余不够全面。42C细节理解题。从第二天的行程(Day 2)可知,第二天只在Lake Myvatn 一个景点旅游,是行程中所占时间最长的。43B细节理解题。三天的行程中均未涉及冰岛首都雷克雅未克,说明该地只是出发地和返程终点,不包括在包办旅行中。44D细节判断题。sightseeing tours 一节中提到“a search for the north

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