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WI871081000070 Rev02 电动机空载试转Word下载.docx

1、APPR批准A25.Dec.2003Issued for ApprovalZhang.FGLi.WQXiao.TPTian.GHB29.Jan.2004Liu.ZX008.Mar.2004Issued for USE0121.Apr.20040217.May.2004 章节号Section No.主要修改内容Description of main changes3.3Add “.all circuits are wired correctly.”4.0Add “vibrating detector, tachometer, thermometer, clamp type current met

2、er, socket wrenches, and 2500V+500V meggers, etc”6.1.7Add “one word”.6.2.2Add “Record the start-up time with stopwatch”6.2.4Replace “A、B、C”by “ABC”.6.2.5Add “the temperature raising allowed should be determined as per the insulation grade and the bearing type for each motor.”GeneralAdd “Preparing th

3、e motor test report as per Take-over test standard of electric equipment for installation project of electric device (GB 50168-92)”6.1Add “RCU should be installed and connected. The start/stop circuit should be checked keeping the motor starter in TEST position. If healthy, then the motor can be ene

4、rgized.”Add “The relay protection settings at MCC should be set as per the relay setting calculations.”Add “Examine the no-load current according to the electromotor nameplate.”6.1.2Add “Insulation Resistance testing shall be carried out by applying a d.c. voltage from an insulation tester。But subse

5、quent IR tests should be carried out at the same voltage level as the initial test. Insulation resistance (IR) test voltage:LV systems: 500V ;HV systems up to 4.6KV: 2500 V;HV systems about 4.6KV: 5000 V。”2.0Add “DEP;DEP”修改纪录The modification records6.2.1Add “For bearings fit

6、ted with proximity probes, the unfiltered peak-to-peak value of vibration shall not exceed the following values:50 um for two-pole motors60 um for four-pole motors75 um for six-pole or higher motorsNOTES: This job belong to machinery .”6.2.3Add “If the manufacturer dont bring forward special require

7、ment, the starting current shall not exceed 6.5 times the rated current of the HV machines, LV machines with a rated output in excess of 55 kW the starting current shall not exceed 7.0 times the rated current of the machine. ”6.2.7Add “Bearing temperature rise following a “heat run ”of 3.5 - 4 hours

8、 are as follows :Rolling bearings :a. outer ring measurement max. 90 Cb. temperature rise from ambient max. 50 Sleeve bearings :a. oil temperature max. 90 b. bearing temperature rise by RTD max. 50 c. lube. oil temperature rise from ambient max. 30 (for forced lube. oil systems). ”ADD“FORM NO 1 AND

9、NO 14 OF DEP”IN THE END.MODIFY “Electrical Engineers shall co-ordinate with the Mechanical engineers to check the vibration levels.”6.1.17Anti-condensation heaters in motors etc should be connected in timely manner.After the motor run for half hour, vibration test will be preformed.

10、目 录Contents 1.0 工程概况 Engineering general situation 2.0 编制依据 Compilation reference 3.0 施工准备 Construction preparation 4.0 主要施工机械及工具 Main construction machinery and tools 5.0 劳动力组织 Labor force 6.0 施工工序和施工方法 Construction procedure and plans7.0 工作安全分析(JSA)Job safety analysises1.0 工程概况:General situation f

11、or project本工程为中国南海石化汽电联产项目中电动机空载试转。This project applies to the electromotor no-load test running on S&P for the CSPC Nanhai petrochemicals project。2.0 编制依据:References2.1 DEP;DEP;DEP NO 1 AND NO 14).2.2 电气装置安装工程旋转电机施工及验收规范(GB-50170-92)。 The rotary motor constr

12、uction and acceptance specification for electric device installation project(GB-50170-92)。2.3 电气装置安装工程质量检验及评定标准(DL/T 5161-2002)。Quality inspection and assessment criterion for electric device installation project (DL/T 5161-2002)。2.4 中华人民共和国电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准(GB50150 91)。PRC Electric equipment take-

13、over test criterion for electric device installation project(GB50150 91)。2.5 电力建设安全工作规程。 Safety work regulations for electric power construction。3.0 施工准备:Construction preparation 3.1 土建工作全部结束,现场清扫、整理干净。 To clear the site and clean it up when the civil work fully completed.3.2 电动机本体已运至现场,接线前机务已将电动机安装

14、就位,且符合规程要求。 The electromotor noumenon has been delivered into the site, the steam turbine team has installed the electromotor before connection, furthermore, it also agrees with the regulations requirements. 3.3 电动机的保护、控制、测量、信号等有关回路接线正确无误,调试完毕,开关动作正常良好。 After the loop being wired correctly and debug

15、ging of the protection, control, measurement and signal for electromotor, the switch action is all right.3.4 电动机已按照电气装置电气设备交接试验规范的要求做了试验,且试验合格并有相应的记录。 The electromotor test has been done according to the requirement of theElectric equipment take-over test specification for electric device , and the

16、test must be eligible and keep the relevant record.3.5 照明、消防和通讯等装置必须齐全。 The device such as illuminance, fire fighting an communication must be all ready.4.0 主要施工机械和工具:Main construction machinery and tools2500V摇表一块 a piece of tramegger 2500500V 摇表一块 a piece of tramegger 500电流表一块 a piece of current me

17、ter活动扳手一把 a piece of adjustable spanner螺丝刀一把 a piece of screwdriver对讲机两个 Two interphones 温度计一个 One thermometer 钳形电流表一块 a piece of clamp type current meter 套筒扳手一套 a suit of socket wrenches 转速表一块 a piece of tachometer测震仪一台 One vibrating detector 备注: 电气工程师应协调机务工程师检查电动机的振动级别。Remark: Electrical Engineers

18、 shall co-ordinate with the Mechanical engineers to check the vibration levels.5.0 劳动力组织:Labor force 技术员Technician: 1人 one person;厂用安装工Erector: 2人 Two persons;厂用调试人员Debugging person : 2人 Two persons。6.0 施工工序和施工方法 Construction procedure and plans:6.1 电动机试转前必须检查的项目 Items for necessary inspection befor

19、e electromotor test running 6.1.1 电动机试转前必须测量电动机绕组的绝缘电阻和吸收比,且必须符合下列规定: To measure the insulation resistance and absorption ratio of the electromotor winding before testing running , and it must be compliance with the following stipulation:6.1.2 绝缘电阻的测试要根据不同的系统采用不同的测量工具和直流电压标准,但所有绝缘电阻的测试要求在同样的电压标准下进行。

20、绝缘电阻测试电压:低压系统: 500V;高压系统(等于4.6KV):高压系统(4.6 KV左右):Insulation Resistance testing shall be carried out by applying a d.c. voltage from an insulation tester。6.1.3 400V的低压电动机测量的绝缘电阻值必须大于0.5兆欧。 The insulation resistance value measured by the low-voltage electromotor (400V ) must be over than 0.5 M.6.1.4 6

21、KV高压电动机测量的绝缘电阻值必须大于6兆欧。 The insulation resistance value measured by high-voltage electromotor (6KV) must be over than 6 M.6.1.5 温度每升高10 C,绕组的绝缘电阻要降低大约50%。The IR of windings reduces by approximately 50% for each 10 C rise in temperature.6.1.6 6KV高压电动机要测量吸收比,吸收比必须大于1.2,中性点可拆开的分相测量。 The absorption rati

22、on of the high-voltage electromotor (6KV) must be measured and the ratio must be over 1.2, the neutral point which can be parted should be done the phase measurement.6.1.7 直流电机测量励磁绕组和电枢的绝缘电阻值,不低于0.5M. The insulation resistance value of excitation winding and armature measured by DC electromotor is n

23、o lower than 0.5M. 6.1.8 盘动电动机的转子,检查转子转动要灵活、无碰卡现象。 To turn the rotor of electromotor and examine whether it is flexible or not.6.1.9 检查电动机引出线要相位正确,固定牢固、连接紧密。 To make sure the phase of the electric extension line is right, and to fix it firmly and connect it closely.6.1.10 注意检查电动机接线盒内的接线方式必须正确。 Pay a

24、ttention to assure the way to connect in the electric connecting box must be correct. 6.1.11 检查电动机的外壳接地正确、完好,接地线牢固的固定在电动机的接地螺丝上。 To examine the case earthing of electromotor whether is correct and completed or not, furthermore, the earth line should be firmly fixed onto the earth screw of electromot

25、or.6.1.12 有熔断器的电源回路,检查熔断器的容量符合设计要求并与电动机的额定工作电流相匹配。 To make sure the cut-out capability of the power loop must be compliance with the design requirements and match the rated work current.6.1.13 检查机务已将连轴器解开,且具备试转条件。 To examine the steam turbine has unfastened the adapter connector, and provide the tes

26、t running conditions.6.1.14 远程控制单元已安装和连接。起停回路已检查并确保电机启动按钮在实验位置。如果一切正常,电机可以运行。RCU should be installed and connected. The start/stop circuit should be checked keeping the motor starter in TEST position. If healthy, then the motor can be energized.6.1.15 按照继电器整定计算的要求,在电动机中央控制中心设置继电器保护装置 . The relay pro

27、tection settings at MCC should be set as per the relay setting calculations. 6.1.16 根据电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准(GB 50168-92)出具电机实验报告。Preparing the motor test report as per Take-over test standard of electric equipment for installation project of electric device (GB 50168-92)6.1.17 电动机中的防凝结水加热器必须及时连接。Anti-c

28、ondensation heaters in motors etc should be connected in timely manner6.2 电动机试转过程中的检查内容及注意事项 The examination content and noticing items during the course of testing running6.2.1 电动机运行半小时后,进行振动测试。对配有探测仪的轴承,电动机未过滤的波峰到波谷之间的振动值不能大于下列值:两极电动机 50 um四极电动机 60 um六极以上电动机 70 um电气工程师应协调机务工程师检查电动机的振动级别。After the motor run for half hour , vibration test will be preformed. For bearings fitted with proximity probes, the unfiltered peak-to-peak value of vibration shall not exceed the following values: Electrical Engineers shall co-or

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