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1、 9. 15.答案是 C。1Why will the man go to Japan?ATo teach in a school. BTo take a trip. CTo learn Japanese.【答案】C【原文】W: I heard you would go to Japan this September?M: Well, yes, Ill be learning Japanese at a language school. Wow. I hope I can travel there someday.2What will the woman do in San Juan?AEat

2、out. BLearn to dance. CGo to nightclubs.【答案】A There are a lot of nightclubs in San Juan. You can dance there. Or you can go out to eat. There are some excellent restaurants. Im not much of a dancer. I will go and try the restaurants.3What does the man want the woman to do?ATake care of his bird.BHel

3、p him with his work.CGo out of town with him. Molly, I have to go out of town for business for a few days next week. Could I leave Polly with you while Im away? Polly? Whos Polly? You knowPolly, my bird.4What happened to the woman last night?AHer car broke down.BShe couldnt fall asleep.CShe was woke

4、n up by a phone call. Guess what happened to me last night. What was it? My phone rang when I was sound asleep. It was my friend Marianna. Her car couldnt start when she passed my house. So I invited her to spend the night.5What does Maria think of studying English abroad ?AUseful and necessary. BUs

5、eful but expensive. CUseless and expensive.【答案】B Maria, do you think its useful to study English abroad? Certainly. But it costs too much. In fact, if we do our best, we can also become great English speakers in our country第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段

6、对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Why did the man go to San Francisco on vacation?ATo meet a friend. BTo visit his sister. CTo tour a university.7What did the woman do on her vacation?AShe studied at college.BShe did some shopping.CShe stayed with a friend.【答案】6

7、B 7C Where did you go on vacation? I went to San Francisco. Its a really pretty city. Why San Francisco? Oh, my sister works there. I stayed with her. She loves shopping, so we went shopping every day. Look, I got this sweater. Nice! I didnt go anywhere on my last vacation. I didnt have enough money

8、 to go anywhere. Oh, thats too bad. Oh, not really. I actually enjoyed my vacation a lot. A friend from college stayed with me for a week. We just talked and watched a lot of old movies. That sounds fun.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8Where is Julia Swan?AIn Shanghai. BIn New York. CIn California.9What did Julia as

9、k the speakers to do?AAttend her art lessons.BWork at Fudan University.CVisit her when theyre free.8A 9C May, youll never guess who I met at the cafeteria. Julia Swan. You mean our former monitor in high school? Yes. How is she doing? I still remember how excellent she was as chairman of the Student

10、s Union. She graduated from Fudan University and then got her masters degree at Stanford University and found a job in an accounting company in New York after graduation.But she quit her job several months ago and moved back to Shanghai Oh, why? She said she was bored with working under high pressur

11、e and she wanted to make a contribution to our country. So what is she doing now? She gives art lessons at Fudan University, her old school. And she asked us to visit her if we are free. Oh,Id love to.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10When does the man want to get to the restaurant?AAt about 3:00.BAt about 5:CAt a

12、bout 6:11Where might the woman work?AAt a bakery.BIn a museum.CAt a delivery service.12What will the woman do for the man in return?AHelp choose a gift for his girlfriend.BBuy a present for his birthday.CBake a cake for him.10B 11C 12A Do you think you can get off work a little early tonight? I was

13、hoping to get to the restaurant around five tonight. I dont know if thats possible. I have too many deliveries. Thats too bad. Its Thursday today, so everything is half price before six. WellI might be able to get off work early, but I would need you to do me a favor. Just name it. I have two delive

14、ries between four-thirty and five oclock. One is on Linton by the museum, and the other is on Mayflower by the bakery. If you do one delivery, Ill do the other. Sure, but you have to do me a favor in return. What is it? I need you to help me pick out a birthday gift for my girlfriend. You can stop b

15、y my house at three oclock on Sunday. I live on Birch Street across from the bank. Well, I guess thats only fair So we have a deal? Deal.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What happened to the woman when she went into the woods?AShe lost her sunglasses.BShe found new sunglasses.CShe broke her old sunglasses.14When

16、did the man last lose his sunglasses?AEarlier today. BYesterday. CTwo weeks ago.15What does the man say about Sunglass Hut?AIt has a good reputation.BThe price there is too high.CHe usually gets his glasses there.16What will the speakers do next?AGet something to eat.BGet some new sunglasses.CCall a

17、n insurance company.13C 14C 15B 16A I need to get a new pair of sunglasses. They need to be strong so theyll last for a long time. I keep on breaking mine every time I go into the woods to go hiking. At least you still have yours. Ive lost so many pairs of sunglasses! Even when I tell myself not to,

18、 they still come up missing. n When was the last time you lost a pair? Earlier today What? That cant be. Ill be with you all day and I never saw you with any sunglasses on. Ha-ha, Im just kidding. But seriously, I think the last time I lost my sunglasses was two weeks ago. I wonder if they sell an i

19、nsurance program that will replace a lost or broken pair. Why dont you go up and ask them? Sunglasses Hut has a very good reputation. Thats where I get all my sunglasses. I am worried that they wont to take me seriously. And all the pairs in there are super expensive. Come on, lets go see what they

20、have! Maybe well both leave with new sunglasses! Fine. But we need to find a restaurant first. Im starving!听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Where will the recycling campaign be held?AIn a school. BIn a radio station. CIn a recycling center.18When will the recycling campaign begin?AAt 8:00 am on July 8th.BAt 10:

21、00 am on July 10th.CAt 10:00 am on July 18th.19Why does the speaker ask the listeners to bring cans?ATo use them to play games.BTo put them in the special recycling bins.CTo learn how to sort household rubbish.20How can the listeners know more about the recycling campaign?ABy making a call.BBy liste

22、ning to the radio.CBy reading the newspapers.17A 18C 19B 20AGood morning everyone. This is radio 4QR, Alan Parker speaking. We all know how harmful it is to the environment to throw rubbish away and not recycle, but many of us dont do anything about it! Heres your chance to make a difference! Next S

23、aturday, eighteenth of July you are all welcome to the first recycling campaign in our town! Riverside Elementary School is hosting an all-day recycling event. It will begin in the school yard at 10: 00in the morning. You will learn about the benefits of recycling and discover easy ways of recycling

24、 household products a well as have fun with special competitions and games! Dont forget to bring as much paper, plastic, glass and aluminum cans as you can in order to put them in the special recycling bins arranged for the day. To participate, just turn up! If you would like more information, call

25、1800-324-567.Remember, every step counts when it comes to looking after the environment. See you there!第二部分阅读(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Decades ago, NASA asked experts to develop the smell of space in order to help prepare astronauts for the experience of o

26、uter space. Now, a perfume, Eau de Space, has attracted eager buyers.According to the Kickstarter activity, which has been launched to sell Eau de Space, the history of the has been unclear owing to various accounts of its development. Ever since the first spacewalk, astronauts have been shocked by

27、the smell.NASA astronaut Col. Chris Hadfield said, The only time you can smell space is when you come back from a spacewalk. As you open the hatch (舱门), there is a distinctive smell. Some astronauts and space tourists describe it as the smell of fruit, or burnt cookies. Astronaut Eugene Cerman talke

28、d of another smell he experienced: The moon smells like spent gunpowder. The smell of space is so distinct that NASA reached out to fragrance makers to recreate the smell, according to NASA documents.Now, the makers have cooperated with award-winning perfumers (香水制造者), and reported that theyve secur

29、ed commercial contracts to reproduce the smell based on astronauts accounts.At $ 29 per bottle, Eau de Space will help support STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programs for students. For every bottle of Eau de Space you buy, were going to donate $ 1 to a STEM program for low-income students. Its a big promise and isnt the best decision for a company trying to make a profit. But, imagine that a child who smells Eau de Space today is whipped up to become an astronaut, scientist or engineer, shows Ki

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