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1、1. After 20 years in an African country, I returned home and found it changed _recognition. A. over B. beyond C. more than D. out of2. _ the cliffs rose out of the ground, there were often narrow tracks winding upwards. A. Because B. As long as C. Where D. Only if3. _a wave of frustration, she felt

2、at a loss as to how to respond to his angry words. A. Overcoming with B. Overcame by C. In order to overcome D. Overcome with4. In China, no other organization than the CPC make any law. A. will B. should C. shall D. must5. You dont think she is more anxious to go there alone than you are, _? A. do

3、you B. are you C. isnt she D. dont you6. The best job is_ which uses your skill in doing something together with your interest in the subject. A. that B. one C. such D. this7. _criticize my son, I_ help him find a more effective way to learn English. A. Rather than; prefer to B. Other than; would ra

4、ther C. Rather than; would like to D. Better than; had better8. So little_ with each other that almost no progress was made at the Copenhagen Climate Conference. A. the world leaders shared B. did the world leaders share C. shared by the world leaders D. share did the world leaders9. _all by herself

5、 for many years, the old lady is sometimes very difficult_. A. Having lived; to be got along with B. Living; to get on well withC. Having lived; to get along with D. Living; to get along10. Another cultural reason _ doing journalism is tough here is _ people dont want to stick their necks out. A. th

6、at; because B. why; because C. for which; why D. why; that11. China, together with some other ASEAN countries, _against the over politicizing of the differences over the South China Sea. A. are B. were C. is D. had been12. Unfortunately, his parents forced him to be a lawyer; _ was against his own w

7、ishes. A. who B. as C. which D. what13. At the news that her daughter was missing, a _ look appeared on the mothers face. A. frightening B. frightened C. frightful D. fright14. How nice it_ to be back home again after such a long absence! A. is felt B. feels C. will be felt D. is feeling15. Many fac

8、tors contribute to_, but the most destructive is the role that humans have played. A. animals to die B. dying animals C. animals died out D. animals dying out16. President Obama claimed that the rise of China could be a big threat and the world needs_. A. to be reshaped B. to reshape C. to be reshap

9、ing D. reshapedGrammar and VocabularySection AII. Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word t

10、hat best fits each blank.One day a farmers donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed _33_ (cover) up anyway; it just wasnt worth _34_ to save the donkey.He invited all h

11、is neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel(铲) and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized _35_ was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyones amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was a

12、stonished at 36 he saw. With each shovel of dirt _37_ hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up._38_ the farmers neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as

13、 the donkey 39 (step) up over the edge of the well and happily ran off!Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just _40_ not giving up! Shake it off and take a step up. Section B Directions: complete the following passage by using the words in the box, Each word

14、can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you needA. concernedB. estimatedC. purposesD. intentionalE. resultF. nationallyG. assumedH. privateI. interestJ. completely By now you know that getting your moneys worth is not just a matter of luck. It is more often the 41 of buying skil

15、l. Nevertheless, even the smartest consumers are sometimes fooled into thinking they are getting their moneys worth when they are not. At one time or another, almost everyone experiences deception (欺骗)in the market place. The deception may not be 42 . But, whether or not, any kind of deception hurts

16、 consumers feelings as well as their pocket books. Some kinds of deception even endanger their health and safety as well. Obviously, consumers need protection against the marketing of unsafe goods and false or misleading advertising. Fortunately, there are both public and 43 agencies working to meet

17、 the need. Governments job in free enterprise system is to protect the public 44 . The public is composed entirely of consumers. When it comes to protecting consumers, therefore, government has the most influence. Because most consumer products are sold 45 , the major responsibility for consumer pro

18、tection is 46 by federal government. That responsibility, however, is shared by many agencies. For example, the US Postal Service works to uncover and stop dishonest schemes operated by mail. The National Highway Safety Bureau is 47 with all aspects of automobile safety. Certain federal agencies, ho

19、wever, have consumer protection as one of their chief 48 . Most federal agencies are known by their initials. FDA stands for the Food and Drug Administration, which probably does more to protect consumers than any other agency. Its major concern is the safety, purity, and labeling of foods, drugs, a

20、nd cosmetics. These are the products for which consumers spends a(n) 49 38% of their incomes. Words英语 词性 汉语1. 农业2. 务农3. 务农;饲养4. 自然的;天然的5. 地区;地带6. 滋养7. 混合物8. 肥料9. 实验性的10. (供特定用途的)场所11. 公司;企业12. 包括;包含13. 盈利的14. 化学品15. 证明16. 经济的17. 利益18. 落后的19. 惊讶的20. 重量21. 癌症22. 适度,适中23. 经受;经历24. 幸运的 Phrases1. 解释;说明2.

21、 be used to do 3. 习惯做4. used to do 5. 支持;支撑6. make the best use of 7. 好好利用8. involve in 9. 卷入;介人10. make a profit of 11. 从中获利(获益)12. a variety of 13. 从变得14. vary with 15. 从中获益16. be beneficial to 17. 把视为,看作18. no longer 19. 相比之下20. in comparison 词汇讲解1. farm v务农;他靠养蜘蛛为生。 ( 翻译)farming务农 他利用暑假的时间在乡下向祖父

22、母学做农活。2. be used to do被用于做木头经常被用来做桌子。【拓展】beget used to doing习惯做他已经惯于早起。used to do过去常常做He used to live here ( 翻译)3. hold up支持;这些柱子支撑着房顶。【拓展】举起;抬起;拿起如有问题请举手。其他与hold有关的常用搭配:hold on(打电话时用语)别挂上hold out伸出;坚持Could you ? Ill see if the managers in你不要挂断电话好吗?我去看一看经理在不在。The boy his hands to ask for sweets from

23、 his mum小男孩伸出手向母亲要糖吃。The general thought that the enemies wouldnt for long将军认为敌军不会坚持抵抗很久的。4. Mixture n混合物His oilpainting is a mixture of styles ( 翻译) 【拓展】 mix v使混合 常用搭配:mix A with B 把A和B混起来使水和油相溶合是不可能的。5. make the best use of充分利用make good use of好好利用 make full use of充分利用我们应该充分利用自己的业余时间去发展个人爱好。6. invo

24、lve v包括; This task involves a lot of survey这项任务需要做很多调查。 她的新工作需要经常出差。 【常用搭配】 involve in使卷入;使介人 Dont involve other people in your trouble别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。7. profitable adj盈利的 The deal is profitable to both the buyer and the seller这桩买卖双方都有利。 【拓展】profit n益处;利润 He made a of one million dollars on this deal这

25、桩生意使他获利一百万美元。 v有益;有利 【常用搭配】profit from从中获利(获益) The young man a lot from the old mans words老人的话使年轻人受益匪浅。8. variety门种类 【常用搭配】a variety of各种各样的她用各种方法使孩子们感到高兴。 ( 翻译) 【拓展】vary v变化;改变 【必背】 vary fromto从变得 vary with随而变化The tip varied from 5 dollars to 1 0 dollars小费从五美元到十美元不等。Peoples clothing vary with the s

26、easons人们的衣着随着季节的不同而变化。9. economic adj经济的这家企业从这桩大生意中获得了丰厚的经济效益。【拓展】economy n经济economical adj节俭的economics n经济学10. benefit n利益 This dictionary is of great benefit to me ( 翻译) 【拓展】 v有益;受益 【常用搭配】benefit from从中获益 这场大雨对庄稼大有好处。 beneficial adj有益的 【常用搭配】be beneficial to对有益 蔬菜对我们的健康有益。11. Weight n重量 lose weigh

27、t减肥 put on weight增肥她正在节食减肥。 【拓展】 weigh v重量有;称的重量这只箱子重五公斤。 ( 翻译) 她每天早上起床后都称一下自己的体重。12. fortunately adv幸运地 Fortunately,she found her missing handbag at last幸运的是,她最后找到了丢失的手提包。 fortune门财富 【常用搭配】make a fortune发财每个人都应该勤劳致富。 fortunate adj幸运的这位老妇人对自己能活到一百岁感到很幸运。【知识要点】1.重点词汇put . into words, replace, range,

28、other than, out of the question, for the moment 2.重点句型 (1) People often find it .hard to put their feelings into words. (2)So he did it in a quite unusual ways the report was fastened to one end of a pole while the boy was holding the other end. (3) With the long pole between them, any punishment from the father was out of the question. (4)Readers cant help laughing at the cartoon. (5)With the improvement of printing and drawing techniques, modern cartoons and comic strips had become childrens favorite by the early 20th century.3.重点语法The relative clauseRelative

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