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7、于实体性问题和剩余管辖权问题的裁决。下文为较为详细的对仲裁庭论证的摘要。PRESSRELEASE ARBITRATION BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINESAND THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA The Hague, 29October 2015 TheTribunal Renders Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility; Will Hold FurtherHearings The Tribunalconstituted under Annex VII to the United

8、 Nations Convention on the Law of theSea (the “Convention”) in the arbitration instituted by the Republic ofthe Philippines against the Peoples Republic of China has issued its Award onJurisdiction and Admissibility. This arbitration concerns the role of “historicrights” and the source of maritime e

9、ntitlements in the South China Sea, thestatus of certain maritime features in the South China Sea and the maritimeentitlements they are capable of generating, and the lawfulness of certainactions by China in the South China Sea that are alleged by the Philippines toviolate the Convention. In light o

10、flimitations on the matters that can be submitted to compulsory disputesettlement under the Convention, the Philippines has emphasized that it is notrequesting the Tribunal to decide the question of sovereignty over maritimefeatures in the South China Sea that are claimed by both the Philippines and

11、China. Nor has the Philippines requested the Tribunal to delimit any maritimeboundary between the two States. China has repeatedly stated that “it will neitheraccept nor participate in the arbitration unilaterally initiated by thePhilippines.” China has, however, made clear its viewin particular thr

12、ough thepublication in December 2014 of a “Position Paper of the Government of thePeoples Republic of China on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China SeaArbitration Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines” (“Chinas PositionPaper”)that the Tribunal lacks jurisdiction to consider the Phili

13、ppinesSubmissions. Under theConvention, an arbitral tribunal must satisfy itself that it has jurisdictionto decide a matter presented to it, even if a party chooses not to participatein the proceedings or to make a formal objection. Accordingly, the Tribunaldecided in April 2015 that it would treat

14、Chinas Position Paper as effectivelyconstituting a plea concerning the Tribunals jurisdiction and convened aHearing on Jurisdiction and Admissibility that took place in The Hague on 7, 8and 13 July 2015. The TribunalsAward of todays date is unanimous and concerns only whether the Tribunal hasjurisdi

15、ction to consider the Philippines claims and whether such claims areadmissible. The Award does not decide any aspect of the merits of the Partiesdispute. In its Award, the Tribunal has held that both the Philippines andChina are parties to the Convention and bound by its provisions on thesettlement

16、of disputes. The Tribunal has also held that Chinas decision not toparticipate in these proceedings does not deprive the Tribunal of jurisdictionand that the Philippines decision to commence arbitration unilaterally was notan abuse of the Conventions dispute settlement procedures. Reviewing theclaim

17、s submitted by the Philippines, the Tribunal has rejected the argument setout in Chinas Position Paper that the Parties dispute is actually aboutsovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea and therefore beyond theTribunals jurisdiction. The Tribunal has also rejected the argument set out inC

18、hinas Position Paper that the Parties dispute is actually about thedelimitation of a maritime boundary between them and therefore excluded fromthe Tribunals jurisdiction through a declaration made by China in 2006. On thecontrary, the Tribunal has held that each of the Philippines Submissions reflec

19、t disputes between the two Statesconcerning the interpretation or application of the Convention. The Tribunalhas also held that no other States are indispensable to the proceedings. Turning to the preconditions tothe exercise of the Tribunals jurisdiction set out in the Convention, theTribunal has r

20、ejected the argument in Chinas Position Paper that the 2002ChinaASEAN Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Seaconstitutes an agreement to resolve disputes relating to the South China Seaexclusively through negotiation. On the contrary, the Tribunal has held thatthe ChinaASEAN Dec

21、laration was a political agreement that was not intended tobe legally binding and was therefore not relevant to the provisions in theConvention that give priority to the resolution of disputes through any meansagreed between the Parties. The Tribunal has likewise held that certain otheragreements an

22、d joint statements by China and the Philippines do not precludethe Philippines from seeking to resolve its dispute with China through theConvention. Further, the Tribunal has held that the Philippines has met theConventions requirement that the Parties exchange views regarding thesettlement of their

23、 dispute and has sought to negotiate with China to theextent required by the Convention and general international law. The Tribunal then consideredthe limitations and exceptions set out in the Convention that preclude disputesrelating to certain subjects from being submitted to compulsory settlement

24、. TheTribunal observed that whether these limitations and exceptions would apply tothe Philippines claims was, in some cases, linked to the merits of the claims.For instance, whether the Tribunal would have jurisdiction to address Chinasclaims to historic rights in the South China Sea may depend upo

25、n the Tribunalsassessment of the nature of Chinas claimed rights. Similarly, whether theTribunal would have jurisdiction to address Chinese activities in the SouthChina Sea may depend upon the Tribunals decision on whether any of themaritime features claimed by China are islands capable of generatin

26、g maritimezones overlapping those of the Philippines. The Tribunal also noted that thelocation of certain activities and the Conventions exception for militaryactivities may affect its jurisdiction over certain of the Philippines claims In light of the foregoing, theTribunal has concluded that it is

27、 presently able to decide that it does havejurisdiction with respect to the matters raised in seven of the PhilippinesSubmissions. The Tribunal has concluded, however, that its jurisdiction withrespect to seven other Submissions by the Philippines will need to beconsidered in conjunction with the me

28、rits. The Tribunal has requested thePhilippines to clarify and narrow one of its Submissions. The Tribunal will convene afurther hearing on the merits of the Philippines claims. In consultation withthe Parties, the Tribunal has provisionally set the dates for the meritshearing. As with the Hearing o

29、n Jurisdiction and Admissibility, the hearing onthe merits will not be open to the public, however the Tribunal will considerrequests from interested States to send small delegations of observers. ThePermanent Court of Arbitration (the “PCA”), which acts as Registry in the case,will issue further Pr

30、ess Releases upon the commencement and closing of themerits hearing. The Tribunal expects that it will render its Award on themerits and remaining jurisdictional issues in 2016. An expanded summary of the Tribunalsreasoning is set out below. * * *管辖权和可受理性问题的裁决的摘要1. 仲裁案以及管辖权和可受理性程序的背景本次仲裁涉及菲律宾对三项互相联系

31、的涉及菲律宾和中国在南海关系的事项进行裁决的请求。第一,菲律宾请求仲裁庭做出对双方在南海权利和义务的渊源以及公约对于中国在所谓“九段线”内“历史性权利”的主张的效力的裁决。第二,菲律宾请求仲裁庭做出某些被菲律宾和中国同时主张的海洋地形被恰当地定义为公约下的岛屿,礁石,低潮高地或者水下地物。这些海洋地形在公约下的地位可能决定它们所能产生的海洋区域。 最后,菲律宾请求仲裁庭裁定中国在南海的某些活动是否违反公约规定,包括干扰菲律宾行使公约下的主权权利和自由或者进行危害海洋环境的建设和渔业活动。 2中国政府在此前进行的一系列程序中采取不接受、不参与仲裁的立场。该立场在其照会、公开声明以及于2014 年

32、12 月7 日发布的中华人民共和国政府关于菲律宾共和国所提南海仲裁案管辖权问题的立场文件,以及两封由中国驻荷兰王国大使至仲裁庭成员的信函中被重申。中国政府同时表示,以上声明及文件“决不得被解释为中国以任何形式参与仲裁程序。”在公约中,根据附件七组成的仲裁庭的管辖权限于缔约国之间关于公约解释和适用所产生的争端。但公约排除了法庭关于特定种类争端的管辖权,并且规定了任何仲裁庭在行使管辖权之前必须满足的先决条件。根据第四号程序令中罗列并在常设仲裁法院第四新闻稿 (2015年4月22日,请见 中解释的原因,仲裁庭将中国的通信视为关于菲律宾诉求超出仲裁庭管辖权的有效抗辩。于是,仲裁庭在2015年7月就菲律宾诉求的管辖权和可受理性问题进行了初步开庭审理。仲裁

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