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本文(海南省职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项竞赛规程Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、(2)外语水平(10分):主要考察选手的英语口语表达能力,每位选手需回答两道题,根据情景应答。时间为3分钟。(3)现场操作(80分):主要考察选手操作的熟练性、规范性、美观性、实用性。中餐宴会摆台项目:主要考察选手进行中餐宴会10人位的摆台操作。时间为18分钟。西餐宴会摆台项目:主要考察选手进行西餐宴会6人位的摆台操作。时间为15分钟。中式铺床项目:主要考察选手进行中式铺床的操作。时间为3分。2.比赛内容的比重每位选手的最后比赛成绩为仪容仪表、外语水平、现场操作三项10:10:80的比重之和。各个项目的“比赛规则及评分标准”及英语参考题附后。3.赛程安排日 期时 间事 项报到前一日8:0017

2、:00赛场体验报到日15:00 17:30参赛选手及领队、指导教师报到30 16:领队会议(含抽签) 16:3017:50 专家考场检验及封场第一日30 9:开幕式9:30 12:分赛项比赛(现场实操口试)14:00 18:第二日00 12:四、竞赛方式(一)竞赛方式本赛项为个人赛,包括中餐宴会摆台与服务、西餐宴会摆台、客房中式铺床两三个分项。(二)组队要求1. 每个分项每队限报2名选手,中、西餐选手不得兼项,每名选手限报1名指导教师。指导教师须为学校专兼职教师。2. 参赛选手须为全日制正式学籍的中职在校学生,或五年制高职一至三年级(含三年级)的学生。参赛选手年龄须不超过21周岁(当年),即1

3、996年5月1日后出生。3. 同一学校相同分赛项报名人数不超过2人。4. 参赛选手所学专业须为中职高星级饭店运营与管理专业、旅游服务与管理专业或旅游外语专业。五、竞赛试题本赛项是公开试题,题库见附件1。试题库中情景应答每个项目30道题。英语口试样题如下: 1.Q: How do you check upon the guests name of the reservation? A: Good evening. Under whose name was the reservation made?六、竞赛规则见附件2七、竞赛环境比赛场地位于学校二号实训楼的专业实训室,场地为12米宽的大开间,非常

4、适合举行本次技能比赛。每一项目的口试及技能竞赛均放在同一场地举行。八、技术规范执行全国旅游职业教育教学指导委员会编制的高星级饭店运营与管理专业人才培养方案中的专业教学要求;执行人力资源和社会保障部制订的餐厅服务员(四级)、客房服务员(四级)职业资格标准;九、技术平台1.信息化技术平台(1)电脑:4台(2)液晶计时器:4台(一台备用)(5)摄像机:3台2.比赛器材(以1名选手计,尺寸现仅为参考) 详见附件3十、评分标准 详见附件4附件6 十一、评分办法1.每个分赛项总分100分,其中仪表仪容10分,英语口试10分,现场操作80分。竞赛内容的组成与比重一级指标比例现场实操80%英语口试10%仪容仪






10、其他通讯工具或禁带工具。选手离开赛场,在本场比赛未结束前,协助待赛选手作弊。其他严重违规违纪行为。8.其它本次竞赛各参赛学校做好服装统一要求,参赛选手可自备比赛服装。选手自备的比赛用具需准备齐全。比赛规程未尽事宜,请向承办学校联系人咨询。附件1.酒店服务技能比赛英语口试参考题库2.竞赛规则3.比赛用具规格4. 酒店服务技能比赛(中餐、西餐、客房中式铺床)评分标准5.仪容仪表评分标准6.外语口试评分标准2017.1.11附件1酒店服务技能比赛英语口试参考题库一、中餐宴会摆台项目 1.Q:2. Q: Can you explain the terms of breakfast both for a

11、dults and children in the hotel?A: Sure, we offer breakfast at the rate of 128 RMB for each adult, and its free of charge for children under 6.3. Q: Ask the guests if theyd like to wait a while in the lounge until the table is available. Would you like to have a seat and rest in the lounge for a mom

12、ent?Well seat you as soon as the table is ready.4. Q: How do you offer to take order for the guests in the evening? Good evening. May I take your order now? / Are you ready to order now?5. Q: Ask the guest his preference for fruit juice. What kind of fruit juice would you prefer? We have grape juice

13、, kiwifruit juice and orange juice.6. Q: Ask the guests choice of wine. Would you like a bottle of red wine to go with your Sirloin Steak?7. Q: What do you say when serving the guests their dessert? Here is your dessert. Please enjoy.8. Q: Ask the guest how he would like his steak prepared. How woul

14、d you like your steak done? Rare, Medium or Well-done?9. Q: When the guest tells you they need more time to think before ordering, how do you respond? Very well, please take your time. I will be back with you in a moment.10. Q: Tell the guests the general sequence of a Chinese dinner. Chinese dinner

15、 usually starts with cold dishes and ends with a soup. 11. Q: What do you say if the guest orders a dish which is not available in your restaurant? Im afraid we do not serve this dish in our restaurant. May I recommend the speciality of today? 12. Q: Explain the service charge to the guests bill. As

16、 you may have noticed, a 10% service charge has been added to the total. 13. Q: What do you say in seeing off the guests? Im glad you enjoyed. Thank you for coming! Good-bye. 14. Q:If the guest wants to make a reservation with your restaurant, what information do you need to know?A:I have to confirm

17、 such information regarding the name of the guest, his telephone number, the time for the reservation, the number of guests to be expected. 15. Q:As a hostess, whats the first thing you need to find out when the guest arrives? A:I have to find out whether the guest has a reservation or not. 16. Q:If

18、 some guests complain that there is a guest smoking in the non-smoking restaurant, what should you do?I will apologize to the upset guests and remind the other guests that smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. If he wants to smoke, hed better go to the smoking area of the hotel. 17. Q:What would

19、 you say when you want to recommend something to the guest?May I recommend this one, madam? / May I suggest you try this one, sir? / Would you like to take a look at this, Miss? 18. Q:What do you need to do after the guest has finished ordering?I need to confirm everything by repeating all the dishe

20、s he has ordered and all relevant preferences he has mentioned before I leave. 19. Q: What do you say to check upon the guests needs when all the dishes have been served?Do you enjoy the meal? Is there anything else I can do for you? 20. Q: What would you say to the guest when you are recommending y

21、our house speciality? Would you like to try our house speciality? Its very popular among our guests. 21. Q: If a guest wonders whether he could smoke at the bar, what will you probably say? I will say “Im sorry. But smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the bar.” 22. Q: What will you do when the gu

22、est tells you that theres a miscalculation in the bill? I will check with the guest carefully. If there is a mistake, I will apologize and then bring the bill back to the cashiers desk to correct it. 23. Q: How do you make sure of the number of people in the dinner party?How many people are there in

23、 your party? 24. Q: If the guest complains that the soup is cold, what should you do? I will apologize to the guest and promise to return the soup to the chef immediately and get a fresh hot bowl of soup for the guest. 25. Q: How are “a la carte” and “table dhote” distinguished? Two forms of meals a

24、re distinguished: a la carte and table dhote. An a la carte meal is ordered course by course from a menu where each item has a separate price, whereas a table dhote meal has a fixed price for a complete meal or several courses. 26. Q: Whats the standard of excellence for restaurant service in a delu

25、xe hotel? The restaurant service in a deluxe hotel is expected to be fast, polite, very professional and of top quality. 27. Q: Ask the guest about the time of his reservation for dinner. When would you like your table? / At what time are you coming in on Wednesday evening? / When should we expect y

26、ou? 28. Q: Tell the guests about the choices they have for main course. What would you like to have for main course? We have Sirloin Steak, Roast Lamb, Grilled Prawns and Scallops with Ginger Sauce. 29. Q: Ask and see if the guests would like to have something for dessert. What would you like for de

27、ssert? / What shall I bring you for dessert? 30. Q: What do you need to do if the guest would like to charge his bill to his room? I need to identify the guest by asking him to show his room card, and then I will take down his name, room number, and finally help him to sign the bill.二、西餐宴会摆台项目1. Q;

28、How do you answer a phone call as a banquet reservationist in the morning?Good morning, banquet reservation. Can I help you? If you meet Mr. Smith again, what do you say to him?Its nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. When you lead a guest to his table, what will you say?Shall I show you to your table? If a guest wants to sign the bill, what will you ask the guest to do?Show the room card and sign the name and room number on the bill,please. If you make a mistake, how do you apologize to the guest?Im sorry for mak

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