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1、每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman want to do?A. Pack for a trip. B. Get more sleep. C. Cook some food.2. Why is the mans homework always late?A. He manages his time poorly.B. He doesnt write down his due dates.C. He has too many projects to work on.3. Who is the man cooking for?A. His grandfather. B.

2、 His mother. C. The woman.4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Brother and sister. B. Parent and child. C. Classmates.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Spending habits. B. Eating fewer sweets. C. Taking care of ones teeth.第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话

3、或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is todays daily special?A. The beef. B. The chicken. C. The cheese sandwich.7. What type of bread does the woman want?A. Indian. B. Whole wheat. C. Honey wheat.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题

4、。8. What does the man want to reserve?A. Business rooms. B. Double rooms. C. Single rooms.9. When will the man check in?A. On September 18. B. On September 22. C. On October 1.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题 10. Why does the man like the fitness center?A. It has fresh air.B. It makes people healthier.C. He can mee

5、t his friends there.11. What will the man do at 2:00?A. Go for a lecture. B. Run in the green way. C. Use the machines in the gym.12. Why do people use fitness center according to Steve?A. To save money.B. To stick to their fitness routine.C. To make friends.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题 13. Where does the boys

6、father work?A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. At home.14. What does the woman do for work?A. She helps to look after patients.B. She creates her own reports for doctors.C. She writes down medical reports for doctors.15. How often does the woman get paid for her work?A. Every week. B. Every tw

7、o weeks. C. Every month.16. Why does the woman prefer to do her job?A. It is very easy. B. It is well paid. C. It gives her more freedom.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why was the village built?A. To give people a home.B. To attract visitors to the museum.C. To show how Cherokee Indians lived.18. What is the

8、 local woman doing?A. Making food. B. Talking about village life. C. Playing a traditional game.19. What may visitors be invited to do?A. Play basketball.B. Shoot with bows and arrows.C. Visit the community buildings.20. When can visitors enjoy a special show?A. In the evening.B. As soon as the vill

9、age opens.C. Right after the gift shop closes.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A I Like MeBy Nancy Carlson A lovely pig announces that she has a best friend :herself! Sweet,colorful pictures help piggy celebrate what she appreciates abouthersel

10、f:The way she looks, her hobbies, and how she takes care ofherself by exercising and eating well. When piggy is feeling down shecan cheer herself up, and when she makes mistakes, she can try again.Piggy is proud of who she is.Whistle for WillieBy Ezra Jack KeatsFrom the author of the Caldecott Medal

11、-winning classic TheSnowy Day, this popular picture book follows Peter as he carries out hisattempts to whistle for his dog, Willie. Vivid pictures describes a childsinner world as he experiences barriers and disappointment until hefinally, joyfully, succeeds.The Blue Ribbon DayBy Katie Couric Best

12、friends Carrie and Ellie try out for the school soccer team,but they face challenges when only Ellie is selected. Disappointmentmay be a part of life now and then, but with some help from her momand friends, Carrie learns that we all have ways in which we shine andshe regains her confidence.Too Loud

13、 LilyBy Sofie Laguna andKerry ArgentEveryone in her family and at school tells Lily Hippo that shes tooloud. Shes even noisy when she reads a book ! She feels herself uselessand disabled. But then a new drama teacher enters the picture andencourages Lily to make good use of her talents for the schoo

14、l play, andeventually, she makes it.21. Which book is related to the school football?A. I Like Me. B. Too Loud Lily.C. Whistle for Willie. D. The Blue Ribbon Day.22. What can we know about Ezra Jack Keats?A. Hes a character of The Snowy Day. B. He was awarded a big book prize.C. He is a co-author of

15、 I Like Me. D. He helped Peter train his dog.23. What do the four books have in common?A. They are for disabled children B. They are on building confidence.C. They are adapted from fairy tales. D. They focus on animal protection.BIt all started when I saw a little advertisement in a magazine for tee

16、ns that read, Follow your dreams.I have always dreamt of seeing other parts of the world, meeting people of different cultures, and communicating in a language that is different from my native one. It was the influence of my dad that made me decide on learning English. He told me that if I learned h

17、ow to speak English, I would have friends all around the world. So I decided to study the language.Learning English was like finding gold! Just by learning the language I could read books written in English, make friends with people from Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, USA, Canada, Singapore, Japan, Spa

18、in and many more countries. I started attending meetings abroad. I was getting job offers just because I could speak English.British English has a long history, but I wanted to speak English like an American not an Englishman. Speaking with an American accent is more interesting. One of my teachers

19、told me that the best way to improve my English was to live in a country where English was spoken. After living in the USA, I came to understand that the best way to understand its cultures and its people was by living there for a period of time.I decided to go the United States to study and to lear

20、n how to do business with Americans. I chose California because to me California accent was easy to understand and the way of life was casual;the weather in California was warm and I would be next to the Pacific Ocean. The cost of living here is high, but the spirit in California is international. I

21、t is relaxing and peaceful. It is full of action.24. What made the author choose to learn English?A. The little advertisement. B. The magazine.C. His fathers words. D. Skills for languages.25. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A. The advantages of learning English. B. The English languages influences

22、.C. The English-speaking countries. D. The ways of learning English.26. Why does the author want to speak English like an American?A. American English is more casual. B. American accent is interesting.C. American cultures are important. D. American people are easygoing.27. How does the author feel a

23、bout living in California?A. Worried. B. Annoyed.C. Regretful. D. PleasedCNot many people ever see an Amur leopard( 远东豹) in the wild. Not surprising, as there are only 90 adults left in the wild, but a shame considering how beautiful they are. With thick and black-ringed coats and huge furry tails t

24、hey can wrap (裹) around themselves to keep warm. The Amur leopard lives and hunts alone-mainly in the vast forests of Russia and China. During the hard winter,the hairs of that unique coat can grow up to 7cm long. They prefer mature forest and avoid open grasslands or populated areas.Wild Amur leopa

25、rds are now only found in the border areas between the Russian Far East and north-east China. Most are in Russia, with a few in China. Their range is smaller than 2,500 sq km-thats an area smaller than Dorset.The good news is that, having been driven to the edge of disappearing from the earth, their

26、 numbers appear to be rising thanks to conservation work-were also able to survey more areas than before and use camera traps to check population changes.Over the years the Amur leopard hasnt just been hunted mercilessly, but its homelands have been gradually destroyed by forest fires, road building

27、, farming, and industrial development. However, recent research shows that wild Amur leopard numbers are believed to have increased, though there are still only 90 adults in the wild, in Russia and north-east China.Amur leopards are so vital for nature of the area where they live. They also affect t

28、he health of the forests and wider environment, which provides local wildlife and people with food, water and others. By protecting the Amur leopard we are helping to look after its environment for the benefit of other wildlife and people that share it.28. Why is it difficult for people to find Amur

29、 leopards in the wild?A. They live and hunt by themselves. B. There are fewer grasslands for them.C. They only appear in the border areas. D. There are so few of them at present.29. What can we infer about the conservation work on Amur leopards?A. It is having a positive effect. B. It has driven the

30、m to forests.C. It has just carried out its plan. D. It slows down farming growth.30. What can Amur leopards do for us?A. Give us unique coats. B. Promote our tourism.C. Keep ecological balance. D. Stop illegal wildlife trade.31. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. The Protection of Amur Leopards B. Amur Leopards, Beautiful AnimalsC. Amur Leopards, Animals Dying out D. 90 Amur Leopards in Russia and ChinaDDemand for the Chinese tech companys equipment is red hot even though the countrys ove

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