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1、3. Renmin Road4. Zhongshan Square5. Yanan Road6. Dalian University of Foreign Languages7. Shengli Road8. Green Mountain Viewing Platform (parking for 15 minutes)9. Shengli Road10. Garden Square11. Wusi Road12. At the gate of The Fresh Flower World (parking for 15 minutes)13. Back of the affiliated h

2、ospital14. Wusi Road15. Zhongshan Road16. Xinghai Square (parking for 20 minutes)17. Binhai Road18. North Bridge19. Tiger Sculptures on Tiger beach (parking, toilet for 15 minutes)20. Zhongnan Road21. Chaoyang Street22. Luxun Road23. Friendship Shopping Mall (40 minutes)(码头引导客人上车,清点人数 致欢迎词)首先自我介绍:我叫

3、XXX,我来自XXX旅行社,我们的司机师傅姓X,我们可以称呼他X师傅,大家今天在大连的游览就是由我们两位为大家服务。(Guide the guests to get on the bus at the dock, count the number of the guests, make a self-introduction and deliver a welcoming speech)Good morning to everyone! First of all, Id like to introduce myself to you: I'm ., from China Travel

4、Agency. Our driver today is . We call him . Welcome to the beautiful coastal city of Dalian! Please let us know how we can help you.现在我们位于大连港,大连港始建于1899年,距今已有百余年的历史。大连港位于辽东半岛南端的大连湾内,港阔水深,冬季不冻,万吨货轮畅通无阻,大连是哈大线的终点,以东北三省为经济腹地,是东北的门户,也是东北地区最重要的综合性外贸口岸,是仅次于上海、秦皇岛的中国第三大海港。Now we are at the Dalian Port. Dal

5、ian Port was founded in 1899; it has more than 100 years of history. At the southernmost tip of Liaodong Peninsula, Dalian Port is a non-freezing, deep-water harbor. With a wide opening, millions of tons of cargo can pass unimpeded. It connects the three provinces in the Northeast part of China. The

6、 three provinces are Helongjiang Province, Jilin Province and Liaoning Province. The Northeast part of China was once known as Manchuria. The three provinces form the economic backyard of the Dalian Port. Dalian Port is also the door to Northeast China, and its the most important international trade

7、 seaport, which is the third largest in China, after Shanghai and Qin Huangdao.现在展现在大家眼前的,是各位到大连后见到的第一个广场港湾广场。 现在港湾广场正在施工修建地铁,也是大连地铁东端起点。2012年12月将建成通车。现在我们经过的是人民路,它是大连市开建最早的一条主干道,东西走向,长一公里,沙俄占领大连的时候被称为莫斯科大街,日本占领大连的时候称为山县通,解放初,为了表示中苏友好,又改称斯大林路,1994年才更名为人民路。由于紧连着大连港这个东北地区对外开放的窗口,所以路两边大都是外贸、航运、物流和金融机构以

8、及海关、商检等单位,是我市著名的金融、商务和航运中心区。Now in front of us is the first square of your visit - Harbor Square. You can see that the Dalian metro is under construction now, and here, the harbor is the starting point of the Metro Line from the east. Dalian metro line will be open to the public in December 2012.Now

9、 we are driving along Renmin road. Its the earliest main road from east to west in Dalian. It was called Moscow Street when tsarist Russia occupied Dalian. Later it was called Tongshan County when the Japanese invaded Dalian in 1904. After China was liberated in 1949, in order to show our Sino-Sovie

10、t friendship, it was renamed Stalin Road, and then renamed as Renmin road in 1994. Renmin means people in Chinese.Since this area is close to the Dalian Port, there are many companies Along Remin Rd for international trade, shipping, logistics and finance. There are also office buildings for customs

11、, commodity inspection, etc. Obviously this area is a well-known financial, business, and shipping center.在路的两侧有好多五星酒店,刚刚经过的就是国际连锁酒店香格里拉,紧接着是富丽华酒店,新世界大酒店,旁边的时代广场是去年新开业的国际品牌的商品购物中心,马路中间的电车大家一定很好奇,在这样一座现代化的城市居然能看到如此古老的交通工具,是的,大连至今依然保留着已经拥有一百多年历史的古老电车,而且所有的司机都是女性,也是大连一直保留下来的传统。On both sides of the road

12、 there are a number of five-star hotels, the hotel we are just passing is Shangri-La Hotel, an international hotel chain popular in Asia. Next to it is the Furama hotel, and beside it, is Times Square, a new international brand shopping mall, which opened last year.You may be surprised to see trams

13、in the middle of the street. Dalian still keeps the old tram with one hundred years of history, and the tradition that every driver isfemale has also been maintained. 右手边就是我们的友谊商城,下午会给大家到里面时间自由购物。现在展现在大家眼前的是中山音乐广场,现在建地铁,没建地铁之前,这里晚上是大连人休闲好去处,晚上播放舞曲,大家问乐起舞,很惬意,也是大连最古老的广场,沙俄占领大连的时候被称为尼古拉耶夫广场,日本占领的大连的时候

14、被称为大广场,后拉为了纪念中国国父-孙中山先生,更名为中山广场。在广场周围的建筑都具有浓郁的欧洲古典风味,其中有一幢是大连宾馆,曾经的末代皇帝溥仪就曾经住在里面。其他的建筑多半都是银行,因此这里也被称为是大连的金融中心。现在我们行驶在延安路上,我们今天第一个将要参观的就是大连的绿山观景台,现在我就给大家简单介绍一下大连(大连概况)On the right hand side, is Friendship Shopping Mall. You can have some time shopping in this duty-free place this afternoon.Now what w

15、e see is Zhongshan Music Square. Before the metro line was constructed, it was a nice place for Dalian people to relax, and for English speakers to meet for English Corner. In the evening people used to come here to listen to music and dance. Its the oldest Square in Dalian. In the time of occupatio

16、n by Tsarist Russia, it was called Nikolayev Square; in the time of occupation by Japan, it was called the Grand Square; finally it was renamed as Zhongshan Square, in honor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the father of China. Zhongshan was his given name in mandarin Chinese, whereas Yat-sen was his given name

17、in Cantonese. Buildings around the square are of European classical style. One of them is the Dalian Hotel. The last Emperor of China, Pu Yi lived there for a time. Another example is the Concert Hall. Many international performances are held there every year. Most of the other buildings are banks s

18、uch as the American Citibank (花旗银行), so this square is also known as the financial center of Dalian.Now we are driving along Yanan Road. The first scenic spot we are visiting today is the Green Mountain Viewing Platform. Can I give you a brief introduction to Dalian before hand?大连位于中国辽东半岛最南端,东濒黄海,西临

19、渤海,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,年平均温度10。大连是中国优秀旅游城市、卫生城市、园林化城市,2001年6月5日联合国授予大连为中国唯一、亚洲第二个世界环境500佳城市。又被称为浪漫之都。大连海陆空交通都方便:国际航线东北最多。大连市区内的交通也相对其他城市要便捷很多大连的马路上大家是不是发现有2种车子比较少见?对了,是自行车跟摩托车。因为大连属于丘陵地形,所以很少有人骑自行车和摩托车,因为要经常上坡,下坡,骑起来比较费劲。As you know, Dalian is located in Liaoning Province, the southern end of the Liaodong Pen

20、insula. It faces Bohai Sea to the west and Yellow Sea to the east. Its not extremely cold in winter and not too hot in summer. The average annual temperature is 10 degrees centigrade or 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Dalian is an excellent tourist city, a clean city, and is called a garden city. In 2001, Da

21、lian was named to the World Environment 500 list of cities. Dalian is the only city in China with this honor. Dalian is also known as a romantic city.The sea-land-air transportation is very convenient here in Dalian: Dalian Airport provides the most international airlines in the northeast of China.

22、The trafficconditions in Dalian are better than many other cities in China. Different from many other cities in China, its hard for you to find two kinds of vehicles. Yes, they are bicycles and motorcycles. Because Dalian is quite hilly, it not convenient for people to ride bicycles and motorcycles.

23、好了,前面即将到达的就是绿山观景台了,它位于大连电视塔脚下,劳动公园的顶端,站在这里可以俯瞰整个城市的全景。大家去过的北京,西安是古城,那么大连是一座现代新兴城市,现在就给大家15分钟时间下车拍照留念。Well, we are arriving at THE Green Mountain Viewing Platform. Its at the foot of Dalian Television Tower, and above Labor Park. Standing here you can get a birds eye view of the whole city. Maybe you

24、 have been to ancient cities such as Beijing and Xian, but Dalian is a rising modern city. Now you can have 15 minutes to take photos. (停车15分钟,下车继续讲解),大家请看公园里面的红白相间的足球,是大连的建筑艺术博物馆,因为大连曾经被称为足球城,这也可以称之为城市的标志之一。后面的楼是瑞诗酒店,右手边看到的是凯宾斯基酒店以及大连市内最高档的海鲜餐厅万宝海鲜坊,左边黑白相间的高楼是韩国现代集团投资建成的希望大厦,也是市区内最美的建筑之一,我们身后的塔就是电视

25、塔,在劳动公园里面有一个缆车站,就是直通到电视塔的,夏天可以滑草。Please look at the huge football with red and white colors. Its one of the icons of Dalian, also the museum of Dalian architectural art. Dalian was once called soccer city when its soccer team was No. 1 nationwide. The building in the back is the Swiss Hotel. On the

26、right hand side you can see the Kempinski Hotel and the citys most expensive seafood restaurant - Wanbao seafood Restaurant. On the left hand side you can see a Black and white high-rise. That is the Hope Mansion invested by South Korea&s Hyundai Group. Its one of the most beautiful buildings in Dal

27、ian. The tower behind us is Dalian Television Tower. There is a cable car to connect to television tower. There on the slope people can do a rail toboggan slide.(组织客人上车清点人数)观赏了市区的众多建筑后大家一定会发现,大连好多建筑都是俄式、日式,为什么一个中国的城市会有这样多外国的建筑呢?下面我就简单给大家介绍下大连的历史:始建于1899年9月的大连,已走过了110个春秋。地处辽东半岛南端的大连,为京津门户,背依东北三省和内蒙古东

28、部的广阔腹地,是东北地区联系世界的窗口。然而,就是这样一方地理位置极优越的土地,在近代历史上先后被沙俄、日本帝国主义侵入、霸占了47年。对殖民者的欺凌和压榨,大连人民进行了可歌可泣的反抗与斗争。Seeing a number of buildings in Dalian, you might have found there is a lot of Russian and Japanese architecture. Why are there a lot of foreign buildings? Now Ill give a brief introduction to the histor

29、y of Dalian: Dalian was founded in 1899 so we now have a history of more than 100 years. Since its located in the southern end of Liaotung Peninsula, its an important door to Beijing and Tianjin. Dalian has got the economic support from the three provinces of Northeastern China and Inner Mongolia. T

30、hat is, Dalian is the doorway to the northeast of China and the world. Due to its vital location, both Tsarist Russia and Japan invaded it and occupied it for 47 years. As I mentioned earlier, the Northeast part of China was once known as Manchuria. Facing the bullying and exploitation of the invade

31、rs, Dalian people waged a heroic struggle against the invaders.1945年8月,大连终于回到了中国的怀抱,并成为新中国建立之前最早获得新生的城市之一。1978年以来加快了大连的发展速度。港口、贸易和造船、内燃机车制造以及渔业生产在全国占有举足轻重位置的大连,成为我国首批批准对外开放的沿海城市之一和计划单列市,名列中国城市综合实力50强的第八位,成为国家园林城市、国家环保城市,率先成为国家卫生城市、优秀旅游城市,同时,又是我国服装城、足球城、田径之乡、水果之乡,是一座遐迩闻名、充满生机、花园般的海滨城市。中国著名市长薄熙来在规划这座城市的时候就说过,要将大连这座城市建在花园里,而不是把花园建在城市里,要让老百姓走出家门就走进花园。Dalian was reunited with motherland China in August 1945 (before national liberation). Since 1987 Dalian has accelerated

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