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大学英语作文写作指导lecture 1 1文档格式.docx

1、In the traditional Chinese culture, girls were regarded as inferior to boys in nearly all aspects and female ignorance was even taken for a virtue. But this stereotype must be abandoned today. Ask school kids and their teachers, and you will be told that girls are more likely to take lead in study,

2、from primary school to senior high school. And statistics indicate that population of girl students, once a rare sight on college campus, has been on a steady increase and even surpass that of boy students in some key universities. How should we look at this female outperformance in their school wor

3、k?It is not surprising if we take the following elements into consideration. To begin with, girls mature two or three years earlier than their male peers. So, when granted the same chance to education, they are more focused on their study than boys, who, athletic and dynamic by nature, can be easily

4、 distracted by some study-irrelevant activities like electronic games.Secondly, it is significantly attributable to the composition of teaching faculties in schools from elementary level to secondary level. School kids have more women teachers, whose psychology is in tune with that of girls, tend to

5、 behave in a manner that is more considerate of girls needs. Boys, unless they are extremely bright, will inevitably feel left in the cold. By and by, boys have to accept their status in class as second-class citizens. Thirdly, the current examination system is also to blame in that most critical ex

6、ams for school kids almost invariably emphasize memorization rather than the creative use of the knowledge boys and girls have acquired. This selection mechanism exactly plays into the hands of girls, whose innate carefulness and cautiousness can facilitate them to produce accurate answers to questi

7、ons on important test papers. Last but not least, girls, acutely aware of the existing gender bias against women in our society, feel compelled to study harder so that they can be one day on the same footing as boys in the increasingly competitive job markets. In reaction to the female superiority o

8、r boy crisis, I have a mixed feeling. While I feel happy for girls, I have a strong conviction that reforms must be made in the current education policy and selection mechanisms, so that we can hopefully produce generations of boys and girls who are equally competent, competitive and confident in th

9、e face of this changing and increasingly challenging world. But lamentably, what is being done in the attempt to boost boys confidence and performance in school, like establishing a boys class, will be futile. It is no more than scratching an itch through ones boot, so to speak.Method 1retrospection

10、 Essay bridge building analogy DINK In the traditional Chinese ideology, nothing would be more unfilial than having no posterity for a married couple. But this value is no longer holding sway in our society, particularly among city residents. In light of a recent census, approximately 15% married co

11、uples would choose to live a life with double incomes and n kids. Such people are commonly referred to as DINK. We cannot help asking: what is the driving force behind this brand-new family style? More Chinese Youngsters Are Studying Abroad Back in the 1990s, going abroad for education was absolutel

12、y beyond the wildest dreams of us ordinary Chinese people. But this dream has translated into reality for an increasing number of young people in our country today. Reports tell us that up to one quarter high school graduates in Chinese big cities like Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou choose to give

13、up the National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao, for short) and take SAT or IELTS instead, hoping to make their way into universities in such countries as America, Australia or Britain. Why are Chinese universities losing their appeal to some young people today?Mass Unemployment of College Grad

14、uates Prior to 1996, college students across China were guaranteed jobs upon graduation. This national policy, however, has become a thing of the past. Today, most college students would spend their last school year running from one job interview to another and still a considerable percentage of the

15、m fail to land a job in time. What has gone wrong to render those intellectual elites less marketable in our era?Private Cars Not long time ago, China was a country of bicycles and private cars were only meant for those few wealthy and politically powerful people. This privilege is now enjoyable to

16、an ever rising proportion of people in our society. Statistics indicate that as many as one third city families have at least one private car. And this car-craziness, to my amazement, is also spreading to the countryside. In the face of this booming auto industry, we need to ponder over a question with sobriety: is it sensible to encourage people to pursue the luxury of private cars?Spanking is not parentingfudanwriting-handan220

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