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1、s a simple solution. It doesnt_14_ anything. Its a great way to_15_the mind and to relax the body from stress and tension._16_ I listen to relaxing music while I meditate. I find it can also_17_ the quality of my sleep._18_ we only have 86,400 seconds each day; I want to be confident about how I pla

2、n to_19_ them.Controlling the busyness of life is a choice. Dont get caught up in making_20_ that you dont have time. Choose to be more in control. Choose to have more balance. Choose your life!在忙碌的生活中,我们每个人都有可能迷失自己,我们该以什么样的态度去度过每一天呢? Btime Cinformation Dmethod答案B“我”每天都很忙碌,没有多余的时间(time)。2A.h

3、eard Bunderstood Cintroduced Dappreciated答案A从本空后的“when talking to others”可知,当你跟别人谈话时,你可能多次听到(heard)别人说很忙。 Bregular Csimple Dbusy答案D根据上文内容可知,毫无疑问,我们的生活是忙碌的(busy)。4A.depending on Bconsisting ofCleading to Ddealing with答案C根据本空前的“a sense of loss of self or imbalance”可知,生活中的琐事会耗尽我们的时间,使我们产生迷失感或不

4、平衡感,从而导致了(leading to)很大的压力。5A.hour Bweek Cmonth Dday 答案D由本空前的数字和下文中的“every 24hour period”可知,一天(day)当中有86400秒。6A.sparing Bsaving Cbalancing Dcollecting答案B世界上没有时间银行,我们无法保存(saving)时间。7A.passage Bdifficulty Cquestion Dpuzzle答案C本空后是提出的问题(question):你把这86400秒花到你想做的事情上了吗?你让这忙碌的生活来决定你把它们花到哪里了吗?8A.accompanied

5、 BraisedCsolved Dleft答案A联系空后的“Do I really know where I want to spend my time”和“What makes me_9_”可知,上面的问题伴随着(accompanied)这两种想法而产生。故选A。9A.responsible BhappyCamazed Dwise答案B此处表示生活中的什么(事情)能使我们快乐(happy)?10A.answers BresultsCfacts Drequests答案A联系空后的“to these questions”可知,当我们陷入生活中的琐事时,我们很难找到答案(answers)。11A.

6、suggestions BdistractionsCorders Ddreams答案B当我们很忙的时候,大脑中会有许多分心的事物。distraction意为“使人分心的事物”。 BpredictCprove Dbelieve答案D我们很容易找到借口,认为(believe)我们没有时间来平衡和控制(control)我们的生活。13A.expression BpityCcontrol Dwealth答案C参见上题解析。14A.reduce Bcost Cdrop Dcover答案B从上句中的simple可判断,这是一个简单的解决办法,不会有任何代价。cost表示“以为代价”

7、。15A.quiet Bcomplete Cfix Dchallenge答案A与本空后的relax并列,这种方法能使我们的心态平和,身体放松。quiet此处用作动词,意为“使平静”。16A.Surprisingly BRecentlyCPersonally DFortunately答案C联系空后的“I listen to relaxing music while I meditate”可知,此处表示“我”个人(personally)的一些情况。故选C。17A.relax Breset Cdecrease Dimprove答案D联系空后的“the quality of my sleep”可知,“

8、我”发现沉思时听轻松的音乐能改善(improve)“我”的睡眠质量。18A.Remember BGuessCConsider DReport答案A记住(Remember),我们每个人每天只有86400秒,“我”想每天自信地利用(use)好这86400秒。19A.require Bfind Cuse Dcelebrate20A.sentences BmistakesCpromises Dexcuses答案D上文中的“It becomes easy to make excuses”是提示,不要找借口(excuses)认为你没有时间。Cloze 2 限时:17分钟武邑中学期末When we read

9、 books we seem to enter a new world. This new world can be similar to the one we are living in, or it can be very_1_. Some stories are told_2_they were true. Real people who live in a_3_world do real things; in other words, the stories are about people just like us doing what we do. Other stories, s

10、uch as the Harry Potter books, are not_4_. They are characters and creatures that are very different from us and do things that would be_5_for us.But there is more to books and writing than this. If we think about it, even realistic writing is only_6_. How can we tell the difference between what is

11、real and what is not real? For example, when we read about Harry Potter, we_7_seem to learn something about the real world. And when Harry studies magic at Hogwarts, he also learns more about his real life than_8_. Reading, like writing, is an action. It is a way of_9_. When we read or write somethi

12、ng, we do much more than simple look at words on a page. We use our_10_ which is realand our imaginationwhich is real in a different wayto make the words come to life in our minds.Both realism and fantasy (幻想)_11_ the imagination and the “magic” of reading and writing to make us think. When we read_

13、12_realistic, we have to imagine that the people we are reading about are just like us, even though we_13_that we are real and they are_14_. It sounds_15_, but it works. When we read,we fill in missing information and_16_ about the causes and effects of what a character does. We help the writer by_1

14、7_ that what we read is like real life. In a way, we are writing the book, too.Most of us probably dont think about what is going on in our_18_ when we are reading. We pick up a book and lose_19_in a good story, eager to find out what will happen next. Knowing how we feel_20_we read can help us beco

15、me better readers, and it will help us discover more about the real magic of books.阅读的时候我们似乎进入了一个新的世界,这个新的世界可能与我们生活的世界相似,也可能是不同的。读书像写作一样,是一种行为,是一种思考的方法。1A.possible Beasy Cnew Ddifferent答案D上文中有similar“相似”,or提醒我们应选与similar意义相反的词different。2A.that Bwhat Cwhether Das if答案D句意:有些故事讲起来似乎就是真的。told用在被动语态中,因而后

16、面不可跟宾语从句,应该是方式状语从句,故选D项。3A.usual Bnormal Ccertain Dcommon答案B句意:生活在正常世界的现实的人做实际的事,故选B。usual“通常的”;normal“正常的”;certain“确定的”;common“共同的;常见的”。4A.realistic BreasonableCmoral Dinstructive答案A句意:有些故事则不是真实的(realistic)。此处与上文对比。5A.difficult BimpossibleCimportant Dnecessary这些故事中的人和动物与我们不同,他们能做对我们来说是不可能的(impossib

17、le)事。6A.thinkable BdesignedCimagined Dplanned答案C此处指甚至现实的作品也只是想象出来的(imagined)。thinkable“能想到的,可相信的”;designed“有计划的,愿意的”;planned“计划的”。 Bmake Chave Dare我们似乎确实了解了真实的世界。do表示强调,意为“确实,务必,一定”。8A.lessons Bdreams Cexperience Dmagic当哈里在霍格沃兹学习魔法时,他对自己现实生活的了解也比对魔法(magic)的了解要多。9A.working BthinkingCliving Dunde

18、rstanding读书像写作一样,是一种行为,是一种思考(thinking)的方法。10A.knowledge BskillCwords Dgrammar答案A上文提到读书,由此可知此处指利用我们所学到的知识 (knowledge)。11A.make BgetCuse Dhave答案C句意:现实和幻想用(use)读书和写作的想象力和魅力使我们去思考。12A.a newspaper BsomethingCeverything Da story当我们读到某些现实的东西(something)时,我们就不得不去想象我们所读到的有关的人就像我们一样。13A.find Blearn Cknow Dhope

19、即使我们知道(know)我们是现实的而他们不是(not)。14A.too Bnot Call Dso答案B句意参考上题。考查上下文联系。此处是把我们和书中的人物进行对比。15A.dangerous Bserious Cstrange Dterrible答案C此处与it works为转折关系,指这种对比有些奇怪(strange)。 Blearn Cread Dthink我们读书的时候,可以把丢失的信息补充起来而且会思考(think)一个人所做事情的影响和起因。17A.telling BpretendingCpromising Dguessing我们只有通过假装(pretendin

20、g)我们所读到的东西就像真正的生活一样来给作家一些帮助。18A.mind Blife Cworld Dsociety答案A和思考有关的是头脑(mind)。19A.heart Btime Cmoney Dourselves答案D根据eager to find out what will happen next可知此处指陶醉在精彩的故事中。lose oneself in意为“埋头于,陶醉于”。20A.what Bhow Cwhen Dwhy读书时如果知道我们的感受如何的话,那将有助于我们成为更好的读者。根据语境可知此处是时间状语从句,所以选择when。Cloze 3 限时:18分钟衡水二中预测Wh

21、at is it that you love to do but never feel that you get it quite right? Perhaps you dont even try any more because you think what you do is not_1_enough. Discouragement seems to follow us a good part of the time,_2_whatever it is that we work so hard doing, it seems that there is_3_someone else who

22、 can do it much better.I have always enjoyed music and it is_4_to me that every musician has a_5_of their own. My father_6_several instruments and when he played with others, it was not difficult to_7_his sound in a group. Whether it was guitar or another instrument, he had his own_8_sound.I_9_read

23、of a music teacher who commented to a discouraged student, “_10_else can make the sound that you make.” The sound that you make may not be the same as someone elses but who is to say which is_11_? It is said that,“_12_ is in the eye of the beholder (观看者)”. Perhaps it could be said that a delightful

24、sound “is in the ear of the_13_”Every person has a different tone of voice that_14_ only to them,_15_ we all know people with an unforgettable laugh or a way of_16_ that is unique to them. It might not be the sound of your music or your voice at all. It_17_ be the way you whistle or the sound of you

25、r footsteps.Each person has a(n)_18_ on the world in some way. Someone else can do what you do, but they cannot do it._19_ the same way that you do it. The next time you feel_20_, remember “Nobody else can make the sound that you make.”一件事无论你怎么努力,总有人比你做得更好。但是你不能因此而灰心,因为“没有人能发出你所发出的声音”,你是世界上独一无二的。1A.easy BgoodCsimple Dhard答案B根据文章首句的“never feel that you get it quite right”的提示,可知此句表达的意思是,也许你因为认为自己做得不够好(good),你就不再尝试了。故选B项。2A.because BalthoughCwhen Dif灰心似乎很多时候都在跟随着我们,因为(because)无论我们努力做什么,似乎总有人(always)比我们做得更好。前半句和后半句构成逻辑上的果和因的关系,故选A项。3A.seldom Balways

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