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1、C. look up D. look into22. Jenny told me she already had three kids. I doubt _ it is true.A. that B. / C. what D. whether23. Last night when _ TV, I heard a knock on the door, which scared me, because it was already 11 oclock and nobody else was in. A. watching B. to watch C. watched D. watch24. The

2、 child suggested with his eyes that it was Jim who _ the glass.A. break B. has brokenC. had broken D. will break25. A new bridge _ in three months in our town.A. is being built B. has builtC. will be built D. will build26. Will you _ the running race tomorrow? No. I have a lecture to _.A. take part

3、in; attend B. take part in; take part inC. attend; attend D. attend;27. Madam, please give me a hamburger and a glass of milk. _ A. Leave me alone. B. Dont say that to me! C. You should be ashamed. D. Here or to go?28. How are you going to _ these problems? I really dont know what to _. Will you hel

4、p me out? A. deal with; do with B. deal with; do C. do with; do with D. do with; do29. Whats wrong with Tom? He disagreed _ whatever I said yesterday.A. on B. to C. with D. together30. My mother always _ me from going out at night and I hate that.A. advises B. prevents C. protects D. defends31. Its

5、his carelessness that _ that terrible accident and thats why he was fired yesterday.A. broke up B. broke outC. resulted from D. resulted in32. With his mother _ him, he is getting on well with his studies.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps33. He is the only one of the workers who _ the work so f

6、ar.A. have finished B. has finishedC. finished D. had finished34. The result of the game turned out to be very good, _ was out of our expectation.A. what B. it C. which D. this35. I want to ask you if we could have a talk. _. Lets begin.A. Dont kid me B. Of course not C. I feel terrible now D. Sure第

7、二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Genghis Khan was a great king and warrior. One morning he rode out into the woods to have a days hunting, followed by 36 of his friends. On the kings wrist sat his favorite 37 , for in those days hawks were 38 to hunt. All day long Genghis Khan and his huntsmen rode throu

8、gh the 39 . But they did not find as much game as they expected. Toward 40 they started for home. The king had often ridden through the woods, and he knew all the 41 . So while the rest of the party took the 42 way, he went by a longer road 43 a valley between two mountains. The day had been 44 , an

9、d the king was very thirsty. To his joy , he saw some water trickling(细细地流) 45 over the edge of a rock. He 46 a little silver cup from his hunting bag. He 47 it so as to catch the 48 falling drops. It took a long time to 49 the cup, and the king was so 50 that he could hardly wait. At last it was ne

10、arly full. He put the cup to his lips and was about to 51 . But all the water was spilled onto the 52 as his hawk knocked over the cup. The king was very angry, 53 he struck the bird with a quick sweep of his sword as it passed.The next moment the poor hawk 54 bleeding on the ground and died at its

11、masters feet. When the king climbed up the mountain, he found the 55 of the spring was a huge, dead snake of the most poisonous kind. 36. A. no B. one C. none D. many 37. A. bird B. snake C. hawk D. horse38. A. born B. asked C. fed D. trained39. A. mountain B. woods C. valley D. palace40. A. morning

12、 B. evening C. afternoon D. noon41. A. pools B. trees C. animals D. paths42. A. shortest B. longest C. farthest D. safest 43. A. through B. over C. across D. throughout44. A. cold B. windy C. rainy D. hot45. A. off B. up C. down D. away46. A. caught B. took C. dropped D. broke47. A. washed B. bit C.

13、 held D. watched48. A. carefully B. quickly C. slowly D. fast49. A. hold B. fill C. empty D. clean 50. A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired D. excited 51. A. taste B. eat C. smell D. drink 52. A. sky B. ground C. horse D. hand53. A. but B. and C. so D. because54. A. flew B. lay C. cried D. started55. A. mo

14、ther B. starting C. end D. origin第三部分 阅读理解(共小题;每小题分,满分分) This story happened two months ago when I was visiting my oldest daughter and two grandsons in Coconut Grove, Miami Florida, and walking home from a wonderful lunch in the Grove with my 4-year-old grandson on my shoulders. I was his grandpa, a

15、nd he liked me very much. That night was Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year in the Jewish religion, and my family was all together. Life couldnt be better. I suddenly noticed a shiny new cellphone lying on the edge of the sidewalk, which obviously someone had dropped. We were a block away from

16、the busy area of the Grove, and I thought for a moment. “If I leave it, someone could pick it up and not return it, or maybe the owner would return and retrace his / her steps to see where it might have dropped.” On the other hand, I thought, “If I pick it up, for sure the owner will call and I can

17、return the phone.” So I picked it up, and walked the half mile back to my daughters house. With Daniel still on my shoulders, I tried to explain to him why I had picked up the phone. While I was walking into the house, the phone rang, and a frantic (发狂的) womans voice asked who I was, and why I had p

18、icked up the phone. I calmed her down, and explained why I picked it up, and gave her directions to the house. When she arrived a few minutes later, before she could say anything, I handed her the phone with a smile card, and asked her to give the card to someone else for whom she would do a similar

19、 good deed. The look on her face and how I felt inside were beyond words, and this feeling couldnt be bought, bottled or duplicated as it came from the heart!56. When did the author find the cellphone?A. On his way to lunch. B. On the way back after lunch.C. When he was playing with his grandson. D.

20、 when he was taking a walk with his grandson.57. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. The author picked up the phone because he didnt want anyone else to get it.B. The author was very happy to have done a good deed.C. Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year for people all over the world

21、.D. The author regretted returning the cellphone to its owner.58. From the story, we can know that the old man is .A. stupid B. kind-hearted C. open-minded D. crazyThis August has seen athletes doing their sweaty part in the Good Luck Beijing sports events. Not all the spectators (观众),however, came

22、out looking exactly good. Some foreign athletes have commented on the passion (热情) of Chinese spectators. So we should keep in mind some special etiquette.Beach volleyball 1. Dress down for beach volleyball. Its also a good time to show off your colorful top and sexy shorts.2. Use protective lotion

23、for your skin. Wear sunglasses and bring something to drink. But dont carry something that blocks other peoples view.3. Look at the body shapes which you like around you, but save some attention for the players skills.Baseball, basketball and football1. Drinks in glass bottles or cans are not allowe

24、d.2. Dont bring a whistle. Referees use them and you can confuse the players.3. Players can be tense when taking a shot. Keep the cheering down at critical moments. Do not use the camera flash.4. If you easily get nervous, bring some snacks. Keep your mouth moving to calm yourself down.Archery and s

25、hooting1. Sit at the back or on either side of the field. For safetys sake, do not get out of there.2. Above all, keep quiet during the event. Put your cellphone on vibration mode or turn it off.3. Do not use the flash on your camera, because it can affect the athletes.4. When the athletes are aimin

26、g at the target, keep your voice down.Cycling and marathon1. Spectators should keep off the track. Control your pets.2. Cyclists or runners might look tired, sweaty and thirsty, but do not hand them a bottle of water, a cool towel or anything else. Accepting any help from spectators can disqualify (

27、取消的资格) an athlete. 3. If a cyclist or runner falls, do not rush over to help. The best thing to do is to contact medical personnel.59. What is this passage mainly about?A. Good Luck Beijing sports events. B. Brief introduction to several events held in a sport competition.C. Some special etiquette s

28、pectators should remember when watching the games.D. How to be a good spectator.60. The underlined phrase “dress down” means “_”.A. wear few clothes B. have special clothes on C. dress informally D. dress formally 61. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. Girls can hold umbrellas in th

29、e beach volleyball stands.B. In basketball matches you can bring some chocolates.C. You are not allowed to bring pets while watching cycling or marathon races.D. At beach volleyball games, you mustnt look at the body shapes around you.62. While watching cycling and marathon races, if you see a cycli

30、st sweaty and thirsty, you should _.A. rush over to help B. contact medical personnelC. do nothing D. hand him / her a bottle of water63. You are advised to sit at the back or on either side of the field during archery and shooting events because _.A. you can see clearly thereB. it is safe for you C. you can easily take photos of athletes thereD. there are no other places for spectatorsChinese female film stars, like Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi, due to

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