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1、2. 适用标准GB150-1998 “Steel Pressure Vessel” GB150-1998 钢制压力容器TSG0004-2009 “Regulations for Supervision on Safety technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel”TSG0004-2009 固定式压力容器安全技术监察规范JB/T 4711-2003 “Coating, Transportation and Packing of P”JB/T 4711-2003 压力容器涂敷与运输包装GB 191-2000 “Packaging - Pictorial M

2、arking for Handling of Goods” GB 191-2000包装储运图示标志 3 Delivery Place and Delivery Plan3. 交货地点及交货计划3.1 Delivery Place: Construction site of Gaolan Port LNG Reception Station in Zhuhai, Guangdong 3.1交货地点:广东省珠海市高栏港LNG接收站建造场地。3.2 Delivery Plan (The specific time depends on actual progress of construction)

3、3.2交货计划(具体时间以实际建造进度为准)Serial No.序号Name of Goods货物名称Unit单位Quantity数量Planned Delivery Date计划交货日期Transportation Mode运输方式I一、Atmospheric temperature vessel常温容器Set台6May 20122012年5月Automobile transportation汽运1Buffer tank缓冲罐-2Instrument gas receiver仪表气接收器3Dock nitrogen buffer tank码头氮气缓冲罐4Fresh water storage

4、 tank淡水储罐On-site fabrication现场制作5Domestic water storage tank生活水储罐Daily-used diesel oil tank日用柴油罐II二、Spare parts for commissioning调试备件套4. Technological Requirements on Packing and Transportation of Vessel4. 容器的包装与运输工艺要求4.1 General Requirements4.1总体要求4.1.1 The vessel shall be packed on the basis of it

5、s use requirements, structural size, weight, transportation distance and transportation mode (railway, highway, waterway or air transportation). The packing of vessel shall be of enough strength, be able to withstand repeated handling and loading/unloading, and enable the vessel to be transported to

6、 the destination safely and reliably. 4.1.1容器的包装应根据容器的使用要求、结构尺寸、重量大小、路程远近、运输方法(铁路、公路、水路和航空)等特点进行。容器的包装必须有足够的强度,能保证经受多次搬运和装卸,并安全可靠地运抵目的地。4.1.2 The vessel may be packed in accordance with the packing list (delivery list) only after the paint is fully dried and the vessel is confirmed as qualified thro

7、ugh inspection. 4.1.2容器须待油漆完全干燥,并经检查合格后,方可按包装清单(发货明细表)进行包装。4.1.3 As for any vessel and components thereof for which there are special requirements on protection against deformation, contamination and damage in the course of transportation and loading/unloading, the packing shall be designed speciall

8、y. 4.1.3对在运输和装缷过程中有严格防止变形、污染、损伤要求的容器及其零部件应进行专门的包装设计。4.1.4 The three pressure vessels under this Project will be delivered as a whole by means of automobile transportation, among which, TS-PV-4201 will be delivery in two sections because its relatively large height may affect the transportation, and

9、then be welded and go through NDT and pressure testing at the delivery place (subject to the coordination of actual transportation vehicle and local highway transportation policies). The remaining three atmospheric-pressure storage tanks will be manufactured on site. 4.1.4本项目三台划类压力容器采用整体出厂汽运,其中TS-PV

10、-4201因设备高度较高,受运输条件限制,可能会分2段出厂,在交货现场完成分段组焊并进行NDT检验和压力试验,具体应以实际运输车辆的协调情况和当地道路运输政策为准。其余三台常压储罐现场制造。4.1.5 The division of vessel shall be stated in drawings or technical agreement entered into by and between seller and buyer on the basis of the characteristics of vessel and relevant transportation requir

11、ements. If any connecting pipe mouth, supporting member, lifting lug or other similar accessory is changed or detached owing to limited shipment space, the assembly diagram which states the position of such accessory shall be provided, and the technology for re-assembly or welding of such accessory

12、and inspection method shall also be provided. 4.1.5容器分段的划分应根据容器的特点和有关运输要求在图样技术要求或供需双方技术协议上注明。若因装运空间要求而改变或去除接管口、支承构件、吊耳或其他类似附件时,应提供标有需重新定位或去除的附件位置的装配图,并同时提供重新装配、组焊的工艺和检验方法。4.2 Packing of Opening Joint 4.2敞口接口的包装4.2.1 If there is paired flange, the joint shall be sealed by the paired flange, with 3mm

13、rubber asbestos plate located between joint and flange. The paired flange or blind plate shall be fixed at the joint by bolts, and the fixing bolts may not be less than 4 and shall be evenly distributed.4.2.1有配对法兰的,应采用配对法兰中间夹以3mm橡胶石棉板的盖板封闭。配对法兰或盲板用螺栓紧固在容器法兰接口处,紧固螺栓不得少于4个且应分布均匀。4.2.2 If there is no p

14、aired flange, the joint shall be sealed by blind plate which has the same outside diameter as flange and is made of five-layer plywood, and the blind plate shall be fixed at the joint with 12# iron wire or adhesive tape.4.2.2无配对法兰的,应采用与法兰外径相同的五合板制盲板辅以12#铁丝或胶带封闭。4.2.3 The connecting pipe with chamfer

15、 shall be sealed by metal or plastic circular protective cover at the end of connecting pipe; the plastic protective cover shall be fixed on the connecting pipe by adhesive tape; the metal protective cover may, as permitted by the drawing, be welded at the outside of connecting pipe, but may not be

16、welded on chamfer. 4.2.3焊坡口的接管,应采用金属或塑料环形保护罩罩在接管端部,塑料保护罩应采用胶带固定在接管上;金属保护罩在图样允许的情况下可点焊在接管外侧,但不可点焊在待焊坡口上。4.3 Expansion on Packing Mode of Vessel 4.3容器的包装形式说明 Nude packing: The large-sized and extremely large sized part which is undetachable and has sufficient rigidity shall be supported by bracket and

17、 fixed by tensioning element, so as to prevent it from rolling over or moving. 裸装:具有足够刚性的不可分拆的大件和特大件,下部设置托架支承,上用拉紧件拉紧固定,以防止滚翻和窜动。 Frame: The vessel or component is reliably fixed in the firm frame made of section steel or square timber. 框架:用型钢或方木等制成牢固的框架将容器或零部件可靠地固定其中。 Wrapping: The components which

18、 are in small quantity, need not to be packed in case, will not get damaged or lost in the course of transportation will be wrapped by straw rope or curtain, and be tied up by iron wire or flat steel. 包扎:不易损伤、不会散失、件数较少,不必要装箱的零部件,用草绳或草帘包好,并用铁丝或扁钢牢固扎紧。 Dark case: It is an enclosed wooden case which is

19、 made of wood plank and lined with asphalt felt (or oiled paper, asphalt paper). This kind of case is used to pack small components which are precise, easy to get damaged, must be protected against moisture and corrosion and easy to lose. 暗箱:系内衬油毛毡(或油纸、沥青纸)用木板钉成的密闭木箱。此种箱是用以包装精密度高、容易损伤、怕潮、防腐以及容易失散的小零

20、件。 Grid case: The components for which the use of dark case is unnecessary and wrapping is inappropriate will be packed by this kind of case. If necessary, the case may be lined with asphalt felt. 空格箱:对不需用暗箱又不宜包扎的零、部件采用此种箱包装。必要时箱内可衬油毛毡。4.4 Packing and Transportation of Vessel Delivered as a Whole or

21、 in Sections4.4整体、分段出厂的容器包装、运输工艺4.4.1 Unless otherwise required, nude packing will be adopted for the vessels under this Project which are to be transported by automobile, and they shall be properly fixed and protected for the purpose of ensuring the safety of transportation and preventing the defor

22、mation of equipment. 4.4.1本项目采用汽运的容器如无特别要求采用裸装包装形式,同时结合运输的安全性及避免设备变形适当加以固定和保护。4.4.2 Before the transportation, the residues in vessel shall be cleared away. 4.4.2装运前应将容器内的残留物清除干净。4.4.3 The bolts of Class-2 accuracy shall be applied with grease and be protected by protective cover. 4.4.3二级精度螺栓除涂油脂外,必

23、须加防护罩保护。4.4.4 The packing shall be designed in light of the actual situation of vessel and transportation. The design shall consider the following requirements:4.4.4应根据容器和运输的具体情况,进行包装设计。设计应考虑以下要求: The monoblock vessel of which the volume is relatively small shall be fixed on transportation vehicle b

24、y stow wood. 体积较小的整体容器,用垫木固定在运载车辆上。 The relatively large and relatively long vessel shall be supported by bracket and be fixed on bracket by tensioning hoop, soft material must be filled between the tensioning hoop and the vessel, and the bracket shall be firmly fixed on transportation vehicle or sh

25、ip. 体积较大,长度长的容器,必须用托架支承,并用拉紧箍将容器紧箍在托架上,在拉紧箍与容器间需垫以柔性材料,托架应牢固地固定在运载车辆或船舶上。 As for any vessel of which the weight is 110 tons, the wooden bracket may be adopted; as for the vessel of which the weight 10 tons or the nominal diameter 3000mm, steel bracket shall be adopted (except for those which have sa

26、ddle). 重量在110吨的容器,可采用木制托架;重量10吨或公称直径3000mm的容器,应采用钢制托架(有鞍座的例外)。 As for any vessel of which the nominal diameter 2600mm or length 12000mm, hook shall be provided at both sides under the package for fixing the vessel. 公称直径2600mm或长度12000mm的容器,应在包装件下方两侧设置固定的板钩。 As for any vessel of which the weight 30 to

27、ns, both sides of transportation bracket shall be equipped with lifting lug. 重量30吨的容器,运输托架两侧应设置起顶用的支耳。 The setup of bracket shall prevent the deformation of vessel. 托架的设置应严防容器变形。4.4.5 For the purpose of transportation, the position of vessel of which the nominal diameter 3000mm shall be properly adj

28、usted until the connecting pipes (especially the large connection pipe for manhole) are located at lower portion within 140 range in the end view (or, if such adjustment is impossible, the connecting pipes may be located on top radial line), so as to avoid the unreasonable beyond-limit transportatio

29、n. 4.4.5公称直径3000mm容器的运输位置,应将接管(特别有人孔之类的大接管)调转在端视图下方140范围内,不可能时,也可放在顶点径线上,以免造成不合理的超限运输。4.4.6 As for any vessel which is delivered in sections, if the rigidity of opening end is insufficient, such end shall be reinforced by cross-type or circular steel plate, so as to avoid the deformation in the course of transportation. 4.4.6分段出厂的容器,当敞口端刚性不足时,应进行“十”字或环形钢板刚性加固支撑,以防运输时变形。4.4.7 For the purpose of lifting of vessel, nylon tape or wire rope with protective sleeve shall be adopted, and it is prohibited to lift the vessel by tying the wire rope directly onto the vessel. In the course of transpo

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