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八年级英语下册《Unit2 Travelling》课时教案 牛津版文档格式.docx

1、旅行这个话题,对学生来说从来都不陌生,在经过一年半的学习,学生的英语词汇已经比较丰富,口头表达也到了一定的水平,所以学生可以对他们曾经去过或即将去的风景胜地畅所欲言,在交流中更能激起智慧的火花,唤起他们环游世界的激情。教学中教师可以采用Role-playing; Cooperating; Pre-reading; While-reading; Post-reading; brainstorming; listening for special information等教学、学习策略,创设贴近生活的情境,利用学生旅游所拍的照片及制作的多媒体课件来展开课堂Work alone, Pair work

2、, Group work 的口语交际活动,让学生在声情并茂的语境中掌握知识,激起语言学习的乐趣。词汇教学可以通过贴近学生生活实际的例子,由易到难,增加对词汇的理解及掌握;听力与口语教学以角色扮演、模仿对话或复述短文为主,强调对主要信息的获取和输出;阅读教学可以帮助学生把短文变成对话,降低难度,然后过渡到复述短文或模仿描述,并借助多媒体把不熟悉的景点真实化、情境化,进而让枯燥的文章趣味化;写作教学以填空造句、模仿写作为主;语法教学旨在引导学生掌握规律,反复模仿操练,对于现在完成时态中瞬间动词到延续动词的变形,提醒学生要进行比较记忆,并反复练习、巩固以达到熟练运用。五、课时安排开篇部分:1课时阅读

3、部分:2课时词汇部分:语法部分:综合技能:学习技能:中心任务:检测部分:Period 1:Welcome to the unit一、教学目标:1.了解外国城市著名的旅游胜地和受欢迎的景点。2.熟悉人们在不同景点从事的各种活动 。二、教学重点:熟悉外国城市著名景点并会运用一些描写旅游的词汇。三、教学准备:录音机,多媒体,投影仪四、教学设计:Step 1 Lead inDiscussion: 1. Each country has its places of interest. Let the Ss tell places of interest in foreign countries and

4、write some of them on the Bb.2. Ask them what people can do if they are in the famous places.Step 2 Presentation1.Show the pictures of the places of interest. Teach the new words and pronunciation. 2.Lead them to read the names of places and countries. Do the exercise: match the places of interest a

5、nd the countries.Step 3 Group the picture of Mount Fuji.2.Make dialogues. Show the picture of Mount Fuji. T: Whats this? Ss: Its Mount Fuji in Japan.T: What can people do there?S1: They can climb hills/ take photos.Make dialogue about other five pictures in pairs. Practice the dialogue be

6、fore the whole class.After reading the new words fluently, let Ss match the parts with lines on their book.Step 4 comic strip1. T: Today Eddie is going on a trip. Listen to the tape and answer the questions:Where is Eddie going?Is he happy at first?Does Hobo want to go too?How does he feel?Is Eddie

7、happy at last? Why or why not?2. Show Picture 4. Show the difference between P2 and P4. Try to get theirtwos thoughts. Present the dialogue between them.3. Read the dialogue after the tape.Practice the dialogue in pairs.Act out.Step 5 Homework 1. Recite the dialogue of comic strip. 2. Do some exerci

8、ses.Period 2: Reading(1)1. 了解Kitty一家的香港之行,通过课文让学生了解有关迪士尼乐园的情况。2. 掌握有关描述旅行的词汇, 能根据课文内容完成有关练习二、教学重难点:掌握有关迪士尼乐园的词汇及重点句型,eg. have been to/ cant stop doing sthAsk the students :1.If you have enough money and time, where do you want to go? Why?2.Have you ever been to Hong Kong?Ask something about Disneyla

9、nd and teach them some new words while asking them questions.Step 3 Reading1. Read the passage and answer the questions (1) Who visited Disneyland ?Kitty and her parents(2) How long did they stay in Disneyland?About twelve hours a whole day2. Listen to the tape ,complete the form.Timeplaceactivities

10、firstthenAfter we left TomorrowlandAfter lunchLater in the afternoonAfter the paradeAfter the show At the end of the day3.Read the passage again, and then tell if the sentences are true or false in Part D on page 29Step 4 Homework: 1. Read after the tape three times. 2. Memorize all the words and ph

11、rases.Period 3:Reading(2)进一步加深对课文的理解二、教学重难点:学生能够用简单的词汇及句子复述课文多媒体,投影仪Step 1 RevisionTranslate some phrases into English.Step2 Reading aloud the passage1. Turn to page 26 and read aloud the passage together. 2. Ask Ss to answer more questions:3. Kitty is back in Beijing. She is showing some photos of

12、her visit to her neighbor Julia. Ask Ss to finish the conversation of Part B on page 28.Step 3 Explaining the language pointsExplain the important words, phrase and sentences in the passage.Step 4 PracticingAmy went to Kittys house for supper. Kitty showed Amy her photo album. Amy was very excited a

13、nd asked a lot of questions. Ask Ss to finish Part C on page 29, and then work in pairs to make the similar conversation. For stronger class, students can add more questions. Step 5 Conclusion Understand the reading details better and use some language points to fill in the blanks on the clue table.

14、Step 6 Having a revisionNow, its an English class. Kittys English teacher wants the students to say something about their trips during the holiday. Kitty has been to Hong Kong. Suppose you are Kitty, please say something about Hong Kong Disneyland with your own words according to the following expre

15、ssions. At the entrance Tomorrowland (Space Mountain) (The whale fountain) (roller coaster) Fantasyland (Sleeping Beauty Castle)Adventureland (Disney charactersa parade) (watch the great Lion King show) Main streetSleeping Beauty Castle(buy souvenirs) (watch fireworks) Step 7 Free talk1. Choose the

16、place you most want to go- Main Street USA, Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, Adventureland. 2. Why?3. Say five sentences about your trip (your past trip or dream trip)Step 8 Exercises & Homework1. Learn the reading passage by heart. 2. Tell something about Hong Kong Disneyland.Period 4: Vocabulary学习正确使用名词

17、构成形容词的后缀ful及否定后缀less理解名词构成形容词的后缀并在语境中正确使用合适的形容词。Kitty and her parents went to the Disneyland.What do you think of the Disneyland?1.I think Disneyland is wonderful.2.It shows us a colorful world.3.It is really meaningful to go there Write the adj.s on the BbStep 2 PresentationExplain that a suffix is

18、 a letter or a group of letters that we add to the end of a word to form a new + -suffix -adj.The suffix -ful means full of or having a quality of. The suffix -less means without, not having a quality of. We can add -ful or -less to some nouns to form adjectives. Step3 Part A1. Tell stude

19、nts that some nouns can take either suffix , some can only take ful, some can only take -less and some others can take neither. 2.Work in pairs to finish Part A on page 30. If students are not sure, they can use a dictionary for help. 3. Check the answersdelightdelightful; endendless; noisenoiseless

20、; wonderwonderful4. Read the words after the teacher.5. Not all the nouns can add-ful or less to form adjectives. eg: friendly, windy, excited, interesting,Step 4 Vocabulary Part B1. Let students finish the exercise B on P30.2. Check the answers.3. Oral work: Brain storm (let one student choose one

21、of the adjectives to make one sentence, and his or her desk-mate use the opposite to make a sentence. One pair by one pair. Which group can do the best?) 4. Do some more exercises.1. Remember the adjectives and the opposites.2. Write a short passage to talk about one of your classmates. Tell why you

22、 like him or her with the adjectives and the opposites.Period 5: Grammar(1)一、教学目标 1加深对现在完成时的理解。2会正确运用have been to/in及have gone to。本节课的重难点为have been to/in及have gone to在使用中的不同,学生应通过反复练习以达到巩固效果。多媒体 投影仪Step 1 Revision 1. Review the meaning of the present perfect tense and the structure of it. 2. T gives

23、 Ss some examples .Pay attention to the words: already, yet, just, ever, never, for, since.3. T gives Ss some exercisesA) We use have /has been to express the idea that someone went to someplace and has already come back. Eg. I have been to England twice. (Where am I now/Am I still in England? ) B)

24、We use have /has gone to express the idea that someone went to someplace and is still there. Eg. She has gone to the office. And she will come back in a few minutes.Step 3 Practice Daniel is asking Millie about traveling. Complete the conversation on page 31 with the correct forms of the verbs in br

25、ackets. Step 4 Exercises Correct the mistakes 1.I have gone to Japan before. ( )2.The scenery of Mount Fuji is very beautiful, I have been to there twice. ( )3.His father has been to Beijing .He wont be back until next week( )Finish some more exercisesStep 5 Work in pairsReplace the underlined words

26、 with your own ideasA: Have ever been to City Library?B: Yes .I often go there with kitty? But wheres Kitty today? She has gone to the library again. How long has she been in the library?I dont know.Get some pairs to act out the dialoguesStep 6 Homework1. Translate the sentences 2. Do some exercises

27、 in the workbook.Period 6: Grammar(2)一、教学目标1. 理解瞬间性动词和延续性动词的不同用法,以及它们之间的转化2. 进一步区分一般过去时和现在完成时的用法二、教学重难点本块的重难点是现在完成时态中瞬间动词到延续动词的转换,学生要在教师的指导下反复操练,以达到熟练运用。三、教学准备: 多媒体 2投影仪四、教学设计Step 1 Revision and lead in复习用法1:现在完成时态的含义是表示过去发生的或已完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。特点是既涉及过去,又联系现在;动作是过去发生的,结果是现在存在的。we use these continuous time adverbials: already, yet, just, ever, never, recently Eddi

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