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auditing 注册会计师考试综合阶段英文部分 审计Word文档格式.docx

1、ISA international standards on auditingTherefore 因此Fall into 归入,属于,分成Continue as a going concern 最为一个持续经营的企业继续存在下去参考译文:国际审计准则第570号-持续经营明确规定了注册会计师对持续经营假设的审计责任。住在指出注册会计师在计划和实施审计程序并对其结果进行评估时,应考虑管理层在编制财务报表时所作出的持续经营的假设的恰当性。因此,注册会计师的责任体现在如下三个方面:执行恰当的审计程序以识别被审计单位是否可以持续经营。确信管理层在编制财务报表时所使用的持续经营的假设是有现实依据的。当注册

2、会计师认为管理层未恰当使用持续经营假设,例如财务报表基于持续经营编制,但审计程序表明该假设使用不恰当时,注册会计师应向被审计单位内有关成员进行报告。Paragraph2:The auditors should carry out the following procedures to ascertain whether an entity is a going concern.Review managements plan for future actions based on its going concern assessmentGather additional sufficient a

3、nd appropriate audit evidence to confirm or dispel whether or not a material uncertainty regarding the going concern concept .Seek written representations from management regarding its plans for future action.Obtain information from the entitys bankers regarding continuance of loan facilities.Review

4、 receivables ageing analysis to determine whether there is an increase in days which may also indicate cash flow problems.Ascertain 确认Entity 主体Dispel 减轻,消除,驱散Written representation 书面声明Loan facility 贷款便利Facility 是一个比较专业的财经英文字汇,通常指金融机构为企业提供的一系列产品,谓之融资便利。在对企业进行信用风险评估时,对其担保物的评估称之为债项评级,这个债项也是用facility.R

5、eceivables aging analysis 应收账款的账龄分析注册会计师应该执行下述审计程序以确定被审计单位是否可持续经营。审阅管理层基于持续经营评估的未来应对计划。收集其他充分、适当的审计证据,就持续经营能力是否存在重大不确定性得出结论。要求管理层提供有关未来应对计划的书面声明。从与被审计单位往来的银行机构取得其继续对被审计单位提供贷款支持的信息。对应收账款的账龄进行审阅以确定应收账款天数是否延长,这将从一个方面说明现金流是否存在问题。Reliance on the works of the third partyParagraph1The external auditors wou

6、ld normally be able to use the work of the internal auditors provided that:They are independent. They should report to the board, which would be a factor increasing their independent. It will be even better if they have strong links with the audit committee.They are competent. The firm should form a

7、 view in past years of their reliability by considering the background (including qualifications and experience etc.) of the internal audit staff and by examining their reports and working papers.Effective communication. There should be effective communication between the internal auditors and the e

8、xternal auditors.There have exercised due professional care. The work needs to be properly planned including detailed work programmes, supervised, documented and reviewed.Example: impairment of independenceIf the company is experiencing difficulties due to the economic downturn, it requires the loan

9、 in order to survive. Management might place pressure upon the internal auditors to review the cash flow forecast in a more favorable light. This would impact the independence of the internal auditors.The external auditors still take full responsibility for any report that they issue.Internal audito

10、r 内部审计师Internal audit department 内部审计部门Provided 倘若,假如Firm 在财会英语特定的语境下,其通常指会计师事务所Substance over form 实质重于形式Qualification 资格Working paper 工作底稿Due to professional care 应有职业关注Due to 由于Economic downturn 经济低迷In a light 从角度Paragraph 2The objectives of the auditor are to determine whether and to what extent

11、 the work of internal auditors can be used, and if so whether the work is adequate for the audit. Although the work of internal audit may be used for the purposes of the external audit, it is important to note that the external auditor has sole responsibility for the audit opinion expressed on the f

12、inancial statement.An effective internal audit function may reduce, modify or alter the timing of external audit procedures, but it can never eliminate them entirely. Even where the internal audit function is deemed ineffective, it may still be used to be aware of the conclusions formed. The effecti

13、veness of internal audit still has a great impact on how the external auditors assess the whole control system and the assessment of audit risk.The external auditor shall determine whether the work of internal auditors is likely to be adequate for the audit and if so, the planned effect of this work

14、 on the nature, timing or extent of the external auditors procedures.Objectivity of functionConsider the status of the internal audit function, to whom it reports, any conflicting responsibilities, any constraints or restrictions, whether those charged with governance oversee employment decisions re

15、garding internal auditors, whether management acts on recommendations made.Technical competenceConsider whether internal auditors are members of relevant professional bodies, have adequate technical training and proficiency, whether there are established policies for hiring and training.Due professi

16、onal careConsider whether internal audit activities are properly planned, supervised , reviewed and documented, the existence of audit manuals, work programs and internal audit documentation.Effective communicationCommunication will be most effective when internal auditors are free to communicate op

17、enly with external auditors and meetings are held regularly, the external auditor has access to relevant internal audit reports and is informed of any significant matters, and the external auditor informs the internal auditors of any significant matters.When determining the planned effect of the wor

18、k the internal auditors on the nature, timing or extent of the external auditors procedures, the external auditor must consider the following:Nature and scope of specific work performed or to be performed:Assessed risks of material misstatement at assertion level:Degree of subjectivity involved in e

19、valuation of audit evidence gathered by internal auditors.The external auditors need to evaluate and perform audit procedures on the work done by internal auditors that they might be able to use, in order to determine its adequacy.The evaluation includes the following:Whether the work was done by in

20、ternal auditors with adequate technical training and proficiency.Whether the work was properly supervised, reviewed and documented.Whether adequate audit evidence was obtained to allow the internal auditors to draw reasonable conclusions.Whether the conclusions reached are appropriate and any report

21、s are consistent with the results of the work done.Whether any exceptions or unusual disclosed are properly resolved.The nature, timing and extent of the audit procedures performed on specific work of the internal auditor will depend upon the external auditors assessment of the risk of material miss

22、tatement of the area concerned, the evaluation of internal audit and the evaluation of the specific work of the internal auditors. Auditor procedures might include:Examination of items already examined by the internal auditors.Examination of other similar items.Observation of procedures performed by

23、 the internal auditors.To what extent 到程度Objectivity 客观性Proficiency 精通subjectivity 主观性Topic 03 : External auditors responsibility regarding the detection of fraudOverall responsibility of auditorThe external auditor is primarily responsible for the audit opinion on the financial statements following

24、 the applicable auditing standardsThe main focus of audit work is therefore to ensure that the financial statements show a true and fair view. The detection of fraud is therefore not the main focus of the external auditors work. An auditor is responsible for obtaining reasonable assurance that the f

25、inancial statement as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.The auditor is responsible for maintaining an attitude of professional skepticism throughout the audit, considering the potential for management override of controls and recognizing the fact that audit p

26、rocedures that are effective for detecting error may not be effective for detecting fraud.Materiality The auditor should reduce audit risk on an acceptably low level.Therefore, in performing audit work and reaching the audit opinion, the external auditor should take the concept of materiality into a

27、ccount. In other words, the external auditor is not responsible for checking all the transactions. Audit procedures are planned to have a reasonable likelihood of identifying material fraud.Discussion among the audit teamA discussion is required among the audit team to place particular emphasis on t

28、he where the entitys financial statements may be susceptible to material misstatement due to fraud.Identification of fraudIn situations where the external auditor does detect fraud, when the auditor will need to consider the implications for the entire audit. In other words ,the external auditor has a responsibility to extend other areas because the risk of providing an incorrect audit opinion will increase.Be responsible for 对负债Audit opinion 审计意见True and fair view 真实和公允的视角Skepticism 怀疑态度Take in account 考虑In other wordsLikelihood 可能性Susceptible 易受影响的,已感到的Impl

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