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1、22. Im faithful.23. Im easy-going.24. I hope I can be a friend to all of you.01.01. 02 介绍他人1. Hi, Peter. Have you met Bob?2. I l introduce you to everybody.3. Id like to introduce Mr. Brown.4. Id like you to meet my friend, Jane.5. I dont think you met David, did you?*Have you two been introduced?A:

2、I donB:No,I havent had the pleasure(不认识,一直没有这个荣幸)6. Have I introduced you to David?7. I dont think youve met before.8. This is Jane, our monitor.m honored to present Mr. Brown.10. David, have you met Jane before?11. I havent had a chance to meet him yet?12. Mr. Brown is in an insurance business.13.

3、I think youll be good friends.01.01.03 回应介绍1. Pleased to meet you.2. Ive heard so much about you.m pleased to make your acquaintance.4. Charmed.5. Ive been looking forward to meeting you.6. I think we01.01.04 辨认别人1. I believe we2. Is the man in black the dean?3. You may not remember me. My name is J

4、ane Green.4. Who is that man?5. Do you know that boy?6. Excuse me, are you Mr. Brown?01.01.05 日常问候1. Good morning, David.2. How are you this morning?3. How do you do?4. Whats up?5. Whats new with you?6. How are things going?7. How are you doing? 8. Hows your little girl?9. How nice to see you!10. Ho

5、w is everything?11. How have you been getting along?12. Nice to meet you.13. Glad to meet you.14. So we finally meet face to face.01.01.06 特定问候1. Happy New Year!2. Happy Lunar New Year!3. The very best of luck to you in the New Year!4. Have a Merry Easter!5. Happy Thanksgiving Day!6. Happy New Year

6、to your family.01.01.07 久别重逢1. Its been a long time, hasnt it?2. What luck for running into you!3. Hows life, Kate?4. Fancy meeting you here.5. Howve you been all these days?6. Long time no see.7. Havent seen you for a long time.8. Hi, its good to see you again.9. Hows your family?10. How have you b

7、een?11. Hows your work?12. Hows business?13. Havent seen you for weeks.14. How are you getting on with your study?15. So-so.*Not too bad.还不赖*Not too good.不太好*Things could be a lot better应该可以更好16. How are you getting on?17. Same as usual.01.02.01 日常告别1. So long.2. Bye-bye. Have a nice day.3. Have a g

8、ood weekend.4. See you.5. Look forward to seeing you again.6. Lets do lunch sometime.7. I hope well meet again sometime. 8. I hope you can come over again.ll stop by later.10. Lets get together again sometime.11. Its so nice to see you again.12. Say hello to your parents for me.01.02.02 晚上告别1. Good

9、night.2. Good night. See you tomorrow.3. Guess I should get going. Good night.4. Good night. Have a nice time.5. Oh, God its late. Ive got to go.&have got to是 have to的口语表达方式.01.02.03 外出时告别1. Goodbye. Have a nice trip.2. Goodbye. Have a nice flight.(用于机场告别)m looking forward to seeing you again.4. Goo

10、d luck!5. Be sure to drop us a line.6. Take care!01.02.04 回应告别1. I have to leave.2. Its too bad you have to leave so early.3. Why dont you stay a little longer?4. I hope to see you again.5. I hope you drop in again whenever youre free.6. I wont keep you then.7. Ill miss you.8. Lets keep in touch.01.

11、03.01 提出邀请1. Were going to have a few friends over at my house.2. We have a party tonight. Would you like to come?3. I want to buy you a drink.4. Could you come to my house for a beer?d like to have you dance with me tonight.6. What are you doing over the weekend?7. Do you have anything to do next S

12、unday?8. I can wait at your leisure.ll call you when you have time.10. What are you going to do on Tuesday night?11. Are you free this Sunday?12. Are you busy on 12th?13. When can we expect you for a picnic?14. Would you like to see a movie with me?15. How about going out for a walk?16. Do you have

13、plans for this morning?17. Are you free later today?18. How about having dinner together?19. Can you come then?01.03.02 答应邀请s OK. Ill be there on time.d like to be together with you.(请校对)m not doing anything.4. Thats what Im thinking about.5. I have nothing to do this weekend.6. Ill be here to pick

14、you up at six.ll be waiting for you at six at my home.8. Ill be expecting you then.ll be there then.10. Thats settled then.11. That will be great.12. That will be fun.13. How about 9 oclock tonight?14. I wont have time until 4 oclock.15. Whens good time for you?16. You can come whenever its convenie

15、nt to you.17. Where shall we meet?18. You decide where.19. Usual place. Be there or be square.01.03.03 拒绝邀请1. Im not sure about it. Ill have to check.ll be busy all day long.3. I wont be free until Wednesday.4. Any time except this Sunday.5. I have to work overtime tonight.ll have to attend a confer

16、ence that day.d love to, but I couldnt.8. I dont feel well.01.03.04 邀请有变1. Do you think its convenient to postpone it till 10:30?2. Is it OK if I postpone my appointment on next Sunday?m afraid Ill be a bit late.m so sorry I cant keep the appointment with you today.5. Do you mind if I change it to a

17、nother time, say Sunday?6. Can you wait a little later. I feel under the weather.7. Could we put it off to the next day?8. We have to cancel the party.9. Could I change my appointment from 1:00 to 2:00?10. Can we meet an hour in advance?11. Im afraid next Sunday is a bit difficult for me.12. How abo

18、ut a rain check?13. Lets change our meeting place to On show Cafe.01.03.05 聚会进行中m so glad you could come.2. Thank you very much for your kindness.3. You can afford a sweet tooth with your nice figure. a sweet tooth 吃甜食的嗜好4. Would you care for something to drink?5. Let me pour you some more tea.6. I

19、seldom saw him at any dances or any other recreational occasions?7. Would you favor me with a dance?t know when well meet again.9. Lets drink to the years to come.s drink to our friendship.11. Lets drink to our future cooperation.12. Im glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for coming.13. Bye, Jane. Take c

20、are!01.04.01 谈论相貌1. She looks old for her age.2. She has put on weight.3. He looks younger than you.4. Is Jane twice of your age?5. Hes still energetic.6. Why does she look pale?7. Jane pulled on a long face today.pull on a long face愁眉苦脸8. Laura has long flowing hair down to her shoulders.9.He has a

21、n oval face.10.Her eyes are glazed.11.Her eyebrows are shapely.12.Whats your impression of Jane?13.He has blue eyes and snowy teeth.14.Her eyes are dewy and her lips are thin and ruddy.15.Hes bony.16.Shes slender.17.Hes man of middle height.18.Im taller than Jordan.19.Hes heavy-built and muscular.20

22、.What a tasteless dress.21.Shes so attractive. She deserves a second look22.Shes got great curves23. David has those killer looks.01.04.02 谈论爱好1. What are your hobbies?2. Whats your favorite pastime?3. What do you do when youre free?4. I pursue English as my hobby.5. My favorite recreational activit

23、y is television.6. Are you a film fan?7. What kind of movies do you like?m a football fan.9. Is he a good pianist?10. Is music your chief interest?11. My hobby is cooking.12. When did you pick up that hobby?13. Do you attend any clubs?01.04.03 谈论爱情1. Is there true love in this world?2. What do peopl

24、e mean when they say they love someone?3. Love makes me happy and depressed.4. Do you believe in love?5. Love is blind.6. Have you ever fallen in love with somebody?7. I like those guys who are bold but cautious.8. How long have you been dating Jack?9. All the girls hit on him in class. 10. Are you going steady?11. Dont worry about finding your soul mate.12. Love me, love my dog.13. Like attracts like.

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