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1、高级英语下L11LL11 on Getting Off to Sleep一 句子1. If it be true that our thoughts and mental images are perfectly tangible things, like our books and pictures, to the inhabitants of the next world, then I am making for myself a better reputation there than I am in this place .Give me a restless hour or two

2、 in bed and I can solve ,to my own satisfaction ,all the doubts of humanity . When I ma in the humors I can compose grand symphonies, and paint magnificent pictures. I am, at once, Shakespeare, Beethoven, and Michael Angelo; yet it gives me no satisfaction; for the only things I cannot do is to go t

3、o sleep.假如我们的思想和头脑中的意像,对冥界的居民来说真像本书和图画一样有形的话,那么在那儿我会为自已赢得比在这个世界上更好的声望。让我在床上辗转反侧一两个小时,我会令自已满意地解决人类所有的疑问。当我有兴致时,我能谱写出雄伟的交响乐,描绘壮丽的画卷。我集莎士比亚、贝比芬和米开良郞基罗于一身。然而这不能令我有丝毫的满足,因为有一件事我做不到:那就是入睡。1. Once in bed, when it is time to close the five ports of knowledge ,most folks I know seem to find no difficulty in

4、plunging their earthly parts into oblivion.一旦躺在床上就是五种感官停止工作的时候。我认识的大多数人能够毫不费力的入睡,但我不行。二词语Anvil bovine callous corporal coy crooked crushing depth eventful glimmer imperishable inconsistency ineffectuality insomnia laudanum legion literally malice meditate metallic monotony oblivion phantasy plumb re

5、monstrate reproachfully snore soporific spiritualism stile straighten stupendous swine sycophantic tormenting unvaryingly verity vexation woo三短语Be of no avail 四同义词1. Contrariness contradiction Contrariness 意为相反,不利,对立面,它是contrary 的名词形式。Contradiction 意 矛盾性,对立性,不一致性2. induce tempt 都有引诱,诱导之意。Induce 意为引诱

6、,劝,指用讲道理的方法订某人做某事;tempt 意为引诱,诱惑,使很想做,多指使对方脱离正轨,干蠢事。3. wonder meditate wonder 意为 对、感到惊讶,诧异,对、感到好奇,想知道。Meditate 表示在一段时间内集中精力从容地进行思考,常与on或upon 连用。4. imaginary imaginative imaginary 指想象的,虚构的;imaginative 是指对想象力的利用,指想象力丰富的,新主意多的。5. twisted crooked twisted 意为缠绕、盘绕的,扭歪的,成畸形的;crooked 意为不直的,弯曲的,指不合标准的偏离。L12 W

7、hy I Write 一句子1. But before he never begins to write he will have acquired an emotional attitude from which he will never completely escape. It is his job, no doubt, to discipline his temperament and avoid getting stuck at some immature stage, or in some perverse mood.但是在他开始写作之前,他不已经有了一种他闺怨永远无法完全逃避的

8、感情态度。毫无疑问,他应当约束自已的性情,避免陷入某种不成熟阶段或某种反常的情绪。2. Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One could never undertake such a thing if one was not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. For all one knows that demon is simply th

9、e same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention. And yet it is also true that one can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to efface ones own personality. Good prose is like a window pane. I cannot say with certainty which of my motives are the strongest, but I know which of

10、 them deserve to be followed. And looking back through my work ,I see that it is invariably where I lacked a political purpose that I wrote lifeless books and was betrayed into purple passages ,sentences without meaning ,decorative adjectives and humbug generally.写作是一场恐怖的、让人精疲力尽的斗争,就像长时间得了一场痛苦的疾病。如果

11、不是受那既无法反抗又无法理解的恶魔的驱使,一个人是永远不会去干这件事的。我们都知道恶魔只是一种本能,这种本能和婴儿啼哭以吸引别人注意那种本能一样。但事实是,除非你为断努力地去抹擦自已的个性,否则你不会写出什么可读的书。好的文章就像窗玻璃。我不能肯定地说我的哪个动机是最强的,但我知道哪一个值得遵循。回顾我的作品,我发现一旦缺少政治目的,我写的书就毫无生气,就会误入歧途,写的只是华而不实的章节,毫无意义的语句,过分修饰的形容词和一堆空话。3. A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains slanted on to

12、 the table.一缕金色的阳光透过平纹薄棉布窗帘,斜射在桌子上。4. His subject matter will be determined by the age he lives in .他写作的目的是由他生活的时代所决定的。5. The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude.认为艺术与政治无关的观点就是一种政治态度。6. I was the middle child of three, but there was a gap of five y

13、ears on either side.7. I know that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts ,and I felt that this create a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure in everyday life二词语Aesthetic arresting backbone compulsion downright efface egoism exhausting flu

14、ctuate guise humbug ingrained immature inkpot integrity mannerism meticulous narcissistic ornate outgrow outweigh pamphleteer perverse posterity reconcile shiver simile slant snub squall thrilling totalitarianism tumultuous undervalue 三短语Settle down get back come up 四同义词1. Nave immature Nave 意为天真的,强

15、调由于太年轻没有社会经验。Immature 意为未发育完全的,未成熟的,指任何尚未充分发育起来的生物。2. fluctuate change fluctuate 指不 规则的上下无能运动,多用于表示标准、价格、情绪的波动。Change 指事物的各种变化、部分变化、轻微的变化,也指事物间互相代替,完全的变化。3. force compulsion force 指武力、暴力,意思同violence ,compulsion 指借助影响或武力等对某人施加的压力,也可指某种难以控制的、失去理智的强烈欲望。4. downright thorough都有彻底的,完全的,十足的意思.downright 强调清

16、楚,明确,又有直接了当之意。Thorough 强调全面,仔细周到。5. tremble shiver 都有抖动,发抖之意。Tremble 主要指人因恼怒,恐怖或激动等缘故而不能自已时人体不自主地抖动。Shiver 也指快速而轻微的抖动,尤其是指过于寒冷、恐惧等原因所致的快速而轻微的抖动,这是肌肉的短暂抖动,也指事物突然地抖动。 L13 Work一句子1. Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question. There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of

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