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1、反意疑问句的使用重点词汇paycheck account deposit withdraw interest bill statement recordWarm-up教学要求与建议1提前布置学生预习一些和银行服务有关的单词,上课时再把新单词写在黑板上,带领同学们一起读。2鼓励学生积极讨论现如今中国银行业的发展情况以及对信用卡的了解。3两人一组按课文对话进行练习。练习答案1Complete the dialogues.May I help you;Certainly;change;Its a pleasurePronunciation Practice带领学生练习辅音ts、dz、tr、dr、t和

2、 d的正确发音,同时可以多举一些常见的带有这几个音的例子,进行比较。Listening and Speaking一、教学重点2掌握银行服务中常用术语名词二、教学建议角色扮演(ROLE PLAY)(1)明确口语活动的任务,要求学生仔细阅读对话。必要时可做简单的对话示范。(2)成对活动,轮流作Speaker A和Speaker B。(3)教师巡视全班,聆听学生对话,并解答学生提出的问题。(4)选出几个学生在班上表演。(5)总结学生的表现,并及时纠正学生在对话过程中出现的错误。三、练习参考答案A2、listen and fill in the blanks.important;savings;acc

3、ount;draw;interest;periodB2、Answer the questions.(1)He wants to have a Peony Card.(2)It is a versatile card that links a lot of businesses together.(3)Yes,it does.3、Complete the following sentences.(1)withdrawal form(2)the paycheck(3)letter of credit(4)cash(5)How much do you want4、略5、C C A A听力原文In C

4、hina one of the most important services that a modern bank provides is the savings business. With a regular passbook savings account you have opened in a bank, you will be able to draw money whenever you need it. All banks pay interest on savings accounts. The longer the period,the higher the intere

5、st rate.(1)Fill our a withdrawal form, please.(2)Please endorse the paycheck.(3)Your letter of credit is used up.(4)Id like to cash this money order.(5)How much do you want to deposit with us?5、Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.David and Paul are still talking.Paul: What about the news

6、paper? Do you read the want ads?David: Not very often. If you read the classified ads more often, you could learn a lot. What could I learn? You could learn some useful job vocabulary that you might need in an interview. If you read them over a long period of time, you could learn what the average w

7、ages and minimum qualifications are for your occupation. When is the best day to buy the paper? I would buy the Sunday newspaper. It has more ads than the daily papers. I didnt find many jobs in my occupation in the last newspaper I bought. I would look under different job titles that are related to

8、 your work. For example, if you had experience as a bookkeeper, you could look under other job titles such as accountant, bank service staff, or clerk. What about a carpenter or painter? If you wanted to find job titles that are related to painter, you could look under construction worker or handype

9、rson.Language Bank带领学生练习记忆这些日常口语,也可布置学生自行学习,然后课后抽查。Reading and Writing一、教学建议语言运用要求:理解并正确朗读课文“Do you put your paycheck in the Bank”,完成教材和练习册中本单元所规定的练习。在讨论文章前面的问题时,能用英语简单表达自己的看法。重点单词:语法:过去分词作定语语言点:unless,at the end of二、词汇学习1paycheck n. 支票,薪水The new appropriations bill could mean a larger paycheck for

10、state employees. 新的岁出预算案对国家雇员来说是一张更大的支票。2account n. 账,账户The sum of money has been transferred into my account.那笔钱已转到我账上。3deposit vt. 存放;交与保管Hes deposited quite a lot of money recently.他最近存了不少钱。4withdraw vt. & vi. 取收回Id like to withdraw 1000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my paycheck a

11、ccount.我想从我的储蓄账户上提取1000美元转到支票账户上。5interest n. 利息The loan is interest free.这项贷款是无息的。6bill n. 账单His hotel bill comes to 20 pounds.他的旅馆账款总共是20英镑。7statement n. 声明,陈述The government issued a statement urging the public to cooperate in this inquiry.政府发表声明要公众对这项调查给予合作。8record vt. & vi. 记录;录音,拍摄We record our

12、 thoughts and experiences in diaries.我们把自己的思想和经验记录在日记中。三、课文理解1They can withdraw their savings any time, unless it is a special notice account.他们可以随时支取,除外它是特别通知存款账户。这里的unless是连词,意为“如果不”、“除非”。例如: One cant learn a foreign language unless he studies hard.不下苦功夫是学不好外语的。I will not go unless I hear from him

13、. 如果我不收到他的来信,我就不去。特别提醒unless连接一个条件从句,等于ifnot,不同点在于:if not是口语,unless为书面语,unless有否定意思。I shall go there unless it rains.= I shall go there if it doesnt rain.我去,除非下雨(如果不下雨,我就去)。但在下列情况下二者不能换用:(1)表示“由于未发生B而发生A”的句子只能用ifnot,而不用unless。Id be glad if she doesnt come this evening.如果今天晚上她不来我将很高兴。(2)ifnot可以引导一个虚拟

14、条件句,unless一般不引导虚拟条件句。If she werent so silly, she would understand.如果她不那么傻,她就会明白了。2At the end of the month, the bank returns the checks that they have written and have been cashed.每到月底,银行会寄回你开出的支票和兑现的支票。at the end of 在结尾,在末端Chaucer flourished at the end of the 14th century. 乔叟生存并活跃于14世纪末。3The bank al

15、so sends a statement of all the checks used.银行会发给你所有用过的支票兑账单。这里的“used”是典型的过去分词作后置定语,意思是“被用过的”。注意:过去分词作定语有前置和后置两种情况。(1)前置定语单个的过去分词作定语,通常放在被修饰的名词之前,表示被动和完成意义。A类:被动意义:an honored guest 一位受尊敬的客人The injured workers are now being taken good care of in the hospital.受伤的工人现正在医院受到良好的照料。B类:完成意义:a retired teache

16、r 一位退休的教师They are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.他们正在打扫院子里的落叶。(2)后置定语过去分词短语作定语时,通常放在被修饰的名词之后,它的作用相当于一个定语从句。如:This will be the best novel of its kind ever written (=that has ever been written).这将是这类小说中写得最好的。Who were the so-called guests invited (=who had been invited) to your party last night

17、?昨晚被邀请参加你的晚会的那些所谓的客人是谁呀?四、课文参考译文你在银行有支票账户吗许多人在银行有两个账户:一个使储蓄账户,另一个是支票账户。把钱存到储蓄账户上,可以得到利息,可以随时支取,特别通知存款账户除外。而特别通知存款账户利息较高,但必须在取款之前九十天通知银行。支票账户使用方便,存入一些钱,就可以开支票付账单。这样就不需要通过邮局支付现金,也不需要随身携带大量现金,而是开支票付款。每到月底,银行会寄回你开出的支票和兑现的支票,以及所有用过的支票兑账单。这样,你就会得到该月花销的明细账。你在银行有支票账户吗?五、练习参考答案3、Fill in the blanks with the w

18、ords in the box:(1)statement(2)deposit(3)paycheck(4)record(5)interest(6)account(7)bill(8)withdrawGrammarCulture and Entertainment信用卡在中国大城市,近年来开办的一项新业务是信用卡业务。你卡上所付的一切费用都将通过银行入账,你必须每月结付一次。你要办一张信用卡,需要填写一张表格,写明你的薪金和其他收入。如果你的信用不好,银行就不会将信用卡给你。但是,这些业务并不给银行提供主要的收入来源。现在,银行的绝大部分收入来源是通过发放贷款获得的,主要是向企业,也向购买住房的个人发放。很明显,在经济事务繁杂的现代社会中,银行正发挥着越来越重要的作用。Self-check学生自行书写,检查单元学习情况。

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