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国际著名酒店娱乐部程序英文 9模板Word文档格式.docx

1、STANDARD: ALL EMPLOYEES SHOULD BE ABLE TO SAIL AND GIVE BASIC HOBIE SAILING INSTRUTION.PROCEDURE:Whenever an instructor teaches a sailing lesson on the Hobie Cat, he/she should follow these guidelines so that each instructor is giving out the same information. The demonstration Hobie should be rigge

2、d and ready in front of the group or individual, and any other equipment needed should be at the ready. LIFEJACKETS SHOULD BE OFFERED. Introduction1. Introduce yourself to the group or individual and get names, and an indication of how much sailing they have done before. Explain that this will be a

3、basic lesson aimed at teaching the basics and getting them going as lesson:a) Dry land drill b) Accompanied stage with instructor.c) Solo sail if they choose to do it.Dry land drill1. Explain the basic parts of the boat the names of the two sails the four controls of the boat Tiller, Daggerboard, Ma

4、in sheet, Jib sheets.2. Show the positions of the helmsman and crew and what controls they have to take care of.PROCEDURES: (continued)3. Show the procedure for turning, (Tacking only), to being with.a) notify crew,b) push tiller away,c) watch, and wait for boom.,d) cross as boom crosses,e) face for

5、ward,f) Centralize tiller.The crew would cross to middle and wait for the manouvre to be completed.1. The points of sailing would be explained, as would head to wind and how to get out of it. The sail angles would also be covered.Accompanied stage with instructor:2. Repeat all the stages taught in t

6、wo ways”a) firstly with the instructor demonstrating,b) Then with guest trying.Solo sail1. Before this stage the instructor would calmly mention what to do in the event of a capsize. This stage would only be attempted if the guest is comfortable, the instructor is convinced he/she is ready and the w

7、eather is suitable.The instructor would explain the limits to stay within and would assist with the launch and recovery. If possible only let the guests sail on reaches.The instructor would watch the solo sailors for the duration of the sail. Safety is vital.Conclusion2. To conclude, the instructor

8、will get the group together for a summary of all things covered.During general use of Hobies a half hour limit may have to be imposed so as to enable all guests to the equipment. This would be subject to need.Setting up + Packing away the Hobies9. a) The hull must be stored above the wall with all s

9、ails stored and locked away.c) All attachments must be taken off.To rig the Hobie a) Turn the hull into the wind.b) Attach sail to boom and enter all batterns.c) Attach halyard.d) Haul up sail ensuring mainsheet is out.e) Ensure halyard is pulled Taut; if using a jib, it is vital to ensure that the


11、ConclusionBefore the event the equipment to be set out is as follows:One sailboard rigged and lying on the beach.One blackboard, with clearly visible order of events (learned thoroughly by the two participating beach attendants). One megaphones if necessary, Chalk, One regatta buoy.4. Both beach att

12、endants address the viewing group and introduce themselves. One will then explain the order of events to be shown, using the blackboard programme. The hazards of the tricks will be pointed out, along with the shallowness of the water this will set a lighthearted tone in case some tricks fail. It wil

13、l also be pointed out that each trick will come in the same direction from the regatta buoy.Tricks to be shown and their order are: -Head dip Sitting, kneeling, splitsSailing inside the boomSailing backwardBack to the sail Sailing end upDuck tackCarve jibRail riding forward and backwardsDemonstratio

14、n5. The demonstration attendant will then sail out to the position of the regatta buoy. As he comes up to the buoy on the first run the land based attendant will introduce the head dip and guests will see it carried out. As the demonstrator returns to the buoy the instructor will be done in the same

15、 direction.The rail riding will be the climax and should receive a big build up in the way of introduction.Conclusion 6. As the demonstrator returns, a round of applause should be encouraged and a concluding sentence or two should be made. THKING THE WATER POLO ACTIVITY ALL STAFF MUST BE ABLE TO SWI

16、M AND BE ABLE TO TAKE COMMAND OF WATER POLO AVTIVITY.The water polo activity will be held in the main pool and could be a childrens or adults event. These steps should be followed:1. Ensure that all equipment is set up beforehand, and that everything needed is ready at the poolside. Equipment needed

17、 includes; ball, goals, water polo caps, ski belts, blackboard chalk, whistle and a safety pole.2. Ensure that all guests at the poolside know that the event is about to take place and how long it will take. Encourage participation.3. When guests are gathered, explain the rules:a) Safety at all time

18、s if tired drop out, no ducking etc.b) No holding the ball when moving. You must swim while pushing it.c) After each goal the ball comes back to the referee.d) Score will be kept on the blackboard. Explain length of game or score to the reached.1. Give out swim caps and pick teams. This can be done

19、any way, for example by countries, by sex, by age or at random. Anyone requiring ski belt for buoyancy will be given one.2. Begin the match referee constantly and watch each player to ensure the game is safe; keep a constant score displayed.3. When the match is over (this could be at any time decide

20、d by the referee depending on tiredness of participants, target score reached, or any other reason) all equipment should be returned to the store.Make sure there is a clear beginning and a clear end or the activity. SETTING UP THE VOLLEYBALL AND KNOWING THE THEMES ALL STAFF SHOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY, O

21、RGANISE, AND REFEREE A VOLLEYBALL COMPETITION.Volleyball operates on a daily basis for one hour at 4.30 p. m. One member of staff is sufficient to organize and complete a competition.Equipment needed Volleyball, Chalk, and Blackboard.1. The themes used are as follows:a) Open event simply a game or a

22、 series of games to promote enjoyment and group participation.b) Volleyball challenge a specific team against another. For example Parents versus offspring,c) The Sheraton Fiji team volleyball competition where participants are put into equal teams of six people and a tournament is arranged using th

23、e blackboard. It can be a knockout or league system.1. Whatever theme is used the organizing should be a standard system. Guests nearby will be encouraged to join in. The attendant will introduce himself/herself. The rules will be simply explained i.e. number of hits etc. The game will then progress

24、 with the attendant either joining in or refereeing.2. In the event of a tournament, the attendant will not join in but will referee and keep track of matches form the sidelines.3. In the end of a tournament, the winners will be announced by the attendant. This will serve as a conclusion to the even

25、ts.The emphasis should be on fun and maximum participation. LAUNCHING AND RECOVERING SAILBOARDS, HOBIES AND OTHER CRAFTS ALL STAFF WILL KNOW THE PROPER WAY TO LAUNCH AND RECOVER BOATSThe launching and recovery of sailboards and hobie cat is vital not only to be comfort of guests but also to avoid an

26、y damage to the equipment.Staff must be aware of the conditions before sending out guests and must offer lifejackets to anyone going out. Anyone on the water must be constantly monitored. The following are rigid guidelines:Hobie Cat Launching1. The guest must be reminded how to operate and where the

27、y can/cannot go.2. It must be pulled in while remaining head to wind.3. The guests climb aboard while the instructor holds it steady.4. When guests are ready, the instructor will push the bow away from the wind and guests will lower the rudders as the boat gently pulls away.Hobie Cat Receiving5. Gue

28、sts will be discouraged from heading straight into the beach at full speed.6. Instead they will be encouraged to release the mainsail and come in closer to the wind at a slow pace.7. All incoming boats will be caught.8. As guests get off the Hobie they will be helped ashore.9. The Hobie Cat will the

29、n be turned around to face the wind if it is not already. It will then be pulled up the beach carefully avoiding any rocks or stones.10. It will be stored head to wind.Sailboard Launching 11. The guest will be reminded how to operate the board and where he can/cannot go.12. The sailboard will be lifted and not dragged in two stages, firstly rig and secondly board. It will then be attached.13. The rig wil

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