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高三英语一轮复习 模块综合滚动练习一 新人教版文档格式.docx

1、up Bjoin;upCadd;up Dpick;答案A解析考查短语辨析。为某人加油用cheer sb.up。 句意为:今晚我们队要和日本队比赛,让我们去给他们加油助威吧。4_you take a photo, you should always check the position of the sun.(2012上海春招)ABefore BAfter CBecause DThough解析考查状语从句的连接词。句意为:你在照相之前,应该检查太阳的位置。5Everybody is going to climb the mountain.Can I go too,mom?_Wait till y

2、ou are old enough,dear. (2010大纲全国,31)AWill you? BWhy not?CI hope so. DIm afraid not.每个人都要去登山。妈妈,我也可以去吗?恐怕不能。得等到你足够大的时候,亲爱的。Will you?你要去吗?Why not?为什么不呢?I hope so.我希望如此,三者均不符合句意。应选D项“恐怕不能”。6The teacher commanded that all the students_the classroom before he returned.Amustnt leave Bdidnt leftCnot leave

3、 Dwouldnt leave答案C解析考查虚拟语气。动词command后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,其形式为“should动词原形”,其中的should可以省去但动词原形不得改变,所以答案为C。7The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front_to arrive.Awill be expected Bis expectingCexpects Dis expected解析考查动词的时态和语态。预计将有一股冷锋到来,因此潮湿的天气明天将会继续。a cold front与expect之间是被动关系,expect是发生在现在的动作,要用

4、一般现在时,故选D项。8Whats your opinion of Mr. Lis request that we_spend half an hour reading English aloud every morning?Amust Bwould Cshould Dcould解析考查request的用法。request 后跟的名词性从句要用虚拟语气,即“主语(should)动词原形”。9The Smiths dont usually like staying at_hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice ho

5、tel by_sea. (2012江西,21)A/;a Bthe;theC/;the Dthe;a解析hotels这里表示泛指,用名词复数即可;后一空表示“在海边”。by the sea在海边(在海岸上); by sea则是表示乘船或由海路。10Is your father still a smoker?No, he was_to give up smoking.Arequested BadvisedCpersuaded Dasked解析由答语可以看出,父亲不再抽烟,因而应是劝说成功,所以选C。11Is your son still practising the piano?No, he ha

6、s_.He never sticks to anything.Agiven it in Bgiven it upCgiven it away Dgiven it off答案B解析由“He never sticks to anything.”可看出,他做什么都不长久,因而意思应为“放弃”。give in 屈服;give away 赠送,泄密;give off发出(气味、光、热等)。12The family as well as their dog_on the roof by the flood.Awas trapped BtrappedCwere trapped Dtrapping解析考查主谓

7、一致。分析句子结构可以看出,句子缺少谓语动词。as well as 当作介词使用,后面的成分不能作主语,主语是The family,在这里指的是一家人,所以谓语动词用复数形式。人是被洪水困住的,所以用被动语态。那家人还有他们的狗都被洪水困在了屋顶。13Everyone who reached the top of Mount Tai was_with a magnificent view.Aawarded Badmired Crewarded Dimpressed解析考查动词辨析。be rewarded with sth.受到的奖励。任何一个登上泰山之巅的人都会欣赏到美丽的风景。14Princ

8、ipal White has been working in the school for about 20 years,_all his energy to teaching and researching as well as the running of a healthy school.Adevoted BdevotingCto devote Dand devote解析考查devote的用法。devote的逻辑主语就是主句的主语Principal White, 后面有宾语all his energy,所以用现在分词作状语。15Kevin,you look worried.Anythin

9、g wrong?Well,I _ a test and Im waiting for the result. (2012重庆,22)Awill take BtookChad taken Dtake凯文,你看起来很焦虑。怎么了?噢,我做了个测试,正在等结果。根据题意可知凯文的测试已做完,为过去发生的事情,现在只是焦急地等结果,故可排除A、D两项;而C项是过去完成时态,句中没有表示“过去之过去”的时间状语,故可排除。16England is one of the countries_ people drive on the left.Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhere解析where

10、引导定语从句,并在从句中作状语。17Now that I know _,I understand why they needed so much money.Awhat a hard life they lived Bthey led what a hard lifeCwhat they lived a hard life Dhow hard a life did they lead解析此题考查宾语从句的语序。a hard life为名词短语,故用what修饰,what是引导词,故要放在从句的前面,因为是宾语从句,要用陈述语序,故选A项。 18The town came into _as we

11、 turned the corner.Abeing Buse Cfashion Dview解析come into view看得见,出现在眼前。19Have you ever noticed the house, _ windows are always closed?Awhere Bwhich Cwhen Dwhose解析分析句子结构可知,引导词在定语从句中作定语。20Only in this way _.Ayou can learn English well Byou cannot learn English wellCcannot you learn English well Dcan y

12、ou learn English well解析以“only状语”开头的句子,谓语动词要用倒装。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Education from My FatherMy memories of my father are slim because he was so sick in the last years of his life.But there are_21_that I am often reminded of and which may have had s

13、ome bearing on my love of_22_.When I was small I was somewhat_23_of lightning and thunder.My father explained it.The explanation was in_24_that a child could understand but was basically correct.I gained a better_25_later,but I didnt have to unlearn anything.What he said was that there was electrici

14、ty in the clouds_26_it travelled to the ground like a spark.When it travelled_27_the air,it made the air so hot that it_28_.Then there was nothing where the air had been and the air all around rushed in to_29_the space.He clapped his hands together very loud,_30_to be the air rushing in,and said tha

15、t made the thunder.When I hear thunder,I can still hear that_31_.He explained why if it was cloudy in the winter the night was warmer than if it was_32_.It was one of those nights when the sky was full of stars:no moon,no town lights.But there were more stars than you could_33_and they had color too

16、.He said that if there were no clouds,we had no blankets and were_34_to the universe.Our warmth was going to_35_the whole universe.When there were clouds,they were like blankets and we were not exposed to the universe.I _36_feel on the edge of space on a very clear night.I am sure there were many ot

17、her lessons that I_37_but no longer remember.What I did_38_,in general,was that there were explanations and that the more I understood them,the more comfortable the world was to live in.I was not taught that there were_39_but that there was understanding if you looked for it.This may be why I have a

18、lways been_40_in science.21A.others Bfew Csome Dall解析在前一句中有slim“稀少的”一词,而本句以表转折意义的词“but”开始,故此空应为some“一些”。 Bnature Cweather Duniverse解析文章最后一句话暗示“我”对“科学”感兴趣,与此处呼应。23A.sure Bfond Ctired Dafraid解析be afraid of害怕。小时候“我”害怕雷电,父亲就为“我”解释这一现象。be sure of对有把握;be fond of喜欢;be tired of厌烦。24A.depth Bwords

19、 Cgestures Ddata解析in words用语言。从下文内容可知父亲是用语言来解释雷电的产生过程。in depth深入的,彻底的;in gestures用手势;in data用数据。25A.understanding Bknowledge Ccommand Dconfidence解析understanding了解,理解。在文章54题所在句子中有暗示。后来我(对雷电)有所了解,但我并没有(因此而)故意忘记任何事物。26A.but Band Cfor Dor解析前后两个句子为顺承关系,故选and“并且”。27A.above Bto Calong Dthrough解析travel thro

20、ugh the air在空气中穿过;above在上面;along沿着。因前文提到travelled to the ground,所以此处应是through。28A.shone Bburned Cexpanded Dbroke当它在空气中穿过时,它使得空气如此热,以至于它燃烧起来。文中有“hot”一词,而且在后一句中出现了“在原本空气存在的地方,什么都没有了”,可知此处应为burned。29A.fill Bmake Cavoid Dbreak解析fill装满,填满;make制作;avoid避免;break打碎。故选A,表示填满这一空间。30A.trying Bproving Choping Dp

21、retending解析他大声拍手,装作是冲入的空气。try努力;prove证明;hope希望;pretend假装,装作。故选D项。31A.clap Bremark Cvoice Dcrash解析前文中有clap一词暗示。32A.cold Bbright Cclear Dfoggy解析前文中有cloudy“多云的”,此处表对比,故用clear“晴朗的”。33A.explore Bforesee Cimagine Didentify解析在天空中有很多星星,远远多于你能想象到的。explore探测;foresee预见;identify证明,鉴定。34A.committed Bexposed Crel

22、ated Dled解析从后文“.we were not exposed to the universe”可知此处应为exposed。35A.heat Bprotect Cextend Dlight解析heat加热,使变热。因为此句主语是“our warmth”,故用heat。36A.ever Balso Ceven Dstill解析在第三段最后一句中有暗示:“I can still hear that clap”,故此处选D项。37A.selected Barranged Cabsorbed Ddelivered解析absorb吸收,理解;select选择;arrange安排,整理;deliv

23、er发表。38A.consider Bpromise Cexplain Dlearn解析大体上,我所学到的是(一切现象)都有其解释,并且我理解得越多,生活在这个世界上就会越舒适。39A.memories BblanketsCmysteries Dthunders解析mystery神秘的事,难以理解的事物;memory记忆;blanket毯子;thunder雷。父亲教“我”世上没有神秘的事物,只要你寻找,总会找到一些解释。40A.engaged BinterestedCsuccessful Dskillful解析be interested in对感兴趣,与第一段最后一句中的“my love of

24、 science”相呼应。第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AComets orbiting(围绕运动)a distant star have been found to contain water,and it is the first time the factor considered key to life has been discovered in objects circling a star other than our sun.The discovery,announced by sci

25、entists Wednesday,adds weight to the theory that other planetary systems may be similar to our own and may contain chemicals that are essential to the formation of life as we know it.Scientists have no way of knowing whether life ever existed on any comets or planets orbiting this particular star,kn

26、own as CW Leonis and located some 3,000 trillion miles (4,800 trillion kilometers)from the Earth in the constellation Leo(狮子座)But they are sure that no life could exist there now.That is because as it burns out the last of its nuclear fuel,the star has swallowed and increased in brightness,swallowing nearby objects and melting comets in orbits as distant as Neptune(海王星)is from the sun releasing the water that astronomers spotted using a radio telescope in other space.“Its funn

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