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1、C.Apartment 2,16 Rose Lane7When is the mans lease of the apartment due to end?A.In June, next year B.In July, next year C.In June, two years later8Which of the following is Not the problem the man has with his apartment?A.A niggling(繁琐的) problem with the cooker B.The broken door latch(门闩) C.A noisy

2、air conditioner听下面一段对话,回答9-11小题9.What does the man usually do on Monday and Wednesdays?A.He runs for about 30minutes B.He plays tennis C.He walks the dog10Why does the man like hiking?A.It helps him get rid of his worries building up during the weekB.Hiking allows him to burn off weight from overeat

3、ingC.It provides opportunities for him to enjoy nature11.What does the man do on Sundays?A. He relaxes and watches TV B. He goes for a walk C. He goes swimming听下面一段独白,回答12-15小题12.Where did the speakers parents do the extra work?A.On the farm B. In the country factory C. At the school13.What did the

4、speaker have to do every morning?A. Feed the chickens B .Clean the bathroom C. Carry water for the family14.Why did the speaker go to school on foot?A. No bus ran in that direction B. The school was near C. He couldnt afford the tickets15.What did the speaker do every Sunday?A. He stayed at home all

5、 day B. He went to church three times C. He played on the street.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单选:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)16. The unemployment rate in this district _ from 6% to 5% in the past two years.A. has fallen B. had fallen C. is falling D. was falling17.Shall we go out for dinnertonight?_. A. You are

6、 right B. It must be funny C. That sounds great D. Have a nice time 18. We will discuss the strange idea you _ this afternoon.A. came up to B. came up withC. come through D. come across19. Ahorseis_thanadog.A. muchheavyB.moreheavierC.muchheavierD.moreheavy20.- Tim, there is _ Mr Wang at the school g

7、ate for you.- Im in _ bath.A. a, the B. the, a C. a, / D. the, /21. Ann is in hospital. Oh, really? I _ know. I _ go and visit her. A. didnt; am going to B. dont; would C. dont; will D. didnt; will22. The price of petrol is _ day by day. A car owner spends more money now.A. rising up B. going upC. g

8、oing down D. falling23. My first _ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. A. expression B. attention C. satisfaction D. impression24. The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog _ them. A. to follow B. following C. followed D. follows25. He is so bus

9、y that he cant help _ the classroom.A. cleaning B. to cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned26.Thelittleboywhowasrunningfelldown,becausethefloortoo_.A. hard B.clean C.smooth D.bright27. There was an _ look on his face when the actress appeared. A. excited B. excitement C. exciting D. excitedly28. He left i

10、n _a hurry _he forgot to lock the door.A. such, that B. so, that C. such, as D. so, when29. The child _ with a pencil, and now he is _ with a pen. A. used to writing; used to write. B. used to write; used writing C. used to write; used to writing D. used writing; used to writing30. This box is _ tha

11、t one. Which of the following is wrong?A. four times so big as B. four times the size of C. four times bigger than D. one fourth as big as 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Once upon a time, there was a poor man. His 31 was also very poor a small and empty house, which was 32 with spider webs (蜘蛛网). Peop

12、le tried to 33 coming into his house as they didnt want to come to such a 34 place. And the poor man thought that poverty (贫困) was the 35 for his unlucky life.Then, the poor man 36 a wise man and told him about his poverty. The man felt sorry for the poor man and gave him a vase (花瓶). “This will sav

13、e you from 37 ,” the wise man 38 . The poor man took the 39 from the wise man and wanted to 40it at first and then spend the money on drinking, as usual. Besides, why would he 41 such a beautiful thing? But then he started 42the vase carefully and decided not to take it to the market. He brought the

14、 vase back to his 43 , put it on the table and started watching it again.“Its not 44 for such a beautiful thing to be 45 ,” the poor man thought. So he 46 some flowers and put them into the vase.It became even 47 . “Not good that such a beautiful thing stands next to a spider web,” the poor man 48ag

15、ain.So the poor man started 49 his house. He cleaned the dust, washed the floor and whitened the walls. And it became clear that his house wasnt poor, 50 rather warm and comfortable. And the poor man wasnt a poor man anymore, but a hard-working host, who had no time to think about poverty.31. A. chi

16、ldB. home C. healthD. village32. A. treatedB. built C. filledD. covered33. A. considerB. forgetC. enjoyD. avoid34. A. quietB. dirtyC. coldD. wet35. A. reasonB. result C. problemD. change36. A. helpedB. thankedC. metD. protected37. A. dangerB. deathC. poornessD. trouble38.A. saidB. shoutedC. criedD.

17、wrote39. A. moneyB. vase C. tableD. flower40. A. drawB. study C. throwD. sell41. A. bringB. buyC. likeD. need42. A. washingB. looking atC. repairingD. showing off43. A. houseB. farm C. shopD. school44. A. importantB. rightC. possibleD. easy45. A. big B. empty C. oldD. safe46. A. plantedB. borrowed C

18、. stoleD. picked47. A. more beautifulB. stranger C. more expensive D. stronger48. A. expectedB. thought C. believedD. doubted49. A. cleaningB. checkingC. movingD. choosing50. A. orB. for C. butD. and第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AIn order to know a foreign language thoroughly(彻底地),four things are nece

19、ssary. Firstly, we must hear it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves correctly, with confidence and without hesitation(犹豫).Thirdly, we must be able to read the language and fourthly, we must know how to arrange(安排)sentences in paragraphs,so as to write a good composition. There is

20、 no easy way to success in language learning. A good memory is a great help, but it is not enough simply to learn rules by heart from a grammarbook. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and their meanings. We must learn words not by themselves,but in sentences. We must learn by u

21、sing the language.“Learn through use”is a good piece of advice for those who are studying a new language. Practice is very important We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.51The word “confidence”here probably means“”.Ause Beyes Cneed Dno question52The writer advises us to

22、.Aspeak and write more Bread moreCspeak more Duse a dictionary53The first step in learning a language is.Areading Bspeaking Cwriting Dlistening54Words should be learned in a.Adictionary Btextbook Csentence Dgood grammar book55“Learn through use”is to say that we must.Apractise speaking and writingBl

23、earn by using the languageClearn everything by heartDremember grammar rules as many as possibleBBamboo is one of the natures most surprising plants. Many people call this plant a tree, but it is a kind of grass.Like other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will

24、grow back very quickly. A Japanese scientist recorded one bamboo plant that grew almost 1.5 meters in 24 hours! Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world except Europe. There are more than 1,000 kinds of bamboo that grow around the world on both mountains and plains(平原).Not all bamboo looks the sa

25、me. Some bamboo plants are very thin. They may only grow to be a few centimeters wide while others may grow to more than 30 centimeters across. This plant also comes in different colors, from yellow to black to green.Many Asian countries have been using bamboo for hundreds of years. They often use b

26、amboo for building new buildings. As a matter of fact, the cables(绳索) that hold up the hanging bridge across the Min River in Sichuan are made of bamboo. The bridge has been in use for more than 1,000 years, and is still holding strong.In Africa, engineers are teaching poor farmers how to find water

27、 using bamboo. These African countries need cheap ways to find water because they have no money, and their fields often die from no rain and no water. It seems that bamboo is one of the best things they can use. Bamboo pipes and drills(钻) can help to make the poor thirsty fields to be watered.56. How is bamboo like grass? A. It is thin and easy to cut. B. It grows everywhere.C. It grows quickly after its cut short. D. It is

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