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本文(专练10 亮点素材5G通讯技术备战新高考英语热点话题新题型组合练解析版文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

专练10 亮点素材5G通讯技术备战新高考英语热点话题新题型组合练解析版文档格式.docx

1、8Abookstore Bwoods Cschool Dhospital9Atrouble Bhunting Cteacher Dbook10Ascience Bnature Csuccess Dfailure11Ainteresting Bawful Cartificial Dexpensive12Adismiss Bcite Cdelete Dinterpret13Aemerges Bfunctions Ccontinues Dexists14Aprofits Bplans Cdiscoveries Ddecisions15Ascientific Bpeaceful Ceconomic D

2、permanent【答案】1C2B3A4D5D6C7B8C9D10B11A12D13B14C15A【分析】本文为记叙文。文章讲述了2020年诺贝尔化学奖Jennifer Doudna的一段人生经历。1考查名词词义辨析。句意:许多有创造力的人在成长过程中感觉与周围环境格格不入。詹妮弗杜德纳(Jennifer Doudna)就是这样。A. excuse借口;B. fate命运;C. case情况;D. loss损失。根据下文“she felt so ostracized”可知,Doudna总是感觉被排斥,和其他有创造力的人一样, Doudna显得与外界格格不入,她也是这种情况(case),也不例外

3、。故选C。2考查动词词义辨析。在三年级的时候,她感到被排斥,甚至吃不下饭。A. learning学习;B. eating吃饭;C. sleeping睡觉;D. thinking思考。根据下文“She had all sorts of digestive problems.”可知,她出现了消化问题,她吃不下饭,故选B。3考查动词词义辨析。她转向书本,形成了一层防御。A. developed形成,发展;B. broke打破;C. blocked封锁;D. removed去除。由上文“she felt so ostracized”可知她受到了排挤,于是她求助于书本,在书本中找到慰藉,“形成”一道防御

4、。故选A。4考查形容词词义辨析。“我内心有一部分永远不会被他们触及,”她告诉自己。A. external外部的;B. guilty内疚的;C. generous慷慨的;D. internal内在的,内部的。根据“She turned to books and _3_ a defensive layer.”可知,她求助于书本,向内心求取慰藉,内心的(internal)东西,别人是无法触碰的。故选D。5考查动词词义辨析。杜德纳的父亲是个爱书人,他总是会带一本书给她看。A. write写;B. publish出版;C. revise修订;D. bring带给。根据下文“that was a used

5、 paperback copy of James Watsons The Double Helix _7_ on her”可知,她父亲是书籍爱好者,会经常带书给她看。6考查表语从句连接词。就这样,在她六年级的某一天,一本沃森的双螺旋的二手平装本放在 了她的床上,等着她从学校回家来读。A. what什么;B. where哪里;C. how如何;D. when在时候。根据上文“Jennifer Doudnas father was a book-lover and he would _5_ a book for her to read.”可知,父亲总是用这种方式给她带回来书看。7考查动词短语辨析。

6、就这样,在她六年级的某一天,一本沃森的双螺旋的二手平装本放在了她的床上,等着她从学校回家来读。A. caught up抓住;B. ended up结果;C. stepped up提高;D. piled up堆积。根据上下文可知,父亲总是带书给她看,结果在她六年级的某一天,一本沃森的双螺旋的二手平装本放在了她的床上,故选B。8考查名词词义辨析。A. bookstore书店;B. woods森林;C. school学校;D. hospital医院。根据下文“when she was in sixth grade”可知她上六年级,自然是放学回家。9考查名词词义辨析。这本书让杜德纳理解了一些关于自然的

7、东西,这些东西既合乎逻辑,又令人敬畏。A. trouble麻烦;B. hunting捕猎;C. teacher老师;D. book书。根据句意,这里为特指,指上文中父亲带给她的那本书,故选D。10考查名词词义辨析。这本书让杜德纳理解了一些关于自然的东西,这些东西既合乎逻辑,又令人惊叹。A. science科学;B. nature自然;C. success成功;D. failure失败。根据下文“The book made me realize you could also _12_ the reasons why nature worked the way it did.”可知,这本书让杜德纳

8、理解了关于自然的东西,故选B。11考查形容词词义辨析。小时候,我总是喜欢和爸爸一起打猎,寻找大自然中有趣的东西。A. interesting有趣的;B. awful可怕的;C. artificial人造的;D. expensive昂贵的。根据上文“awe-inspiring(令人惊叹的)”可知,小时候,杜德纳一直喜欢和爸爸一起在大自然中打猎,寻找有趣的东西。12考查动词词义辨析。这本书让我意识到你也可以解释为什么自然是这样运作的。A. dismiss解散;B. cite引用;C. delete删除;D. interpret解释。根据“the reasons why nature worked

9、the way it did”可知,通过这本书,你也可以解释自然运作的原因。13考查动词词义辨析。在理解自然运转的热情和寻求发现的强烈愿望的驱使下,她与人共同发现了一项基因编辑技术,使她站在了一场科学革命的最前沿,这场革命让人类能够控制自己物种的进化命运。A. emerges浮现;B. functions运行;C. continues继续;D. exists存在。根据上文“the reasons why nature worked the way it did”可知,这里应用functions,与上文的works同义,为同义词替换。故选B。14考查名词词义辨析。在理解自然运转的热情和寻求发现的

10、强烈愿望的驱使下,她与人共同发现 了一项基因编辑技术,使她站在了一场科学革命的最前沿,这场革命让人类能够控制自己物种的进化命运。A. profits利润;B. plans计划;C. discoveries发现;D. decisions决定。根据该空的下一句“she co-discovered a gene-editing technology”她和别人共同“发现”了基因编辑技术。15考查形容词词义辨析。A. scientific科学的;B. peaceful和平的;C. economic经济的;D. permanent永久的。根据常识可知,基因编辑技术属于与科学有关的革命。Passage 2

11、阅读七选五云南昆明一中高三月考) Slowly but surely, were moving closer to the super-fast 5C world that tech companies have been promising us for years. But do we really know it all?16Its not quite here yet.Though weve seen a lot of positive progress, we still have a long way to go before 5G is anywhere near as avai

12、lable as 4G is right now. But most in the industry agree that 2020 is the earliest when 5G will ever begin to touch most consumers. And even then, early 5G networks could come with their fair share of growing pains.17s not going to be cheap.18Some companies havent commented on specific pricing yet,

13、but, as most have pointed out, data costs have historically climbed as network speeds increase. Theres little reason to think that trend wont continue. Its not all bad news, though. Experts are optimistic that data prices will come down in the long run once 5G starts to be widely available. But its

14、impossible to say how long that change could take.19Its obvious that 5G networks will bring fast data connections. However, part of its appeal is that it makes Its obvious that 5G networks will bring fast data connections. However, part of its appeal is that it makes mobile networks better, meaning

15、that networks can support many more data connections than what was previously possible. Have you ever been to an event where your data connection slowed down or stopped working?20 But 5G networks have a much higher ability to support up to a million devices per square kilometer.AIts really, really f

16、ast.BIts not just about speed.CExtra speed comes at a higher cost.DHere are three major disadvantages of 5G.E.Lets clear out some misunderstandings about it.F.Thats because present networks can easily be overloaded.G.Unbalanced coverage or negative effects on battery life may arise.16E 17G 18C 19B 2

17、0F这是一篇说明文。本文旨在消除人们对 5G 通讯技术存在的几点误解。16本空前的相关内容引入文章话题:“Slowly but surely, were moving closer to the super-fast 5C world that tech companies have been promising us for years.”(缓慢但肯定的是,我们正朝着超快的5C世界靠拢,这是科技公司多年来一直向我们承诺的。)可知,人们已经逐渐步入 5G 通信时代。但是人们真的对 5G 通信技术全然了解吗?同时后文的三个小标题内容列出了人们对于 5G 通信技术常见的误区,故此空起承上启下作用,

18、表明本文的写作目的是消除大家对 5G 通讯技术的误解,故选 E。17本空为小标题段落的结尾。本段的主题是“Its not quite here yet.”(5G 时代现还暂未真正到来。)。早期的 5G 通讯网络会存在一些发展问题,故本空应该是对早期 5G 网络存在的问题进行举例,即不均衡的网络覆盖或对电池寿命的不良影响都可能会出现,故选 G。18本空为小标题段落的第一句话,应为该部分内容的总起句。s not going to be cheap.”(5G 通信技术并不便宜)。故该空应对此标题进行进一步的说明,即增加的速度也将伴随更高昂的费用。同时本空后也讲了一些通讯公司虽暂未具体定价,但很多公司

19、也指出数据成本将会随着网络速度的提升而增加,故选 C。19本空为段落小标题。结合文章首段和前两个小标题可知,此空应该是人们对 5G 通讯技术存在的误解,同时结合该部分第一句“Its obvious that 5G networks will bring fast data connections. ”(很明显,5G网络将带来快速的数据连接)可知,此空应该是人们对5G 通讯技术方面的误解,即 5G 网络并不只关于速度,故选 B。20本空为小标题段落的中间部分。由空格前一句话“Have you ever been to an event where your data connection slo

20、wed down or stopped working?”(你有没有经历过数据连接减速甚至停止工作的情况?)可知,本空应回答出现此情况的原因,即当前的网络很轻易就会出现过载状况,故选 F。Passage 3 语法填空商丘市第一高级中学高三月考)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Isabel Crook has been awarded the Friendship Medal for her great contributions to supporting Chinas socialist modernization, promoting exchanges a

21、nd cooperation between China and foreign countries, and safeguarding world peace.Born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province to a Canadian missionary (传教士) family in 1915, Isabel Crook came into the world during a time 21World War I was underway in Europe and Chinas last emperor Puyi was living in the Forbidd

22、en City after being forced 22 (step) down from the emperors chair three years earlier.While Crooks parents were busy 23 (set) up schools in China, Crook 24 (her) was more interested in the many ethnic minority 25 (people) in China. As a foreign girl, she had every reason to be curious about 26 was g

23、oing on around her. At the age of 23, Crook graduate s from a Canadian college 27 a masters degree and began carrying out field research in Sichuan Province. In 1947, Crook and her journalist husband 28(welcome) by the Communist Party of China to study the revolutionary land reform taking place in C

24、hina.Eager to be part of the revolution after completing their study of the land reform, the couple accepted an invitation from CPC leaders to teach at a 29 (new) established foreign affairs school in 1948. As a teacher she 30 (lay) the foundations for foreign language education in China in the 20th

25、 century.21when22to step23setting24herself25peoples26what27with28were welcomed29newly30laid这是一篇记叙文。介绍了伊莎贝尔克鲁克,她在支持中国社会主义现代化建设、促进中外交流合作、维护世界和平等方面作出的巨大贡献,被授予友谊奖章。21考查定语从句引导词。她来到这个世界的时候一战正在欧洲进。先行词是a time,在定语从句中作时间状语,指时间,用when引导,所以填when。22考查固定短语。句意;中国最后一位皇帝溥仪在三年前被迫退位后住在紫禁城。 force sb. to do sth.是固定短语强迫某人

26、做某事。所以填 to step。23考查固定短语。当克鲁克的父母忙于在中国筹建学校时,克鲁克她自己对中国的许多少数民族 更感兴趣。be busy (in) doing是固定短语忙于做某事。所以填setting。24考查代词。句意同上。文章中的Crook是女性,此处是反身代词“她自己”herself作Crook的同位语。所以填 herself。25考查名词。people是可数名词民族”,根据句意可知此处应该用复数形式。所以填peoples。26考查宾语从句。她完全有理由对周围发生的事情感到好奇。分析句子可知about后跟的是宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,指“的事情”,用what引导,所以填what。27考查介词。克鲁克毕业于加拿大的一所大学,获得硕士学位,开始在四川省进行实地调查。with是介词具有,带有,随着,符合“毕业获得硕士学位”之意,所以填w

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