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外研版初一上英语第19讲unit 10 词汇篇学生版Word下载.docx

1、7. away adv. 在安全的地方。put away意为“把收起来,放好”,其后接名词时,该名词既可以放在put away中间,也可以放在后面;当接代词时,代词必须放中间。8. join vt.加入;参加,指加入到某人行列或某一组织或团体等。(1)join in 参加某种活动(2)join sb. in (doing) sth. 与某人一起做某事9. hurry(1)v.匆忙,赶快,hurry up 意为“快点儿,赶紧”。Hurry up or else youll be late. 快点,否则你就要来不及了。(2)n.仓促,匆忙,in a hurry 意为:匆忙地You make mis

2、takes if you do things in a hurry.如果你匆匆忙忙地做事,那你就要出差错。10. luckn.运气。good luck 好运气,bad luck 坏运气。lucky adj.幸运的11. celebrate v. 庆祝,庆贺。celebration n. 庆祝,庆贺People in the city held a great party to celebrate their victory. 本市的市民举行了盛大的晚会庆祝他们的胜利。12. traditional adj. 传统的。tradition n. 传统习俗Do you like the Chines

3、e traditional silk? 你喜欢中国传统的丝绸吗?13.mean v. 意思是,意味着(过去式:meant,过去分词:meant,现在分词:meaning,第三人称单数:means)。 mean doing sth意为:意味着.Missing the bus mean waiting for more than 20 minutes.错过公交车意味着要多等20多分钟。相关单词: meaning n. 含义,意思14. tell v.告诉(过去式:told 过去分词:told 现在分词:telling 第三人称单数:tells)(1)tell sb sth =tell sth to

4、 sb,意为:告诉某人某事I always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep.= I always tell a story to my daughter before she goes to sleep. 女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。(2)tell sb of/about sth 意为: 告诉某人某事Can you tell me about that story ? 你能把那个故事讲给我听吗?(3)tell sb to do sth 意为:告诉某人做某事My father tells me to be careful w

5、hen crossing a road. 我爸爸告诉我过马路时要小心。单项选择1.(2012年江苏宿迁中考)-Allen, your bedroom is in a mess.-Sorry, Mum. Ill my things at once.A. put on B. put away C. put out D. put up2.(2012年重庆中考)-What do you think of film you saw yesterday?-Oh!Its one of films Ive ever seen.A. interesting B. more interesting C. most

6、 interesting D. the most interesting3. The story makes the children .A. to feel happy B. happily C. happy D. unhappily4. Do you mean him the letter?A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading5. Maybe, you are not sure what will , but remember Mr. Johns wordsmaking others feel happy makes you happy, too.A

7、. happen B. matter C. turn D. hold6.-Are you getting ready the final exam?-Yes, I am.A. at B. with C. for D. in7.(2018年山东泰安中考)Granny often tells us water in our daily life.A. save B. saving C. to save D. saves8. There is so delicious food on the table.A. lot B. very C. much D. many9.(2012年重庆中考)-Hell

8、o, may I speak to Sandy?- .A. Yes, Im Rose B. Ill call back againC. Yes, I cant hear you D. This is Sandy speaking基础演练一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. Our parents buy some p for us at Spring Festival.2. Red m good luck. Most Chinese people like this color.3. D are traditional(传统的) Chinese food at Chinese New Year

9、.4. We eat a kind of rice dumpling c yuanxiao at Lantern Festival.5. Are the boys m lanterns?6. S Festival is the most important festival in China.7. Im i in the book. Tell me something about the book.8. What t do you have at Spring Festival?9. Christmas is to c the birth of Jesus Christ.10 We usual

10、ly d the doors and windows with paper cuts.11 Are you getting r for the basketball match?12 Ginas scarf is very b . I like it very much.13 Its time to go to school. H up!14. My mother often c meals at home.15. Look! Peter is s the floor.巩固提高二、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 我对音乐很感兴趣。I very music.2. 在除夕的半夜里有烟花燃放。There

11、fireworks on the eve of Spring Festival.3. 在中国红色意味着什么? red in China?4. 老师让学生们把所有的灰尘扫去。The teacher let the students all the dirt.5. 它们会带给我们一年的好运。They can good luck .三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子,词数不限) 1. 上课时间到了。 class.2. 请扫走那些树叶。Please those leaves.3. 我准备好去北京了。I am go to Beijing.4. 收拾一下这些鞋子怎么样? these shoes?5. 我奶奶擅

12、长做饭。My grandma .6. 他们正在用英语交谈。They 7. 圣诞节是西方国家的一个重要节日。 is in western countries.8. 汤姆喜欢打篮球。Tom enjoys 9. 约翰,该回家了。John, home.一、单项选择1. I want to learn computers.A. useB. to useC. to usingD. uses2. There are three a daybreakfast, lunch and dinner. meals rice dinners lunch3. We are playing games. Would yo

13、u like to us? learn join happen cook4. - Is tea ready?- No, mother is it ready now. doing cooking burning getting5. Hurry up! Our friends for us. wait are waiting will wait have waited6. Teachers often tell us in the river after school. dont swim not swim not to swim7. Tom makes friends in his class

14、 because he is unfriendly(不友好的). few a few little a little8. He likes to write a ball pen (圆珠笔). with in by of9. the evening of October 31, Americans enjoy the time of Halloween. In On At For10. Tom, there is some paper on the floor. Please sweep it away sweep them away sweep away it sweep away them

15、二、完形填空(2018年重庆市第一中学期末试题)Dear Claire, You ask me about my favorite festival. It is Spring (春) Festival. It is 1 January or February. For the festival, we do many things and buy many things, so we are always 2 . The 3 of Spring Festival is 4 . We wear (穿) new red 5 and put up (张贴) red paper-cuts (窗花).

16、 And we put (放) lucky money (压岁钱) in red packets (红包). Boys and girls are always happy those days, 6 they can have a good time with 7 family, and they can get lucky money from their parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts. What do we 8 on Spring Festival? Jiaozi and some fruits. In the evening, the

17、family will watch TV together, but children(孩子们) 9 watching TV for 4 hours. Its really boring for them. They always play 10 their friends. What about you? What festival do you like best?Your friend, Li Ju1. A. on B. for C. at D. in2. A. busy B. free C. cool D. fun3. A. thing B. color C. food D. year

18、4. A. yellow B. blue C. black D. red5. A. clothes B. jackets C. skirts D. shirts6. A. so B. and C. but D. because7. A. them B. their C. they D. our8. A. eat B. watch C. play D. do9. A. like B. want C. dont like D. need10. A. with B. at C. about D. to _1. Spring Festival is important festival in Chin

19、a. a an the /2. Simon is work now. at for to3. - Whats your favourite ?- Sports World. sport programme drink subject4. - What is Mary doing?- Shes a story. washing driving saving telling5. What there? Lets have a look! happening to happen happens6. I love you, I love her too. but so or and7. - What

20、does a hongbao - Lucky money. mean is meaning are meaning means8. Alice , Lucy is with her teacher now. says; talking talks; saying9. - Is Helen playing computer games?- Yes, she does No, she hasnt Yes, she can No, she isn10. - Hello! This is Nancy speaking. What are you doing, Mary?- I a book. read

21、 reads to read am reading二、完形填空 When we talk about exercise, what do we mean? We may mean playing 1 in a sports centre or in the playground. 2 for children exercise means playing and being physically(身体上地) active. That is to say kids are not too 3 . Kids exercise when they have PE or dance classes a

22、t school. They are also exercising 4 they are relaxed(放松的), riding bikes or playing some games. Eddie is a 13-year-old boy. He always has too much homework, so he 5 all the time and seldom does some exercise. His parents encourage(鼓励) him to get up 6 in the morning and run to school every day. After

23、 dinner his parents and he go out for a 7 together. As for computer games, he 8 plays them, because its bad for his 9 to sit in front of the computer too long. So 10 a healthy lifestyle can be good for kids. They may do better in their lessons.1. games tricks sports cards2. But And So Also3. happy tall fat tired4. what when how where5. plays studies exercises6. early late quickly slowly7. meal doctor walk

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