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1、6 We cannot attempt to predict all the tough questions children will ask.(Para.9)我们不能预测孩子们会问的所有难题。 二、1 using a counter-example to a proposition or claim is to use an example that proves that the propositionor claim is not true 对一个命题或主张使用反例就是用一个例子来证明这个命题或主张是不正确的2 In order to challenge opinions on one

2、 issue and make yours reasonable ,you shoulddebate their ideas. 为了在一个问题上挑战你的观点并使你的观点合理,你应该辩论他们的观点。3 When you have to begin a conversation with nothing to talk about, you may ty to ask brief questions ,tell an interesting story or make some random comments. 当你不得不开始一段没有什么可谈的谈话时,你可以问一些简短的问题,讲一个有趣的故事,或者

3、随意发表一些评论。4 In order to question the assumption of Aristotle that the heavier object has a higher failing speed , Galileo did an experiment in the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 为了质疑亚里士多德的假设,即较重的物体有较高的失败速度,伽利略在比萨斜塔做了一个实验。5 A paper published in Physics Today challenges how physics taught and states that teach

4、ing fails to reveal the limits of our understanding. 今日物理学上发表的一篇论文对物理学的教学提出了挑战,指出教学不能揭示我们理解的极限。6 In London, where the family was reduced to poverty , Karl Marx continued writing his theories to explore and understand the nature of society. 在伦敦,这个家庭陷入贫困的地方,卡尔马克思继续写他的理论来探索和理解社会的本质。三、1 Huxley was at fi

5、rst an opponent of any evolutionary change at all ,but after reading the Origin of Species he got tied (on ,in) knots and his reaction was How stupid of me not to have thought of that.赫胥黎起初反对任何进化上的改变,但读了物种起源后,他感到很困惑,他的反应是“我真愚蠢,竟然没有想到这一点。”2 Dr.Dewdney looked closely at eight problems that reveal the

6、(limitations ,limits) of human understanding in his new book. 杜尼博士在他的新书中仔细研究了揭示人类理解的局限性的八个问题。3 As Socrates prized student , Plato came under Socrates spell at about 20,decicling to devote himself (for ,to) philosophy. 作为苏格拉底的得意门生,柏拉图在20岁左右就被苏格拉底迷住了,决定献身于哲学。4 Freudian scholar Donald Levy argues that

7、some critics fail to understand the (nature , feature) and importance of the concepts of resistance and transference(移情),and that their critique of Freuds scientific credibility is incoherent. 4弗洛伊德学者唐纳德利维认为,一些批评人士无法理解的性质和重要性阻力和移情的概念(移情),而他们批判弗洛伊德的科学信誉是不连贯的。5 The role of the newly-built center is to

8、 provide a cross-disciplinary forum wherein scholars gather to exchange and (dispute ,debate)ideas generated from the areas of philosophy ,history ,politics ,sociology as well as international and cultural studies. 新成立的中心的作用是提供一个跨学科的论坛,在这里学者们聚集在一起交流和(争论、辩论)来自哲学、历史、政治、社会学以及国际和文化研究领域的观点。6 Unlike those

9、 who came before him, Kepler questioned the(conception ,assumption) that planets moved in uniform circular motion, replacing it with elliptical(椭圆形的)motion、 与那些出现在他面前,开普勒质疑(概念、假设),行星在匀速圆周运动中,代之以椭圆(椭圆形的)运动,Unit31 Conversation skills are necessary in social interaction if you want others to react posi

10、tively. 如果你想让别人做出积极的反应,在社交活动中使用会话技巧是必要的。2 Children could not acquire a language solely on the basis of the linguistic input they receive. 儿童不能仅仅根据他们所接受的语言输入来习得一门语言。3When you get hopelessly lost in city, you can only turn to others for help. 当你在城市里失去希望时,你只能向别人寻求帮助。4 Language and human culture probabl

11、y evolved together. 语言和人类文化可能是一起进化的。5 some people believe that human being are instinctively self-centered有些人认为人类天生以自我为中心二1 A rude person can never gain respect and affection from other people. 粗鲁的人永远得不到别人的尊重和爱戴。2 If you use language appropriately, the person you speak to may react to what you say m

12、ore positively 如果你恰当地使用语言,与你交谈的人可能会对你说的话做出更积极的反应3 Dont you think a polite way of asking for help give people warmer feelings ? 你不认为礼貌的请求帮助的方式会给人更温暖的感觉吗4 A polite request will help you get a better response from others. 一个礼貌的请求会帮助你得到别人更好的回应。5 Proper choice of words will enrich ones social conversatio

13、n and help you make more friends. 适当的用词会丰富一个人的社交谈话,并帮助你交到更多的朋友。1 She used to be an elementary school teacher, and naturally gravitate toward children. 她曾经是一名小学教师,天生就喜欢孩子。2 People tend to pull away from those who disagree with them.人们倾向于远离那些不同意他们观点的人。 3 You cannot always translate what others have sa

14、id into terms of what he wants to get from me.你不能总是把别人说的话翻译成“他想从我这里得到什么”。 4 Being self-centered will make you lose friends and miss out on meaningful connections. 以自我为中心会让你失去朋友,失去有意义的联系。5 The you-orientedprinciple in communication will help you establish a friendly rapport with other people. 沟通中以你为中

15、心的原则会帮助你与他人建立友好的关系。 6 A powerful approach to learning to love is to practice putting others first 学习爱的一个有效方法就是把别人放在第一位 7 The ugliness of our self-centeredness is easily camouflage in the motives and methods for our success. 我们以自我为中心的丑陋很容易隐藏在我们成功的动机和方法中。Unit4一1 in case of a(n) criminal medical emerge

16、ncy, you should call 911 in the United States. (Para.2) 在美国,如果发生刑事医疗紧急情况,你应该拨打911。2 This study examines major newspaper coverage of infamous cases of school violence. 这项研究调查了主要报纸对臭名昭著的校园暴力事件的报道。(Para 6)3 Treason was once, and should be still, the most shocking crime of which a person could be accuse

17、d - worse than picking pockets or robbing banks, because t involves the betrayal of the entire society in which one lives. (Para.7) 叛国罪曾经是,现在也应该是,一个人可能被指控的最令人震惊的罪行比扒窃或抢劫银行还要严重,因为叛国罪涉及对他所生活的整个社会的背叛。4 If you come across an emergency situation that requires your immediate attention, the first thing to

18、do is to stay back and check the area for danger, (Para.1) 如果你遇到紧急情况,需要你立即注意,第一件事是待在后面,检查该地区是否有危险。5 should you feel in any way unsafe or observe an incident that concerns you , please report the matter to Campus Control.(Para.1) 如果你有任何不安全的感觉,或发现与你有关的事件,请向校园管理部门报告。6 Since you may be faced with an eme

19、rgency sometime in your life, its important that you know how to recognize an emergency and how to respond. (Para.3) 由于你在生活中可能会遇到紧急情况,所以知道如何识别紧急情况并做出反应是很重要的。1 New York City Mayor called on President Obamato take immediate action on gunviolence, following the shooting in Connecticut, which killed 28

20、people, including 20 children. 纽约市长呼吁奥巴马总统立即对枪支暴力采取行动。此前,康涅狄格州发生枪击案,造成28人死亡,其中包括20名儿童。2 Seeing the aircraft in flames ,a fireman at theairport telephoned the fire brigade for more helpand went to offer assistance 看到飞机着火了,机场的一名消防员打电话给消防队寻求更多帮助,并前去提供帮助3 Mediators were standing by , prepared tothe labo

21、r dispute, even intervene inthough both sides had refused earlier offers ofassistance. 调解员在一旁待命,准备处理劳资纠纷,甚至介入调解,尽管双方早先都拒绝提供援助。4 Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson was photographedbeing gripped around the neck by a man believedto be her husband in a London restaurant, andeveryone there was reluctant to ge

22、t involved 名厨尼格拉劳森被拍到在伦敦的一家餐馆里被一名据信是她丈夫的男子掐住脖子,在场的每个人都不愿参与其中 5 Researchers found that dolphins may not be afraid to endanger oneselfto rescue trapped dolphinslifting an injured dolphin to the waters surface tohelp it breathe. 研究人员发现,海豚可能并不害怕冒险营救被困海豚,它们把受伤的海豚抬到水面帮助它呼吸。6 Sometimes people turn their ba

23、ck to otherscry for help because they fear getting caught upin asituation beyond their control. 有时候,人们因为害怕陷入无法控制的境地而不理睬别人的求助。Unit5A1 By capturing the market place, the company will ensure survival and prosperity 通过占领市场,公司将确保生存和繁荣 2 To win all without fighting in the business world is to achieve mark

24、et dominance 在商业世界中不战而胜,就是取得市场主导地位3 Companies with dominant market share in an industry segment or an entire industry and are more able to set the industrys standards and define the playing field 在某一行业或整个行业中占有主导市场份额的公司更能制定行业标准,定义竞争环境B1 With higher customer loyalty the company will see customers retu

25、rning to purchase again and persuading others to use its products or services. 随着顾客忠诚度的提高,公司将会看到顾客再次购买,并劝说他人使用其产品或服务。2 To sell goods in larger volumes is a common practice of supermarkets to increase sales revenue. 大批量销售商品是超市增加销售收入的一种常见做法。3 Many companies seek to achieve better economies of scale by

26、 becoming large or even dominant producers of a particular type of product or service. 许多公司通过成为某一特定产品或服务的大型生产商,甚至是主要生产商来寻求更好的规模经济。4 Leading firms of an industry are characterized by stronger distribution capabilities usually through more distribution channels and webs. 一个行业的龙头企业具有较强的分销能力,通常通过更多的分销渠道

27、和网络。1 gain a position (Para.5) 获得一个职位(第5段)2 establish an excellent competitive position (Para.6) 建立良好的竞争地位(第6段)3 achieve a dominant position (Para.7) 取得优势地位(第7段)4 create a strong defensive position (Para.9) 创建一个强大的防御位置(第9段)5 find a defensible position (Para.9)找一个可以防守的位置(第9段)6 What other expressions

28、with position do you know can be used to describe a companys situation in market competition?Hold a position get a position maintain the positiond small companies 小公司1They began as seedlings ,but used creative strategy to bring value to the marketplace, grew quickly, and continued doing business suc

29、cessfully for a number of years. 他们从幼苗开始,但运用创造性的策略为市场带来价值,迅速成长,并持续成功地经营了数年。c are closely related是紧密相关的2 In addition , substantial data and research have shown that market share andprofitability go hand in a number of industry environments 此外,大量的数据和研究表明,在许多行业环境中,市场份额和盈利能力是密不可分的b set the standards.制定标准。3Microsofts dominance of the software market for personal computer operatingsystems has enabled it to call the tune that other computer system companies,applicatio

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