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大学英语第二册unit 7 单词及短语1Word格式文档下载.docx

1、ice skating 滑冰go around a campfire 围着篝火roast v. 烤marshmallow m:mlu n. 药属葵; 棉花糖Ted (United States):kind of(状语)有点儿,有几分 handle hndl v.处理, 对待in ones case 就某人的情况而言overwhelm vt. 1. cover (sth./sb.) completely or cause to feel a sudden strong feeling 使不知所措, (感情上) 使(某人)受不了They were overwhelmed by sadness wh

2、en their baby died. 婴儿死时他们悲痛欲绝。I was quite overwhelmed by excitement when my team won the game. 当我的球队赢得比赛胜利之时我激动不已。2. defeat 胜过,击败They were overwhelmed by the enemy. 他们被敌军击败了。The policeman overwhelmed the robber by holding his arm. 警察抓住抢劫者的胳膊制服了他。spin v. 1. (cause to) move round and round quickly (使

3、)迅速地旋转The hit sent the car spinning across the road. 那辆车被撞得打着转横过了马路。I feel faint and the room is spinning. 我感到晕晕乎乎的,觉得房间在旋转。2. make (thread) by twisting (cotton, etc.) 纺线,纺纱,纺织In the story of Sleeping Beauty, the princess found an old woman spinning. 在睡美人的故事中,公主发现有一个老妇在纺纱。 n. C, U the action of turn

4、ing or spinning movement 旋转I hit something on the road, which sent the car into a spin. 我开车撞到了路上的什么东西,使得车子直打转。Suddenly, the plane went into a spin. 飞机突然旋转起来。title vt. give a name to (a book, an article, etc.) 给(书、文章等) 取名 Shakespeare titled his play A Mid-summer Nights Dream. 莎士比亚把他的剧本定名为 仲夏夜之梦。Have

5、you found the book titled Water Margin. 你找到书名为 水浒传的 那本书了吗?n. 1. C a name given to a book, picture, etc. 名称,题目I can never remember film titles. 我从来就记不住电影的片名。This next record bears the title The Red Shoes. 下一张唱片的名字就是红鞋子。2. C a word which is used before sb.s name 称呼,头衔Whats his title? Is he Doctor or j

6、ust Professor?称呼他什么? 博士还是教授?s your job title now? Are you managing director?你现在的职位是什么? 是总经理吗?react vi. 1.behave differently or change as a result of sth. 作出反应,回应People can react badly to certain food. 人们对某些食物会有不良反应。How did she react when you told her you were leaving?你告诉她你要离开时她怎样反应?2. (against) resp

7、ond to sb./sth. with hostility 反对,反抗She beat him and called him names, but he didnt react. 她打他,骂他,但他没还手。The judge reacted angrily to the suggestion that he hadnt been fair. 法官对于那些说他不公正的言论做出了愤怒的反应。reactor n. C 原子反应堆,核反应堆tense a. 1. unable to relax 紧张的She was very tense as she waited for the interview

8、. 在等待面试时她很紧张。You seem very tense. Are you still waiting for that phone call?你看来很紧张。你还在等那电话吗?2. stretched tight 拉紧的,绷紧的You cannot play the piano properly if your fingers are too tense. 如果你的手指太僵直,就弹不好钢琴。His muscles are hard and tense. 他的肌肉又僵又硬。v. (cause sb./sth. to) become tense (使)紧张,(使)绷直Having tens

9、ed his muscles, he is waiting for the race to start. 他绷紧了肌肉,等待着比赛开始。She tensed up as the car turned. 汽车转向时,她紧张起来。cholesterol n. U 胆固醇This cooking oil is low in cholesterol. 这种烹调油胆固醇含量低。excess a. extra or additional 额外的,附加的Excess exercise can sometimes cause health problems. 过度的锻炼有时会导致健康问题。We might s

10、eem to be carrying excess supplies but they would be necessary in the case of an emergency. 看上去我们所带的东西多了些,但情况紧急时,它们会派上用场。n. an amount which is more than acceptable, expected or reasonable 无节制,过量An excess of enthusiasm is not always a good thing. 过分热情并不总是一件好事。They both eat to excess. 他们俩都吃得太多了。fiber

11、(英fibre) n. C, U 纤维,纤维物质You need more fiber in your diet eat more cereals and fruit. 你需要摄取更多的纤维素多吃谷物和水果。Natural fibers, such as cotton, tend to be used in sportswear because they are cooler. 天然的纤维物质,如棉花,往往会用来做运动衫,因为它们穿起来比较凉爽。circuit n. 1. C a closed connection of wires through which electricity can

12、flow 电路There is something wrong with the electrical circuit. 电路中发现了一点毛病。There must be a break in the circuit. 线路一定断了。2.C sth. shaped like a circle 环道,环形道We made a circuit of the city walls before lunch. 午饭前我们沿着城墙转了一个圈。They test the cars on a motor racing circuit.他们在赛车环道上测试汽车。worm n. C虫,蠕虫There are a

13、 lot of worms in the soil. 泥土中有许多虫子。Its terrible enough to find a worm in your apple but finding half of one is worse. 在苹果中发现一条虫是够可怕的,但发现半条虫则更让人恶心。pump n. C a machine or device for forcing water, gas or air into, out of or through sth. 泵water pump 抽水机The doctor removed the contents of her stomach wi

14、th a stomach pump. 医生用胃泵清除掉她胃里的东西。vt. cause air, gas, water, etc. to move in a specified direction by using a pump (用泵)抽吸(或运送)The heart pumps the blood round the body. 心脏使血液在身体内循环。We took turns pumping out the boat. 我们轮流用泵把船里的水抽干。attribute vt. (used in the phrase: sth. to sb. / sth.) regard sth. as

15、belonging to, caused by or produced by sb./sth. 把归因于,把归咎于She attributes her success to hard work and a bit of luck. 她把她的成功归于努力和小小的运气。We attribute our success to being in the right place at the right time. 我们把成功归因于天时地利。n. C a quality regarded as a natural part of sb./sth. 特性,属性Patience is one of the

16、most important attributes in a teacher. 耐心是教师最重要的品质之一。One of the attributes of this plastic is its ability to bend without breaking. 这种塑料的特性之一是其可弯曲而不会断裂。exterior n. C an external appearance, outside 外部,外面,外表He is a gentle man with a rough exterior. 他是一个外表粗鲁但性情温和的男人。The exterior of the house needs pa

17、inting. 房子外面需要粉刷。a. on or coming from the outside 外部的,外面的,外表的In some of the villages the exterior walls of the houses are painted pink.有一些村庄的外墙刷成了粉红色。Exterior to the main house there is a small building that could be used as an office. 主建筑外面,有一个可用作办公室的附加小建筑。interior n. C the inner part; inside 内部He

18、had the pictures of the house from the outside but none of its interior. 他有这栋房子的外观图片,但没有内部的图片。This house has a modern interior. 这所房子的内部装修很现代化。a. in or coming from the inside 内部的The interior walls have pictures on them. 内墙上挂着画。The paint on the interior doors is in good condition. 里面门上的油漆保存完好。destruct

19、ive a. causing serious damage 破坏的Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship.缺乏信任对维持关系有很大的危害性。They are very concerned about the destructive effects that violent films may have on children. 他们很担心暴力片对儿童可能产生的危害作用。perfection n. U state of being perfect完美,十全十美,尽善尽美Perfection is impossible to achi

20、eve in that kind of work. 那种工作是不可能达到十全十美的。He spends hours doing exercises for physical perfection. 他花了许多时间进行锻炼以达到体格上的完美。perfectionist n. C a person who is not satisfied with anything less than perfection 力求完美者,完美主义者,凡事求全者Shes such a perfectionist that she notices even the smallest mistakes. 她是一个完美主义

21、者,甚至连极其细小的毛病也不会放过。Hes a perfectionist about singing. 他在演唱方面是个完美主义者。delegate vt. 1.give (duties or rights, etc.) to sb. in a lower position or grade 授权,委托权限The job had to be delegated to an assistant. 那项工作只得交给一位助手去办理。The boss doesnt know how to delegate. 老板不知道如何用人。2. choose or send sb. as a represent

22、ative 选派代表A group of four teachers were delegated to represent the school at the meeting. 由4名教师组成的小组已被派去代表学校参加会议。n. C a person chosen or elected by a group to speak, vote, etc. for them, esp. at a meeting 代表Delegates have voted for this suggestion. 代表们已经投票赞同这项建议。Each union chooses several delegates

23、to the yearly meeting. 每个工会选出几位代表参加年度会议。cycle n. 1. C a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order 循环,周期I enjoy the cycle of the seasons. 无论四季变幻,我都乐在其中。She complained about the endless cycle of getting up, going to work and coming home, day after day. 她抱怨生活就是这样:起床、上班、回家,日复一日无休止的循

24、环。2. C a bicycle, motor-cycle, etc. 自行车(脚踏车),摩托车The shop sells a large range of cycles. 这家店出售各种各样的自行车。Do you know where theres a good cycle shop?你知道哪儿有好的自行车店吗?vi. ride a bicycle 骑自行车He cycles to work every day. 他每天骑车去上班。Shall we cycle into town or go by bus?我们是骑自行车还是乘公共汽车进城?emphasis n. U, C (placing

25、 of) special meaning, value or importance (on sth.) 强调The emphasis here is on hard work, not enjoyment. 这里强调的是苦干,而不是享乐。The quarrel arose from their different emphases on controlling sales. 争吵出自他们对控制销售所置重点的不同。jam n. 1. C crowding together of people, things, etc. so that movement is difficult or impos

26、sible 堵塞a traffic jam 交通堵塞We were stuck in a jam for two hours. 我们已经被堵了两个小时。2. U 果酱strawberry jam 草莓酱jam sandwich 果酱三明治vt. thrust sth. into a space 把塞入,挤入The newspapers were so tightly jammed in the letter-box that he could hardly get them out.信箱里的报纸塞得太多了,他几乎没法把它们拿出来。He jammed the boxes into the bac

27、k of the car. 他将盒子全塞到汽车的后部。vi. be unable to move 卡住,轧住The door jammed behind me and I was locked out. 门在我后面卡住了,我被关在了外面。The key turned halfway and then jammed. 钥匙转了半圈就转不动了。argument n. 1. C a quarrel 争论,争吵The children had an argument about what game to play. 孩子们为玩什么游戏发生了争吵。He got into an argument with Jeff last night. 昨晚他跟杰夫吵了一场。2. C a reason or reasons put forward论

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