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1、能力目标:听辨别不同的介绍或询问他人的身份并进行自我介绍; 说用合理的方式介绍或询问信息;文化意识:掌握中国人与英美国家的人在人们相互介绍时的不同习惯。3教学重点、难点教学重点:用英语介绍或询问他人的身份并进行自我介绍的方式;教学难点:相互介绍的各种表达方式;新单词。4教学步骤Step 1 Lead-in Activity 1 Present the greeting sentences1. The Ss choose the right ones in the book individually.2. Check the answers3. Pair works: two Ss act as

2、 two strangers who meet the first time.4. The teacher give the comments(设计意图:引导学生进入话题,为后面的活动做铺垫;检查学生的水平)Activity 2:Listening and fill1. The Ss listen to the tape2. The teacher check the answer3. Compare the different way of greeting between China and western countries when they meet让学生辨别不同的时间和场所初次见面

3、的方式,为下面的听说活动做好准备)Step 2 listening and speaking Activity1 New words and phrases1. Hometown, ID number, telephone number, favorite, member, library.2. Make sentences with the new words.Activity 2 Listening and tick 1. The Ss finish the exercise individually when listening to the recorder.2. Check the

4、answers.3. Roll play: two Ss pretend to be strangers and greet as they are meeting.让学生辨别不同的时间和场所询问姓名的方式)Activity 3 Listening and match1. The Ss guess what the tape will speak after look at the cards.2. Listen to the tape and check the answers.3. Roll play.进一步了解不同场合下如何询问信息)Homework: finish the exerci

5、se in the excise book and practice the dialogue.板书设计Greeting:Hometown,ID number telephone numberfavoritemember library.How do you do?Nice to meet you!Whats your name?总4课时第2课时第二课时Listening and speaking /Phonetics review本课时包括Listening and speaking & Phonetics review两部分,具体内容为:完成听说练习,复习元音音标/u/ /u/。继续练习用

6、英语介绍或询问他人的身份并进行自我介绍;元音音标/u/ /u/的读写认。 说用合理的方式介绍或询问信息;音标发音和认读;长短音音标认读。Step 1.Listening and speakingActivity 1 Look and act (activity5 in p25)1. The Ss do the pair work and the roll play.2. The teacher checks the Ss work and gives suggestions when necessary.进一步掌握各种询问个人信息的表达方式,并进一步掌握如何让应用这些句式)Activity 2

7、 Listening and underline1. Listen to the recorder 2. Listen again sentence by sentence and get the detail information3. Check the answers 用具体情境呈现自我介绍,有层次的去听听力训练,达到训练效果)Activity 3 Practice and act1. Let two Ss finish the blank and read it to the whole class.2. Pair work: two students make a dialogue

8、with the information in the card.巩固所掌握的各种询问信息的方式,进一步练习在真实场景中运用)Step 2 Phonetics reviewChant 1 What are they doing?1. Listen to the recorder and finish the exercise.2. Check the answer.3. Listen to the recorder again.4. Get two students to read.5. Listen to the song and find the words with /u/.6. Rea

9、d the song together.7. Finish the exercise in activity 12 练习对元音音标/u/的辨别能力)Chant 2 Boots or shoes3. Listen to the song and find the words with /u/.4. Read the song together.5. Listen and find 6. Compare the following words: book cook bush classroom shoot food tooth room练习对元音音标/u/和/u/的辨别能力)Name:Age:Ho

10、me town:Profession:/u/:book cook bush classroom 总4课时第3课时第三课时Phonetics review本课时包括为Phonetics review,具体内容为:复习元音音标/ /。元音音标/ /。听区分长短音标 说正确发音;Step 1 Words 1. Explain briefly the words that are not easy understood by the students in activity 24.2. Read the words together:Chant 3 Froggy-boggy sat on a rock

11、5. Listen to the song and find the words with /.7. Listen to the tape and choose the correct pictures8. Check the answers 练习对元音音标/的辨别能力)Chant 4 Pauls four daughters1. repeat and choose.3. Listen to the song and underline the words with /.6. Choose and fill7. Compare the following words: dot shot sto

12、p clock pork short north sport 练习对元音音标/和/的辨别能力)Born QuarreledWalkBrought/:dot shot stop clock /pork short north sport 总4课时第4课时第三课时Phonetics review (Consonants) + Unit task本课时包括为Phonetics review (Consonants)以及Unit task,具体内容为:复习辅音音标/f/ /v/ / / /w/ /j/。辅音音标/f/ /v/ / / /w/ /j/,强化个人信息的表述能力读辅音音标/f/ /v/ /

13、/ /w/ /j/的正确读法 说辅音音标/f/ /v/ / / /w/ /j/的正确发音;辅音相似音标的认读。Step 1 consonantsActivity 1 Repeat and choose (activity 25 in P31)1. The Ss listen to the record and choose the right answer.2. Check the answer together.3. The Ss read the answer.熟悉简单单词的音标标注方法,练习单词发音)Activity 2 Listen and tick 2. The Ss find mo

14、re words with .3. Read the words the Ss find.练习和加强对相近音标的区分能力)Activity3. Listen and repeat 1. The Ss listen to the record.2. The Ss read the sentences again and again.3. Pick some Ss to read the material aloud.进一步熟悉相关辅音)Step 1 Unit task1. Work in groups and decide on the person your group wants to in

15、troduce.2. Make a list of the famous persons information in the table.My groups favorite personGiven nameFamily nameHometownHobby.3. Study the poster about Yao Ming or Lang Lang and decide what your poster will be like.4. Work together and finish your poster. Be ready to provide pictures.5. Introduc

16、e the person to the whole class with the help of your poster and see whose poster is the most attractive and has the most detailed information.让学生用本单元学过的介绍用语向他人介绍自己熟识或喜欢的人)/f/:family friend roof safe /v/:van very have five /:wash sure machine usually pleasure treasure /w/:wait west window wild /j/:yes year you yellow Unit task: Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5

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