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1、 练习(1)中所练习的词汇是以a字母开头的单词, 词汇的详细解释请参阅高中英语词汇手册1到32页的相关词汇。1. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _. A. ability B. adult C. academy D. opportunity2. It is well known that the Internet will let people have _ to huge amounts of information from their own

2、 homes.Aappeal Battention Caccess Dapproach3. Im really sorry about your camera; it was a (an) _. Aaccommodation Baccident Caccuracy Dadvantage 4. After receiving the news, immediate _ had been taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading. A. achievement B. activity C. acquisition D.

3、action5. Last year he starred in this film _ of Bill Cronshaws best-selling novel. A. adaptation B. adoption C. advertisement D. addition6. Coming to another country to study requires a big _ and it takes a while to fit in. A. agreement B. administration C. admission D. adjustment7. Being able to sp

4、eak another language fluently is a great _ when you are looking for a job. A. adventure B. algebra C. advantage D. ancestor 8. They had been childless for a long time so when a little girl was born in the family, the parents couldnt help showing too much _ for it. A. advance B. affection C. adolesce

5、nce D. advertisement9. Its stressed that problems concerning agriculture should be put on the top of the Partys _. A. altitude B. agenda C. agency D. assistance10. Im allergic to _. Thats why I keep off alcoholic drinks. A. appendix B. alley C. alcohol D. ankle11. If you set up your goal and start y

6、our preparations as early as possible, you will achieve your _ to become one of the most famous scientists in the future. A. amusement B. ambition C. appointment D. agriculture12. Many parents think that a regular _is an excellent way to teach children the value of money. A. allowance B. application

7、 C. aid D. amount13. Our _ shows that the companys failure was caused by lack of investment. A. analysis B. anchor C. anecdote D. angle14. The wrong youve done him is terrible, for which you should make an _ to him. A. apartment B. apology C. antique D. anniversary 15. Some people steal or damage th

8、e public facilities, which has a bad effect on peoples normal life and citys _. Aappendix Babsence Cattendance Dappearance16. Before the final examination many students have shown signs of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their _. A. appetite B. anxiety C. apartment D. a

9、tmosphere17. Her rich experience gave her an advantage over other _ for the job. A. accountants B. acquaintances C. applicants D. agent 18. I wrote him a letter to show my _ of his thoughtfulness.A. achievement B. agreement C. application D. appreciation19. It is just three months since we received

10、official _ to go ahead with the project.A. approach B. approval C. architecture D. arch20. Most customers prefer to choose cloth themselves, rather than take the advice of the sale _. A. assessment B. assistance C. assistant D. aspect 21. With the Spring Festival, people can find back the warm, fami

11、ly _ often seen in days gone by. A. atmosphere B. arrangement C. association D. assumption 22. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _. A. attraction B. attempt C. arrival D. article 23. Despite such a big difference in _ towar

12、ds what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special. (2007年高考湖北卷)A. point B. award C. attitude D. avenue 24. It has been revealed that some government leaders abuse their _ and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A. assessment B. autho

13、rity C. audience D. autonomous 25. His body temperature has been _ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5degrees centigrade. A. acid B. abrupt C. abnormal D. accessible26. He is quite sure that its _ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days. Aabsolutely Baccurately Cactively Dacut

14、ely 27. The pictures painted by Picasso are really _. I cant understand them without caption (说明). A. abrupt B. abstract C. concrete D. addictive28. It is that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work. A. allergic B. amateur C. absurd D. annual 29. Our _ resources and stabl

15、e policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here. A. attractive B. authentic C. available D. abundant30. As is well known to us all, medicine should not be kept where it is _to children.Aaccessible Bapparent Callergic Dautomatic31. Advanced computer technology has come up with an ans

16、wer to _ weather forecasting. A. aware B. accurate C. average D. awesome32. The workers are so to the noise of the machine that they dont even notice it during their work. Aadmirable Baccustomed Castonished Dassociated33. Environment problem is now so severe. Pollution is not only a major long-term

17、burden on the Chinese public but also an _ political challenge to the ruling Communist Party. A. acute B. awkward C. authentic D. allergic34. I hope I will not be called on in class as Im not yet _ prepared. (2006年高考上海卷)A. attentively B. attractively C. actively D. adequately35. Animals can become u

18、nusually _ when they are upset by a sudden environmental change.A. awake B. ashamed C. arbitrary D. aggressive36. The patient suffering from cancer looked dead but the faint pulse proved that he was still _. A. live B. allergic C. alive D. lively37. He started choking after eating the chili pepper (

19、辣椒), to which he was _. A. allergic B. addictive C. aware D. arbitrary 38. The stone is _ two hundred kilograms, and _ no one can move it. Anearly; almost Balmost; nearly Cmostly; almost Dnearly; mostly39. I plan to go back home to visit my family during the Spring Festival, but if I cant get the tr

20、ain ticket, I still have an _ plan: to visit the museums. A. appropriate B. alternative C. approximate D. anxious40. Several universities in America have top-class _ basketball teams,and talented players often turn professional as soon as they finish their studies. A. ambiguous B. alternative C. agg

21、ressive D. amateur41. His _ _ directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take. A. ambiguous B. ample C. arbitrary D. artificial 42. Susan managed to climb out of the car, _ - unhurt. A. regularly B. apparently C. approximately D. frequently43. Knowing what is an _ behaviour at

22、 table will enable you to find it easy to make friends with others. A. abstract B. apparent C. appropriate D. ambiguous 44. A good judge should try to be fair and not to make _ decisions.A. abrupt B. arbitrary C. alternative D. artificial 45. The informed (有见识的) consumers can easily find out the _ o

23、r natural diamonds.A. artificial B. athletic C. actual D. authentic 46. What the correspondent (通讯员) sent us is an _ news report. We can depend on it. A. artificial B. authentic C. automatic D. approximate 47. The school is trying its best to make more accommodation for increasing students. Aavailab

24、le Bapproachable Cadmirable Daccessible48. He was quite _ of the risk, but he had no choice but to go ahead.A. accurate B. ashamed C. accustomed D. aware49. The shy girl felt _ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.A. amazed B. awkward C. allergic D. amused50. He survive

25、d the accident, but his car was damaged beyond repair, so he had to _ it.A. accelerate B. accumulate C. abolish D. abandon51. _ a lot of attention, Blog comes after email and QQ, becoming more and more popular.A. Attacking B. Accepting C. Achieving D. Absorbing52. If we _ water in our daily life, it

26、 will soon dry up and nothing can be left for our children, which will eventually lead to the ruin of the whole human beings. A. abandon B. absorb C. abuse D. accomplish 53. The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners _. A. accelerate B. accumulate C. arise D. advance54. He is a very hone

27、st official and never _ any gifts from the people who seek his help.A. accepts B. receives C. achieves D. acquires 55. Your passport application form should be _ by two recent photographs when you go to the Passport Office. A. accomplished B. accompanied C. accessed D. addressed 56. The best method

28、to _ this goal is to unite as many people as possible and form a powerful team.Aaccept Baccelerate Caccomplish Dabandon 57. Saving money year after year, his parents _ enough to pay for his living expenses abroad. A. accelerated B. accomplished C. absorbed D. accumulated58. The shop assistant was di

29、smissed as she was _ of cheating customers. A. accused B. charged C. scolded D. abolished 59. Lucy has _ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university. (2007年高考天津卷)A. acquired B. finished C. concluded D. achieved60. It is universally _ that dogs have an acute sense of smell. A. acknowledged B. adopted C. adored D. advertised61. Only those who have the patienc

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