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1、 6. Remove the booths in conference room 7. There are boards 8. Storeroom need enlargement, too small 9. Kitchen needs some improvements 10. The terrace is with a view of river outside the building 考点:基本功的数字,千位和十位数,月份拼写 可参考真题:C9T2S1;C11T1S1;C10T4S1 Section 2娱乐学校庆典和展览介绍5单选+5地图匹配 11-15)Multiple Choice

2、 11. What is the first-year activity? A. drama festival B. art exhibition C. sports activities 12. Which card do volunteers use for parking? A. yellow card B. blue card C. pink card 13. What is the main way of latest advertisement? A. website B. radio C. leaflet 14. Where do most volunteers come fro

3、m? A. primary school B. the same secondary school C. local clubs 15. Volunteers can join in activity such as barbecue, what will not beprovided during barbecue? A. cutlery B. vegetarian food C. napkin 16-20)Map Matching 16. Sculpture (on the left of entrance; the first one on the bottomleft) 17. Woo

4、d carving (2nd one on the bottom left wood carving) 18. Art exhibition (top left of map; the main exhibition area of themap) 19. Pottery (2nd one start from right; it was used for photograph, but manypeople do not agree, so built it as pottery) 20. Oil painting (the first one from right hand)单选题的同义替

5、换及地图题方位词C11T1S2;C11T2S2 Section 3新题教育导师和学生关于一本新教材的讨论4单选+6匹配待补充同意替换,结构转换C9T4S3 Section 4郊游Field trip to Quebec in Canada10填空 31. Every student should make registration at reception. 32. 路上设置了很多 telephone 亭 for safety. 33. 测量data 看看 climate 变化情况/driving on rock road may cause severedamage tocars. 34.

6、Small town with only 300 habitats, there will be disturbinginsects. 35. Radison Centre looks after cities ecology. 36. May need to have car repairs, keep your eyes open. 37. In the area of Mukang, there are Not many types of plants. 38. Photographs of birds should be taken for future analysis. 39. R

7、oad is dangerous because it had some hidden pools. 40. Water samples will be checked for coming with rainfall.同意替换,结构转换。C8T4S4 【口语】 难题解析 Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school. You should say: when it was where you were what you did how long the free time lasted and explain how yo

8、u felt about it. 题目来源:Part 2 思路分析: 1. 这道题目让我们描述”a time”,可见是一道事件题,回答时需要注意连接词的使用; 2. 题目问的是“enjoyed”,所以在回答时需要注意过去时态的使用; 3. 题目问到了“what you did”,我们可以按照时间顺序列举一些活动,一定要注意连接词的使用,使得“coherence”满足要求。 参考答案: It was during the New Years time not long ago when I enjoyed a free dayoff school. I began my day late, wh

9、ich meant that I got up really late in the day. Inthe usual days, I needed to get up early to attend my classes which usuallybegan at 8.00 am and thus I needed to reach there before the class hour.Therefore I chose to stay in bed on my free day off for a little longer thanusual before getting up. Th

10、en I got up at about 10am and enjoyed a really hearty breakfast, whichseemed to be a luxury during my usual busy schedule. When I had classes in themornings, I would grab something to eat on the go so I decided to sit down andenjoy some nice foods and a cup of tasty coffee to kick start my free day.

11、 After finishing my breakfast, I went to the Xiaoyushan Park where I couldfind some serenity. The park was situated on top of a hill by the beach so I satthere, looked at the city and thought about my 2018, which just passed. Then, Iwent to a cat cafe nearby so that I could cuddle and stroke some ca

12、ts while Ienjoyed my lunch. I had always wanted to keep a cat as a pet however I stilllived in the school accommodation where we were not allowed to keep a pet. Bychilling out with the cats in the cafe, I felt that all the confusion andannoyance from my study flew away. I stayed in the cafe until du

13、st, when Iwalked to the beach down the hill. The beach provided a very nice view andactually, I was fond of enjoying the sunset on a beach. So I picked a spot andsat down, watched the sun disappear and left the beach after it was totallydark. I took a bus back to my dorm, took a hot bath and ended m

14、y free day byenjoying some TV programmes before going to sleep. I found my free day off quite healing. My regular days were extremelyintolerable because as a student of undergraduate, I needed to remain busy roundthe day. I had to participate in multiple activities related to my academicstudies whil

15、e sparing some time for extracurricular stuff such as being involvedin the Students Union. Therefore, when I had the free day off, I didnt want toset an agenda for it. I just wanted to take the time to really relax and refreshand in fact, I did feel emotionally and physically ready for new challenge

16、sahead after my one day off. 答案分数级别:7 词汇和短语: hearty adj. 丰盛的 on the go 在路上 serenity n. 宁静 cuddle v. 拥抱 stroke v. 轻抚 kick start 开始 dust n. 黄昏 healing adj. 治愈的 1. What do people like to do when they are free in your country ?Part 3 idea:人们喜欢做很多事情(这道题目主要是希望我们能进行列举) example:宅在家stay at home(打扫卫生、和家人在一起),

17、出去看电影,去爬山 reason:平时的工作学习很忙,没时间打扫房间,没时间陪家人,没时间锻炼;现代中国人越来越注重养生 There are a number of things people like to do. For example, some ofChinese people like to stay at home whenever they are free as they are so tiredby their busy work and study. When they are free, they prefer to stay at home,do some housew

18、ork or enjoy some time with their families. Also there someChinese who like to spend their time outdoors, such as walking in a park orclimbing a mountain. Nowadays, more and more people in China take healthylifestyle seriously. So some outdoor activities are becoming a more popularchoice when it com

19、es to a free day out. take seriously 重视 2. Do you think parents should make plans for their children ?No孩子是独立的个体,他们应当自己决定自己的计划;孩子通过自己决定自己的计划,可以学会时间管理(timemanagement);如果家长为孩子制定计划,那肯定都是让孩子上补习班,孩子得不到休息。 I would say no to this question. To me all children are independentindividuals who should be empower

20、ed to plan their own time. Besides, by makingplans of their time, children can achieve the ability of time management whichwill be beneficial to them in the long run. Last but not the least, if parentsare making plans for their children, they will fill kidst spare time with manyextracurricular class

21、es which adds extra burden to a kid. be empowered to do 被赋权做某事 in the long run 长远来看 3. Do you think most people are able to manage their free time ?no,大部分人在时间管理上都做得不是很好很多人有了空余时间,就全部用来玩手机、玩电脑;很多人没有提前做计划的习惯,因为从小都是听别人的指挥来安排时间。 Definitely not. Actually most people are unable to manage their free timeper

22、fectly. For example, some people tend to waste their free time on the phoneor computer games which are unhealthy to their eyes and bodies. Whats more,its unusual for many people to make plans for their free time as they didntlearn the skill of time management when they were kids. perfectly adv. 完美地

23、【阅读】 Passage 1 文章题材:说明文(人文历史) 文章题目:丝绸之路 文章难度: 文章内容:暂无7填空题+6判断题 题目及答案: 1、robe 2、taxes 3、gold 4、待补充 5、foreign 6、thread 7、待补充 8、T 9、NG 10、F 11、NG 12、T 13、FC11T3P1:The Story of Silk Passage 2说明文(自然动植物)猛犸象文章介绍了猛犸象及其灭绝的原因猜想。7填空+6匹配 14. hunting 15. overkill model 16. disease/hyperdisease 17. empirical evid

24、ence 18. climatic instability 19. geographical 20. younger Dryas event 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. CC9T1P3:The History of the Tortoise 考试原文: Mammoth Kill Mammoth is any species of the extinct genus Mammuthus, proboscideanscommonly equipped with long, curved tusks and in northern species, a cov

25、ering oflong hair. They lived from the Ptiocene epoch from around 5 million years ago,into the Hotocene at about 4,500 years ago, and were members of the familyElephantidae, which contains, along with mammoths, the two genera of modernelephants and their ancestors. A Like their modern relatives, mam

26、moths were quite large. The largest knownspecies reached heights in the region of 4m at the shoulder and weights up t0 8tonnes, while exceptionally large males may have exceeded 12 tonnes. However,most species of mammoth were only about as large as a modern Asian elephant.Both sexes bore tusks. A fi

27、rst, small set appeared at about the age of sixmonths and these were replaced at about 18 months by the permanent set. Growthof the permanent set was at a rate of about l t0 6 inches per year. Based onstudies of their close relatives, the modem elephants, mammoths probably had agestation period of 2

28、2 months, resulting in a single calf being born. Theirsocial structure was probably the same as that of African and Asian elephants,with females living in herds headed by a matriarch, whilst hulls lived solitarylives or formed loose groups after sexual maturity. B MEXICO CITY-Although its hard to im

29、agine in this age of urban sprawl andautomobiles, North America once belonged to mammoths, camels, ground sloths aslarge as cows, bear-size beavers and other formidable beasts. Some 11,000 yearsago, however, these large bodied mammals and others-about 70 species inall-disappeared. Their demise coincided roughly with the arrival of humans inthe New World and dramatic climatic change-factors that have inspired several

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