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1、Cao Yuan Style 獾子肉炒茴香Fried Fennel with Brock Meat 干煸狍子肉Dry-fried Roe Deer Meat 野猪肉老黄瓜汤Aged Cucumber Soup with Wild Boar Meat 富贵小炒肉Fried Pork with Green Pepper 肉皮炒黄豆芽Fried SoyaBean Sprout with Pork Skin 紫菜冬瓜鱼丸汤Fish Ball Soup with Laver and Winter Melon 熏酱猪巧舌Smoked and Marinated Pigs Palate 辣味马面鱼Spicy

2、 Leather Jacket 凤眼老肝Boiled Pork Liver with Soya Sauce 五彩猪肚Pork Tripe Salad with Assorted Vegetables 松花鸡腿Smoked Chicken Leg with Preserved Egg 家乡猪爽肚Simmered Tripe with Chinese Herb & Spices 麻辣牛腱Ox Tendon Salad with Spicy Sauce 蒜泥黄瓜墩Cucumber with Garlic Salad 手撕猪心Shredded Pork Heart Salad 虾仁芥兰Bok-choy

3、 and Shrimp Salad 香辣路边鸽Hot and Spicy Pigeon Salad 五彩鱿鱼丝Shredded Squid Salad with Assorted Vegetables 香干拌西芹Tofu & Celery Salad 虎皮豆腐丝Shredded Tofu Salad with Shredded Leek 广式炭烧肉Grilled Pork Meat “Guang Zhou Style 果味银杏炒虾仁Fried Shrimp with Gingko and Fruit 田园三剑客Fried Eggplant with Bitter Melon and Chill

4、i 美味凤祥炒脆豆Fried Gizzards with Vegetables 健康小炒Fried Cucumber with Chinese Yam and Papaya 鹅肝韭菜花炒鱼干Fried Dried Fish with Goose Liver and Leek Flower 开胃金针菇Steamed Mushroom with Chopped Chilli and Glass Noodles 豉油肠头Fried Pigs Intestines with Black Bean Sauce 泰椒肥牛Fried Beef Slices with Thai Chilli 三叶香豆腐汤To

5、fu Soup with San Ye Xiang Vegetable 冬瓜烧虾米Braised Winter Melon with Dry Shrimps 香叶猪肝Dry-fried Pork Liver with Bay Leaves &Chilli 韭菜盒子Pancake Stuffing Leeks & Eggs 孜然凤凰脆Pan-fried Chicken Gristle with Cumin 薇菜煎蛋Pan-fried Osmund with Egg 回锅肉炒蒜苔Sauted Double-cooked Pork with Garlic Stem 酱爆天顶花Quick-fried

6、Pig Palate with Paste 麻辣豆腐Braised Tofu with Chilli 歌乐山辣子鸡Deep-fried Chicken with Chilli 肉丝芥菜Fried Shredded Pork with Mustard 南乳吊烧鸡Roasted Chicken with Fermented Bean Curd Sauce 牛肉饼炒什蔬Fried Beef Cutlet with Vegetables 山东酥肉什菌汤Pork Soup with Mixed Mushrooms 古法菜心Fried Vegetable with Salty Pork 草原羊杂汤Lamb

7、 Entrails Soup Style 酱椒蒸鸡Steamed Chicken with Chilli Sauce 自制皮冻Home Made Jelly 香拌肘花Pig Knuckle Salad with Peppers 浓汤三丝翅Superior Soup Double Boiled with Sharks Fin 鱼仔养生菜Fish Roe and Curly chicory Salad 淮山飞龙汤“Fei Long” Bird Soup with Yam 酸辣魔芋丝Hot and Sour Konjak 七彩手撕鸡Roast Chicken with Assorted Vegeta

8、ble Salad 蜀香口水鸡Poached Chicken “Si Chuan” Style 豉油汁拌莲藕Lotus Salad with Soya Sauce 香辣猪舌Pig Tongue with Hot and Spicy Dressing 麻辣牛肉Hot and Spicy Beef Salad 烤椒皮蛋Green Chilli with Preserved Egg Salad 蜇皮拌苦苣Jelly Fish and Lettuce Salad 老醋花生米Peanut Salad with Vinegar 肉沫粉丝白菜丝Glass Noodles and Shredded Chine

9、se Cabbage with Meat Sauce 葱油荷兰豆Snow Peas Salad with Spring Onion Oil 红油鸡胗Chicken Gizzard with Chilli Oil and Spring Onion 香麻猪心Pork Heart in Sesame Sauce 红油肚丝Pork Tripe with Hot and Grarlic Dressing Salad 青笋虾仁Shrimp and Bamboo Shoot Salad 盐焗鸡Baked Chicken in Salt 五香干豆腐Spiced Dry Tofu 菜香牛肉丝Beef with

10、Coriander and Spring Onion Salad 老醋凤爪Mixed Chicken Feet with Vinegar 盐水鸭胸Salty Duck Breast Salad 杞子拌翠瓜Zuchini and Chinese WolfBerries Salad 西芹炝虾球Celery and Shrimp Salad 青椒耳丝Shredded Pigs Ear with Green Pepper 盐水西兰花Salty Broccoli Salad 养生万年青Spinch Salad 手撕猪心Shredded Pork Heart Salad 五香牛肉Marinated Bee

11、f with Five Spice 泰汁无骨凤爪Boneless Chicken Feet with Thai Chilli Sauce 老干妈兔丁Cooked Rabbit with Grandma Sauce Salad 西芹拌火腿Celery and Ham Salad 皮蛋拌菠菜Mixed Spinach with Preserved Egg 麻辣猪肝Pigs Liver with Spicy and Hot Sauce 酸辣瓜条Hot and Sour Cucumber 真不同小肚Smoked Pigs Bladder “Real Different” Style 芥辣鸭掌Duck

12、Web with Wasbi 红油猪耳Pig Ear with Chilli Oil Dressing 葱丝金钱肚Pork Tripe with Spring Onion Salad 鲜虾脆笋Shrimp and Bamboo Shoots Salad 夫妻肺片Sliced Beef and Ox Tongue in Chilli Sauce 果仁菠菜Mixed Spinach with Nuts 川芹牛百叶Omasum Salad with Chilli Sauce 葱香干丝Spring Onion and Dry Tofu Salad 凉拌苦瓜Cold Bitter Melon 香辣扒皮鱼

13、Leather Jacket with Chilli Sauce 香辣牛板筋Beef Back Strap with Chilli 小葱拌豆腐Spring Onion and Tofu Salad 酸萝卜炒百叶Fried Manyplies with Pickled Radis 健康螺旋藻Spirulina Salad 老醋海带根Mixed Seaweed with Vinegar 西芹拌香干Tofu and Celery Salad 冰藻拌苦苣Lettuce and Algae Salad 冰藻拌凤尾菜Algae and Vegetable Salad 凉拌火鸭丝Roasted Shredd

14、ed Duck Salad 西芹花生米Celery and Peanut Salad 什锦拌菜Mixed Vegetables Salad 金针磨炝黄瓜Mushroom and Cucumber Salad 爽口水萝卜Fried Duck with Chilli 真心相伴Pigs Heart Salad 素鸡豆腐Marinated Dry Tofu 凉瓜拌果仁Bitter Melon and Nuts Saladl 香酥牛肉Shredded Potato and Beef Salad with Chilli Sauce 五香肉焖子Spiced Steamed Minced Pork 捞汁鲮鱼皮

15、Dace Skin with Sweet and Sour Sauce 烧卤拼盘Assorted Cold Meat in Soya Sauce 海鲜汆锅底Quick-boiled Soup with Seafood 干锅内蒙全羊Braised Mongol Lamb with Chilli 白灼尤菜苗Poached Wild Vegetable with Soya Sauce 鱼翅炒渍菜Fried Chinese Sauerkraut with Shark Fin 极品酱爆鲍鱼片Quick-fried Sliced Abalone with Soya Sauce 卤味海参Bittern Se

16、a Cucumber 普酥豆腐Pan-fried Tofu Stuffed Vegetables and Seafoods 养生黑白菜Fried Black Fungus with Lily 金安养生汤Black Bone Chicken Soup with Turtle and Chinese Wolfberry 三色大拉皮Three Colour Jelly Roll with Mixed Vegetable 自制猪脚冻Pig Feet Jelly Home Made Style 双椒中华鲟Steamed Sturgeon with Chopped Chilli and Pepper Sa

17、uce 砂锅什菌墨鱼丸Braised Mix Mushrooms with Cuttlefish Balls 花样年华Steamed Chinese Cabbage Folded Shrimp 饼拼盘Mixed Pancakes Plant 捞拌金针蛰皮Mushroom and Jelly Fishwith Sweet and Sour Sauce 私房豆腐Braised Tofu with Pork 茶香鲈鱼Smoked Perch with Tea 三鲜水饺Chinese Dumpling with Shrimp and Vegetable 捞汁素鲍Plain Jelly with Swe

18、et and Sour Sauce 金安片皮鸭Jin-An Roasted Duck XO酱焗鲍片Baked Sliced Abalone with XO Paste 关东佛跳墙Steamed Abalone with Sharks Fin and Fish Maw in Broth 红烧双喜翅(位)Stewed Sharks Fin with Soya Sauce 卤水肠肚拼Assorted Sausage and Tripe in Soya Sauce 韩式菜包肉Pan-fried Meat with Vegetable Korean Style 麻辣小甲鱼(位)Braised Baby

19、Turtle with Chilli 秘制鲍鱼仔Stewed Baby Abalone in Soya Sauce 养生鲜茶苗Stir-fried Vegetable with Shrimp Ball 干锅松茸小笨鸡Braised Chicken with Matsutake 功夫蒜苔Fried Garlic Stem with Chinese Smoked Sausage 京都肉饼Pork Pancake 三鲜珍珠汤Dough Drop and Seafood Soup 捞拌百灵菇 Mailing Mushroom Salad with Sweet and Sour Sauce 椰香吊烧鸡R

20、oasted Chicken with Coconut 盐水桂花鱼Steamed Mandarin Fish with Salt 泰椒水晶虾Fried Shrimp with Thai Chilli 龙虾仔煮白菜Boiled Baby Lobster with Chinese Cabbage 鱼香茄子 fish-flavored eggplants 炒甜椒 stir-fried green peppers 炒芹菜 sauted celery 焖白菜 braised cabbage 炒酸白菜 sauted sour cabbage 炒蚕豆 sauted broad beans 炒豆芽 saute

21、d bean sprouts 虾仁炒黄瓜 sauted cucumber with shrimp 炒豆角 sauted string beans 炒土豆片 sauted potato cutlets 酸辣莴笋丝 marinated lettuce with hot&sour dressing 海米白菜 Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps 烤二条 braised bamboo shoots and mushrooms 素三样 three vegetable delicacies 炒玉兰片 stir-fried bamboo shoot slices 拼盘 ass

22、orted cold dishes 粉蒸肉 steamed pork with rice flour 回锅肉 twice-cooked pork 椒酱肉 mixed meat with chili 扣肉 braised pork 梅干菜扣肉 braised pork with preserved vegetable 咕咾肉 fried pork with sweet and sour sauce 酱爆肉 fried sliced pork with brown sauce 炒腊肉 stir-fried smoked pork 酱爆肉丁 spiced pork dices 蒜泥白肉 shredd

23、ed pork with garlic sauce 葱烹白肉 white pork with leeks 宫保肉丁 spicy pork dices with roasted peanuts 炒木须肉 stir-fried pork with eggs 红烧肘子 braised pork joint 炸肉丸 deep-fried meat balls 红烧狮子头 stewed meatballs with brown sauce 炒肉片 fried pork slices 红烧肉 pork braised in brown sauce 烤乳猪 roast suckling pig 酱猪肘 sp

24、iced pork leg, spiced pigs leg 酱猪肚 roast pigs tripe 烧猪肠 stewed pigs intestines 炒大肠 fried pigs large intestines 蜜汁火腿 honey ham 叉烧肉 Guangdong style barbecued pork 香肠 sausage 肉松 dried meat floss 肉冻 jellied meat 鱼香肉片 fish-flavored pork cutlets 糖醋里脊 sweet and sour fillet of pork 酱爆肉丁 diced pork fillet in

25、 bean sauce 红烧蹄筋 stewed pork sinew in brown sauce 东坡肉 Dongpos braised pork 炒腰花 sauted kidney slices 炒猪肝 fried pork livers 五香排骨 braised ribs with spices 糖醋排骨 sweat and sour spareribs 红烧排骨 spareribs with brown sauce 粉蒸排骨 steamed spareribs with rice flour 腰果肉丁 diced pork with cashew nuts 黄瓜肉丁 diced por

26、k with cucumber 青豌豆肉丁 diced pork with green peas 蚂蚁上树 vermicelli with spicy minced pork 炒肉丝 fried shredded pork 冬笋炒肉丝 shredded pork with bamboo shoots 咖喱牛肉 curry beef 手扒羊肉 mutton eaten with hands 牛羊肉泡馍 shredded cakes in mutton and beef soup 干炒牛肉丝 stir-fried beef with hot pepper 五香牛肉 spiced beef 麻辣牛肉

27、 saut of beef with hot pepper 葱爆羊肉 quick-fried mutton with green onion 蚝油牛肉 beef in oyster sauce 小笼牛肉 steamed beef 小牛肉排 veal cutlet 烧羔羊肉 roast lamb 四味牛肉 beef with four flavors 青椒牛肉 fried beef with green pepper 红焖牛肉 stewed beef 洋葱炒牛肉片 stir-fried beef cutlets with onion 烤羊肉 roast mutton 涮羊肉 rinsed mut

28、ton in Mongolian hot pot 茄汁牛肉饼 fried beef pie with tomato sauce 爆牛肚 fired tripes 怪味牛百叶 Sichuan style ox tripe 蒜泥牛百叶 garlic flavored ox tripe 烤羊肉串 mutton cubes roasted on a skewer 香酥鸡 fried crisp chicked 葫芦鸡 gourd-shaped chick,roasted whole chicken 烧鸡 roast chiken 清蒸鸡 steamed chicken 一鸡三样 three dishe

29、s from one chicken 咖喱鸡丁 braised chicken dices with curry 辣子鸡丁 sauted chicken dices with chili peppers 熏鸡 smoked chicken 风鸡 dry breezed chicken 盐焗鸡 chicken baked in salt crystals 白斩鸡 boiled chicken 荷叶粉蒸鸡 steamed chicken wrapped in lotus leaf 八宝鸡 chicken stuffed “eight treasures” 海参烩鸡丝 stewed sea cucumber with shredded chicken 木耳烧鸡片 braised chicken slices with fungus 腰果鸡丁 diced chicken slices with cashew nuts 腊鸭

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