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1、 translation adaptation constructionD3. (单选题) The policewoman that I hadnt got my seat belt on and signaled me to stop(本题2.0分) recognized tainted stained spotted学生答案:A解析:得分:24. (单选题) The five firemen the director had_ the people in the fire were highly praised.(本题2.0分) rescue rescued to rescue had r

2、escued5. (单选题) _ their son away to college, the old couple got more room in the house.(本题2.0分) As For Through With6. (单选题) You should always take into consideration the part a good way of learning will _ in your studies.(本题2.0分) give make play teach7. (单选题) I asked him to show me the record that _ t

3、he meeting, but he refused.(本题2.0分) kept was kept was kept of kept of8. (单选题) When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon _ it. (本题2.0分) got off got across got away got over B9. (单选题) The driver might have had an accident but he_ the car suddenly.(本题2.0分) braked would brak

4、e had braked forget10. (单选题) Where did you get _ car of_?(本题2.0分) this; yours the; you a; yours you11. (单选题) They sold their house for only , dollars, so the buyer got a wonderful_.(本题2.0分) cost bargain amount value12. (单选题) Its terrible. The car _ break down just as we were going on our holiday.(本题

5、2.0分) should would could must13. (单选题) Have you graduated from collage? Yes , _.(本题2.0分) I studied French for two years. I have been studying French. I have studied French for two years. I had studied French for two years.14. (单选题) We are sorry we cant stay with you.(本题2.0分) No, sorry at all I dont

6、think so Dont think so Thats all right15. (单选题) I hope my boss will take my recent illness into _ when judging my performance at work. (本题2.0分) regard counting account observation16.(阅读理解题)The comfort zone is our living, work, and social environments that we have grown accustomed to. It determines t

7、he type of friends we make or people we associate with. It determines a life style we accept or reject.Young people are very adaptable; they can adjust to changing comfort zones with ease. They can socialize with homeless people in the morning and be equally at ease at a formal banquet in the evenin

8、g. As we age, the ability to adapt to wide-ranging comfort zones becomes more difficult. Social prejudice narrows the comfort zone range. The comfort zone can be a decision making tool.Comfort zones are directly related to our dreams or goals, which is associated with self-fulfilling prophecy(预言). I

9、n order to grow and change, we must first be discontent with our current comfort zone. We must realize that all meaningful and lasting changes occur first in daydreaming and then they work their way into reality. The more clearly and vividly we fantasize our dream, the stronger and more real the pic

10、tures on the subconscious level will become. Once our subconscious accepts this image and its expectation, it will go to work, searching for a way to bring it into reality. If we feel that these things are too good for us, we will find ways to fail. If, however, we intentionally imagine the change w

11、e want, build an expectation of the change mentally and emotionally, and we will find ways to acquire dream and, when mentally ready, it will arrive faster than we ever thought possible.For some people, problems, suffering, poverty, bad breaks are their comfort zone. They find comfort in finding fau

12、lt and complaining about their misfortune. The same is true for businesses. Management and workers have grown used to seeing things go wrong and expect them too. Management finds comfort in finding fault with workers and workers and vice versa.Note: If the comfort zone we are seeking is beyond our c

13、urrent income, then, we need to develop a service that has greater value than our current one. Money, power and influence are not goals; they are rewards ONLY for personal achievement.(1). (单选题) As one grows older, _. ( )(本题3.0分) ones comfort zone becomes narrower one finds comfort zone more easily

14、one becomes more sympathetic one behaves better in social gatherings3(2). (单选题) What does “be discontent with our current comfort zone” (Para.3) mean? ( )(本题3.0分) Be prepared to realize our dreams. Keep dreaming of unrealistic goals. Picture our dreams clearly and vividly. Be dissatisfied with our p

15、resent life.(3). (单选题) According to the author, daydreaming _. ( )(本题3.0分) requires a clear goal in mind does little good to the pursuit of happiness prepares us for meaningful changes in life wastes our time and energy(4). (单选题) It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that _. ( )(本题3.0分) comfort zone m

16、ay lead to conflicts comfort zone is not necessarily positive people tend to find fault with themselves survival is hard in business circles(5). (单选题) By seeking a better comfort zone, people aim to _. ( )(本题3.0分) make greater achievments make more money be more influential gain greater power17.(阅读理

17、解题)Passage 2Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.The faces of elderly, happily-married people sometimes resemble each other. Dr. Aiken studied a number of couples who had been married for at least twenty-five years. Each couple provided four photographsone photo of each partner at t

18、he time of their marriage and another photo of each partner twenty-five or more years later. All background was cut from the photos to remove any clues. The photos were then displayed in groups: a random grouping of the persons at the time of their marriage and another random grouping of the same pe

19、rsons who took photographs later.Some testees were asked to pick out the partners. They failed totally with the first group. Their judgements were no better than chance. But with the photos taken twenty-five or more years after the marriage, the testees were quite successful with the most happily-ma

20、rried couples. Dr. Aiken believes there are several reasons why couples grow alike. One reason has something to do with imitation. One person tends to copy or do the same as someone else without knowing it. He says human begins to imitate the expressions of the faces of their loved ones. “Another po

21、ssible reason,” he says, “is the common experience of the couples.” There is a tendency for people who have the same life experience to change their faces in similar ways. For example, if a couple have suffered from a lot of sad experiences, their faces are likely to change in a similar way. (单选题) D

22、r. Aiken cut the background from the photos for the purpose of _. ( )(本题3.0分) imitating the couples life grouping the couples again leaving no trace for the testees giving the testees more chances (单选题) The underlined word “imitate” (in Para. 2) has a similar meaning to _. ( )(本题3.0分) copy change kn

23、ow suffer (单选题) The underlined sentence “Their judgements were no better than chance” implies that the testees _. ( )(本题3.0分) did a good job in making their choices. had difficulty in picking out the partners had no chance to make the right judgements did better with the first group than with the se

24、cond (单选题) From the passage we can draw the conclusion that _. ( )(本题3.0分) couples who look alike can live longer most partners have been proved to grow alike the influence between partners can be quite strong happily-married couples are often richer than others (单选题) The main purpose of the passage

25、 is to _. ( )(本题3.0分) explain why couples grow alike tell how couples like each other discuss the function of marriage describe the life of happily married couples18. (问答题) We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.(本题10.0分)我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。19. (问答题) It doesnt seem to make much differenc

26、e whether a person sleeps immediately after learning or waits a few hours.(翻译)(本题10.0分)学习后马上去睡觉还是等几小时再去睡觉好像区别不大。20. (问答题) This important change in womans life-pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on womens economic position.(翻译)(本题10.0分)妇女生活方式的这一重大变化仅仅在最近开始完全影响到妇女的经济地位。21. (问答题) There are many ways in which man shapes his leisure, that is, the time when he is not working or sleeping.(本题10.0分)人们有多种方式来计划人们的空闲时间,即我们不工作或不睡觉的时间。

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