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1、tend v.打算8 solidslid a.固体的,硬的一单词讲解record1)n. 记录,记载a record of sth 对的记录记载a record of accidents 交通事故记录a new world record 新的世界记录set up a new world recordbuild up a new world recordmake a new world recordcreate a new world recordestablish a new world record 创造一项新的世界记录keep a recordhold a record 保持记录break

2、 a recordbeat a record 打破记录smash a record 大破记录2)n. 唱片a pop record 通俗歌曲唱片a hit record 流行歌曲唱片put on a record of Mozart放莫扎特的唱片3)n. 成绩,经历,前科a school record学习成绩a police record/a criminal record 前科4)v. 记录,写下,录音(影)例:工recorded his lecture.我把他的演讲记录了下来。His speech was recorded on a tape. 他的演讲被录在了磁带上。This singe

3、r has not been recording for years.这位歌手已经好几年未灌录唱片了。write 写draft 拟草稿doodle 乱画,涂鸦scratch 乱写乱画scribble 潦草地写note 笔记transcribe 誊写rewrite 重写record 记录recorder n. 录音机,录像机tape recorder 录音机stereo 立体声立体声音响hi-fi 高保真hi-fidelityradio 收音机camera 摄像机,照相机strong adj.1)健壮的,结实的,(人)有体力的,强壮的,有力的-weakas strong as a horse 力

4、人如牛a strong wing 强有力的翅膀2)能力等优秀的,卓越的,学科等擅长的strong points 优点weak points 缺点a strong swimmer 游泳健将3)味道,气味等浓的,强烈的strong tea 浓茶weak tea 淡茶a strong smell 浓烈的气味strong cheese 味道很浓的奶酪4)议论等有力的,有权威的有力的论据a strong argument strong evidence 有力的证据5)相关短语strong room 保险柜strong language 骂人的话be goin9 strong 精神十足strong dri

5、nk 烈性的酒精饮料soft drink 软饮料weakling 懦夫,弱者swimmer n. 游泳运动员swim-swam-swum(-mm-)l)v. 游泳go swimming in the pool 在池子里游泳Dogs can swim very well. 狗非常善于游泳。float 漂浮dive 跳水drown 溺水breaststroke 蛙式游泳crawl 翻由式游泳butterfly 蝶式游泳backstroke 仰式游泳2)V. 滑动(像游泳般)The white clouds swam across the sky. 白云飘过天空。3)相关短语teach fish t

6、o swimteach one s grandmother to suck eggs班门弄斧swim with the tide/swim with the stream 顺着潮流swim against the tide/swim against the stream 违反潮流succeed v. 成功,顺利完成;继之后,接着发生(反义词fail)succeed in sth/succeed in doing sth做某事成功,在某方面成功We succeed in the negotiation. 我们谈判成功了. Did he succeed in the examination?Did

7、 he succeed in passing the examination?他考试及格了吗?fail to do 没能作成某事fail in sth 在某方面失败fail in doing sth做某事不成功 Several earthquakes succeeded the eruption of the volcano.火山爆发后,发生过数次地震。The stormy night ended, and a beautiful morning succeeded.暴风雨的夜晚之后是一个晴朗的早晨。success n. 成功failure失败The meeting is a great su

8、ccess。 这个会议很成功。You are a success. 你是一个成功者。You are a failure. 你是一个失败者。successful adj. 成功的后缀ful是full的变形,careful,beautiful There were successful in launching a communication satellite. 他们成功的发射了枚通信小星。successfully adv. 成功地I passed the exam successfully. 我成功的通过了考试试。The prime minister explained his policy

9、so successfully that he won a majority.他成功地阐述了他的政策以至于他以多数获胜。train1)n. 火车by train/take a train 乘火车catch the early train 赶早班火车underground/tube (Br)/subway(Am) 地铁2) n. 长袍拖地的部分3) v. develop ones skill训练,养成。培训:练习,培养训练例: He trained the horse for the next race.他训练这匹打算下次参加比赛。工was trained as a nurse. 我接受过护士的

10、训练。train sb to do sth训练某人做某事 He trained his dog to stand on its hind legs.他训练那条狗用后腿站着。She is training to be a lawyer. 她参加律师的培训。training centre培训中心trainer 教练trainee 受训练的人employer 雇主employ 雇员interviewer 记者,面试官interviewee 被面试人,被采访人trainers (Br)运动鞋/sneakers (Am)anxiously adv.焦急地,忧虑地eg:Arc you all right?

11、he asked anxiously.anxious adj.挂念的,忧虑的an anxious lookeg. I m anxious about her health.anxious adj. 渴望的,盼望的be anxious for 渴望某事 We are anxious for your safe return.我渴望你的平安归来be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事be anxious for sb to do sth 渴望某人做某事She was anxious for them all to leave the room.她渴望他们所有人离开这间屋子。anxiet

12、y n. 渴望,忧虑 He caused his parents a lot of anxiety.她令他的父母非常担心。His sick wife is a great anxiety to him.nervous 紧张的worried 焦急的,担心的anxious /very worriedannoyed 恼火的angry 生气的irritated 愤怒的,暴怒的iriteitidintend v。打算intend to do sth 打算做某事,不用将来时,用一般现在时plan to do sth 计划做某事hope to do sth 希望做某事mean to do sth 打算做某事

13、She intends to go abroad. 她打算出国。She intends to enter for the competition.她打算参加比赛。They intend to marry. 他们打算结婚。have intended to do- / intended to do 本打算(虚拟)should have done-but didnt do that somehowl had intended to go for a walk, but it rained, so I cancelled it.我本打算去散步但下雨了我取消了这个计划。intention n. 目的,打

14、算,意图 The road to hell is paved with goods intention.通往地狱的路是由良好的意图铺成的。只有良好的动机而不付诸实践,徒遭埋怨或惩罚tend tend v. 倾向,趋势Secretaries tend to be girls. 秘书基本上都是女孩子。Young men tend to study abroad. 年轻的人都喜欢出国学习。solid n. /adj.1)n. 固体liquid液体, gas气体 How many states are there in the universe?宇宙间物质有多少形态存在?(state状态,州,陈述)T

15、hree. They are gas, solid and liquid.2) adj. 固体的 liquid液体的 gaseous气体的solid fuel 固体燃料Ice is water in solid State 冰是水的固体3)adj. 实质的,非空心的hollowsolid tires 充满了气的轮胎a solid meal 丰盛的一顿饭此时无比较级和最高级4)adj. 结实的,牢固的a solid building 很牢固的一座楼a solid table 很牢固的一张桌子a solid bridge 很牢固的一座桥5)adj.公司事业等牢固的,可信赖的a solid ente

16、rprise 可信任的公司He is a man of solid character.他是个可信赖的人。lay a solid foundation in-打下牢固的基础6) adj. 无掺杂物的,纯粹的 (无比较级和最高级)solid white 纯白二、 关键句型Key Structures一般将来时1. will do sth/ shall do sth / be going to十 v.原形 ( am, is, are)表示打算,准各做的事或即将发生的或肯定要发生的事。Eg. We are going to put up a building,我们打算在这建一栋楼房。Who s go

17、ing to speak first? 谁将第一个发言?I think,its going to snow. 想一会要下雪。Shes going to have a baby. 她将要生孩子。How are you going to spend your holidays? 你怎样度过假期呢?There are going to be a lot of trouble about this.关于这件事将会有很多麻烦。在陈述句和疑问句中,我们常常可用be going to来代替shall或will,但在条件句或类似这样的句子,我们不能用be going to. You will enjoy yo

18、urself if you travel by sea.要是你乘船旅行你可能会开心。Sue: Lets have a party 我们开个聚会吧!David: It s a great idea. well invite many friends 这个注意太棒了,我们可以邀请很多朋友。(later that day)这天的晚些时候 (said to Peter)David and l are going to have a party, and we are going to invite many people.(对皮特说)戴维和我将开个聚会,我们会邀请很多人。 Jack phoned yo

19、u just now. Ok, III phone him back 杰克刚刚给你打电话了。好的,我会回电话的。I know that. Im going to phone him back.我知道了,我正要回电话呢!Ann is in hospital 安住院了。Really? I will go to see her 真的?我将去看她。I knowIm going to see her 我知道了,我正要去看她 Look at the black clouds, It s going to rain.你看那些乌云要下雨了。Why are you turning on the TV?你为什么打

20、开电视啊?Im going to listen to the news 我将要听新闻。l)will do sth/shall do sth I II let you have the book when Im through.当我看完这本书我将给你。Which book shall I read first? 我应该先读哪一本呢?2) be going to He is going to sell his car.他打算卖掉他的车。I am going to write to him.我打算给他写信。3)某些动作表示按计划或时刻表作的是,用一般现在时表示与一般将来时。mean to do打算做

21、某事I mean to go tomorrow 我打算明天走。plan to do计划做某事eg. I plan to stay here.I am planning to stay here.我打算停留住这。hope to do希望做某事 We hope to visit this place again.我们希望再次参观这个地方。1ntent to do打算做某事 We intend to leave at 6 0 clock.我们打算六点出发。4)趋向性动词,表示要发生的时,用现在进行时表示将来时。go, come, leave, arrive, land, meet, die, sta

22、rt, return, joinI am coming to see you 我将要来看你。The train is leaving 火车马上离开了。5)be to do表示按计划安排要发生的事或用来征求对方意见。 When is the factory to go into production?这家工厂什么时候开始生产呢?When are they to hand in their plan?他们什么时候把计划交上来呢?6)be about to.正要做We re about to leave.我们正要出发。He is about to retire 他将要退休7)set out to d

23、o 着手做某事 I set out to knit a sweater but in the end it became a vest.我着手织一件背心最后织成毛衣了。 He set about his homework right after supper.他一吃完晚饭就开始做作业了。三、课文讲解TextDebbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.across prep. 穿过cross v. 穿过,橫渡 Be careful when you cross the street.过马路的时候定要小心。A n

24、ew shop opened across the street.马路对面一家新的商店开张了。through prep. 从内部穿过through the park 穿过公园through the forest 穿过森林cross v. 穿过,橫过,交叉cross a river 穿过一条河cross a bridge 穿过一座桥 He sat down and crossed her legs.他坐下来,翘起二郎腿。cross n. 十字架:混合种 A mule is a cross between a horse and an ass.骡子时马和驴混合种。She is going to s

25、et out from the French coast at five oclock in the morning.set out from从某地出发上路set off 开始旅行,赛跑,出发set out to do sth/set about doing sth/set about sth 着手做某事 They succeeded in what set out to do.他们着手的事情成功了。They set about training他们开始训练Debbie is only eleven years old and she hopes to set up a new world.h

26、ope t o do 用般现在时表愿-望set up/build/make/create a record 创造记录She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed. a strong swimmer 游泳健将,能手feel that/believe that 是一个宾语从句be sure to do 肯定要做某事,一定做某事be sure of 一定会获得,贏得某事物Be sure to come early next time. 下次一定要早点来。You are sure of a warm welcome. 你一定会得到热烈的欢迎的。Can I be sure of a profit if I invest?如果我投资,我一定会得到利润吗?Debbies father will set out with her in a small boat. Mr. Hart has trained his d

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