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1、Act of conveying the terms and conditions of a DC to the beneficiary. The advising bank is the issuing bank agent, usually located in the beneficiary country - see Export - DC Advising.Advising also involves authentication i.e. advising bank should take reasonable care to check the apparent authenti

2、city of the credit (ICC UCC 500 Art 7).Amendment n. 修改Alteration to the terms of a DC; amendments must stem from the applicant, be issued and advised to the beneficiary; the beneficiary has the right to refuse an amendment if the credit is irrevocable - see Amendments to DCs.Applicant n. 申请人 One who

3、 applies to his bank to issue a documentary credit; in the majority of credits issued the applicant is an importer of goods B返回 Back-to-Back Credit 背对背信用证,转开信用证 A credit issued against the security back of another credit (master credit) on the understanding that reimbursement will stem from document

4、s eventually presented under the first credit (master credit) issued - see Special DCs. It follows therefore that each side of a B/B transaction covers the shipment of the same goods.Beneficiary n. 受益人,受款人A payee or recipient, usually of money.A party in whose favour a documentary credit is establis

5、hed, usually the exporter.Bill for Collection (BC) 托收票据Document(s) or cheque submitted through a bank for collection of payment from the drawee.Bill of Exchange (B/E) 汇票An unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom

6、 it is addressed to pay on demand or at fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.Bill of Lading (B/L) 提单A receipt for goods for shipment by sea. It is a Document of Title: see Documents.Bill Receivable (BR) 应收票据Bills which are fi

7、nanced by the receiving branch, whether drawn under a DC or not, are treated as BRs by both the remitting branch and the receiving branches - see Bills Receivable.Blank Endorsed 空白背书,无记名背书When a bill of lading is made out to order or shipper order and the shipper has signed on the back of it, it is

8、said to be blank endorsed. The bill of lading then becomes a bearer instrument and the holder can present it to the shipping company to take delivery of the goods. C返回Carrier n. 运输行,货运商,承运人,货船,运载工具Person or company undertaking for hire the conveyance of goods e.g. shipping companyCase of Need (票据用语)

9、如有必要,需要时的代理Agent nominated by a principal, to whom the collecting bank may refer in specified circumstances concerning collections - see the sections on Collections.Chaser n. 提示行Reminder sent by the collecting (or DC issuing) bank to the importer, repeating a request for payment - see Handling Impor

10、t Collections.Clean a. 清洁的,未写过的,不附保留条件的Used to describe a draft/cheque with no shipping documents - see Collections Introduction.Used to describe a bill of lading without clauses that expressly declare a defective condition of the goods or the packing.Clean Bill Purchased 购光票A collection bill purcha

11、sed with no shipping Purchase documents - see Financing Export Collections.Clean Bill Receivable (CBR) 不附带单据应收票据BR (Bill Receivable) with no shipping documents. The term is more often used for non-trade bills such as travellers cheques.Clean Collection 光票托收A draft with no documents Collection attach

12、ed - see Collections ?Introduction?Clean Import Loan (CIL) 无抵押进口商融资A loan granted to an importer for payment of import bills, without the Bank having any claim to the goods.Collection Bank 托收银行Bank in the drawee country that is instructed to collect payment from the drawee - see Collections Introduc

13、tion.Collection Order 托收委托书Form submitted, with documents, to the Remitting/Negotiating Bank by an exporter with his instructions - see Collections ?Introduction.Confirming a. 确认的,保证的Act of a bank other than the issuing bank assuming the liability for payment, acceptance or negotiation of correctly

14、presented documents under a DC - see Confirmation of DCs. Consignment n. 托运,寄售,寄售货物,交付Shipment of goods.Consignee n. 承销人,收货人,收件人,信用证申请人The person/company/bank to whom the goods are delivered - usually the importer or the Collecting Bank - see Handling Import Collections.Consigner n. 寄售人,托运人,寄件人Also

15、called shipper, is the person/company who sends goods by ship, by land or air.Contingent Liability 或有负债A liability that arises only under specified conditions, e.g. when a bank opens a DC it incurs an obligation to make a future payment on condition that the terms are fully met.D返回DC Bills 信用证跟单汇票Bi

16、lls drawn under documentary credits.Deferred Payment Credit (DPC) 延期付款信用证A DC which allows the nomination of a bank, or the issuing bank to effect payment against stipulated documents at a maturity date as specified or determinable from the wording of the credit.Demurrage n. 延滞费,滞港费,滞留期A charge made

17、 by a shipping company or a port authority for failure to load or remove goods within the time allowed.Discounting n. 贴现,计算现值Act of purchasing an accepted usance bill of exchange at an amount less than the face value.Discrepancy n. 不一致,有差异,价差,异议Any deviation from the terms and conditions of a DC, or

18、 the documents presented there under, or any inconsistency between the documents themselves - see Negotiation under DCs.Dishonor v. n. 退票,拒兑,拒付Non-payment or non-acceptance.Documentary Credit (DC) 跟单信用证,押汇信用证A conditional undertaking by a bank to make payment, often abbreviated to credit. More preci

19、sely, it is a written undertaking by a bank (issuing bank) given to the seller (beneficiary) at the request of the buyer (applicant) to pay a sum of money against presentation of documents complying with the terms of the credit within a set time limit.Documents 文件,单据,证券,记录,货运单据The characteristics an

20、d importance of the various documents associated with Import/Export operations are explained and illustrated in Deciding on Documents.Documents Against Acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单Instruction for commercial documents to be released to the drawee on acceptance of the Bill of Exchange - see Collections ?Docu

21、ments Against Payment (D/P) 付款交单Instruction for documents to be released to the drawee only on payment - see Collections ?Documents of Title 所有权文件,所有权凭证Documents that give their owner the right to the goods, i.e. Bill of Lading.Draftn. v. 汇票,草案,拟定,吃水Bill of exchange issued by an exporter and submitt

22、ed to his bank for collection, or under a DC - usually submitted with attached shipping documents - not to be confused with a bankers draft which is sometimes used as a vehicle for reimbursement.Drawee n. 受票人,付款人Party on whom a bill is drawn and the one to whom presentation is to be made according t

23、o the collection order - the importer (NB: for DC bills, the drawee is usually the DC issuing bank).Drawer 出票人,开票人The exporter, who draws the Bill of Exchange/draft which in itself is a claim for payment.Due Date 到期日,期满日Maturity date for payment E Expiry Date 有效期截止日期,期满日期Latest date, usually in the

24、country of the beneficiary, on which negotiation/payment of a DC can take place. FFinanced Bills 金融票据,融通票据Bills sent on collection in which the remitting branch has a financial interest.Foreign Bill Purchased (FBP) 购入外国汇票,购入外国票据A bill remitted to a correspondent bank in which the remitting branch is

25、 financing the exporter - see Financing Export Collections.Forward Exchange Contract 远期外汇合同,远期外汇契约Contract between the Bank and its customer to buy/sell a fixed amount of foreign currency at a future date at a specified rate. This could be for a customer to make payment under a DC or to sell the pro

26、ceeds received from an export negotiation.Freight 运费,运输,装运,运送的货物Goods OR the cost of transporting goods. GGeneral Average 共同海损Loss which is the result of a sacrifice voluntarily made or an expense incurred; for the sole purpose of saving a ship and its cargo in face of a common danger (e.g. jettison

27、 of cargo to lighten a ship in distress). The loss is borne proportionately by ship and cargo owners according to their respective interests in the voyage.Gross Weight 毛重,总重量The weight of the merchandise in its shipping form, i.e. including all its packaging. IImport License 进口许可证A permit issued by

28、the importing countryS authorities in respect of goods subject to import licensing restrictions.Incoterms 国际贸易术语Shipping Terms - see Introduction to International Trade.Indemnity n. 赔偿,赔偿金,赔偿物,补偿,赔偿保证Also known as Letter of Guarantee (L/G), it is an undertaking given in respect of discrepancies in docu

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