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1、能描述他人情况(Describing people) What does she look like? What do you think about? What did she impress you most? What are her strength / weaknesses?How would you describe her? How do her friends describe her? She is intelligent /determined /generous / kind / helpful / honest/ unselfish/ hard-working/brav

2、e /confident / energetic /modest / considerate/法主谓语一致 (Subject-verb agreement)Our group are all going to visit the chimps in the forest.Our group includes six boys and girls.Nobody before has fully understood chimp behaviour.写作 Learn how to describe people第一课时 词汇突破Teaching aims: Master the new words

3、 and expressions.STEP 1. Pronunciation correctingRead after the teacher or the tape twice. Then the teacher asks the students to read words by themselves.STEP 2.Skills in memorizing the new wordsThe teacher analyses the structures and usages of the new words briefly.STEP 3. Consolidation of the word

4、s and expressions单词翻译1. n.成就,功绩 _ 2. n.福利,福利事业 _3. n.项目,工程,规划 _ 4. n.学会,学院,协会 _5. n.专家,专业工作者 _ 6.n.连接,关系 _7. n&V.运动,战役,作战 _ 8. vt&vi. 举动,表现 _9. n.行为,举止,习性 _ 10.n/v.阴凉处/遮住光线 _11.adj.值得的,值得做的_ 12. n. 巢,窝 _13. n.联系,结合,纽带 _ 14. vt.观察,观测,遵守_15 .n.观察,观测 _ 16.n. 童年,幼幼年时代_17.adj.直言的,坦诚 _ 18. n/v.尊敬,尊重,敬意_19

5、.vt&vi.讨/辩论;争论 _ 20.n.款待,娱乐/表演 _21.n&vt人群,观众/挤满 _ 22.vt.鼓舞,激发,启示 _23. n/vt.支持,拥护 _谈到,查阅,参考 _25. n.观众,听众,读者 _ 26.n. 比率,速度 _27. n.疾病,恶心 _ 28.vt.计划,打算 _29. n.突发事件,紧急事件 _ 30. n.一代,一辈 _31. n.仁慈,好意 _ 32.adj.考虑周到的 _33. n.考虑,体谅 _ 34. vt. 递送,接生,发表_35. adj.谦虚的,谦让的,适度的_ 词语变形 1. achievement(v) _ 2. behav

6、e(n) _ 3. argue(n) _ 4. specialist(adj/v) _ 5. observe(n) _ 6.entertainment(v) _ 7. connection(v) _ 8.organization(v) _ 9. respect(adj) _ 10. inspire(n) _ 11. refer (n) _ 12.sickness(adj) _ 13. generation(v) _ 14. considerate(v/n ) _ 词语搜索 1. 人(类) _ 2. 离开,启程,出发 _3. 过着的生活 _ 4. 涌上心头,涌入脑海_5. 蔑视,瞧不起 _ 6.

7、 查阅,参考,谈到 _7. 碰巧,凑巧 _ 8. (偶然)遇见,碰见 _9. 继续,坚持 _ IV. 词语填空1. He said he wanted to leave and his father r_ his wishes. 2. He b_ very badly toward he after she hurt him.3. His neighbour o_ a stranger going into his house.4. He a_ with the taxi driver about the fare.5. The government will lend financial (

8、财政) s_ to the factory.6. It is said that the new president will d_ a speech on TV.7. Mr Masack is an o_ critic (批评家) of the present government.8. There is not much in the way of _ (娱乐) in this town-just the cinema and a couple of pubs.9. I was _(鼓舞/鼓励) to work harder by her example.10. It is _(值得) v

9、isiting the museum.V. 选词填空carry on; intend to do(打算/意愿干某事);come across; by chance; refer to look down upon/on; lead a .life; crowd in; move off; rather than1. The car stopped at the traffic light for a few moment, then _.2. Dustmen are usually _but they do an important job.3. Youll be able to read w

10、ell with a dictionary and _ simple conversations.4. The next step has not_ for the time being, depends on the club.5. Poor as he is, he _ a happy _.6. To my joy, I _ my deskmate in the street yesterday.7. I met my childhood friend _ last Sunday afternoon.8. I think Tom, _ you, is to blame.9. Sweet m

11、emories_ in upon him when he saw some old pictures.10. It was foolish of him to _ his notes in the college entrance exam.STEP4. Using words and expressions1. (SB, Exx12)2. (WB, Exx1-2)STEP5. Have a dictationSTEP6. Homework 1. Learn all the words and expressions by heart. 2. Preview the text.第二课时 课文理

12、解表达 Understanding the general meaning of the new text to train the reading ability Emotional aims:Think highly of the womens achievements and respect them and their work.STEP 1. Warming up1. Introduce the women briefly and find out what they have in common. 2. What do you think make them great? What

13、 can you learn from the great woman? STEP 2. Pre-reading1. Why do you think Jane went to Africa to study chimps rather than to a university?_2. Do you think her work is important? Why? _STEP 3. Fast reading:Read the passage silently and quickly and choose the correct answers (SB Page 3)STEP 4. Pleas

14、e find out the main idea of each paragraph, then match them in pairsParagraph 1 Janes achievements Paragraph 2 What Jane is doing now to help chimps Paragraph 3 What Jane discovered about chimpsParagraph 4 How our group studied the chimps in the forestSTEP 5. Careful reading: TRUE or FALSE?The chimp

15、s show love in their family by feeding or touching each other. ( )Without any university training, she has achieved what she wanted. ( )She hopes that chimps can be left in the forest. ( )She supposed that people should not use chimps for entertainment. ( )(5) She has spent more than forty years hel

16、ping people understand her work. ( )(6) She has built many homes for the wild animals to live in.( ) STEP 6. Retelling the text In the morning our group follow Janes way of studying chimps to visit them in the _. Jane has devoted many years to studying chimps and helping us understand how much they

17、_ _ humans. After the chimps family wake up and move off, we follow them into the forest. Though we are e_ and dirty by the afternoon, the evening makes it _. We realize the chimps have as strong a bond as humans do. Jane, the first person who fully understands chimp_, has spent many years observing

18、 and _ their daily activities since 1960. Only after her mother came to help her was she _ to begin her project. She not only discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat but also discovered how chimps _ with each other. For years Jane has been _ about making the rest of the world _ the life of these an

19、imals. She has helped to set up _ places where they live safely because she thinks the wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for _and _. As a woman of great achievement, Jane has _ everything she wanted to do. Besides, she also _ those who want to cheer the achievements of women. Rete

20、ll the text by referring to the key words below:follow- in the forest. Devoted-studying and helping, after-, follow into-. Though-, worthwhile. bond. Jane, - has spent -, only after-, not only discovered-hunt and eat, communicate with-.-outspoken-respect-, set up-left in the wild.As- achieved -. Ins

21、pire-STEP 7.Homework Reading task (WB,P45)第三课时 Extensive ReadingEmotional aims: Respect the achievements of women in medicine, social life etc. STEP1.Fast reading Who is the main character(人物,角色) in the text?_ When did she live? _ Who was her small book intended for? _ What did the writer decide to

22、study at university? _STEP2. Read the text carefully, finish the exercises on Page 6.STEP3. What other words can you find or think of to describe Lin Qiaozhi? Fill in the circles.STEP4. Pay attention to the important words, phrases and sentences (提倡学生自己找出)STEP5: T explains some difficult points.STEP

23、6: Homework Read the passage fluently and recite some parts.第四课时 重难点知识探究Teaching aim: Teach and study the language points to grasp and use them freely一、课前探究,自主学习 重点短语1 有共同点_ 2 被判死刑_3 诺贝尔和平奖_ 4 参与_5 毕生投身与_ 6 人类_7 醒来_ 8 意味着_ 9 在的阴凉下_ 10 离开_11 与交流_ 12 勾勒出,计算出_13 被用来做_ 14 涌上心头_15 没有过错_ 16 获得博士学位_17 瞧不起_ 18 指,参考,查阅_19 继续_ 20 搞调查_21 偶尔_ 22 偶然遇到_23 吸引某人的目光_ 24 降低死亡率_25 免于_ 26 为计划的(打算的)_27 接生_ 28 迫不及待地做_重点句子1 我们一行人按照简研究黑猩猩的方法去森林里拜访它们。_

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