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1、离线营销活动offline marketing activities 传统营销traditional marketing 品牌的忠诚度brand loyalty 传统促销方法traditional promotional methods 营销策略marketing strategy 3,电子银行electronic bank 家庭银行home bank 支付账单pay bills 私人网络private network 金融机构financial institutions 银行服务banking services 在线申请apply online 4,电子支付electronic paymen

2、t 电子支票electronic checks 电子货币electronic money 经常账户checking accounts 数据加密data encryption 客户认证client authentication 智能卡smart cards 计算机硬盘computer hard disks 银行部门banking sector 小额支付small value payment 5网上购物流程the flow of shopping/purchasing online 迅速发展rapid growth/development 虚拟商店virtual stores/shops 产品规格

3、specification 电子银行cyber bank 购物中心shopping center 在线付款payment online 确认订单confirmation of the order 总金额total amount 批号date code 6,最终产品finished goods 相关信息related information 产地the point of origin 运输与配送transport &services 国际供应链管理international supply chain management 预售服务pre-retailing services 军事策略milita

4、ry strategy 战时物资生产wartime material production 集中于centering on 战略物资补给strategic commodities supply 7,file transfer 文件传输 digital cash 电子现金 geographical location 地理位置 on a global scale 在全球范围 EDI 电子数据交换 competition 竞争definition 定义manufacturer 生产商 advertising 广告 interaction 互动 8 ,internet marketing 网络营销 e

5、lectronic mediu电子媒介 affiliate marketing 会员营销 mergewith与融为一体 distribute products 配送产品 community activities 社区活动 marketing objectives 营销目的 loyalty program 贵宾会员计划 provide comprehensive information 提供综合信息 commercialization 商业化 9, virtual bank 虚拟银行 online bank 在线银行 physical bank 有形银行 banking activities 银

6、行业务 credit unions 信用合作社 credit card products 信用卡产品 open a checking or savings account 开立支票或储蓄账户 10, paper checks 纸质支票 banking settlement system 银行结算系统 payment data 支付数据 secure communication protocols 安全通信协议 secure payment protocols 安全支付协议 server authentication 服务器认证 prepaid cards 预付费卡 electronic pur

7、ses 电子钱包 digital cash 数字现金 access product 可存取的产品 11, shopping online 在线购物 business directories 企业名单 purchasing process 采购流程 authentication centre 认证中心 surfing the internet 网上冲浪 names of commodities 商品名称 lead time 交货日期 terms of payment 付款方式 payment authentication 付款认证 release the goods 发货 12, the eff

8、icient and cost-efficient flow 有效而合算流动 raw materials 原材料 in-process inventory 半成品 For the purpose of conforming to in motion and rest 为满足消费者需要 the management of inventory in motion and rest 动态与静态的库存管理 IT solutions 信息技术解决方案 added-value 增值 in military science 在军事科学方面 the most crucial element 最关键的要素 a

9、network of transportation 运输网络二、句子翻译(1,2,14,17,18)(英汉)11)in another word ,electronic commerce is the buying ,selling and trading of goods and services through private and public networks .换句话来说,电子商务是指通过私人或公众网络来买卖或交换货物和服务2)first stage of EC expansion is that with in the “connected ” or “online ” comp

10、uter users .EC的首个发展阶段局限于“在线”计算机用户3)the second wave will come when more people get access to computers (via lowered computer prices or cheaper device )第二个高峰将会在更多人可以通过更低廉的价格或设备访问计算机的时候来临4)the third expansion is predicted to be from those with non-computer access to the global network :through broadcas

11、t TVs ,cable TVs ,telephone networks and new appliances . 据预测,电子商务发展的第三次浪潮将会出现在不用电脑就能上网的技术发展方面,例如通过无线电视,有线电视,电话网络及新型的设备上网5)a widespread use of these cheaper access media represents the phase of “bringing workplace computers into living room ”低价的接入设备的广泛使用代表着进入了“家庭办公”的新时代2,1)the conveniences afforded

12、by electronic commerce is limitless .电子商务提供的便利是无止境的2)more than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data ,news and opinions . 超过100个国家已经接入互联网,交换资料、新闻和言论。3)in traditional business ,buyers and suppliers search for each other through advertising ,trade shows ,brokers,and dealers .在传统贸易中,买方和卖方会通过广

13、告,贸易展会,代理商和中间商来寻找对方4)electronic commerce will lead to a difference in the way we live our lives and accomplish our day-to-day work . 电子商务将会改变人们日常生活和工作的方式5)electronic commerce opens up new avenues for the marketing of traditional goods and services directly to consumers . 电子商务为传统商品和服务的市场开拓提供了全新的渠道3,1

14、)nowadays ,turning on the computers ,entering various kinds of virtual shops online ,customers will find thousands of thousands of business directories ,where they are able to choose the article they want with their features ,specifications ,prices and so on .如今,打开电脑,进入各种虚拟网络商店,顾客就能找到成千上万的企业名录。在那里,他

15、们可以选择所需的商品,了解商品的性能,规格,价格等信息 2)after deciding what to buy ,a customer can fill in the purchase order (P.O) immediately ,which is composed of the names of commodities ,the quantity ,date code ,manufacturing ,package ,lead time ,price ,terms of payment and shipping .顾客决定买什么之后,可即时填写订单,订单内容有商品名称,数量,批号,品牌

16、,包装,交货日期,价格,付款方式和运输方式3)then enter the payment system and fill in the required personal information .confirming nothing wrong ,then submit it .然后进入付款系统,填写必要的个人信息,确认无误,然后提交4)this process is somewhat complicated ,which is done usually by the cyber bank and the shop .此过程有点复杂,它是由网络银行和商店来完成的5)all the abov

17、e is done ,the shop will release the goods according to the P.O. and in the due time ,the goods is sure to reach the customer without fail以上程序全部完成后,商店就会根据订单发货,货物在所规定的时间内确定无误地送达顾客处.4,1)these activities generally involve the electronic exchange of information to acquire or provide products or service

18、,to place or receive orders ,to provide or obtain information ,or to complete financial transactions . 这些活动通常涉及获取提供产品或服务,下单或接单,提供或获取信息或完成各种金融交易等各种电子信息交换 2)e-government is fundamentally about visibility ,accessibility and extensibility ,and these are the core ingredients for transparency in governmen

19、t .从根本上说,电子政务具有可见性,易接近性和延伸性,这些都是透明政府的核心成分3)however ,e-Government is just a tool ,and transparency depends as much on how that tool is used as it does upon its mere existence .然而,电子政务也只不过是一种工具,透明度主要还是取决于人们如何利用该工具,就如同工具取决于其本身的存在一样4)the point is that the democratic institutions in question need to hold

20、 government actors accountable ,and e-Government can help that to happen more easily .关键的是,在讨论中的民主体制必须能够使政府官员负起责任,而电子政务更容易促成政府官员做到这一点5)too little attention is paid to the beneficial effects (in terms of transparency in particular )of electronifying processes as opposed to information人们对电子化过程的有益影响关注甚

21、微(尤其是再透明度方面)5,1)any ministry that delivers services directly to the public benefits the most . 凡事能将服务直接提供给公众的部门就能得到最大的利益2)if the government is transparent and open in their dealings with the public ,they will get proper feedback from citizens,which in turn increases efficiencies within their own min

22、istries. 如果政府在与公众交往时能透明公开,就会得到公民们适当的信息反馈,这样反过来就会使他们提高部门工作效率3)to be effective in delivering an e-service ,it has to meet the needs of the citizen and not solely the needs of a particular government ministry .要想在提供电子信息服务方面卓有成效,就必须满足公民的需求,而不仅仅是满足某一特殊政府部门的需求4)this change is the transfer of some of the t

23、raditional powers of government to groups and citizens in society .这种变革就是要将传统的政府权力转移给社会群体和公民5)there are economic and administrative benefits for the government ministry involved ,in the short term ,but in the long term it is the citizen who will have the most benefits . 就眼前来说,政府有关部门会获得一些经济和行政利益,但从长远

24、观点来看,最受惠的还是公民三、(1)电子商务的优势与问题优势:1、the reach of Internet is vast,All the merchants and customers can get a wider choice2、EC will reduce the overhead costs and save time 3、The goods and services are available all the time劣势:1、the security and privacy is a problem in the process of EC2.some transactions

25、 demand anonymity of the customer (2)什么是电子商务 Electronic commerce :the conducting of business communication and transactions over networks and through computer .as most restrictively defined ,electronic commerce is the buying and selling goods and services ,and the transfer of funds ,through digital

26、communications .however ec also includes all inter-company and outer-company functions that enable commerce and use electronic mail ,edi and so on .electronic commerce also includes buying and selling over the web ,electronic funds transfer ,smart cards,digital cash ,and all other ways of doing. (3)

27、B2B与B2C区别 The most obvious difference between B2B and B2C is the customer requirement .B2C focuses on individual customer transactions, whereas B2B focuses on other businesses as the consumer . One difference between B2B and B2C is the type of order .another difference is also a different requiremen

28、t for B2B transactions .lastly the type of connection between B2B and B2C differs . (4)网上购物流程1. product search online 2. fill in purchase order 3. send purchase order 4. payment online 5. payment authentication 6. deliver orders (5)电子支付种类 1. electronic checks2. payment card systems 3. electronic money

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