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1、encouragement inkridmnt n.鼓励,支持enjoyment indimnt n.享受,乐趣fluency flu:nsi n.流利misunderstanding,misndstndi n.误解disappointed ,dispintid adj.失望的disappointing ,dispinti adj.令人失望的system sistm n.系统;制度teenager ti:nid n.青少年disappear ,dispi vi.不见,失踪,消失move mu:v vt.搬家,移动assistant sistnt n.助手,助教cover kv vt.包括 n.

2、盖子diploma diplum n.毕业文凭,学位证书in other words 换句话说look forward to 期待;盼望at the start of 在开始的时候at the end of 在结束的时候go to college 上大学be divided into 被(划)分成take part in 参加重点短语及句型1.tell differences between A and B告诉A与B的不同之处 similar toin sth -与-在-方面相似3.the attitude to/towards对待.的态度4.a city not far from 一

3、个离.地方不远的城市5.write down记下,写下6.on the computer 在电脑上7.on the screen在屏幕上8.a woman called.一个叫-的妇女 nothing like一点都不像10.have fun玩得开心11.I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class我认为我不会厌倦沈老师的课(否定转移结构)12introduce oneself自我介绍13in groups按组进行14give sb instructions给某人指示15work by oneself靠某人自己工作16in a fun w

4、ay以一种愉快的方式17a description of .的描述18be impressed with/by/ 留下的印象=make a good impression on sb给某人留下好印象19.A is the same size as BA与B一样大 20.the number of.的数量 fluent in Chinese汉语流利 =speak Chinese with fluency汉语讲得流利22.make a lot of/much progress 取得很大进步 the beginning of在开头24.write to sb写信给某人25.all

5、 over the world全世界26,。the smell of.的味道27.move to.搬迁到.28.Would you mind answering my question/ if I asked you questions你介意回答我的问题吗29.Here are my answers这就是我的答案 have I 我也有31.receive the high school diploma获得高中文凭32.divide.into./separate from分开33.September through December 9月到12月 free to do自由做3

6、5.after-school activities课余活动Module 2 1. 单词amusing mju:zi a.有趣的,逗乐的energetic ,endetik a.积极的,精力旺盛的intelligent intelidnt a.聪明的,理智的nervous n:vs a.紧张的,易激动的organized :gnaizd adj.有组织的patient peint a.耐心的n.病人serious siris a.严肃的shy ai a.害羞的strict strikt a.严格的,严厉的impression impren n.印象avoid vid vt.(故意)避免hate

7、heit vt.憎恨,不喜欢incorrectly ,inkrektli adv.不正确地completely kmpli:tli ad.完全地;圆满地immediately imi:ditli adv. 立即,马上,直接地appreciate ieit vt.欣赏,感谢admit dmit vt.承认,准许进入scientific ,saintifik a.科学的literature litrt n.文学(作品)loudly laudli ad.大声地wave weiv n.波,波涛;起伏vi.波动;挥手vt.挥(手);招(手)joke duk n.笑话 vi.开玩笑summary smri

8、 n.摘要,总结respect rispekt vt.尊敬,尊重n.尊敬grade greid n.(美)成绩,分数headmaster hedm:st n. 男校长headmistress mistris n.女校长period mistris n.一段时间revision rivin n.复习translation trnslein n.翻译;译文,译本timetable taimteibl n.时间表;时刻表topic tpik n.题目;论题,话题vacation veikein n.假期,休假revise rivaiz vt.温习(功课)discipline disiplin n.纪

9、律,训练relationship rileinip n.关系formal f:ml a.正式的,礼仪上的relaxed rilkst a.放松的;松懈的;宽松的similarly similli ad.类似地,相似地2. 短语make sure 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚 so that (引起表示结果的从句)因此make progress 取得进步as a result 结果in fact 事实上fall asleep 睡着tell jokes 讲笑话;开玩笑.拓展短语,结构 any time在任何时候 well organised组织得很好3.It is said that/

10、 they say据说-4.ones first impressions of.的第一印象如此以至于/so that以至于.6.make sb do让某人做7.dare to do敢做某事.8.appreciate doing sth欣赏做/I would apppreciate it if 如果.该多感激啊 scientific experiment做科学实验 a result( of )结果是11.with Mrs Chen teaching mewith 结构:12this is because+原因/that is why+结果13in fact

11、事实上14fall asleep入睡/fall ill/fall behind15.good-looking长相好的16.wave ones hand挥手17.get bored厌倦的/get+V-ed-get /tired/stuck/paid/hurt/rewarded/18.tell jokes讲笑话19.prefer to do更喜欢做./prefer to do rather than do20.would rather do than do宁愿做而不愿做./would rather do宁愿做.21.Its up to you由你决定22.Thats settled事情解决了23.

12、a couple of一对.24.get good marks得到高分 true of真正是 relaxed with与.相处放松27.have problems/difficulties/joy/fun with/in doing 做.有问题/困难/很开心/ for支付/pay off付清29.revise for a maths test为数学考试复习30.translate from A to B/ translate A into B把A翻译成B31.get to know知道,获悉 ready to do准备干.33.refuse to d

13、o拒绝做 willing to do愿意做.35.avoid,admit,consider,enjoy,finish,keep,practise,mind,imagine, suggest+doing sth复习记忆1.单词(38) amusing energetic intelligent nervous organised patient serious shy strict impression avoid hate incorrectly completely immediately appreciate admit scientific literature loudly

14、 wave joke summary respect grade headmaster headmistress period revision translation timetable topic vacation revise discipline relationship formal relaxed similarly 2.短语make sure so that make progress as a result 结果/as a result of 由于 in fact fall asleep tell jokes avoid/admit/hate/keep/appreciate/e

15、njoy doing (being done/having done/ having been done) make mistakes prefer to dorather than do would rather dothan do preferto have problems with sth /(in) doing be true of/for whetheror翻译检测:1.adj. 有趣的; 可笑的 2.adj. 精力充沛的 3.adj. 聪明的 4.adj.紧张的;焦虑的5.adj.有组织的 6.adj.耐心的 7.adj. 严肃的 8.adj.害羞的9.adj. 严格的 10.n

16、. 印象 11.vt.(故意)避开 12.vt.讨厌13.adv.不正确地 14.adv. 十分地;完全地 15.adv.立即;即刻 16.vt.感激17.vt. 承认 18.adj. 科学的 19.n. 文学 20.adv. 大声地21.vt.挥(手) 22.n. 玩笑;笑话 23.n.总结;摘要 24.vt.&n.尊敬;尊重25.n.(美)成绩;分数 26.n.校长 27.n.女校长 28.n.一段时间29.n.复习 30.n. 翻译 31.n. 时间表 32.n. 假期33.vt.温习(功课) 34.n.纪律 35.n. 关系 36.adj. 正式的37.adj.轻松的;松懈的 38.a

17、dv.同样地,类似地 1.确定;2.(引起表示结果的从句)因此3.取得进步4.结果5.事实上6.睡着7.讲笑话;Module 3.helicopter helikpt n.直升机motorbike mut, baik n.摩托车tram trm n.(有轨)电车distance distns n.距离,远处abandoned ndnd adj.被抛弃的,被遗弃的camel kml n.骆驼cassette kset n.盒式录音带,盒子desert dezt n.沙漠 vt.离弃,擅离diamond daimnd n.钻石,菱形expert eksp:t n.专家 a.熟练的midnight

18、midnait n.午夜product prdkt n.产品;成果;作品scenery si:nri n.舞台布景;风景shoot u:t vt.射杀soil sil n.土壤;土地journey d:ni n.旅行,旅程train trein vt.训练n.列车;队列circus s:ks n.马戏,马戏团seaside said n.海边, 海滨stadium steidim n. 露天大型运动场eagle i:gl n.鹰frighten fraitn vt.使惊恐,吓唬kindergarten kind,g:tn n.幼儿园apartment p:tmnt n.(美)公寓,单元住宅ca

19、rtoon k:tu:n n.漫画,动画片,卡通interview intvju: n.接见,会见,面谈interviewer n.(面试的)主考官,面谈者event ivent n.事件,事变exhausted igz:stid ad. 疲惫不堪的downtown dauntaun adv. 市中心的,商业区的vacuum vkjum n.真空,空白rail reil n.铁路,铁轨ceremony serimni n.典礼,仪式,礼节track trk n.行踪,路径;轨道souvenir ,su:vni n.纪念品.get on 上(车、船等)get off 下(车、船等)get int

20、o 上(车)get out of 下(车)take off (飞机)起飞be short for 是的缩写/简称not any more 不再out of date 过时1.match A to (with) B把A与B配对 on roads在路上行驶3.useto do过去常常 a long distance一次长途旅行5.refer to (refer to a dictionaryrefer to sb for information)查阅字典6.look up+内容 查阅 train坐火车/on a train/bus8.train sb to

21、do sth训练SB做 the central part of在.的中部10.on the coast在海岸线上-11.ones first ride to.第一次骑车去12.meals cooked by.某人做的饭菜13.abandoned farms遗弃的农场14.during the day一天中.15.look out of the window望窗外看 midnight在午夜17.a way to do/of doing sth做某事的方法 short of.缺少。 sth to sb/ supply sb with sth提供给某人2

22、0.pass a law通过一项法律21.allow sb to do sth/allow doing sth允许某人做22.forbid sb to do /forbid doing 禁止-23.Could I see your ticket?我可以看一下你的票吗34.Would you mind if I saw your ticket?你介意我看一下你的票吗Would you mind showing me your ticket?你介意展示一下你的票吗25.I am sorry ,but.我很抱歉,但26.for the first time第一次27.ones first visit

23、 to.第一次拜访-28.all the time一直29.try to do与 try doing 的区别30.teach sb sth 教某人 kindergarten在幼儿园 many/much.如此多的 door隔壁 sb how to do展示给某人如何做 downtown Shanghai在上海市区 a speed of以。速度37.the opening ceremony开业典礼38.sth happen to sb某事发生在某人身上39.on ones journey在某人的旅行中-40.knowabou

24、t.知道关于41.set off from从.出发42.on the third day在第三天 fond of.喜欢翻译测试Module 31. n.直升飞机 2.n.摩托车 3.n.电车 4.n. 距离5. adj.被遗弃的 6.n. 骆驼 7.n.录音带 8.n. 沙漠9. n. 钻石 10.n. 专家 11.n. 半夜 12.n. 产品13. n. 风景; 景色 14.vt.射杀 15.n. 土壤 16.n. 旅程17. vt. 训练 18.n. 马戏团 19.n. 海滨 20.n. 运动场21. n. 鹰 22.vt.使吃惊 23.n.幼儿园 24.单元住宅25. n. 卡

25、通;漫画 26.n.面试;面谈 27.主考官 28.n. 事件29. adj.疲惫不堪的 30.adj.商业区的 31.n. 真空 32.n.铁轨33. n.仪式 34.n. 轨道 35.n. 纪念品 上(车、船等)下(车、船等)上(车) 下(车)(飞机)起飞是的缩写/简称不再过时Module 4survey调查 neighbourhood四邻,街坊 local地方的n.局部suburb郊区 hometown家乡attractive有吸引力的fortunate幸运的,吉祥的pretty相当地,漂亮的sound.响声vi.听起来a.健康的;正当的tourist旅游者,观光者bother烦扰,迷惑 n.麻烦nuisance令人讨厌的人(东西)rent租金,租vi.出租district地区,区域,行政区approach接近harbour海港gorgeous美丽的,宜人的architecture建筑

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